The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 813: The color of the crown

Although the line of sight couldn't penetrate the thick curtain, Concubine Wu still couldn't help but gazed in the direction of the study again and again. &1t;/

The pineapple-like buttocks, more like they were bitten by something, were rolling back and forth on the softness, printing out an eye-catching arc after another. &1t;/


After a long while, she finally couldn't bear to be lonely, and turned to ask the Concubine Niu who closed her eyes and meditated: "You said this, did that little **** do it?"&1t;/

Concubine Niu was unheard of, and didn't mean to respond at all. &1t;/

Concubine Wu curled her lips secretly. If she changed to a few years ago, she might have ridiculed a few words. &1t;/

But now her favor is declining, and Liudu people are pressing harder, and even the position of the elder son seems to be unsafe. The Niu Wangfei has become her natural ally. It is not easy to be like she did when she was young. Concubine Niu is the enemy. &1t;/

Therefore, Concubine Wu had no choice but to endure her annoyance and poured a cup of tea on her own. &1t;/

I was lowering my head and sips, and suddenly a maid rushed in and shouted in surprise or joy: "Niang Niang, Niang Niang! Liu Duren just ran away with disheveled clothes, just being caught Who has molested!"&1t;/


Concubine Wu immediately sprayed herself full of arms, and then suddenly collapsed and jumped up: "Really?"&1t;/

"The slave and maid saw her with half of her shoulders exposed and burst out crying!"&1t;/

After hearing the words, Concubine Wu ignored her wet breasts, she had meticulously glued out the outline of Hong Leong, and she got to the door a few steps before going out to see what happened. &1t;/

When she came to the door, she suddenly remembered that it was not she who was in charge here, so she turned around and said hopefully to the princess Niu: "Sister, you said that little bitch, did she get asked what's wrong? So ……"&1t;/

She was determined not to believe what she had been molested, crying and ran out--no matter how greedy and lustful people, how dare to molest the prince's favorite concubine in the crowd? &1t;/

Concubine Niu also knew that there must be something strange, but her mind was not actually on this case, so even if she was suspicious, she would not be as excited as Concubine Wu. &1t;/

So he just opened his eyes and said indifferently: "What the **** is the prince's arbitrariness."&1t;/


The faithful king’s ‘judgment’ was soon presented to everyone-as for fairness and injustice, then the benevolent will see the benevolent and the wise will see the wisdom. &1t;/

It is said that when he learned that Sun Shaozong dared to molest his concubine in the mansion, he was so angry at that time-this is suspicious, because since he weighed more than 300 kilograms, he had never seen the prince jump up in the mansion-still shouting He wanted to take down Sun Shaozong to vent his anger. &1t;/

It is said that it was Chang Shi Hu Tai who persuaded him to change his mind, but he only drove the brave Sun Shaozong from the palace together with the servants of Dali Temple. &1t;/

Of course, this is only an official statement, and there are many versions of private discussions. &1t;/

"Have you heard? That Liu Duren hated the princess for losing his face, and even pretended to be molested by the grandson, so that the prince would hate the princess!"&1t;/

"But how did I hear that she looked at the burly man in Sun Da's life, so she took the initiative to undress and undress..."&1t;/

"Bah, are you stupid? Hu Changshi was outside the door at that time. How dare she dare to seduce wild men?"&1t;/

"I can't help but that Master Sun is so bold, I can hear people say that when Master Sun was rebelling in Huguang Ping, he made several illegitimate children!"&1t;/

"Where, I heard that it was a barbarian who was afraid of being killed by him, so any barbarian girl he slept with claimed to be pregnant with his flesh and blood..."&1t;/

There are various rumors, but Sun Shaozong was driven out of the palace by King Faithful because of the Liudu people, but it was firmly established. &1t;/

As for the theft of Mingzhu that night, it seems to be temporarily handed over to the guards of the palace. &1t;/

And all they can do is to keep those who went out in the morning in the wood shed and repeatedly tortured them. &1t;/


In an alley two streets from the Wangfu. &1t;/

Sun Shaozong sat alone on the shaft of the car, with a look of helplessness between his eyebrows. &1t;/

His helplessness was naturally not because he was ‘expelled’ from the palace. In fact, this was what he had discussed with Hu Tai in order to lure the snake out of the cave. &1t;/

However, Sun Shaozong did not expect that Liu Duren was bold enough to pull off half of his clothes in front of him, as if he was teasing. &1t;/

Look at the look of the hungry fox, and the color of the crown on the head of the faithful king, I am afraid that it will be changed sooner or later. &1t;/

"My lord."&1t;/

At this time, Huang Bin slipped into the alley quietly and bowed to report: "According to your instructions, the villain has arranged manpower around the palace."&1t;/


Sun Shaozong nodded, and then told Tang Weishan: "Tang Temple is Zheng, you remember to send people to inform Honghe Temple and the Ministry of Rites to let them let out the wind, saying that the North Korean envoys are afraid of the wind and waves on the sea and are ready to leave early for home."&1t; /

Now that the stage is set up, wouldn’t the protagonist not be on the stage for nothing? &1t;/

Besides, even if Sun Shaozong was able to wait, King Faithful might not be able to stand his temper and continue to consume it with the culprit. &1t;/

That's why the news was released to force the culprit to act as soon as possible. &1t;/

Tang Weishan replied, but his face was full of doubts: "My lord, even if that person really wants to plant the North Korean mission, such a blatant approach, I am afraid that it will not have any effect?"&1t;/

This is also what Sun Shaozong can't figure out for the time being. &1t;/

He had dealt with the theft of new-style firearms, so he knew that Goryeo had arranged a lot of death rooms in the Great Zhou Dynasty. &1t;/

The original case ended with the Korean envoy Li Eunxian taking the initiative to surrender the firearm stolen from the dead. &1t;/

It is understandable that the rest of Korea will hate Li Eun-hyun for this reason, or even want to force the North Korean state to have a bad relationship with Dazhou by blaming him. &1t;/

But based on the current situation, how easy is it to plant the case of Ye Mingzhu theft on Li Enxian? &1t;/

Still say...&1t;/

What secrets are hidden in this? &1t;/

After thinking about it for a long time to no avail, Sun Shaozong had to press these questions to the bottom of his heart, waved his hand and said: "Don't worry about it, just keep an eye on the palace. When the culprit is caught, it will naturally come to light."&1t;/

With that said, he took out his pocket watch to see the time, and then ordered: "This official will go to the Beijing Palace for a banquet, I will leave it to you first."&1t;/

Tang Weishan and others all responded in unison, and Sun Shaozong got into the carriage and ordered Zhang Cheng to drive straight to the Beijing Palace. &1t;/


at the same time. &1t;/

In the flower hall of the inner courtyard of the Beijing Palace, he had prepared snacks, tea, and juggling, but his face was not a little bit of joy at this time because of the water-soluble master. &1t;/

This was not because he had already discovered that his crown had changed colors, but because of the absence of his elder brother Wei Rusong. &1t;/

But it turns out that Shuirong's banquet this time not only has a good relationship with Sun Shaozong, but also hopes to take the opportunity to resolve the grievances between Sun and Wei. &1t;/

Unexpectedly, Wei Rusong has never come to the banquet, but Wei Rusong has been urged again and again, and only let Wei Ruolan cause her discomfort. &1t;/

Think about it after his influence has decayed, the eldest brother is a little bit unwilling to listen to the announcement, and it is even more unpleasant under the water to dissolve the heart. &1t;/

I couldn’t help but complain to Wei Ruolan: “Back then, it was just a struggle of spirits. Now one is in the Shenji camp and the other is in the patrol camp, and there is no conflict of interest between each other. How can the eldest brother be so unwise and insist on making peace. Then the Sun family will continue to fight?"&1t;/

"Especially what I have seen, whether it is the crown prince ascending to the throne or the establishment of another crown prince, the Sun family will use it..."&1t;/

Wei Ruolan had guessed that Niu's son was shot and killed, and she was afraid that she would be inseparable from her elder brother. &1t;/

Therefore, towards Wei Rusong, there is also resentment in his heart. &1t;/

At this time, listening to the insoluble complaint, he hesitated for a moment, and then sighed: "I see what the big brother means, it seems that there is another way to catch the Rongguo so naturally he is reluctant to ask. The Sun family bowed their heads."&1t;/

Are there other ways to catch Rongguo Mansion? &1t;/

Shui Rong was taken aback when he heard the words, frowned and said: "If this is the case, I would have hoped for others, but now at the Rongguo Mansion, I am afraid that I may not be willing to get close to your family?"&1t;/

Sun Shaozong used to give charcoal in the snow, and he had become related to Rongguo Mansion a long time ago, so he now has the opportunity to meet the source of both sides. &1t;/

But the Wei family had been on the side of the prince with Shuirong before. Although he could not get the prince's trust, after all, he had passed the name certificate. &1t;/

In the current situation of seizing prostitutes, if you want to establish a good relationship with Rongguo Mansion, I am afraid it will not be so easy, right? &1t;/

But after asking a few more questions, Wei Ruolan was only vaguely aware of Wei Rusong's mind, but she was still at a loss as to how he would implement it. &1t;/

Therefore, the two said a few words, all of which were to no avail. &1t;/

Shuirong poured half a cup of tea irritably, then turned out his pocket watch to look at it, and said flatly: "I will discuss this later, it is important to deal with Sun Shaozong first-go, let me go to your sister's place."&1t; /

"Go to sister?"&1t;/

"Your sister told me yesterday: because of you, she had conflicts with Sun Shaozong several times. Now that Sun Shaozong has helped you, she needs to get close again in the future. She should come out to accompany you. No."&1t;/


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