
Sun Shaozong sat alone in the study, just unfolding the draft on the case, suddenly felt itching in his nostrils, hurriedly turned his head to the empty space, and sneezed loudly.

Who is this thinking about himself again?

Was it the Queen of Beijing who left not long ago, or was it Aunt Xue, who was deprived of herself by mistake last night?

Sun Shaozong rubbed his nose and thought about it for a while, and then he focused his attention on the draft on the table.

On the second day after he joined the Dali Temple, he wondered how to break the situation with his prestige. Although the prestige was established when investigating the case later, he was far from able to do so.

What he wants to break through is not his isolation and helpless situation in Dali Temple, but the embarrassing status quo of the entire Dali Temple in the Three Laws Division.

In fact, the current crux of the Dali Temple is nothing more than the four characters "up and down out of touch".

Although it is called the General Constitution of Tianxia Gangji, the current Dali Temple is actually a ‘waiting and relying’ yamen. There is almost no capital that governs the local government, and it can only wait for the other party to take the initiative to hand in difficult cases.

But the local government, in order to preserve their official performance, is extremely resistant to this.

As a result, Dali Temple is like flying in the wind, with almost no foundation at all.

After losing its practical significance, the status of Dali Temple in the Three Laws Division, and even the entire court, naturally declined.

Nowadays, they even faintly become a vassal of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. Most of the cases handled by the procuratorate throughout the year are transferred by the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and they only need to pronounce judgments according to the other party's wishes.

The more so, the less people-friendly officials below pay attention to Dali Temple, which further formed a vicious circle.

To reverse this situation, it is undoubtedly necessary to re-plant the foundation for Dali Temple, and then regain some of the rights from the Criminal Ministry and the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

In fact, looking through the dossiers, it is not difficult to find that when Wei Yigang took office, he also thought about reinvigorating the situation.

At that time, in the first year of his administration, he obtained three wills one after another. He also asked local officials to take the initiative to declare difficult and miscellaneous cases, and he sent a working group to investigate and find out.

But in the end, all this action came to an end.

The reason? One is that Dali Temple really lacks the means to control local officials; second, there are really no good soldiers in this Dali Temple. When it comes to the place, the eyes are blackened, not only did it fail to find out. A lot of jokes were made.

It is not a strong order to catch Wei Yi again, it is just three fires that want new officials to take office.

Seeing the initiative to report the case, there was no response from the local officials, and the dispatched working group provoked a lot of criticism, and Wei Yi immediately shrank his egg.

Since then, the prestige of Dali Temple has further declined, which has led to today's dilemma.

If we carefully analyze the reasons for Wei Yi's failure at the beginning, the biggest problem is that he puts all his hopes on the imperial power, but he dare not touch the interests of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and the Criminal Ministry.

As a result, this top-down trend only caused some ups and downs, and it was a few blocks away from the sandstorm, let alone changed the world.

But this cannot be entirely blamed on Wei Yi.

Not to mention the Ministry of Criminal Affairs. In the current system, the Ministry of Criminal Affairs is in a supervisory position. With the declining status quo of Dali Temple, wanting to seize power from the Ministry of Criminal Affairs is basically a wishful thinking.

Of course, if the situation reverses in the future and some of the rights are deprived from the Criminal Ministry, it is completely impossible.

As for the Metropolitan Procuratorate...

Although there is no direct authority to supervise Dali Temple, people themselves supervise the morals of a hundred officials, and their deterrence against all civil and military officials can be compared to the Dali Temple, which has no real power in it under the'General Constitution of the Tianxia Gangji' , To be more than a hundred times stronger.

Therefore, it is even more difficult to seize power from the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

In particular, these people are eating pens and babbles. If there really is a riot in front of the gong and the drum, there is no entry point that can gain a firm foothold. How easy is it to seize power?

Therefore, when Sun Shaozong took office, he had a headache for a while.

Fortunately, although he did not come from a court or procuratorate system, he still has some understanding of this set, and finally borrowed some ideas from it:

Since it is not easy to seize power, and the pressure from the imperial power is not very effective, then simply start anew and find a system that can take root in a logical way and is in line with the core powers of the Dali Temple.

The core of this system is also four words: popularize law to the countryside!

In addition to inspecting difficult and miscellaneous cases reported by the emperor, or being ordered by the emperor to handle Qin cases, Dali Temple also has the responsibility of editing and propagating laws.

The previous stall is now in charge of Sun Shaozong, but it overlaps with the Criminal Ministry and the Metropolitan Procuratorate to a considerable extent.

The latter two parts are supposedly in charge of You Shaoqing and Li Wenshan.

Over the years, however, You Shaoqing at Dali Temple has only been responsible for compiling and revising laws, and has rarely been involved in propaganda.

Not only that, according to what Sun Shaozong saw and heard when he was ruling middle school, the local government was also passively sabotaged in the work of popularizing the law.

Because the popular argument nowadays is: the people can make it out of it, but can't make it know.

The law only needs to be in the hands of officials. As for the ordinary people, the more they understand the law, the more likely they will be litigation sticks.

This kind of speech and thinking, in fact, has not been completely eradicated by later generations.

Fortunately, Sun Shaozong didn't point out that it could be completely eliminated. For him, as long as he could use this pretext to create another path in the power of the Three Laws Division, it would be enough.

However, it is definitely not feasible to put forward the idea of ​​‘promoting the law to the countryside’ out of thin air-at least you have to find some support first to prove that it is necessary to do so, rather than worry about yourself.

Because of this, Sun Shaozong asked Liu Xianglian and others to check statistics about the records of people gathering in crowds from various places in recent years ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ He didn't feel much about being an official in Beijing before.

After going south to Huguang, it was discovered that the people fighting for water, land, and even people's enthusiasm led to one after another.

This is because the local government has insufficient control. Second, it is also because most people only know the clan elders and do not know the court rules. Once conflicts arise, they often resolve themselves with violence.

Only those who are weak and oppressed by the powerful will think of the government.

However, it is often difficult for the magistrates to make clear judgments about the things that the magistrates say that they are justified and that they are justified. Even if they intervene, they are often regarded as favoring one party. Even if the ruling is made, it is difficult to take effect .

At that time, Sun Shaozong felt that we should try to increase the control of the government and try to avoid this happening. Otherwise, as time goes by, the awe of the government will definitely become less and less.

When the place is completely out of control, it is estimated that the Great Zhou Dynasty will be on its way to the end.

Now that I joined the Dali Temple, I just combined the two things and tried to stop the intensified private fighting in the countryside by popularizing the law. At the same time, with the help of the popularization of law, he placed forces in the locality and even seized the opportunity to seize some of the rights of jurisdiction.

Of course, the details of this are certainly not that simple, and they have to be carefully considered before they can be discussed in the court.

In short, in the end, as long as two things can be done the same, it is considered that Sun Shaozong did not become an official in Dali Temple for nothing.


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