[Four thousand six hundred words, nine hundred short of the target...]

In front of Xuanwu Gate, Li Shuncheng got out of the carriage, replaced the shoulders raised by the two of them, copied his hands and shrank his shoulders, but he was full of urging.

Seeing the gate of Toudao Palace, a fat **** suddenly appeared in the slanting down, and his short legs leaped up to follow his shoulders. While sending a hand stove to Li Shuncheng's arms, he raised his shoulders with accents. The little eunuch:

"You two dogs! How come you don't know how to put on your godfather first in such a wind and snow?!"

Although several senior eunuchs with official duties have also obtained the special permission to ride the shoulders in the inner court, they are different from the emperors and concubines, but the shoulders are not allowed to have umbrellas to cover their heads.

Normally, it's fine. When it's windy and snowy, if you don't have a cold coat on it, it's almost the same as torture.

The two young ladies listened to him and scolded them, not daring to tell anything, but Li Shuncheng waved his hand: "It's none of their business, it's because I have something urgent to report to Long Live."

As he said, he lowered his voice and asked quietly: "Long live master is in Jingin Palace?"

It is inevitable for the eunuchs to inquire about the emperor's behavior. However, due to the rules, they dare not ask with much fanfare, so they can only act in such trivial manner.

"here I am."

After following these steps, the fat **** was a little out of breath, but he didn't dare to fall behind by half a step, so he changed the quick step to a trot, and while creaking the snow, he forced a smile and said: After the dynasty was gone, Long live Lord went to the Imperial Study Room of Jingren Palace, and he should be summoning Lord Shangshu Wang at the moment."

Summon Wang Yan?

It is estimated that it is to join the cabinet.

At this time, I went in and disturbed, it seemed a bit untimely.

But the news that Sun Shaozong had just heard would be impossible if it is not reported in time.

Li Shuncheng hesitated for a while, then sighed: "Look at you, fat! No matter, you two walk slowly, let the big brother slow down."

The footsteps of the two little eunuchs suddenly slowed down.

The fat **** burst into tears, took a few steps, turned and knelt down on the side of the road, repeatedly shouting: "Thank you godfather for sympathizing with your son, thank you godfather for sympathizing with your son!"

Waiting for Jianyu to pass by, he hurriedly got up from the ground again, followed up obliquely and flatteringly, waiting for Li Shuncheng's further instructions.

But Li Shuncheng still cares about him at this time?

He put the hand stove in his arms, put his robes together, and his thoughts flew back to the teahouse.

When Sun Shaozong's invitation was received, Li Shuncheng was still the impeached Lord Shaoqing. Is there anything to ask for his help?

So deliberately took Joe, two quarters of an hour later than the agreed time.

But when I arrived at the teahouse, I realized that Sun Shaozong had a military affairs and asked him to play the emperor.

If this matter is true, and it is impossible to say that Sun Shaozong has to remember a great deal, then his previous indulgence would seem a bit out of date.

Fortunately, Sun Shaozong didn't mean to care, but handed a ready-made olive branch.

In other words...

Sure enough, what I guessed at the beginning was right, that the little lady of the Xia family really had something to do with Sun Shaozong.

If that weren't the case, Sun Shaozong wouldn't catch up, he would be the matchmaker for himself and the little lady of the Xia family.

This kind of throwing the pot should be placed on others, and 80% of them would not even have to do it with friends.

But for Li Shuncheng, it was a symbol of the further relationship between the two parties. He didn't have that function. The original package was still opened, and it didn't make much difference.

Although what he really admired was actually the Miaoyu nun of Rongguo Mansion, in this situation, people who were thinking about Rongguo Mansion would be impatient to live.

Retreating to the next level, marrying a young lady from the Xia family, and taking advantage of Sun Shaozong's shortcomings is also an option.

In fact, if you want to put it aside in the past, Li Shuncheng may not be willing to be a picker.

But nowadays because of the dispute between the emperor and the queen, the situation in the palace is really complicated and tight. Li Shuncheng has just taken the position and has a weak foundation. It is inevitable that he can't reach the bottom.

So naturally, I hope to borrow external forces to leave a way for myself by the way.

It would be better if you could buy one and get one free.

In that way, I really want to have a short stirrup. For the sake of the father and son, Sun Shaozong is always hard to stand by.

"Is Grandpa Li in front?"

I was wondering how to remind Sun Shaozong tactfully, don't forget to buy one get one free, and come here with a small one, when someone in front of me called out.

Li Shuncheng raised his head subconsciously, only to realize that Jian Yu had entered the side door of Jingin Palace.

He was taken aback at the moment, and hurriedly scolded: "Are you guys crazy? Don't let me down yet!"

When the two young ladies heard the call, they had already slowed down. At this moment, they listened to him scolding, and put their shoulders on the ground in a hurry, and then fell to their knees.

The fat **** immediately came up with a smile, trying to help Li Shuncheng.

Li Shuncheng flicked his sleeves and drove him away, and yelled in angrily: "These two dogs are so confused, why don't you remind them that they are in Jingren Palace, and there are also us eunuchs sitting on the shoulders? "

The fat **** only committed the crime, but couldn't help but reminded in a low voice: "Godfather, Concubine Rong..."

"Yeah, who is this irritating Grandpa Li?"

Before the fat **** could finish speaking, a sweet and charming voice pierced everyone's ears again.

Hearing that voice had arrived behind him, Li Shuncheng's mouth curled, but when he turned around, he was already smiling: "The slave has seen Concubine Rong."

Concubine Rong turned her body to one side, half avoiding his salute, her eyes fell on the snow on his shoulders, and she suddenly complained without a word: "It's not that I said, the people below will really not take care of them, even a piece of clothing. I don't know what to prepare."

As he said, Lianbu moved lightly, and stretched out her soft white hand, waiting to brush off the snow on Li Shuncheng's shoulder.

Li Shuncheng was also on his side, avoiding Concubine Rong's initiative to show her favor, and said calmly: "The slave dare not to bother her."

At this time, the fat **** also hurried forward and helped Li Shuncheng sweep away the snow on his body.

Li Shuncheng took advantage of the situation and gave another hand: "The slave still has important things to do, so I rush to report it to your majesty, so I won't disturb the lady who appreciates the snow."

With that said, he bowed back two steps and headed towards the newly renovated Yushufang last year.

Seeing that the expression on Concubine Rong's face was a little stiff, the two little eunuchs who raised their shoulders, and the fat **** also rushed to confess their crimes, and then did a bird-and-beast-san.

"damn it!"

Seeing all around, only herself and the two close-knit court ladies were left, Concubine Rong couldn't help stomping her feet severely, and screamed: "Ingredient dog slave! If I hadn't lifted you up in front of the emperor, you could have Today’s scenery?!"

At the beginning of Jingren Palace, Concubine Rong was a good fame, and Li Shuncheng, as the prince of Jingren Palace, was also one of her main targets.

Thinking of Li Shuncheng in front of her back then, how submissive was that?

But now...

"When this palace is also pregnant with a dragon heir, see what kind of face your dog minion will be!"

Concubine Rong cursed angrily, but her heart was full of depression.

Relying on a few sexual obscene objects a few days ago, she had been favored twice.

But it was only two times.

Since then, Emperor Guangde has not visited her courtyard for more than ten days.

It's fine if it's just like this. The problem is that after the fight, the emperor never spoiled the other concubines.

Clear heart and few desires, to support life!

These eight words sounded grand-sounding, but what brought Concubine Rong almost despair.

At the moment, I can only hope that Jia Yuanchun will not be able to give birth to the dragon son. Then, the plan of incubating the dragon son in Jingren Palace will naturally be restarted.

"Niang Niang."

Thinking about it, the maid beside the voice couldn't help but reminded: "It's windy here, be careful of hurting your body."

"How about raising the body no matter how good it is?!"

Concubine Rong turned her head and glared at the palace lady ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Just about to anger her for a few words, she suddenly moved her heart, and subconsciously pulled the brocade robe on her body, and then flatly said: "Go, go back to the palace!"

Saying that he is going back to the palace is actually going back to his own courtyard.

After returning to the small courtyard, Concubine Rong dismissed the servants by her side, went into the interior alone, opened the window, and moved the charcoal basin outside.

Then she came to the flawed floor-to-ceiling mirror, gritted her teeth and stripped off the clothes on her body. She straightened her chest in the cold wind and stared at the well-nourished and nurturing figure in the mirror, resenting and looking forward to it. Muttering: "The emperor, the concubine is willing to do anything for you!"

The next day.

Concubine Rong felt the cold. In order to avoid transmission to the pregnant concubine, she was ordered to be removed from Jingren Palace by the emperor. After that, she had no chance to accompany the emperor...


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