Coming out of the cubicle, seeing the mess on the table, Aunt Xue didn't know what it was like.

She originally planned to wait for an opportunity to tease Sun Shaozong again to prove her charm.

As a result, from start to finish, I couldn't find the right opportunity. On the contrary, the foul language filled my ears, and the chest was filled with dryness.

That's it.

Anyway, don't have to rush for a while.

Trying to think like this, Aunt Xue put her hand on the fine lines at the corner of her eye, rubbing and melancholy.

"Sister, don't rush back."

At this moment, Mrs. Xing suddenly became mysterious, and whispered in her ear: "I have good things to make you cheaper."

After listening to the'gun' in the middle of the night over the wall, Mrs. Xing also got close to Aunt Xue a lot.

He took her arm and pulled it into her own room without any distinction, and then went into the room on her own, so that she turned the box over, and finally stuffed a long wooden box into Aunt Xue's hand like a treasure.


Seeing her mysterious appearance, Aunt Xue felt that it was not appropriate. She subconsciously opened the box to look at it, but almost exclaimed.

Blushing at the moment, he pushed the box back, and said ashamed: "Why did my did I take this thing out?!"

"Why, did you use it too?"

Mrs. Xing was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "That's right, if you didn't rely on it these years, how could you stand it alone?"

"Sister-in-law, don't slander someone's innocence!"

Aunt Xue became even more embarrassed, and forced the box into Mrs. Xing's arms, and said angrily: "I've only seen it in a picture book, how ever... never..."

"Then just keep it."

Mrs. Xing unceremoniously interrupted her faltering, pushed the box back, and said in a mournful voice: "When we women are here, we can only hurt ourselves-don't worry, this is Xintao. In exchange, I haven't used it yet."

"I didn't mean that!"

Aunt Xue was holding the box and felt it was too hot. When she was about to turn her back, Mrs. Xing quickly walked to the door, picked up the curtain and said, "Qiu Ju, I will help your wife go to rest soon. "

This time, Aunt Xue was so bluffing, she subconsciously stuffed the box into her sleeve.

When he reacted and wanted to throw it back on the table, Qiu Ju had already walked in.

Aunt Xue was struggling to ride a tiger, so she had to close the box as hard as she could, and then glared at Mrs. Xing in embarrassment.

Mrs. Xing was holding a smile, came over and gave her a hand, and urged: "Okay, go back and have a rest."

The word ‘rest’ is emphasized, which obviously refers to something else.

Aunt Xue was embarrassed and frustrated, but she could only take advantage of the trend to leave the hall and head towards Hengwu Garden with great concern.

Before she could figure out how to deal with this shameful object, two people suddenly appeared in the slanting down, but it was Li Wan and Suyun's master and servant.

"Qiu Ju, you just came here!"

A long way away, I heard Li Wan anxiously say: "My golden step is shaking, and I don't know where it landed just now. You can help Suyun light up the lantern so I can find it!"

Without waiting for Qiu Ju to respond, she stepped forward to hold Aunt Xue, and said without a doubt: "Go ahead, I can support Auntie here."

Qiu Ju glanced at Aunt Xue and saw that she didn't stop her, so she went to the same place with Suyun.

"Where did the things go?"

"Who knows, I just came out of the second wife's house and found the hairpin missing at the gate of the garden..."

"Then let's find it all the way back from the gate of the second wife's garden..."

The two chatted, but they went further and further.

At this time, Aunt Xue's expression did not sink completely, and she frowned, "Brother Zhu, daughter-in-law, are you really losing your hairpin?"

"Don't dare to deceive Auntie."

Li Wan bent a little and said, "I finally figured it out these few days. Seeing Lang's growing up, how can I, a mother, ruin his reputation and future for my own benefit?"

Having said this, she raised her head and said resolutely: "So I am going to have a break with Sun Jiajiro now, and I will never be in contact with each other from now on!"

After hearing this, Aunt Xue hurriedly stepped forward to help her up, and said: "This is right, this is right! It's fine if we make mistakes for a while, we can't make mistakes again and again!"

When she said this, she didn't think there was anything.

It just fell in Li Wan's ears, but it was a bit of "hypocrisy", so even the guilt in my heart was slightly reduced.

He refused to get up at the moment, but pleaded with the trend: "Although this is the case, my nephew is still in love with him. I am afraid that after the meeting, my ears will be rubbed together, but I can't speak - he is in awe of his aunt, if you are there to help I dare not act recklessly."

Aunt Xue suddenly came across.

Then he hesitated, not knowing whether to respond.

Seeing her for a while, Li Wan was undecided, and wrapped her arm around her backhand, begging again: "Auntie please help others to the end..."

Aunt Xue's expression changed, and finally she sighed: "Finally, I will accompany you for a while-but there are others in his courtyard, I am afraid it will be inconvenient..."

"Auntie, don't worry, I let Suyun pretend to be Ping'er and dismissed all those people."

The relationship between Ping'er and Sun Shaozong is already known to everyone in this mansion, and no one will doubt if she talks about her name.

Besides, even if someone really doubts, do they dare to ask Ping'er face to face?

As soon as Aunt Xue heard this, she knew that Li Wan had already calculated. If she thought about what she had done before, it seemed that she was deliberately dragging herself into the water, and she couldn't help but hesitated again.


Just at this time, Li Wanqi said, "What's in the sleeve of my aunt? Why is it like hiding a wooden box?"


Aunt Xue trembled and hurriedly threw her off. She was afraid that she would ask what happened, so she blurted out and urged: "Let's go there quickly, lest it delays for a long time, Qiu Ju and the others will look for it again."

Seeing her panicked look, Li Wan naturally felt suspiciously tight.

Just at this moment, how can she dare to make extravagances?

The lantern was turned off at the moment, leading Aunt Xue to find the small courtyard where Sun Shaozong was in the dark.

Reaching out and pushing open the concealed door, Li Wan cautiously looked inward, seeing that only the light was on inside, and he was relieved.

Turning around, seeing Aunt Xue's face looked timid, she couldn't help but sneer secretly.

Bai Ri obviously rushed towards Sun Jiaerlang, but when this matter came to an end, he hesitated again.

She didn't know that Aunt Xue only wanted to tease the man, she had never thought of giving alms to her body.

Li Wan slandered, but he also put on a hesitant posture on his face: "If my aunt regrets it, then... let's just go back and forget it."

After saying this, he retreated again, making a gesture to close the courtyard door again.

"do not!"

Aunt Xue subconsciously supported the door panel, and whispered: "How can you give up all your previous efforts at this time? No matter, I will go in with you for a while."

As he said, he hesitated to cross the threshold.

Cang Dang!

Who ever thought that as soon as she walked into the courtyard with her front feet, she heard a muffled noise behind her, followed by another click.

Aunt Xue turned her head in amazement, but saw that the gate of the courtyard had been closed again, but Li Wan was nowhere to be seen in the courtyard.

"You... what are you doing?!"

Aunt Xue was shocked, she stepped forward and pushed the door hard, but only heard the clatter of the brass lock, but where could she push it open?

At this time, I listened to Li Wan reminding me outside the door: "Auntie, please be sure to keep your voice down. If you draw others over, you may not be able to clean up what you said."


"Whether my aunt will blame me in the future, or thank me, my niece will accept everything--but if you don't have a handle in my hand, how can I rest assured?"

With that said, Li Wan bowed to the door, and then resolutely walked away.

"Brother Zhu's wife, Brother Zhu's wife..."

Aunt Xue didn't dare to shout loudly, so she could only put her mouth on the crack of the door and whispered eagerly.

However, this action did not make Li Wan turn his head. Instead, Sun Shaozong's voice came from the back room:

"Who? Who is outside?"

Aunt Xue turned around in horror, and saw a candlelight lit up in the living room. Immediately after the curtain was raised, Sun Shaozong put on his coat and walked out holding the candlestick.

"Aunt Xue's family?"

It is the night moonlight So Sun Shaozong recognized the identity of the person at the door just a few steps after he left the house.

It's just that he didn't understand what Aunt Xue intended to do when she ran over in the middle of the night?

Could it be...

Same as Li Wan back then?

When Aunt Xue heard Sun Shaozong reveal her identity, she was even more flustered. Her plump body stuck to the door panel, and she trembled: "I...I...I'm Brother Zhu's daughter-in-law..."

It turned out that Li Wan still hadn't given up on that plan.

I just don't know, what exactly did she use to trick Aunt Xue over—seeing this panicked look, it shouldn't be the initiative to throw in her arms.

Just thinking of this, I heard a crackling sound, but a long wooden box fell out of Aunt Xue's sleeve.

The wooden box knocked on the ground, and a cylindrical object bounced out of it, and Gu Lulu rolled all the way to Sun Shaozong.

this is……

Taking a glance with the candlelight and moonlight, Sun Shaozong suddenly changed his mind.

But I don't know what it was carved from. The whole body reflects the black and yellow color, but the shape is the same as the man's dust roots.

With this thing in his arms, I came to find myself. Isn't it afraid that my things won't stand the test?

While Sun Shaozong was speechless, he couldn't help fighting between heaven and man.

At this moment, Aunt Xue's mind was blank. She grew her mouth and stared at the object on the ground, as if she was about to swallow the whole thing, but her pupils gradually lost focus...


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