The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 779: Re-banquet Kokufu

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The turmoil at the birthday banquet seemed to be just a small episode.

But the subsequent impact is obvious.

A considerable part of the prince’s original party members strengthened their convictions as a result.

Among the courtiers, there were also some conservative officials who showed their kindness towards the prince.

In fact, many of these people did not support the prince, but rather the etiquette and righteousness.

In the eyes of these people, although the prince was cut off, he was still the royal orthodoxy in name, and the grandson was also certified by the court.

Since it is the orthodoxy, it is worthy of support.

To put it bluntly, this is the villain character in the costume TV series who shouts, "The ancestors should not be neglected".

As the core figure among the villains, Sun Shaozong has naturally attracted much attention recently.

On October 18th, Emperor Guangde issued a decree to commend his aspirations and responsibilities. In the end, he was fined for half a year for his merits and demerits, in order to see the after-effects.

In the evening, the prince hosted a banquet in honor of Sun Shaozong. In addition to Sun Tao, a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy and guest of the prince, and the queen’s younger brother Zhao Guojiu, there were also several important officials from the central government.

The highest-ranking official among them surprised Sun Shaozong.

Gein was exactly Zhao Rongheng, Yushi Yushi, who served as the deputy commander when the Longgen case was investigated.

At the beginning, Zhao Rongheng had intended to prevent the birth of the ‘Emperor Grandson’, and he was quite at odds with the prince.

Who would have thought that it had only been two years since I saw him, this Lord Zhao has become the core member of the crown prince again, and he is also one of the highest status.

After all, this servant is a dignified second-grade official leader. In terms of authority and status, he is equal to the six books, and even slightly surpasses in some respects.

Of course, if he is trusted by the prince, he is still slightly inferior to Sun Shaozong.

In fact, Sun Shaozong later pondered that the reason why this man came to join him is also a long time ago.

After all, he is a hard-core ally recognized by King Beijing, and it is even said that King Beijing is water-soluble, but he was actually born by Zhao Rongheng's fornication with the eldest princess.

King Beijing had already fallen to the prince two years ago, so it is not surprising that Zhao Rongheng will be put under the prince's account.

October 19th.

Sun Shaozong went to the Yamen for the first day after lifting the ban.

As a result, as soon as he arrived at the official office, he received an unexpected news: According to Wei Yi's intention, the case of Yang Kui's poisoning of Lu Mingsi was officially closed.

This is really weird.

Previously, Sun Shaozong had instructed Tang Weishan and others to gather evidence of Yang Kui’s corruption, and applied for copying and checking his family property, and temporarily restricting the freedom of his family.

Wei Yi also knows this.

It stands to reason that this copy of the house has not been approved yet. Even if Wei Yi is eager to understand the case so that he can ask the Ministry of Household for money, he will wait until the court's order is issued.

Besides, the case was won by Sun Shaozong after all, and he declared the case closed without saying hello, which did not comply with the conventional procedures.

This silly method can no longer be said to be ridiculous, and Sun Shaozong even suspected that he was deliberately covering up the master behind the scenes.


Although Wei Yi lacked the ability to do things, he lacked the self-motivatedness he deserved.

But after all, he is also an old fritters in the officialdom. If he really intends to cover up the mastermind behind Yang Kui, he should choose a more concealed way instead of going straight like this.

Is there anything hidden in this?

Think twice.

After all, Sun Shaozong couldn't ignore this matter, so he simply approached Wei Yi and asked him directly why he acted like this.

Wei Yi refused to say it clearly. He was just acting like a shadow, implying that this matter was out of favor, not that he acted arbitrarily.

When Sun Shaozong heard the words, he immediately remembered that on the birthday banquet, the emperor had specifically searched for himself and learned all the details of his confrontation with Zhou Chang.

Could it be that……

Is there anything else behind Chang Chang this week?

And the people involved, even the emperor, are afraid of it?

He was suspicious, but it was inconvenient to track down clearly.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong decided to find an opportunity to inquire with Yu Qian to see what kind of government affairs he was in charge of on weekdays this week, and he had some connections with those North Korean officials.

Of course, it will definitely not be done today.

The Grand Master of the Rongguo Mansion, Jia She, posted a post asking Sun Shaozong to come over to dinner at night.

According to Sun Shaozong's guess, this 80% came from Jia Yucun's instruction, and the purpose was still the case of the stone nerd.

At the beginning, Sun Shaozong set the policy of having a source of both sides, and he was also preparing to share with himself in the Rongguo Mansion.

As a result, Jia Baoyu, Jia Lian and others didn't talk about it. When Jia She encountered trouble, he did not hesitate to find himself in front of him, and he had no consciousness of opposing camps.

But to be honest, if it weren't for Jia Yingchun's face, Sun Shaozong really didn't want to pay attention to such old dudes.

But since she slept with other people's daughter, she always had to give the cheap old man some face.


However, after the whole day, Sun Shaozong has managed to deal with the owed official documents clearly-basically it is a trivial matter, which should have been handled by Liu Xianglian, but this servant is now helping Jiang Yuhan to prepare the opera troupe, so he cheered for ten. Days of vacation.

It seems that you still have to hire another reliable master.

However, Sun Shaozong was ready to wait and see.

Sun Chengye is going to participate in Chunwei again in the new year. If he still fails the exam this time, it is naturally better to be a student than to be a mature one. It would be most appropriate for him to bring Liu Xianglian with him.

I saw it in the evening.

When Sun Shaozong came out, he saw a carriage of Rongguo Mansion waiting outside.

At first, Sun Shaozong thought it was Jia Lian who had arrived.

It was later discovered that Jia Baoyu, who had been away for a few days in it-after the birthday banquet, this kid seemed to be forbidden by the family, and even Jiang Yuhan could not contact him.

When he saw Jia Baoyu, Sun Shaozong couldn't help but became curious and asked him why he had a conflict with Zhao Guoji that day.

"Second brother wronged me."

Jia Baoyu looked aggrieved: "When my uncle and my master were forced to go to the Zhao's house to bow their heads and admit their mistakes, I haven't seen it before, so why would I get into conflict with him again?"

Listen to this kid's words.

But it turned out that he was specially invited to the birthday banquet by the emperor that day, and he was not very happy in his heart, but found it very troublesome.

The only thing that attracted him was the sight of Jia Yuanchun-and finally, at the birthday banquet, I only glanced at it from a distance, but couldn't catch a word at all.

Before leaving, Mrs. Wang and Jia's mother naturally gave a good warning.

Therefore, after entering the palace, Jia Baoyu was rare in his words and deeds, and even seemed a little dull in front of the emperor.

But somehow, then Uncle Zhao came out, sneering at Jia Baoyu regardless of being in front of the emperor.

Jia Baoyu didn't reply at all, but was driven out of Wen Zhao Pavilion with him.

That's not the case. Uncle Zhao Guo angered him because of this.

"Second brother, do you think this person is sick?"

Speaking of this, Jia Baoyu said indignantly: "My sister has just been pregnant. Who knows if he is pregnant with the princess or the prince? If he wants to take precautions, he can follow the same example as your second brother, and go and supervise the prince. What's the deal with biting people like crazy?"

More than Uncle Zhao Guo.

The court vowed to believe that Jia Yuanchun must give birth to a child, but many people were there.

Think about that day when I saw Taoist priests and alchemists attending the forefront of the civil and military officials, and everyone was filled with indignation against the same enemy, Sun Shaozong really didn't know whether they looked down on the alchemist or looked down on the alchemist too much.

The book does not go into details.

The two chatted all the way, and when they arrived at the Rongguo Mansion, there was some unexpected difference-Jia She was not at home!

The guests are here, but the host is not at home, and I really don’t know how he arranged it.

In addition, Jia Lian is now serving'Master' Jiang Yuhan, and he is also not at home.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong could only go to his Yihongyuan to kill time with Jia Baoyu first.

"Second brother sit down here."

Jia Baoyu greeted Sun Shaozong, and at the same time he was busy instructing Qingwen to take out the tribute tea that Jia Yuanchun rewarded, and he did not forget to pardon his uncle Jia: "Second brother, please don't mind. Originally, uncle was always waiting at home. I heard that It was Brother Cong who caused trouble outside, and the other party called for the uncle to deal with it, so he waited slowly for the second brother."

Isn't this Rongguo Mansion not good at Feng Shui?

Otherwise, why do weasels get their mice, and one litter is worse than one litter?

When Jia Cong was a child, I looked at and looked restless. I heard that he has been getting closer to Jia Huanzhao recently. What he can do, I don't need to ask.

But then again, Jia She didn't seem to treat this concubine very much before.

But now, when he heard that he was detained, why did he hurriedly set aside his business and rushed to the rescue?

"This one……"

Jia Baoyu heard Sun Shaozong's question about this, but he didn't feel hesitated, and finally came up with a vague remark: "When I get older, I pay more attention to children."

I am afraid that these so-called "children" are not Jia Lian and Jia Cong.

It refers to the offspring in the next generation.

Before thinking about it, Jia Lian started to think about finding his son to ‘borrow’—even because of this killing Lin Hongyu—obviously he was already desperate about this matter.

It is estimated that Jia She thinks so too, that's why he pays attention to Jia Cong, hoping that this concubine can inherit the family from the long house.

As the two of them were talking, Xiang Qingwen walked in again and apologized to Sun Shaozong first. Then she reported: "My wife is rushing here right now, saying that she has got a few pieces of new clothes for making big clothes. Material, see if we like it."

Aunt Xue is coming over?

Sun Shaozong got up immediately and had to retreat.

After all, Li Wan tried to pimp before, but he was rejected by Sun Shaozong, but meeting again would inevitably be a little embarrassing.

Of course, even without this, the embarrassment in the dense forest was enough to embarrass the two of them.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he moved here, the courtyard outside was noisy.

Qingwen picked up the curtain and looked out, and she couldn't help but be surprised: "Hey, why did the aunt and wife come so quickly?"

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