[First more]

Don't mention how officials of the Ministry of Household suspicion each other outside.

But he said that after Sun Shaozong entered the inner ya lobby, he kept walking around after the Gongan, and waited until he was seated on the high-back chair, and then asked calmly: "What's the matter?"

The ecstasy on Zhao Nan's face suddenly collapsed, and he looked behind him a few times, and after making sure that no one was eavesdropping outside, he still felt that it was not safe enough.

So he moved a few steps forward, and then reported with a grimace: "In response to the master, the prostitute recognized it, but she recognized two of them all at once! Huang Tautou is still pressing now, but Looking at her confused look, I'm afraid I can't tell which one it is."

This is not beyond Sun Shaozong's expectations.

Before Huang Bin gave Sun Shaozong's confession and the portrait drawn based on her confession, Sun Shaozong keenly discovered that the confession and the portrait were really clear and prominent, and there were only three things: the square flat towel and the Chinese characters. Face, small eyes.

The first two are above the neck and have the largest ‘volume’.

When the eyes light up the lantern in the evening, they will reflect the luster, so it is easier to see clearly than elsewhere.

In other words, the prostitute named Qiuyu actually didn't really see the other's five senses, but only vaguely remembered the most recognizable parts.

And let alone the hat, the latter two features are quite common.

In view of this, she was able to lock the suspects within two, which made Sun Shaozong overjoyed.

Could it be that these masters are all born with ‘skeletal surprise’?

"Which boss are those two people?"

"Shen Chengzhuo, director of the Shaanxi Qingli Department, Yang Kui was raised by the Department of Administration."


There is a sixth-rank master and a seventh-rank promotion, and both positions are in the ‘suspicious’ position.

Because the Shaanxi-Gansu area faces the threat of the cavalry outside the Great Wall, it has always been the main expenditure of the household department. If you deduct it casually, it will be enough for many people to make a lot of money.

As for the promotion by the Secretary of State, the authority is equivalent to that of the office director of later generations. Although the official position is two levels lower than that of the chief of a province, the chances of getting in and out of the office are much more than the former.

"Go to the back and bring Master Liu, to find out the situation of these two people-tell him by the way, in a quarter of an hour I will be promoted to the court and ask the case!"

However, Zhao Nan was a little confused after hearing this.

In these days, Gein has been working with Liu Xianglian to organize his files and data. He has long discovered that although this young man Liu has some talents, he has not experienced much experience and has shortcomings in all aspects.

As for the trial and settlement of the case, it is not even the director of Liu Xianglian.

Sending him over to inquire about the situation is still limited to a quarter of an hour. This... Isn't it difficult for a strong man?

But doubts turn to doubts. Knowing that he is no better than others, how dare he question Sun Shaozong's decision face to face?

At the moment, he hurriedly replied, and under Sun Shaozong's sign, he went out the back door to look for Liu Xianglian.

As soon as I walked out of the back door, I heard Liu Xianglian's scolding from the front: "Fake voice, do you understand with a fake voice? Anyway, you must speak clearly, but the accent must be vague-try again, hurry up!"

Zhao Nan hurriedly followed the sound to find it, and the shadows were so good, that Liu Xianglian was holding her shoulders and leaning against the railing on the east side, seeming to be talking to someone.

But Zhao Nan never saw it. There was a half figure in the open space in front of him.

this is……

Entertain yourself again?

If this matter changes to others, Zhao Nan may be suspicious, but he feels that it is normal for this Liu Xianggong.

Because this Liu Xianglian is a senior fancier, as long as she has spare time, she often babbles.

Therefore, Zhao Nan didn't care at all, and ran towards Liu Xianglian's side.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he ran to the front, he heard a roar from under his feet:

"Ouch, my hand!"

Zhao Nan was shocked by the bluff, and looked down, but saw a disheveled face covered with blood, and he was also looking up at himself!


What is this thing?

At that time, Zhao Nan felt that his calf was turning, and his head was full of legends of demons and ghosts.

At this time, the man lying on the ground finally saw who the person was. The anger at the moment was reduced by more than half, and he pleaded: "Master Zhao, you...you have always been exalted?"

Listening to this, it doesn't seem like a monster would say it.

Zhao Nan stepped back in a daze. Before she could figure out what was going on, Liu Xianglian came up and asked, "What? But what's the order from the second brother?"

Zhao Nan replied subconsciously: "Master ordered Liu Xianggong to go to the next door with the child, and inquire about the news-saying that he will be promoted to the court in a quarter of an hour."

"What are you waiting for!"

When Liu Xianglian heard this, she shot the person on the ground with a kick, urging her mouth: "Don't get up quickly and go with your master... No, you are not easy to see people like this. Wait for me to get a hooded cloak. , You can cover it first!"

As he said, Fei went straight to the Zuo Temple official's office, leaving only Zhao Nan and the blood man, staying in place with big eyes and small eyes.


A quarter of an hour later, in front of the lobby of the inner government.

With the initial shock gradually, the officials of the household department once again returned to the general noisy of the vegetable market.

But this time, there is no common hatred. On the contrary, there is some estrangement from each other. If it really involves the case of Lu Mingsi being poisoned, it must be the end of ten deaths. Who wants to be involved in this section?

Even Zhou Chang's expression was uncertain, but he didn't take the initiative to provoke the incident.

Seeing that everyone had no nutrition in their words, and there was only awkward chatting left, a government officer finally walked out of the lobby, pressing his waist knife and shouting: "My lord has an order, and Mr. Shen Chengzhuo, the head of the Shaanxi Qing Department of Officials, came to the hall for questioning !"

At the moment, everyone's eyes were focused on this Shen Chengzhuo.

However, Shen Chengzhuo was taken aback for a moment, then became furious, and scolded his neck: "This is really unreasonable. This official has never had anything to do with Lu Qijian, so how can he be brutally poisoned?!"

This yelling servant is Huang Bin~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Seeing Shen Chengzhuo's thunderous appearance, he immediately folded his hands and smiled: "Also, Lord Shen, please stay calm and not irritable. According to my Lord Shaoqing's intention, all of you present are I have to ask it again, the adults are just ahead of the list."

Shen Chengzhuo heard this, although the shame on his face had faded slightly, but he was still dissatisfied.

It's just that Sun Shaozong is not a nameless person, he has just made it clear that he doesn't even give Zhou Chang's face, how can he be a small sixth-grade master?

At the moment, he can only swallow his anger and enter the lobby.

And the rest of the people heard that they were going to be in court, and they couldn't help but murmur. Only the official holding the pill tightly showed joy.

Since this is still going to happen one by one, doesn't it prove that Dali Temple has not yet grasped the true evidence?

Thinking about it this way, he turned his gaze to Zhou Chang again, hoping to wait for an opportunity to consult the other party's opinion.

Unexpectedly, after Zhou Chang noticed his gaze, he closed his eyes for the first time and put on a posture that no one would enter.

Niang Xipi's!

I cursed a few words in my heart, and vowed secretly that he would never be Zhou Chang's minion again. Suddenly, when I saw that the servant came out again, he yelled: "My lord has an order, and the Department of Justice has raised Mr. Yang Kuiyang to arrive. Don't ask questions!"

Yang Kui, who was holding the pills fiercely, trembled, and once again turned his gaze to Zhou Chang not far away.

However, Zhou Chang was also looking at him, shooting eyes full of complex emotions.


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