The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 827: Raise donations, everyone will be Qi Nuan Xiangwu [Part 1]

However, it was said that Xue Baochai had left Xiyun Pavilion, and he couldn't help but feel regret.

Because Aunt Xue caught the wind and cold a few days ago, Xue Pan took the two of them back to Zijin Street to take care of them.

Looking at Aunt Xue's body and bones, Baochai was really uncomfortable with his sister-in-law's piety, and only then returned to Rongguo Mansion alone.

Who wants to catch up with this farce?

If he had known it earlier, he should endure it for a few more days, so as not to get involved in this turmoil.

But when it comes to this matter, Wang Xifeng's eyelids are too shallow.

If she is willing to take the initiative to distribute the money to her family, who would dare not accept her love here, inside or outside?

At that time, the position of the mistress of the house will be solid. Wouldn't it be better than keeping a pile of silver to make people red-eyed?

Because they were thinking about Wang Xifeng, the master and servant had nothing to say all the way. They saw the corner gate of the Grand View Garden, but they saw someone holding a lantern by the roadside.

Ying'er, who led the way, hurriedly raised the lantern in her hand. While looking at her, she raised her voice and asked, "Is that sister here?"

"Don't dare to be called Sister Yinger like this!"

There was a crisp sound in front, and the two random lanterns swayed to greet him. When they got closer, they also picked Yinger from a high place, and the one headed by two smiling melon seeds immediately appeared, but Shi Xiangyun Cuiwei around.

Xue Baochai, who rushed behind the green lance, gave a slight blessing, and said with a smile: "The girl is back, so hurry up with us!"

Seeing that she has no head or tail, she is so mysterious, Xue Baochai raised her eyebrows, half-truth and annoyed: "It's late at night, what are your masters and servants? ."

"Don't tell me!"

That Cuiyu is also used to jokes on weekdays. How could she be frightened by her words, and still laughed and said: "This time, it is a good deed to accumulate virtue. How can you be spared?"

Seeing that Xue Baochai was unmoved and wanted to go to Hengwuyuan, that Cuiwei hurriedly confided the truth.

It turned out that the court had set up a donation box, and even the imperial concubine Dee in the palace donated five hundred taels of personal silver. Shi Xiangyun and Jia Tanchun were both arrogant and wanted to raise a sum of money in the name of the poetry society.

Upon hearing this, Xue Baochai couldn't help frowning, and said in amazement: "Why are the two of them picking their heads? What about the sister-in-law?"

Although Shi Xiangyun is the most lively among the sisters, it is always necessary to hire a steady and elderly host for such things.

"At noon today, my grandmother might have eaten something that is not easy to digest, and I am keeping it at home now. I didn’t know you would come back today. Our girl should be together with the three girls and set up this table first. Got up."

Hearing that Li Wan also said that he was sick at home, Xue Baochai was surprised at first, and then he didn't care about it.

Li Wan's action was obviously to avoid suspicion, lest Wang Xifeng thought she was going to seize power.

It's just that Wang Xifeng just said that she was sick, she also followed the name of the sickness, but she appeared to be deliberate. Even if she didn't expect this level, now she is more worried.

However, as the green wisp walked more than a dozen steps away, Xue Baochai's heart moved again: Could it be said that Li Wan's move was just to attract the attention of others?

Thinking of this, Xue Baochai couldn't help but sigh secretly. A good family made all these twists and turns, and even this seemingly pure Grand View Garden could not escape the disturbances.

Putting aside these notions for the time being, she speeded up a little bit, and Xiang Cuiyu asked about the regulations of this ‘fundraising’.

Originally, he was afraid that Shi Xiangyun would be blindly arrogant, and he was good at hurting the sisters' sentiment.

But after asking about the various measures in detail, the rules were not at all messy, and the stench of the copper was deliberately hidden under the poetry and rituals, so as to avoid making any uncomfortable things because of the amount of money.

After hearing this, Xue Baochai realized that in the past, he actually underestimated the three girls Shi Xiangyun did not act so comprehensively, so it was naturally the credit of Jia Tanchun.

It's a pity that she made the mistake of casting her mother's womb with such a way of thinking.

While sighing, seeing Nuan Xiangwu not far in front of him, Xue Baochai suddenly remembered something and asked hurriedly: "I heard that the Xing sister went back to the house yesterday?"

After getting Yinger's affirmative answer, Xue Baochai secretly said "not good" in his heart, but it turns out that Jia Tanchun's arrangements have taken care of the uneven wealth of the sisters to a certain extent, but after all, they still need some money to make the bottom line. .

However, Xing Xiuyan’s monthly bills are not much, and his parents have to support...

Especially this time the rally was chosen in Xichun's Nuanxiangwu, and Xing Xiuyan is inevitable. If Yingchun and Xiangyun are not thoughtful, they will greatly jeopardize her face.

Thinking of this, Xue Baochai hurriedly quickened his pace, urging Cuiyu to rush to Nuanxiangwu.

When I arrived at Nuanxiangwu, I heard the laughter in the hall. Xue Baochai lightened his steps, and suddenly picked up the curtain in front of the door, feigning: "While I'm not here, you have done a great job!"

The girls, including Baoyu, were bluffed at first, and then when they saw she had arrived, they all laughed and surrounded them.

Shi Xiangyun is the closest to her, grabbing her stagnant wrist, jokingly said: "Okay, now our big benefactor has also arrived, this donation is considered to have been settled!"

After that, he asked how Aunt Xue's condition was.

When Xue Baochai heard this, he knew that he had not started fundraising, and he was a little relieved.

I answered everyone's concerns one by one, and then found another reason. He called Jia Tanchun to the corner alone, and asked with his throat: "This fundraising, did Sister Xing make arrangements for it?"

She was dragged aside by Tanchun, originally a bit inexplicable. At this time, she could not help but chuckle when she heard that she was inquiring. She hurriedly covered her mouth and said: "Sister, this time is unreasonably worried. Don’t forget that the second brother of the Sun family is the most Is it generous, since living in his house, there is no reason to go home empty-handed?"

Speaking of this, I reminded me hurriedly: "But Sister Bao, please remember not to mention the second brother of the Sun family in front of her.

Without waiting for Xue Baochai to question, she bit her ears again, and after Jia Yingchun refused to marry the Xing family, she raised the issue of concubine, and said it roughly.

Xue Baochai heard this, but couldn't help crying inwardly.

She regards Xing Xiuyan so Firstly, she respects her character who is out of silt but not stained; secondly, she also fell in love with her, intending to protect her cousin Xue Tao as a matchmaker.

Now that the stall is so popular, it is how Xue Tad likes Xing Xiuyan, and he is afraid that he won't be able to mention it again because of the Sun's side.

That's the same with the second brother of the Sun family. How enchanting is in the house, and seeing that he wants to add another flat, how can he still be dissatisfied, and think about Xing Xiuyan?

"Good sister!"

I was complaining in my heart, and someone behind me yelled: "You whispered and kept it until tomorrow. I can't wait to show my skills right now!"

However, Baoyu was impatient and grabbed the brush in his hand, eager to take the lead.

Xue Baochai turned his head and was about to answer, and Lin Daiyu next to him grabbed the conversation and sneered: "Yes, if Sister Bao delays any longer, how can someone still have a chance to show their ugliness?"

The sisters laughed in unison, and Baochai also joined the group, secretly looking at Xing Xiuyan, and seeing that her speech and behavior were the same as before, it became more and more regrettable for Xue Tadto in her heart.

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