As expected by Sun Shaozong, when Zhang Qiu, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, learned of the origin of the incident, he was furious and called out his second son. In the presence of Sun and Liu, he would make up for another club.

Sun Shaozong tried his best to dissuade him, but Zhang Qiu then ordered his son to apologize to Liu Xianglian.

Naturally, the host and the guest were enjoying themselves. Sun Shaozong and Zhang Qiu recalled the scene of invigorating the examination at the Gongyuan at the beginning, and when they talked about the status quo of the imperial examination person, they were more and more speculative.

Of course, this is just appearance.

In fact, it was Zhang Qiu who took the initiative to break the festival, lowering his posture to cater to Sun Shaozong, which made the two talk happily.

Although Zhang Qiu didn't make it clear until the end, Sun Shaozong vaguely sensed that this Master Shangshu had something to use for himself, so he seemed so enthusiastic.

So when they were full of food and drink, the two had established a considerable degree of ‘revolutionary friendship’.


Coming out of Zhang Qiu's house, it was already a willow shoot on the moon.

After parting with Liu Xianglian in front of the door, Sun Shaozong watched not far from Li Xian's home, so he took a visit.

After returning to Beijing, this was the first time he saw Li Xian’s father, Li Sheng. Compared with the decadent sick man two years ago, Li Sheng’s mental outlook has greatly improved. When it comes to excitement, his face is full of red light. Mo Hengfei.

But his body has completely collapsed.

Every skin and flesh is dry and sticking to the bones, and even the internal organs seem to have shrunk.

It is estimated that after the Spring Festival next year, whether Li Xian is in high school or not, he will take his last breath.

It can be seen that the mediocre government harms the people.

After saying goodbye to Li Xian and his son, Sun Shaozong sighed along the way. After all, he really had to care about it. He was also jointly and severally liable for lax supervision.

So when he returned to the mansion, he first called the concierge Wang Jin and ordered him to send a message to Hong Jiu tomorrow morning.

The first is that Hong Jiuyao's official status has now been settled, and his title of beggar security chief should be transferred to whom, it is best to quickly decide in-house.

There is also the need to handle the end of the hand well, and don't let any handle fall-unsurprisingly, the beggar protection system will be greatly adjusted, investigated, and replaced in the near future.

This two came, it was ordered to spread the deeds of Li Xian and his son in the capital.

In the spring of next year, Li Xian has just turned fifteen.

This young genius is not only a gimmick, but also a burden-when Zhang Juzheng was thirteen years old, he was deliberately suppressed for three years because of his young age.

In order to avoid such a situation, it is natural to spread the situation of Li Xian early and build a golden body with filial piety first, so that others will not dare to throw him off because of his age.

Wang Jin responded one by one. When Sun Shaozong finished his explanation, he was not in a hurry to retreat. Instead, he bowed and reported: "Second Lord, the eldest lady is coming back from Rongguo Mansion today, so I will give special instructions and say that I am waiting for you. I'll make time to go there when I get home."

Jia Yingchun is back to her mother's house today?

Sun Shaozong immediately asked: "Did the Rongguo Mansion send someone to invite, or did the elder wife take the initiative to return to her family?"

"It was Rongguo Mansion who sent someone here early in the morning."


Eighty percent, Jia She couldn't wait, and couldn't urge herself directly, so she wanted her daughter to beat him.

But other than that, maybe there are other explanations...

He took out his pocket watch and glanced at it, and found that it was almost [10 o'clock in the evening] Haizheng. How could my uncle go to see his sister-in-law at this time?

He immediately ordered: "Find a lady-in-law to go home and let me know that I will work in the study tonight."

Wang Jin agreed, and then bowed back.

Sun Shaozong took the lantern from Zhang Cheng and rushed to the backyard study.

Not to mention, Zhang Qiu’s wine was soft and stamina after drinking—especially when it blew in the wind, it made the skin swell and the heart was hot.

Fortunately, his mind is still sober.

After entering the study, Sun Shaozong first blew out the lantern, then lit two candlesticks with fire folds, and placed them in front of the desk to make the illusion of holding a candle in the office.

After making the preparations, Sun Shaozong quietly went behind the rockery, moved half of the large stone of more than 300 kilograms, waited into the secret tunnel, and carefully returned it to its original position.

After walking for more than a hundred steps in the dark, Sun Shaozong flexed his fingers on the stone slab above his head when he saw the end, tapping a few short and long.

Before he had finished typing the code, the sound of the machine squeaked, causing the stone slab on the top of his head to move horizontally, revealing a bright light.

"Second Lord."

Holding up the candlestick, Embroidery said with joy: "I know you are coming tonight, and the slave and maidservant have been waiting here."

When Sun Shaozong left the secret path, Jia Yingchun greeted him early, staring at Sun Shaozong affectionately, but there was nothing in her mouth-she always did this, or she wouldn't be called Er Mu Zhou in the first place.

However, the embroidered orange is a mess. As he closed the mechanism again, he smiled and said, "The second master is really drinking - you wait a moment, I will bring the sober soup."

Having said that, go out on his own.

Sun Shaozong was waiting to call her back so as not to disturb others.

Unexpectedly, she turned around to the corner, holding out a food box as if offering a treasure, and then digging out the hangover soup and two plates of light dishes from the food box.

At the same time, Jia Yingchun also silently handed over a hot towel for Sun Shaozong to wipe his hands and clean his face.

"After Xu Zheng [eight o'clock in the evening], and yet to see the second master, the wife knew that you must be in the wine bureau today, so I prepared a hangover soup specially."

As Xiuju said, she asked for credit for her master: "Our wife always keeps her mind in her stomach, but when it comes to thinking about the second master, she is no worse than others!"

Because the eldest brother is not in the capital, Sun Shaozong is afraid of accidentally wiping the gun and creating a ‘black house’ who can’t get on the table. Therefore, since the last time his uncle and sister-in-law became harmonious, they haven’t stepped into this place again.

And he had just returned from a two-year outing. The two masters and servants of Jia Yingchun had been hanging out for a long time, and it was inevitable that they were a little uneasy. That's why Xiuju said.

Sun Shaozong smiled, but he took Jia Yingchun, who was drooping down and silent, into his arms, searching for mountains and rivers and rubbing, he put his mouth in her ear and said something. Inconsistent **** words.

In just a few moments, Jia Yingchun seemed to be muddy, with no intention of resisting at all.

Seeing it, I can't even care about drinking the sober soup. I have to live in harmony in the hall. Suddenly, I heard a noisy noise outside.

Sun Shaozong was still calm, but Jia Yingchun jumped up immediately, pulling on the collar in a panic, concealing the spring light in his chest.

Seeing this, Sun Shaozong took the opportunity to pick up the sober soup that night, and casually ordered: "Go out and see, see what's going on outside."

After Xiuju got the order, he hurriedly removed the latch, opened a small gap, and the shadow puppet also got out.

Not long after, she returned to the hall again and reported helplessly: "Madam, don't be afraid, it is the uncle of Dongkua Yard who drank a few more glasses, and then spread the drunk madly in the yard with bare feet."

It turned out that Xing Zhong drank too much...

Sun Shaozong was quite speechless. Since he was in the Sun’s house, Xing Zhong initially tried to sell his daughter. Later, he saw that Jia Yingchun was a good friend, and his daily food and clothing costs were much better than when he lived in Rongguo Mansion. At first, I forgot to be clean, and I was thinking about eating and waiting to die.

Sun Shaozong was speechless at this time, but made Jia Yingchun misunderstood, and hurriedly said: "I will let the mandarin duck think of a way to send their father and daughter back to Rongguo Mansion tomorrow!"

"No need."

Sun Shaozong shook his head and said, "The left and right are also relatives, and there is not much he is an idler in our family-he will live as long as he wants."

With that said, a cat waisted and hugged Jia Yingchun, and walked inside.

Jia Yingchun hurriedly stretched out his hand to wrap his neck, but what he thought was: Does the second master really miss that cousin Xiuyan?


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