[There will be one more after 12 o'clock. 】

Being used to the relatively conservative dressing these years, Aunt Xue's dress today is undoubtedly a bright spot.

She was wearing a blue skirt with veil and flowers, the main body was sky blue silk and satin, and the skirt with an open ‘in’ shape under the knee was embossed with a circle of deep sapphire blue.

And at the gap of the ‘in’ shape, the light yellow gauze lining seems to be impervious, and the tight legs wrapped in the trousers can be seen when you look at it, but it is difficult to see it when you look closely.

In contrast, the upper neckline is very bright.

The ‘in’-shaped collar almost goes deep into the waist and abdomen. Although the two bright yellow ribbons are tightly bound to the vital points, when viewed from the side, it’s hard to hide the happiness.

Below the shoulders, there are also light yellow gauze as sleeves, and Bai Shengsheng's arms are hidden inside, just like two jade pillars.

This is a palace dress that shows off her figure, and Aunt Xue is facing sideways at this time, the plump beauty is even more obvious!

In fact, Aunt Xue’s shoulders, if you really want to care about it, are a little bit wide-but fortunately, her shoulders are curved downward, which invisibly makes up for this lack of shoulders.

The two pink arms wrapped in the light veil are indeed no less delicate than a fragile girl, but they are far from stout. At most, they can be described as zhuyuanyurun.

And if compared with the peaks and ridges not far away, it is undoubtedly slender.

As for the waist, it can be said to be the finishing touch. The sapphire gold flower belt outlines a contour that can be grasped, which sets off the upward and downward warping tendency, making people want to hold the arm on top, and the narrow rope.

As for those legs, although they are taller and slender than the unworthy girl, they are also appropriate.

In particular, stepping on the high-bottomed forward-leaning deerskin boots now makes the body show a stretch and shoulders posture, highlighting the prosperous state to the extreme.

And these few places on the girl’s body may become flawed places, blending into this fertility, but they are mixed and natural. The real place should be big and the small place is small; if you add one point, you will be too fat and lose. One point is too thin.

Although it is said that the body of the "Twenty-eight Girls is like crispy", how can such a mature woman quench her thirst and satisfy her hunger in such a young and astringent state?

Therefore, Sun Shaozong couldn't help his throat surging and his tongue swelled.

Although there were many words, it was just a glimpse in the final analysis, because seeing that Aunt Xue had already hung the cloak, Sun Shaozong hurriedly lowered his gaze again.

No matter how she is Xue Pan's mother, it's fine to take a second glance, it's not easy to look directly in person.

However, he never thought that his timely change made Aunt Xue quite disappointed. He also regarded it as a deliberate act of showing off his figure and did not attract the other party's attention.

But today's Aunt Xue is no longer the ignorant woman she was three years ago.

Now that she is determined to ask for ‘justice’, how can she give up halfway because of this small setback?

Before Jia Baoyu had entered the door, she pretended to be surprised and exclaimed: "Ah! How come there are outsiders in this room?!"

As he spoke, he flicked his chest, and those few jade-like fingers made a mistake in his work. They accidentally hooked the bright yellow collar, and the deep neckline suddenly fell down again, revealing a large piece of Zhan. Fair skin.

When the fingers broke free, the collar suddenly recovered, and the mountains were ups and downs again and again.

Although it is difficult to describe this scene in detail, it makes Sun Shaozong's eyes shine brightly. If it were not for the joy and anger that he has been more and more experienced in the past few years, he would almost be ignorant.

He suppressed the urge to take a closer look, bowed himself and said, "My nephew has seen Aunt Xue Jia."

Of course, although he is trying his best to take the shot, if he is replaced with a bright-eyed heart, he will also be vaguely aware at this time that he seems to be drooping, but he sneaks over the corner of his eye.

It's a pity that Aunt Xue is just a back house woman with a bright nature. How did she develop such good eyesight?

I only thought that Sun Shaozong had never seen it before, and he was unwilling and discouraged, and for a while, he forgot to respond to Sun Shaozong's greetings.

Fortunately, at this moment, Jia Baoyu was carrying a big baggage and followed in breathlessly.

Aunt Xue was afraid that he would find something, and the wicked person immediately complained and scolded: "Baoyu, there are foreigners in this room, so why don't you tell me the prophet."

Jia Baoyu knew he was wrong, but the word "foreigner" is definitely not easy to recognize in front of Sun Shaozong.

So he laughed and put the burden on the table and clapped his hands: "Where does the aunt say, how does the second brother Sun count as an outsider? Not to mention that the three families are all friendships between ancestors and ancestors, and now they have become in-laws again-just from the table. It's definitely not a foreigner to talk about it from Brother."

Aunt Xue took the initiative and wanted this kind of effect.

And after listening to Baoyu's answer, she also vaguely realized that she was a bit too clear about Sun Shaozong in front of her as a'foreigner'.

So he hurriedly covered his mouth and said with a smile: "No wonder Sun Jia Erlang, I was just taken aback, just talking nonsense, but I didn't mean to be with Erlang."

Speaking of this, she pointed to the burden along the river and said: "It's a coincidence that these leather materials were brought by Xue Tad a few days ago, and she also pointed out that they should be divided into your house-I am so confused. I forgot to clean it."

"You are here too, so you might as well share a point with Baoyu, so that I won't bother."

As she said, she stepped forward to relieve the burden.

This was an idea that had been made long ago, otherwise, how could Aunt Xue take advantage of the situation to stay?

However, when she specified the plan, the transition was quite a bit blunt, and someone who was interested could spot the problem at a glance.

But just now she was anxious to say the wrong thing, but instead made her behavior seem to be remedying, and there was no flaw in her mistakes.

So Sun Shaozong didn't think too much, just looking at Aunt Xue's timid and flustered look, he couldn't help sighing in his heart: Although this woman of Fengyun is rare, there is always something to change.

The most rare thing is that this mature woman is actually showing the beauty of a young girl from time to time.

Adding the two in one place is really even more powerful.

If she hadn't been for Xue Pan's mother and Jia Baoyu's relatives, Sun Shaozong might not have been able to control it when Li Wan made the match two days ago.

However, it was said that the leather-wrapped bag was tightly tied, and was carried by the two maids all the way. At this time, it turned into a pig's hoof buckle.

Aunt Xue tried a few times, but failed. She used her strength without knowing it, and she trembles all over her straight and upright parts, and inadvertently gave out a lot of benefits.

Now Baoyu is still in the house. In front of him, Sun Shaozong is naturally unsightly, so he reluctantly retracted his gaze and asked casually: "Brother Xue Tad, can he be in your house these few days? Since he is thinking about it I, I should always thank you in person."

"It was originally there."

Jia Baoyu shook his head and curled his lips again: "But that Mei Hanlin is leaving Beijing to take up his post. Brother Xue and sister Baoqin have gone to see off on the dock."

Sun Shaozong was surprised when he heard the words: "Is this time to see off?"

"Said it was Shen Shi [3pm] leaving Beijing, and Yomo should also be back."

Shen Shi is leaving Beijing?

Sun Shaozong became more surprised. If there were no special circumstances these days, he would usually leave Beijing in the morning. Even if something stumbles, he would choose to leave before noon.

At this time, when Shen was leaving Beijing, coupled with the procrastination of officialdom, wouldn’t it be necessary to stay in the shop as soon as he left?

Even if it’s by water, it’s not so convenient to sail at night...

I really don't know what Mei Hanlin thinks.

However, this Mei Hanlin is indeed a weird person. Sun Shaozong has more or less recently inquired about Mei Hanlin's personality-mainly to inquire about Yu Qian, after all, he had just been in the Hanlin Academy for a year and a half before.

According to Yu Qian's description, this Mei Hanlin is also a maverick in the Hanlin Academy.

His maverick, better to say, is to be proud and not deceived.

Treating subordinates, or those whose background is not as good as him, are often amiable; on the contrary, they treat superiors and those with background without saying a word.

This is not surprising at first.

After all, Hanlin people are proud and proud, that is also a long tradition.

It is surprising that once a good colleague or subordinate is promoted, he will quickly distance himself from each other, and on several occasions he even turned his friends into enemies face to face.

It's not just the superiors who came and went, and even his colleague and subordinates who were pleasant to him would stay away from him.

It is precisely because of this that Mei Hanlin has been in the Imperial Academy for more than ten years and has not been promoted and promoted. So far, he is still an editor of the Seventh Grade.

And this time when he was released, he was only given an official position from the sixth rank Zhou Tongzhi.

It seems to have been promoted by one grade, but considering Hanlin's princely status and the practice of going up one level from Beijing, this is actually a bright increase and a dark decrease.

No, it's almost a direct downgrade!

It seems that the emperor did not expressly express his attitude towards his accusation against the alchemist, but secretly gave him some punishment~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is a warning.

Anyway, although Sun Shaozong has a great reputation, he has always had nothing to do with Qing rumored officials. This kind of angry rebuke to the traitor will be better in the future.

In other words...

What did the Xue family originally plan to make a marriage contract with Mei Hanlin?

Just thinking that there were none, Aunt Xiang Xue finally lifted her baggage over there and shouted: "Come and see, see what you can expect."

Jia Baoyu leaned forward immediately after hearing the words, obviously not feeling that there was anything inappropriate about the three getting along.

Seeing this, Sun Shaozong naturally wouldn't deliberately learn from those moral gentlemen. He just took two steps and got to the position diagonally across from Aunt Xue.

After tearing it for a while, Aunt Xue actually saw a little sweat on her forehead.

Sure enough, it is a plump and timid physique.

According to Sun Shaozong’s experience, most of these physiques are also'run' very...


Look at the leather, look at the leather!

In other words, these leathers are really rare and good products, and I don’t know where Xue Tad, who is a southerner, bought it from. At this time, in Jiangnan, it is not popular to wear fur, right?

"I have seen Erye Xue!"

At this moment, a maid's voice greeted him suddenly, and it sounded like Xue Taddle was here.

This really means that Cao Cao is here.

Unconsciously, Sun Shaozong stopped the action of flipping and looked up at the door of the room.

When the cotton curtain was picked, it was not Xue Tad who came first, but Xue Baoqin in plain clothes. (https:)

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