[Third more]&1t;/

When Sun Shaozong and Yu Qian came out, Huang Bin was surrounded by several officials and questioned. &1t;/

Although he has been gritted his teeth, and only willing to say some unnutritious chattering, there are still two battles, and he can hardly control it. &1t;/

After all, he was just an anonymous head-catcher, and the surrounding officials and officials were far from what he could provoke. &1t;/

Fortunately, Sun Shaozong appeared in time to ease his embarrassment. &1t;/

But even so, there is still a small official from the eighth rank, angrily throwing down a threat: "Okay, well, your yellow catcher has climbed to the top, but don't forget, today's son and grandson Shaoqing resists the decree. Don’t comply, in the future..."&1t;/

It's just that before he finished speaking, the surroundings hulled out of the open space. &1t;/

This mindless and unhappy lord, although there is no shortage of wherever he goes, most of the people who can hang around in officialdom are not bad in terms of emotional intelligence. &1t;/

Whether Sun Shaozong will be held accountable for his non-compliance with the decree is still unknown, but the master who dared to show his gloat in front of the relatives of the [31 novel network update fast] will certainly not get any benefit. &1t;/

Not to mention this small episode, but said that Sun Shaozong was standing with his hand on the steps, and the officials below knew that he had something to say, and he was busy dividing into two lines according to the rank of the official rank. &1t;/

As for Huang Bin who has no official ranks, they don't even have the qualifications to stand in the team. They can only follow a group of miscellaneous officials and gather in the outer circle. &1t;/

After the crowds lined up and the courtyard became silent, Sun Shaozong said with a serious face: "Why I came here today? Let's leave it alone. Let me talk about what the officer has seen, heard, and thought since he took office. Think."&1t;/

"When I just got the news, when I was going to be transferred to Dali Temple, the official could be said to be surging. After all, this is Dali Temple, and it is the general constitution of the Tianxia Gangji!"&1t;/

Speaking of this, Sun Shaozong pointed his finger at the ground and jabbed it a few times, expressing an uproar. &1t;/

But below, there was still no sound, because without that fool, I would think that Master Shaoqing cocked in the middle of the night in order to praise the various things of Dali Temple. &1t;/

Besides, the feathered phoenix of Dali Temple is not as good as a chicken. Where can there be room for praise? &1t;/

Obviously, there must be a turning point behind this! &1t;/

Sun Shaozong did not disappoint everyone. He paused for a while and then changed his face again: "But after arriving at Dali Temple, the official was extremely disappointed! For more than ten days, I heard you discuss salary for seven or eight days. This official almost thought that this is actually a chamber of commerce that must compare baht and baht, not some Dali Temple official office!"&1t;/

When everyone heard him talk about salaries, at best they pretended to be ashamed on the surface, but secretly they didn't agree. &1t;/

It is said to be an official for the people, but who doesn't have a family of old and young, a few rooms to support, and who has wild grass fortune, don't care, in this Qingshui government, don't you just point to the salary? &1t;/

Now that the salary is worrying, can't let people talk about it? &1t;/

At this time, Sun Shaozong's tone was slightly slowed: "Of course, the recent Japanese officials are not the case. The adults are definitely not vendors who must compare the baht."&1t;/


This is always a slap to give a sweet date, not too tired of panic. &1t;/

Everyone only regards this as an old officialdom. Who knows that there is a sneer on Sun Shaozong’s face, and he continues: "The people in the market want to support their family, and they will go to buy low and sell high and toil around - but you only talk about it. Complaints, there is no idea to change the status quo."&1t;/

Having said that, he shook his head vigorously, his face full of disdain: "So you are definitely not vendors, but beggars, beggars who depend on others for charity!"&1t;/

As soon as this word came out, there was an uproar from below. &1t;/

It is enough to compare officials to businessmen, and now they are demoted to beggars, and even the brazen master cannot help but clamor. &1t;/

Especially for Yang Zhiming, no matter how furious he is, he is also a fifth-rank imperial commander, and now he is ridiculed as a beggar in public. If there is no reaction at all, what face will he stand in the officialdom in the future? &1t;/

At the moment, he came out more and more and argued loudly: "Sun Shaoqing's words, the lower officials really dare not agree! Although I am the imperial court commander, I am also a son, a husband, and a father. , To discuss the salary you deserve, why not? How to become a beggar who relies on charity?!"&1t;/

As he said, he bowed and said: "Please take back what you just said!"&1t;/

Now that someone has taken the lead in asking for orders, Tang Weishan and Chen Jingde, who are below, naturally echoed them, and there is a lot of criticism right now. &1t;/

Someone who leaned back on the big tree to enjoy the cold, even couldn't help but take this opportunity to question what Sun Shaozong intended to call the crowd during his suspension. &1t;/

In the face of this uproar, Sun Shaozong just watched indifferently, without giving any advice. &1t;/

However, his sharp sword looked cold, and his lethality was extraordinary. After slowly scanning two circles, everyone who was being stared at died down. &1t;/

After only a moment's effort, the scene of excitement gradually disappeared. &1t;/

The people in the back row felt bad and quietly returned to their original positions, but the leading officials could only bite the bullet and put their heads in front, not knowing how to step down for a while. &1t;/


At this time, Sun Shaozong laughed a few times and said in a condescending manner: "What an upper body monarch, An Li Shu! Since everyone feels that this salary is well-deserved, how can he face the difficulties of the Ministry of households, but only dare to be in the government office? Whispering inside, without any sense of righteousness?"&1t;/

These words stunned everyone. &1t;/

Because it sounds like it's trying to encourage everyone to go to the household to make money? &1t;/

If this head sits down, I'm afraid it will be more than ten times worse than when the official government gathers sentient beings during the suspension period! &1t;/

If it hadn't reached the point where the mountains and rivers were exhausted, who would be willing to make such a move that would be rid of the court? &1t;/

And Sun Shaozong's current situation is still a thousand miles away from the end of the mountains and rivers-he doesn't live by salary, and even if everyone is making money, they are looking for Wei Yirao. &1t;/

So for a while, some people wondered if Sun Shaozong was crazy. &1t;/

Of course, to Sun Shaozong's cold gaze, this suspicion was mostly cleared away. &1t;/

But since it's not crazy, how can you make such a wild statement? &1t;/

Everyone was surprised and doubted, and they all pointed to Sun Shaozong to give an explanation, but Sun Shaozong remained silent at this time. &1t;/

To no avail, everyone had no choice but to turn their eyes to Si Cheng Yang Zhiming again-who made him the most official, just to take the lead? &1t;/

Being ‘high expectations’ by the people, Yang Zhiming didn’t know how many curses in his heart, but it’s not a way to be so stalemate, especially he just picked the head. &1t;/

Therefore, Yang Zhiming could only bite the bullet and open his mouth again: "Master Sun, what do you mean by this? Is it because we want to go to the household to make money?"&1t;/


When he opened his mouth, Sun Shaozong felt at ease, immediately put on a ridiculous face, and asked, "Can you only think of such an unreliable method?"&1t;/

Immediately, he reached out and pointed at the open space again, shouting and asking: "Where is this place? It is the Dali Temple, the general constitution of the Tianxia Gangji! The household department uses money and food to control civil and military affairs, and the official department controls the officials with promotion. Let's Dali The temple must be awe-inspiring, and it’s natural to rely on the word “criminal law”!"&1t;/

"Nowadays, there is an imperial order involving the Ministry of Households! I intend that tonight the entire city Dasuo will detain all the suspected officials of the Ministry of Households to the case until the water comes out!"&1t;/

"If you can find out the real culprit, you don't need to say more about the credit. At that time, the official will go to the household department to claim the salary, but whoever dares to shirk it!"&1t;/

"If the real culprit cannot be found, all the culprits are willing to bear it!"&1t;/

Having said that, Sun Shaozong looked around and asked slowly: "Who wants to oppose? Why not stand up and speak!"&1t;/

Everyone below looked at each other, and never thought that Sun Shaozong summoned everyone to come here for the purpose of ‘searching’ for household officials in the city! &1t;/


It sounds impassioned, but after all, it is the official of the household department. There is no real evidence, but if there is suspicion, it will all be detained. It is also irritating...&1t;/

Sizheng Tang Weishan couldn't help but said: "Master Shaoqing, I am afraid that Master Wei will be willing to accept this matter..."&1t;/

"No need to say more!"&1t;/

Sun Shaozong waved his hand and said unquestionably: "It is not my Sun Shaozong's way to behave in the world!" &1t;/

To say so, is actually because if the action plan is reported to Wei Yi, it will never be approved. &1t;/

After hearing this, Tang Weishan felt comfortable saying more, but his expression was still somewhat reluctant. &1t;/

"My lord!"&1t;/

Suddenly someone jumped out and shouted: "The humble job is not worth the matter for a long time! It is said that all transfers have been suspended, but why the procuratorate is not affected at all?!"&1t;/

This person is not another person, but it is Chen Jingde, who was named a pig teammate by Sun Shaozong. &1t;/

It seems that although this guy is not good at it, he still knows how to make up for it. &1t;/

He has been holding back this speech for a long time, but Huang Bin, who is suffering from insufficient status~www.wuxiaspot.com~, immediately yelled in the crowd: "Yes! Anyway, I don’t think we can’t manage Dali Temple. On their heads, that's why they regard us as soft persimmons!"&1t;/

To be honest, Dali Temple is in fact self-sufficient, and the Ministry of Households is unwilling to allocate money and food, which is also a normal response; and the procuratorate is a serious payment, naturally there is no need to get stuck. &1t;/

But in addition to reason, everything depends on sitting there. &1t;/

All the people present were from the Dali Temple, and many people were waiting for their salaries to be laid down. How could they put aside their positions and understand the truth of the Ministry of Households? &1t;/

No one took the lead before, that is, a few words of slander. &1t;/

Now that Master Shaoqing has expressed that he wants to lead the big guys to get back all the inside and face-the most important thing is that they don't have to take risks. How can everyone not agree? &1t;/

So starting from the small staff below, the echoing noise gradually expanded. Not long after, the yard was full of shouting and killing, as if it had been transformed into a military camp. &1t;/

The military will be available! &1t;/

Satisfied, Sun Shaozong suddenly remembered something, and turned his head awkwardly to look at Yu Qian—he just said those words, but he was suspected of cursing the monk in front of the bald man. &1t;/

"Uncle doesn't have to be like this." &1t;/

Yu Qian laughed dumbly: "I'm really a branch officer, and I'm not under the jurisdiction of the Huhu."&1t;/


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