The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 760: He is also thinking about it and hard to understand 【中】

[The first one, today I am going to have three shifts in the middle of the night. 】

The atmosphere in the living room is a bit awkward.

At first, Sister You still wanted to chat with Aunt Xue. It can be seen that the other party is indifferent, only when Aunt Xue looks down on herself.

At the moment, there was no interest in opening, pretending to concentrate on drinking tea, he held a bowl of Biluochun in his palm, and sipped it.

But she wronged Aunt Xue.

The reason why Aunt Xue appeared taciturn was not because her eyes were above the top, but because she was overwhelmed by her heart.

Although she was not a swift person, after sitting in the living room, Aunt Xue also vaguely noticed that Li Wan was pulling herself over, 80% of which had other motives.

Thinking about the conversation between the two in front of the window in the morning, it became clear what the conspiracy was.


Aunt Xue was naturally annoyed when he guessed that Li Wan wanted to pull himself into the water so that the adultery could continue.

But this annoyance, but unexpectedly decayed.

On the contrary, it was Li Wan's rebellious words last night and the absurd reveries this morning, which didn't live up and down in his mind.

It was so snowy, Aunt Xue was stunned by the dryness of her body.

There is no such thing as a "chaste archway" for future generations to marry independently. Those who have been willing to be widows for many years may really be regarded as pure-hearted.

But the widows of this year are mostly forced by the situation and lack the many adjustment methods of later generations. They can only rely on self-control to suppress their physical and mental needs.

If there is no external inducement, it is impossible to say that this life will pass.

But once that long-repressed desire is induced, it is more difficult to control than a young man's sprout.

Li Wan was like that at the beginning, and now Aunt Xue is no different!

Because of this, even if reason tells herself that she should leave this place as soon as possible, but Aunt Xue repeatedly cheered her up a few times, the peach-like plump buttocks, but seemed to be nailed to the Luohan's bed, and couldn't move a bit.

Time just passed by.

When the sound of'Second Master' outside the door came into her ears, Aunt Xue seemed to wake up from a nightmare, and jumped up suddenly. In the surprised eyes of the second sister You, she grabbed a few steps in front of the inner door and urged her. Said: "The palace ruler [Li Wanzi palace ruler], shouldn't you think it's almost the same?"

I don't know if it was caused by the burning of the heart, but her voice appeared hoarse.

Putting Aunt Xue's eager look into his eyes, Li Wan calmly shook his head and said: "Auntie, wait for me a while, this post will be finished soon."

As he said, he moved his sharp chin out a bit, and said, "Suyun, you should also go outside and wait. The last few strokes are really the key, so you can't be distracted."

Suyun clenched the paper ball in her hand, stopped in front of Aunt Xue with a smile, and persuaded: "Don't be surprised with your aunt. Our grandmother loves Liu Gong's character the most, and I am afraid that she can't listen to anything."

Seeing that Li Wan bowed his head again and made a copy, Aunt Xue gritted her teeth secretly, and deliberately picked her words out, but she finally endured it when she looked at Suyun in front of her.

Returning to the hall dullly, his eyes couldn't stop looking out, and Suyun suddenly said: "My wife sits a little, and it's convenient and convenient for the servants to go outside."

Before Aunt Xue responded, she picked up the curtain and went to the courtyard.

Seeing the cotton curtain swinging back and forth, somehow, Aunt Xue suddenly flashed a thought: Could it be that the one who cheated on the wall yesterday was not Baoyu, but Sun Jiaerlang?


Misguided, really misguided!

Sun Shaozong crossed the threshold with a sullen face, and the self-guarded woman who looked indifferent passed by, his head full of annoyance.

At the beginning, he pinched his nose to accept Chen Jingde because of lack of people to use. However, the facts have proved that such things as dog legs are better than abuse.

The original arrest plan in the early hours of the morning was not foolproof, but it was still detailed and appropriate.

Especially when Huang Bin was just taken a different look, just when he wanted to show off his abilities, he shouldn't make any mistakes.

But the bad is bad, and Chen Jingde is also thinking about making up for it.

Although Sun Shaozong had instructed early in the morning that Huang Bin was solely responsible for this action and he was not allowed to intervene casually, but it was still in the middle of the night that he rushed to join Huang Bin, wanting to get a share of it.

He didn't want to fight for command, but he wanted to wait for Huang Bin to take the prisoner and immediately bring him back to the yamen for interrogation, and then the free credit would be credited.

But the bad luck is bad luck, this boy is also anxious to pick peaches!

As soon as I heard that the two culprits were being held in front of him, he went to receive them beamingly, but leaned down and threw a real murderer, who went straight to Chen Jingde like a madman.

Chen Jingde’s frightened soul scattered and cried out for help. The messengers feared that he would be hurt by the culprits.

Later, Chen Jingde, who was in a panic, took the remaining two culprits back to the first trial, only to discover that they were both temporarily hired to come to the nursing home.

Mo said it was Lu Mingsi's case. He didn't even know what the burly man was called. He only knew his surname, Duan, who was usually called "Duan Ye".

As for the thin man with a scar on his left arm, the two have never seen it.

Right now, Chen Jingde was caught blind, like a headless fly in the yamen, and he didn't know how many times he turned around. After seeing the dawn, he bit his spine to report.

Of course, the details of this were only learned from Huang Bin after Sun Shaozong sent him back to continue the interrogation-this man is stupid, but he is quite skilled in writing.

To be honest, in fact, there is still room for digging deep into this line.

For example, the behavior and speech of "Duan Ye".

Another example is the origin of that house.

But right now it's not just tracking down the murderer, but also saving the hostages!

Now that the ‘Duan Ye’ has been hacked to death, if the remaining thieves receive the news, they must know that Wang Erhu’s wife has already confessed.

And in this way, the kid who was held naturally lost its function...

Time does not wait for me!

The whereabouts of the remaining culprits must be found as soon as possible!

Fortunately, in Sun Shaozong's hands, there is not only this clue, but there are other messages that can be compared with each other.

Across the veranda, he opened the door and entered the second sister You's room. From the Luohan bed in the middle, he pulled out this scribbled pamphlet.

"Duan, Duan...I have it!"

Not long after, Sun Shaozong digs out a message: Duan Qing, nicknamed Sai Tieniu, was originally Man Tingfang's thugs [Brochure]. He was dismissed by his employer for offending a distinguished guest a month ago. His whereabouts became a mystery.

This pamphlet was written by Hong Jiu, the beggar's chief security officer.

Sun Shaozong commissioned him to investigate suspicious elements who had contact with Wang Erhu.

As a result, there was no news for two or three days.

If he were to rest on Chen Jingde, he would have come over to report it in disgrace.

However, Hong Jiu made two-handed preparations. While investigating the situation around Wang Erhu, he initiated a secret screening of all beggars in the city according to the appearance of the two murderers, looking for people with similar appearances, murderous names, and currently unknown whereabouts. .

In the final report, there were about 20 people.

Originally, it was still difficult to confirm the true identity of the murderer, but now that one of the culprits' surname was known, and the situation was compared twice, the situation was quite different.


With a flick of the word "Man Ting Fang", Sun Shaozong turned around and left the West Wing, waiting to return to the front hall to explain to Huang Bin to thoroughly investigate the cause of Duan Qing's disappearance, and who he usually associates with.

Who knows that as soon as he went out, he ran into Suyun head-on.

"I have seen Erye Sun."

Suyun hurriedly leaned over to salute, but quietly spread his palms, revealing a small ball of paper. (https:)

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