It was just after noon.

Mrs. Wang ordered that the leftovers be removed, and she took a few good looks from the inside, and wanted to compare her with Aunt Xue.

Whoever thought of going out, saw Aunt Xue still sitting at the round table absent-mindedly, making the two little maids who cleaned up the mess, and they didn't know whether they should take the dining table down.

"Carry it down."

Mrs. Wang raised her chin slightly, and then stepped forward to give Aunt Xue a hand, groaningly said: "How can you do it today? You've been unwilling to stay away since the morning."

With that, I looked at Aunt Xue carefully, and saw her ruddy complexion, she didn't seem to be sick, and she couldn't help but think about it.

While the maids moved away from the table, they lowered their heads and asked, "Are you worrying about those two little friends again."

These two small enemies are naturally Jia Baoyu and Xue Baochai.

Aunt Xue was taken aback when she heard the words, and she shook her head to deny it, but she was afraid that her sister would ask what was going on. In the end, she gave an ambiguous ‘um’, which was regarded as a response.

Madam Wang only thought that she had guessed it correctly, and she sighed and pulled Aunt Xue to the Luohan bed at the root of the Western Wall, and sat opposite each other across the Kang table.

Taking advantage of the trend to put those beautiful looks on the table, Mrs. Wang said with a serious face: "What's not easy to say between our sisters? If you are willing to take some time, I appoint the prodigal son who has been persuaded to turn back!"

Having said that, she stopped to look at Aunt Xue's face, and then tentatively said: "If you really can't wait, if you look at the young talent of that family, I will send someone to help talk about it. "

When she got here, she stopped to observe Aunt Xue's face again. Seeing that she seemed to be hesitant, she was about to rush to propose a suitable candidate, but suddenly heard a report from the maid outside that it was the grandma from the East House.

Mrs. Wang had to stop talking and ordered you to invite You into the living room.

Not long afterwards, I saw You cross the threshold with a smile, and before tidying up the ten thousand blessings, he said in his mouth: "Qianer got two pieces of cakes from my aunt, and the gluttonous kid in my family missed it-this is not. Just after lunch, I was clamoring to come to you."

She was talking about this here. A stubborn little baby also entered the hall under the guidance of the nursing mother. The little adult called out, "Second, grandma."

Then he grabbed his deputy and crawled onto Luohan's bed.

"Be careful of falling!"

Mrs. Wang hurriedly picked him up, and then greeted the servants to take cakes for him.

The little man, who was holding the cake music, only drooled, but was not in a hurry to stuff his mouth, but raised to Mrs. Wang like a treasure: "Grandma, eat."

When Mrs. Wang took a bite, he gobbled it up.

"This little clever ghost!"

Mrs. Wang hugged the child and praised without a word: "When Baoyu was so old, he was far behind him."

You's not daring to say this, especially now that Jia Yuanchun is still pregnant with a dragon seed.

So she sat on the embroidered pier at the lower end, and hurriedly said with a smile: "Auntie, don't lift him up. Lippi is like a monkey all day long. Tired mother Liu and the others broke their legs. How dare you follow Bao? Brothers on par?"


Mrs. Wang raised her hand and pointed at her, and smiled at Aunt Xue: "That's why there must be a son if you have a mother."

Aunt Xue responded with a smile, but when she looked at the child, she always felt a little strange. The look of the tiger's head and the brain is not much like Jia Zhen, but the same grandson...

Bah baah baah~

What are you thinking about, why do you think of him again? !

Aunt Xue hurriedly lowered her head to drink tea, taking the opportunity to hide the shame on her face.

At this time Mrs. Wang said again: "I heard that your wife went to the Golden Pavilion in the morning? Have you seen anything unusual on the road?"

"There is nothing unusual on the road."

You Shi smiled and said, "I heard a news after I came back, which made people a little bit embarrassed."

"What's the news?"

"I heard that this morning, King Beijing personally took Wei Jiaerlang and went to the Sun Mansion to thank him. It is said that he had a very happy conversation with Sun Jiaerlang, but now he has completely abandoned his predecessors.

Hearing these two "Erlangs", Aunt Xue suddenly fell into disbelief.

Fortunately, Mrs. Wang was also immersed in inexplicable emotions, and had not noticed her changes at all.


Just listen to Mrs. Wang sighed: "This is really thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi. In seven or eight years as early as seven or eight years, the Wei family and the Sun family can be said to be one in the sky and one underground, and Wei Ruolan is recognized as a young talent. It is said that the future will become a great weapon."

"Who had ever heard of Sun Erlang's name at the time? But who ever thought that after only a few years of kung fu, Sun Jia Erlang's name has changed the world, but Wei Jia Erlang was imprisoned and almost became a ghost under the sword."

"You can say so."

You's also hurriedly cheered up and echoed: "I heard that Wei Jia Erlang was in prison and was tortured in a disrespectful manner. He was thin and thin, and even his hair was nearly half white. He still had his original handsome appearance. appearance?"

Speaking of this, she folds her palms together and chooses the name of the Buddha: "Amitabha, it is God blessed him. He was sent to prison before he was engaged in the marriage, otherwise he would suffer Sister Xiangyun."

The two of you said something to me, lamenting the unpredictable blessings and misfortunes of the world.

But for another more obvious example-the Niu Family of Zhenguo Mansion-he didn't mention anything.

This is naturally because the Niu Family has similarities with the Rongguo Mansion in all aspects-they are both founding exploits, and they are also climbing to the pinnacle by the nepotism of the harem.

Therefore, both of them deliberately avoided the Niu's house, so as not to be touched by the mold.

After talking about Wei Ruolan, the two chatted about something else, such as how to help Jia Zheng in the twelfth lunar month; another example is the conflict between the long house and Uncle Zhao Guo.

By the time Youshi left with the child, it was already more than an hour later.

However, Mrs. Wang did not forget what she had said. After sending You Shi away, she immediately backed away from her left and right, took Aunt Xue's hand and sat back on the Luohan bed again.

"Actually, I have been thinking about it in the past few While watching her sister's expression change, she cautiously said: "If you want to say that there is a better candidate than Baoyu, now there is one, that Sun Jia Erlang... …"

"No way!"

Unexpectedly, as soon as Sun Jia Erlang's name came out, Aunt Xue seemed to be stabbed in the ass. She shook her head and waved her hands as if she had been stabbed in the ass: "Sun Jia Erlang can't make it, absolutely nothing! "

This reaction shocked Mrs. Wang. She hurriedly pushed Aunt Xue back to her seat, half agitated and half puzzled, and asked: "What are you yelling at? With the current market of the Sun Jia Erlang, how many nobles and nobles rob If you want to marry him, how come you can't make it out of here?"


Aunt Xue knew that she had lost her temper, she was so anxious that she couldn't help but blurt out: "Bao Chai once said that the concubine in Sun Erlang's family gave birth to the eldest son of the concubine and won the court's reward. I am afraid that in the future... The house is restless."

Mrs. Wang was relieved, and then she teased: "What are you afraid of? Others are fine. Baochai is no different from you. She is designated to be a good man. If you can give birth to the son of the grandson as soon as possible after entering the door, you will still be worried... …"

I never thought that she hadn’t finished saying this, and Aunt Xue jumped up on fire again. This time she didn’t give Madam Wang a chance to react. She hurriedly dropped a sentence: "I... I suddenly remembered something at home, so I don’t I'm bothering my sister!"

As he said, he seized the door like burnt buttocks.

"What's wrong with this?"

Mrs. Wang was inexplicable for a while, but just ridiculed a few words that her niece is a good man, why is she so eager to be a mother?

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