The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 751: 1 good show【Next】

List of latest chapters of the famous detective of the Red Chamber

At first, Aunt Xue’s purpose of listening to the wall was just to tell whether the affair widow on the other side was the one she had guessed.

But after this ear is put on the wall, what movement will she hear, and how can she take the initiative to screen it?

At first, the goose egg's face was still full of suspicious expressions, and when I didn't hear it much, it gradually became blurred.

When the two of them were getting better off the wall, she couldn't help but listen to the two battles, and she stuck a heart in her throat, her cheeks were red and beautiful.

A long-lost irritability in his chest seemed to gush out from the top of the peak, and the bulging sable cloak almost couldn't stop it.

"Sister-in-law, sister-in-law..."

I don't know how long it took, and suddenly there were several low-handed man growls next door.

But the woman who has been tactful and charming all the time, instead of her serious words, muttered, she seemed to be desperately covering her mouth and nose.

The two movements are lower than the other, and they seem to be out of breath, but they fall in Aunt Xue's ears, but they are filled with unforgettable joy.

Aunt Xue only heard dry lips and teeth, chest tightness and shortness of breath, and she could hardly help responding openly.

Fortunately, she still had a bit of reason remaining in her heart, and she hurriedly reached out her hand to cover her nose and mouth, but she felt the same because of this, and clamped every piece of flesh on her body in a trance...

I don't know how long it has passed. When Aunt Xue wakes up again, the partition wall is already empty.

Slowly leaning on the wall to stand up again, feeling the soreness and numbness of her limbs, Aunt Xue moved her hands and feet in a daze, but she didn't want a lot of snow and she rustled down her shoulders.

Thinking of myself in this heavy snow, listening to the corner of the wall for a long time, Aunt Xue suddenly felt absurd.

Busily patted off the snow on his body and hid in the veranda not far away.

At the same time, a question lingered: Who are the two who just cheated on?

It’s a good idea for women to guess that Li Wan is the only one in this mansion nowadays, besides herself, only Li Wan is a widow.

As for the man...

From start to finish, Aunt Xue couldn't hear his accent clearly—the most real ‘sister-in-law’, but also because they contained too many depressed emotions, it was really difficult to distinguish.

To talk about suspicion, the first one is naturally the owner of this place, Sun Shaozong. After all, this is in his mansion. It is the most convenient if you want to avoid other people's affair.

However, Sun Shaozong and Li Wan didn't seem to have had any dealings. I really want to talk about it, I'm afraid that I won't be able to keep up with my involvement.

The next suspects were Jia Lian, Feng Ziying, and Liu Xianglian. These people also called Li Wan's sister-in-law.

But Jia Lian's temperament has changed drastically in recent years, and there is almost no act of attracting bees and butterflies.

Feng Ziying and Liu Xianglian, like Sun Shaozong, should have no chance to get close to Li Wan.



If it is said that the moon comes first near the water tower, who can compare to his little uncle?

The so-called saying that there are many young and beautiful women around him is also consistent with Jia Baoyu's situation.

And when it comes to attractiveness to women, this nephew of my own is undoubtedly a leader of all kinds.

Think about it too!

The two of their uncles and sisters lived in the same garden, and no one of their elders was staring at them. One was full of blood and the other was dry fire. They would not see their heads up until the end of the day, and they often responded to each other with poetry and essays.

It will be strange if there is no trouble for a long time!

Aunt Xue was suspicious about Baoyu's blindness, and the immediate restlessness seemed to be splashed with cold water.

If only Baoyu was really Baoyu, wouldn't I have misread him all these years?

If only Baoyu was really Baoyu, would he still dare to entrust his daughter to him?

Numerous thoughts came to mind, but they were blown away by a biting cold wind.

And when she trembled, she suddenly woke up. It was not the time to think about these things. She just left temporarily in the name of convenience.

Now that I haven't seen anyone for a long time, I guess my daughter has been waiting anxiously. If I asked the Sun family to send someone to find him, wouldn't I have to fall into a more embarrassing situation?

Thinking of this, Aunt Xue didn't dare to neglect, and she hurriedly searched for her way back to the Dongkua Yard.

The stage that I heard was still very lively, and she was a little relieved-although the appointment can't hide from her daughter, there is a cover, it is better than everyone knows.


A pleasant voice shocked Aunt Xue. After following the prestige, she saw a person from behind, but she was not her daughter's close servant Yinger, who else could it be?

Ying'er rushed to the front in a few steps, and whispered: "Madam, where are you going? I have been looking for you for a long time, but I haven't been able to find you!"

"I...I just went wrong."

Aunt Xue was perfunctory, how dare Yinger ask again?

Busily pulling her into the corridor, returned to her seat.


Not surprisingly, Xue Baochai was already waiting anxiously. When he saw his mother face to face, he hurriedly took her arm and asked quietly, "Where did you go? Why..."

Aunt Xue hesitated for a or just pretended to say: "I just took the wrong path. Fortunately, this play hasn't finished singing yet-let's watch the play first."

As he spoke, he pretended to be attentively listening to the drama.

After all, Aunt Xue's impression of Li Wan is not bad, and she is even more sympathetic. Although she is not ashamed of Li Wan's affair with others, she is faintly considerate of her behavior.

Therefore, she couldn't bear to spread the news, ruining her fame and life.

Aunt Xue, who is full of thoughts, how can I read "The Story of the West Chamber"?

After trying hard for a while, I couldn't help but sneak a glance at Li Wan on the seat next door.

Although Li Wan's every move seemed to be no different from usual, but in the eyes of Aunt Xue, he always felt strange.

Especially between the brows and eyes, I always feel a little more glamorous.

Even the skin seemed to be moisturized and shiny, red and bright.

Thinking of this, Aunt Xue raised her hand and touched her eye corners. Although others looked at her as still young and young, but she touched her carefully, she obviously had creases.

After all, no man has been moisturized for more than ten years...

A sour thought came to my mind, and I was busily suppressed by Aunt Xue, and warned myself secretly that now I see people who are going to be grandmothers, even if it is only for the consideration of children and grandchildren, there should be no ridiculous thoughts.

Not only that, as an elder, I should try to persuade Li Wan to turn his head back!

Of course, by the way, you might as well take a side attack, and see if Baoyu is the same outside and inside, or just like his uncle, he is a supernatural ghost.

Secretly made up her mind, Aunt Xue was about to wait for the show to finish, so she waited for the opportunity to find Li Wan to have a relationship.

Who ever thought that before she spoke, Li Wan would take the initiative to come to the door...

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