The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 774: Above the Birthday Banquet【上】

[It seems that around two o'clock, the third update can be done. 】

Is there a way to steal?

Sun Shaozong couldn't help but smile after watching it for a long time.

Regardless of whether this is from the sincerity, or if you want to let yourself free him, it is enough that the child can live a good life!

Shaking the letter paper in his hand, Sun Shaozong couldn't wait to say: "Go, take the officer over and take a look, look at the child..."

"Sun Shaozong!"

This time, it was Wei Yi's turn to jump out and cut off the conversation. He shouted angrily, "Don't you give me an explanation first?!"


Sun Shaozong turned around and asked half-seriously, "Why should I give Master Ting Wei an explanation? Didn't I try my best to supervise the case you gave me?"


Wei Yi was frustrated. After all, he tried his best to put this case in Sun Shaozong's hands. Now he has not only caught the perpetrator, but also found out the master behind the scenes. It stands to reason that he could be unsatisfied?

Without waiting for Wei Yi to figure out an ugly man, Sun Shaozong sneered again: "If you are referring to the matter of'suspended from duty,' then you don't need to-Sun Mouli will bear this matter, and it will never be too burdensome. On the head of Lord Ting Wei!"

This is even more of a naked face slap.

Riding the risk of being convicted by the court, completing the tasks laid out by the boss, and preparing to take on it afterwards-as a superior, what face is there to ask for ‘account’?

Wei Yi's old face flushed red, and his heart became even more futile. Finally, he gritted his teeth and smashed the jar to clarify the problem: "But you are so unscrupulous, but how can this official deal with the household department in the future?"


Sun Shaozong laughed three times and sniffed his nose and said: "My lord, this is really nonsense! I am an official of Dali Temple who eats the monarch's salary and liberates the people, and I am not a beggar who is begging along the street. Why should I be a slave to the household?"

Having said this, he clasped his fists neatly: "However, the official still has to thank the adults for the reminder-I will go home and wait for the court's disposal!"

Before the words were over, Sun Shaozong greeted Chen Jingde and Hong Jiu and left the courtyard in a stride.

From a distance, I heard him repeatedly asking what happened to the child.

Standing alone in the middle of the courtyard, Wei Yi's complexion changed. After a long time, he finally sighed and returned to the court squadron.


time flies.

In a blink of an eye, it's October 17th Longevity Day.

In the past two days, Sun Shaozong ‘reflected’ at home while remotely controlling the progress of the case.

By the way, Hong Jiu was also allowed to secretly build momentum, spread the news that he did not hesitate to resist the decree in order to save a child from a civilian home, so as to use the public opinion to force the court to make a ruling that was beneficial to him.

However, everything that should be done was done, but no response from the court was delayed.

Until the day of Longevity, it was calm and calm, as if nothing had happened.

Of course, there was no reaction at all, it was actually equivalent to a statement-at least Sun Shaozong's qualification for birthday banquet was not cancelled by the palace.

But seeing that there were only six or seven hours left before the Longevity Dinner, but another long-overdue news finally came back.

After several psychological struggles, the crown prince finally made up his mind to make the "born son" appear on the stage at the birthday banquet.

But this cargo is really a piece of dead wood!

At this time, he still looked forward and backward, for fear that the emperor would blame it on the spot.

Therefore, the appearance is to appear on the stage, but it is not led by him as a ‘father’, but by the crown prince. At that time, he will avoid this ‘grand-grandson meeting’ in the name of inviting the queen to a banquet.


Although there is no Zhuge Liang's intellect, and no one's loyalty after devotion to death, Sun Shaozong realized the helplessness of the Prime Minister at this time-this special A Dou is really difficult to help!

So much so that Sun Shaozong thought that if Jia Yuanchun really gave birth to a son, he might as well just give up the dark and vote for the bright, so as not to please.

Of course, this is just thinking about it.

If it turns out to be a reversal, then you can succumb to the prince. In case Jia Yuanchun gave birth to a son but failed to become the emperor in the end, Sun Shaozong's might be a tragedy.

All in all, no matter what Sun Shaozong thinks, the Longevity Dinner has arrived as scheduled.

Uncorrected [two o'clock in the afternoon].

In Beijing's fourth-tier officials, except for a few who are dying and unable to get up, they have all lined up in a pyramid-like formation outside the Meridian Gate in accordance with the order of their official positions and ages.

According to the process of the ceremony, everyone must wait here for about an hour, and only after Shen Zheng [four o'clock in the afternoon] can they enter the palace to have a banquet proudly.

Thanks to the recent warmer weather, it has to catch up with the heavy snow just like the previous few days. Those old men in the front row must be frozen.

Of course, not everyone has to wait here. The old patrons and the royal family members had already entered the palace to celebrate their birthdays before noon.

However, it is said that the companion of the monarch is like the companion of the tiger, and I don't know if they are happy inside, or the outside is more free.

Thinking of this, Sun Shaozong suddenly felt a little emotion.

Three years ago, at the Wanshou Thousand Sovereign, he was also guarding this noon gate, but at that time he was not eligible to enter the palace to celebrate his birthday, so he could only take care of the aftermath outside.

Three years later, he has become a member of it dignified and upright - and it depends on a decent official body, not on the age of a dog.

I don't know what it will be like in another three years.

"Brother, brother Shaozong."

When I was recalling the past, looking at the present, and looking at the future, I suddenly heard someone calling my name in front of me.

Sun Shaozong followed the prestige, but it was Yin Jiayu Village of Shuntian Mansion.

Seeing Sun Shaozong looked over, he immediately got up and winked, apparently trying to find a private place to talk to Sun Shaozong.

At this moment, what did Jia Yucun ask for himself?

Isn't it because you want to intercede for Yang Kui, who is a fellow countryman?

Sun Shaozong had no idea for the moment, but regarding the beggar joint guarantee system, he also happened to want to make some suggestions for improvement to Jia Yucun.

So he got up and followed Jia Yucun outside the circle, and found a place near the palace wall.


Jia Yucun has a bitter look on his face, as if hesitating to speak.

But Sun Shaozong's attention was not placed on him, instead he was attracted by the passing team.

This group of big-waisted women should be the entourage of Princess Beijing, right?

Didn't it mean that Jin Zhi Zong had already entered the palace before noon? How could she have been dragged to such a time?

"Brother? Brother!"

Jia Yucun raised the volume, finally let Sun Shaozong come back to his senses, and then solemnly said: "Brother, I have committed a problem now, you must not die!"

Strangely, since Jia Yucun became Fu Yin, it has been a smooth wind. Where else can I help?

And also put on a dying and alive look.

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