The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 749: 1 good show【上】

Lin Daiyu picked up the curtain and entered, suddenly feeling a warmth mingled with powdery air.

She was always shy, and she didn't feel anything in it, but Aunt Xue, who was sitting at the top of the card table, had already had a long time to bear it. She just took advantage of her daughter to go out, stupefied and faded all the hats and hats. , Revealing the mallow-colored palace dress inside.

The graceful purple, the skin on the chest that is more and more lining is snowy and forceful.

Even though it was a woman, Lin Daiyu stood beside Ruan Rong, but couldn't help but cast an enviable look.

In recent years, the Tang Dynasty has become more and more popular, and the trend of thought that takes the plump and white as its beauty has naturally also been on the ups and downs.

More importantly, Rongguo Mansion has a poor lineage, so it always prefers plump and good-natured women. Mrs. Wang, Li Yun, and Wang Xifeng are all different.

The only exception, Mrs. Xing, is a continuation, which inevitably triggers infighting in the long house. She did not point out that she could open up branches and loose leaves.

And although I am happy with Brother Bao, in this respect...

Looking down and scanning, Lin Daiyu couldn't help sighing and feeling sad.

Suddenly, there was a burst of laughter around the card table, Lin Daiyu looked up in amazement, but she saw Ruan Rongzheng with a happy smile, putting a dozen pieces of silver and golden tassels into her bag.

The opposite Aunt Xue sighed, and then unexpectedly pointed the finger at Lin Daiyu: "It's all because of your girl who sighed in the back, which made me treat her as a bad card. I didn't expect it but gave her old book. Lost it in."

There was another laughter all around, but it turned out that Aunt Xue had caught the half-good hand of her opponent. She had made a few bets with the courage before, and she was going to fold along with the others.

I didn't want to see Lin Daiyu frowning, Ben was worrying about her sister. She was so excited and raised again and again, unexpectedly she lost a lot of money in the first place.

Ruan Rong picked up the three largest pieces of golden barley, stuffed it backhand into Lin Daiyu's palm, and smiled softly: "No wonder the old lady beat us, it turns out that she has hidden her eye-catching ability."

Li Wan also joked on the side: "You are wrong. It's just that our aunt and wife are so good. It should be the reincarnation of Jin Chanzi!"

Ruan Rong repeatedly said ‘Yes,’ and the women in the room laughed again. Shi Xiangyun got even more tired of Aunt Xue’s arms, clamoring for a taste of Tang monk’s meat.

Seeing that he was laughing and making noise, he heard the curtain of the outside door humming, and then the mandarin duck came in from the outside and smiled: "The madam will have to take a few girls to frequent the house in the future. The servants have stayed in this house for more than two years. I have never seen such a lively experience."

Aunt Xue replied again and again, and fondly combing the broken hair between Shi Xiangyun's forehead.

On the side, Qingwen had sharp eyes. She stepped forward and took a few unmelted snowflakes from the shoulders of Mandarin Duck, and said in surprise: "Why, it's snowing outside again?"

"Isn't it? The sky is still clear in the morning, who would expect it will snow again."

As the mandarin duck said, he reported to Jia Yingchun: "Mrs., the uncle in front of you sent a letter, saying that a dress rehearsal is about to be held, and a separate seat has been reserved. I asked if we were going to join in the fun."

"Go! Go! Go!"

Before Jia Yingchun could speak, Shi Xiangyun jumped up from Aunt Xue’s arms and said, “I heard that Jiang Yuhan is the number one leader in the capital, but now it’s easy to have a chance to listen to him. Wouldn’t it be a shame if I missed it? tight?"

The reason why everyone came is to get the moon by approaching the water tower and seeing Jiang Yuhan's demeanor. At this time, they all echoed.

Aunt Xue also hurriedly ordered Baochai to take her big clothes.

When she was dressed neatly, Jia Tanchun and Xue Baoqin had already arrived after hearing the news, so everyone ordered the maid-in-law to open the road ahead and rushed to the front yard in a hustle and bustle.

Two flowers bloom, one on each table.

While the girls were playing cards and making fun, Sun Shaozong was dealing with official duties in his study.

It was said that it was suspended for dismissal, but Wei Yi was anxious to get rid of the financial crisis. How could he dare to let Sun Shaozong just pick up his son and hide himself?

Therefore, Chen Jingde and others were directly ordered to report the latest progress of the case to Sun Shaozong every day.

However, there hasn't been much progress in the first two days, and it has finally made some breakthroughs until now.

The first report was Huang Bin, the head catcher Sun Shaozong had just promoted.

According to Sun Shaozong's order, he secretly protected Wang Erhu's wife Liu, and tried to find the culprit.

At the beginning, close to Liu's mother's house, I searched for several laps, but no suspicious person was found.

Later, after more in-depth investigations, a suspect was finally found-Ge Xiucai, the litigation stick who set up a stall and wrote pleadings in the street.

It is not a year or two since Ge Xiucai has set up a stall in the street. It is said that before Liu's second marriage, he had some unclear relationship with him.

Therefore, after Liu's husband died, it was reasonable for him to ask others about Liu's situation.

But the frequency of his inquiries was too close, and the things he inquired about were repeated back and forth, so even if he cared about Liu, there was no need for such repeated inquiries.

Therefore, after repeated investigations, he was listed as a key suspect.

Then, the messengers investigated that after the Liu family returned to her family's home, Ge Xiucai had to go to a certain wonton shop every night.

Before that, Ge Xiucai only occasionally went to fight the teeth.

So last night, after disguising Huang Bin, he went undercover there, only to find that Ge Xiucai was secretly connected with a sturdy man.

According to the comparison of images, this person is probably one of the real culprits who killed Wang Erhu.

However, Huang Bin didn't rush to startle the, but secretly followed the strong man to the bottom, and spent half a day to find out.

"According to the results of the low-ranking investigation, there are three people in the yard, but the man with the scar on his arm is not seen, and it doesn't look like someone has been imprisoned."

When Sun Shaozong heard this, his brows frowned: "So, should the hostage be held elsewhere?"

In fact, there is another possibility, but Sun Shaozong didn't want to give Wei Yi, Chen Jingde and others an eloquence.

But even so, Chen Jingde couldn't help but blurt out: "My lord, there are many dreams this night, in the opinion of a humble duty..."

"hold on."

Sun Shaozong stopped his words by raising his hand, and said without a doubt: "If the Scarlet Man still doesn't show up tonight, he will close the net immediately tomorrow morning!"

After a pause, he solemnly warned: "You can't slack off because of this. If you let the master behind the scenes see the flaws, I will definitely not take it lightly!"

When Chen Jingde heard the words, he could only obediently take his orders.

The three of them discussed a few more words in the house, and heard someone shout from outside the courtyard: "Second brother, the rehearsal is about to go ahead, and all the brothers are waiting for you!"

Only then did Sun Shaozong wave back the two of them, went outside to lock the courtyard door, and rushed to the front yard with Xue Pan.

Coincidentally, the two of them ran into the heads of the girls as soon as they walked to the second door.

Xue Pan saw that it was his mother in person, so naturally he wanted to come over to ask for peace.

Because of this, Sun Shaozong naturally didn't have a good time to retreat, so he had to go forward with him. (https:)

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