The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 815: First entry into the palace

[First come three thousand+, then three thousand+ before 12 o'clock, and the third one should be around 2 o'clock in the middle of the night]

At the second quarter of noon [12:30 noon], Sun Shaozong's carriage was parked outside the gate of the Beijing Palace, and the guardian came into the flower hall of the back house with a loud voice.

When he crossed the two gates under the guidance of the steward of the palace, Shui Rong and Wei Ruolan had already greeted them personally.

A long distance away, he laughed and said, "Why is Master Sun so late? You can ask Xiao Wang to wait at home!"

Sun Shaozong hurried a few steps, seeing that he was close, he closed his footsteps and hugged his fists, and smiled bitterly: "It's also a coincidence. I took a case in the morning. It was so easy to deal with it. Who would expect to run into two groups of Taoist priests halfway? When the street scolded, I had no choice but to take another round."

Wei Ruolan has recently been frustrated by the officialdom and has some thoughts of escaping into the empty door. Therefore, it is inevitable to pay more attention to the affairs of this monk.

At this time, I heard that the two groups of Taoist priests scolded each other in the street, and there was no appearance of leaving the world. They could not help but said in amazement: "The two groups of Taoist priests scolded in the street? What is this for?"


Before Sun Shaozong could answer, Shui Rong shook his satin-white sleeves and sniffed his nose: "Isn't it because yesterday that Zhang Daoshi, who is pure and imaginary, suddenly wrote a letter to the court to select Daoist disciples and go to southern Xinjiang to pray for blessings with the army. Try to avoid the poisonous miasma in southern Xinjiang."

Wei Ruolan was stunned. She couldn't help but shook her head and sighed: "I don't want these monks, but they also have the ambition to serve the country."

Hearing his sigh, Sun Shaozong smiled: "Brother Wei is indeed a gentleman, but unfortunately he has bettered the thoughts of those Taoist priests-if they really have the ambition to serve the country, how can the two groups of Taoist priests curse in the street?"

Shuirong also said to the side: "This time Daoist Zhang has torn his face. Between the north and south roads, I am afraid that he will have to do a good job."

Wei Ruolan became more confused when she heard it, and hurriedly asked what was going on.

But it turned out that since the emperor started asking immortals and divination two years ago, the status of Daomen has also been greatly improved.

But in response to the saying that ‘foreign monks can recite sutras’, although this Qingxu view in the capital is not small, but it always shows up in front of others on weekdays, it will inevitably lose its sense of mystery.

Therefore, even though he is a local snake, he has been crushed by Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi recently.

That Taoist priest sent a letter to the court this time, requesting the selection of Taoist priests to join the army. At first glance, it seems to be a patriotic act of loyalty to the emperor, but anyone who cares can see that the key point of his memo is actually the prefix of ‘familiar with the geography and weather of the south’?

With this prefix, the ones selected to serve before the army are naturally only those Taoist priests from the south.

The Southern Taoist priests, who are mainly in Longhu Mountain, Jiangxi, are naturally very dissatisfied with this, so today there is the scene of scolding in the street.

"All right."

Shui Rong explained the cause and effect. Seeing that Wei Ruolan shook her head and sighed, she moved her hand impatiently: "Don't talk about the bull noses, this cold weather, Master Sun came here again in the wind and snow, and he followed her first. The king went to the flower hall to warm himself up with a few cups of hot tea."

With that said, came up enthusiastically and walked hand in hand with Sun Shaozong, and entered a spring-filled flower hall.

Several women flashed out two times, and they took off the cloaks and fox fur for the three of them eagerly. Sun Shaozong didn't care at first. Later, when Wei Ruolan bowed slightly, he seemed to be paying homage to those women, and he noticed something. The exception is coming.

These women are all in their early twenties, and they are full of gold and jade. They are by no means comparable to ordinary maids.

this is……

Sun Shaozong immediately thought of a certain hobby of water soluble: he likes to treat guests with concubines.

When Jia Baoyu came to the palace for a banquet, he met a water-soluble concubine at the wine table and rolled the sheets.

Later when the concubine died, Jia Baoyu personally went to the palace for the funeral.

Seeing that the few concubines took off their coats for everyone, they didn't mean to leave the scene. Instead, Tingting was curly at his side. Sun Shaozong sighed secretly, but he could only go to the countryside and follow the customs.

After all, welcoming guests with a concubine is also an ancient custom-didn't Su Dongpo in the Song Dynasty still exchange the pregnant concubine for horses?

Moreover, the princes and nobles who have been weird these days are really gone, and it is a blessing to not run into a welcoming guest with a **.


Even the princess has slept, and being served by a few concubines, what can't you bear?

He didn't care about it at the moment, and chatted and laughed with Shuirong and Wei Ruolan.

Nowadays, those who have spoken in a few words will naturally talk about the war in southern Xinjiang.

Shuilong also heard some rumors, and curiously asked Sun Shaozong to go south as a general.

Wei Ruolan was a little eager to try, quite a bit of the intention to invest in the military — no, he was originally from the army, so he could only say that he was back in his line of business.

Just like this, Sun Shaozong had some doubts.

It stands to reason that it's time to wait, and it's time to have a banquet with a few words of greeting. Why should the two of them not mention it? It's like delaying time?

This doubt was quickly answered.

Because the water melted for a long time, I finally couldn't bear it. He raised his chin at a concubine next to him, and ordered: "Go outside and see, see if the princess has arrived."

Sun Shaozong was shocked when he heard the word "Wang Concubine".

But in an instant he settled down again. If things were revealed, the water melt would definitely not be such a enthusiasm...

and many more!

Although it is not uncommon to treat guests as concubines among princes and nobles, does this also prove from the side that there may be a green hat plot in the water solution?

At the moment, Sun Shaozong's eyes were a little wrong when looking at the water.

However, this idea was quickly rejected by Sun Shaozong.

Because even if you have that special hobby, it’s not easy to show it in front of my brother-in-law, right?

Why did you invite the princess at this time?

He glanced suspiciously at the door, and watched the concubine shrunk her shoulders as she dived into the wind and snow. Sun Shaozong turned around and couldn't help but get up to test: "The prince, if the princess and empress are here, shouldn't you be an official Is it a temporary escape?"


Shui Rong hastily grabbed his wrist and said sternly: "Why is the princess here after you leave? She came here today to apologize to Master Sun in person."

Apologize in person?

As early as half a month ago, I had already asked for forgiveness at a negative distance. How could it be necessary to apologize in person?

However, after listening to the words of the water soluble, he was a little bit more determined, only that the water soluble was in order to win him, specially prepared this one.

But then the heart came up again.

He himself is confident and won't show any horses, but Weiying doesn't seem to be astute...

There were fifteen buckets going up and down, but there were already footsteps outside, and then the curtain was rolled left and right, and the concubine who had been ordered to invite the princess came in first, followed by Xia Jingui.

Is this little hoof too?

Sun Shaozong didn't know for a moment whether he should be grateful or fearful.

With Xia Jingui here, Wei Ying is really going to make any mistakes, and she can make up for it.

But the question is, she had a history of stigmatizing it before, can she be an honest assistant this time?

At this moment, a tall figure came into my eyes, and she saw her with a high bun, Emei swept, and she put Shuangxue on top of her head and shoulders. Shuli had three points of cold arrogance, but her eyebrows and her eyes were cold and arrogant. A little more misty.

Although it was not like the sassy posture of the past, the tenderness suddenly increased a bit, and immediately the few concubines in the house paled in comparison.

Sun Shaozong just got up and never sat down, and at this moment he bowed himself to welcome him.

Seeing the burly figure close in front of him, Wei Ying took a step. The legs hidden under the pleated skirt were a little sore for no reason. The feet hidden in the deerskin boots were even more itchy. , It seems to be wrapped up inch by inch by something.

In the Pian Ting before, she did not know how many emotions she had brewed, how many times she had simulated meeting with Sun Shaozong, and how many righteous words she made up.

But when he really arrived in front of Sun Shaozong, everything that had been prepared didn't know where to fly. Although the two cherry lips trembled, they didn't spit out a word.

Although this is mostly a psychological activity, the time of dazedness is inevitably longer.

Seeing this scene is a bit stalemate.

Although Shui Rong didn't think much about it for a while, she only thought she was arrogant and could hardly lower her posture to apologize-but if he procrastinated like this, whether he would see anything, it was hard to say.


Just at this moment, an innocent and reckless voice rushed ahead of Weiying.

Everyone followed the prestige, and saw Xia Jingui Xizi holding his heart, holding the fruit on his chest, two talking peachy eyes, staring at Sun Shaozong unblinkingly, and said excitedly: "I heard that Lord Sun is burly stature. , It's a man among men, when I saw it today, it was... it was..."

Only halfway through the words, the Zhen head suddenly drooped, and the blushing was reflected in everyone's eyes again.

This sudden appearance made the water dissolve, and Wei Ruolan was a little stunned, thinking in unison: It turns out that there are women who like this type!

Sun Shaozong gave a secret compliment in his heart: This little girl is really good at acting!

But after Xia Jingui’s interruption, Wei Ying finally slowed down, firmly biting Yinya's mind, bent over and said to Sun Shaozong a blessing: "It was because of Lang's business in the past~www.wuxiaspot. com~ I have offended Master Sun, and I ask the adults to look at the prince and don’t bother with me as a woman."

As he said, he got up a few steps and walked around the water solution, took his cup of tea, and held his hands to Sun Shaozong in one fell swoop: "Today, I will use tea instead of wine, and I will make a complaint to Master Sun first."

With that, he covered it with a sleeve, and drank the floating tea stalks together.

At this time, Sun Shaozong seemed to wake up in shock, waved his hands and said: "I can't afford it" and "Can't bear it.

"What's the point?"

Shui Yong laughed aside and said, "If it weren't for Master Sun to be fair and straightforward, then Lang would die in jail if he said he couldn't? With this, the princess should pay for it!"

As he said, he bowed and said, "Xiao Wang is not strict in his control, so he should also confess his crime to Mr. Sun!"

When Sun Shaozong saw this, he naturally dodged aside in a hurry, and repeatedly declined, but the water melted but refused to get up, he needed a word of forgiveness.

But they said that the three of them were ‘sincere and sincere’ here, and suddenly someone laughed at the side: “In the past, I only heard that Lord Sun is a hero in the world, but now I look at it as a modest gentleman.”

The person who interrupted was naturally Xia Jingui again.

This was a bit rude, but her next move was even more bold.

Seeing Xia Jingui's few lush and white fingers, he twisted the tea in front of Sun Shaozong, and stared at Sun Shaozong affectionately: "Why don't I have another cup for my sister and brother-in-law to respect the grandson? How about this incident? "

As he said, without covering up with his sleeves, he raised his head and poured the tea down.

Due to the urgency of drinking, a drop of light yellow tea slid down her sharp minibus all the way into the inexplicable place. Everyone who just watched looked at her.

This little hoof is really tricky again!


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