The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 841: "Heaven" Shifu [Medium 3]

[The state is very bad recently, let me adjust it, and I will start to walk with 6,000 characters tomorrow, um, try to hold on for a few more days...]

"If you remove those few ladders from the main hall, there is nothing else to steal. The investigations at night...the investigations are also looser."

"My lord, it's not a humble job who wants to shirk responsibility. It's really difficult to do. It's a cold winter, and there are not enough staff at night. There are only three people watching the night. This is huge..."

"Yes, yes, humble duty understands, humble duty understands! Talk about business, talk about business!"

"The side halls on both sides of the east and west are being repaired right now. The front door is locked, and no one gets in or out at ordinary times. Therefore, it was not until after the hour that several people came over to move the ladder and found that there was a headless corpse hanging on it. "

"Then they called the humble post, and saw that the humble post had a serious death case, they immediately notified the Shangguan, and then sent someone to the Shuntian Mansion to report the case."

"Shuntian Mansion dragged on, it was almost noon when we got here, but before we could start the investigation, I heard that the case was transferred to Dali Temple again. Right now..."

"Huh? Wood? Of course there is wood! It's piled up in the backyard. It's all good materials, so those who stay at night will rest there nearby."

"Have you ever been passive? This...this has to be asked about the person on duty last night."

Feng Yinglong, head of the Hubu Yinglong Division.


"The villain was on duty last night."

"No, no, no, the villain just hung a name in the household department, which counts...not an official status."

"Yesterday... Yesterday we mainly went to the backyard and the east and west sides. Because there was really nothing to steal here, we left [la]."

"Master Mingjian, it's not that the villain does this alone, others are on duty..."

"Timber? No one should have moved, right? When we patrolled the night, there were people in the house. It stands to reason..."

"I can't hide anything from the adults. It was the villain who stayed in the backyard yesterday."

"No, no, no, there is still a dog in that yard. Even if the villain is blind and deaf, the dog will not react at all..."

"Eh?! It seems to be called a few times, but I turned around and didn't see anyone. After a while, the two night watchers had already returned."

"When the dog barked? It should be the third watch... It's just a quarter of an hour or two after the third watch? The villain really doesn't remember it."

Lin Baotian, a small foreman attached to the Ministry of Industry.


"Master Mingjian, don't we know where to patrol or not? Master let it go there, don't you just go there?"

"I didn't hear anything wrong last night. Who would have thought that this would cause death!"

Watchman at night.


"The main hall here was completed almost two months ago."

"The few ladders were brought here when they sent someone to the palace to check and accept them. They have been here for six or seven days."

"The last few days I repaired the side hall. A few ladders are enough. Starting from today, we need to repair the corridor. The more ladders the better."

"I haven't seen any strangers here in the past few days..."

Feng Yinglong.


After asking the confessions of several main relevant persons in charge, and comparing them with other confessions recorded by the yamen, Chen Jingde also happened to rush over with Wei Yi's confession and two confessions from Dali Temple.

According to the rules, it was originally to be sent back to Dali Temple for inspection.

However, Sun Shaozong is really not at ease about the business level of these two works.

With the autopsy equipment they brought with them, Sun Shaozong simply ordered people to collect materials on the spot and set up a simple autopsy table in the backyard shed.

Sun Shaozong sat sideways at the entrance of the workshop, paying attention to the dissection process inside, while discussing the case with Chen Jingde and Huang Bin.

During the whole process, the young master and two middle-aged Taoist priests kept watching with cold eyes.

Sun Shaozong didn't deliberately drive them away. He stated his attitude to this kind of thing. The previous conflict was enough. There is no need to offend people to death.

Of course, because of the presence of these three outsiders, Sun Shaozong inevitably had reservations when analyzing the case.

"grown ups."

From the corner, summing up all the details of the scene, the supervisor of the Ministry of Industry stationed here: Feng Yinglong, the principal of the Sixth Product Camp, rushed over.

Feng Yinglong is about his early thirties. Although the official position of Zheng Liupin is not a good candidate, he may be responsible for the overall project of this kind, but he can be regarded as a powerful figure in the Ministry of Industry.

However, in the face of Sun Shaozong, his "achievement" is not worth mentioning, especially when he has just finished a major death case that has passed the sky, his future is unpredictable.

Therefore, he put his attitude extremely low, and his waist fell straight down two feet away, and when he was in front of Sun Shaozong, his bow was like a pot on his spine.

With both hands raised above his head, he sent a list of newly transcribed people to Sun Shaozong:

"My lord, the humble job has already transcribed all the people who have come to work after the last inspection and acceptance in the palace according to your wishes."

After a pause, he further added: "Among them, those who have been on leave, and have been doing it for a few days, and those who will not be used later are all marked with a Zhubi."

Sun Shaozong nodded noncommitantly, took the roster in his hand and glanced at it, and found that there were about 70 or 80 names on it, and about 10% of them were marked by the cinnabar pen.


Fortunately, this case only happened after the winter. The main construction tasks have been completed, and only some technical tasks are left.

Otherwise, if it is two months in the morning, the scope of this list will at least expand more than five or six times!

"grown ups."

Fortunately, Feng Yinglong cautiously asked for instructions: "Is there anything else that needs to be done in a humble position?"

Sun Shaozong waved his hand: "Master Feng, you and I are not affiliated, so there is no need to mention the word humble job."

"My lord knows something."

As soon as Feng Yinglong heard this, he hurriedly said with a smile: "The humble job was originally working next to Guozhang Jia. He often heard about the great achievements of the adults, so he has long admired the adults. This "humble job" can be said to be willing and unwilling."

It turned out to be Jia Zheng's old ministry.

This officialdom is really big and big, and small and small.

Although he knew that he was deliberately trying to get in touch with each other, Sun Shaozong's attitude became more amiable since he had Jia Zheng's old side of affection. After a few idle passages with him, he sent him away.

After Feng Yinglong left, Sun Shaozong looked down at the roster for a long while, then ordered pen, ink, paper and inkstone to write and draw on the paper.

Chen Jingde and Huang Bin naturally did not dare to disturb him.

But the young master held back this for a long time, but finally he couldn't help himself. He confessed a few words with the two middle-aged Taoist priests around him, and suddenly raised his voice: "Master Sun, you have been asking this for a long time. find out……"

Before he could finish speaking, Sun Shaozong suddenly stood up.

Because he had suffered a loss before, this young master subconsciously took a half step back, pressing the long sword with his vigilant face.

Unexpectedly, Sun Shaozong didn't even look at him, and greeted Huang Bin directly and said, "Huang catch his head, go in with the officer to see the autopsy result."

Huang Bin took the command, also without even looking at the Young Master, bowed and followed Sun Shaozong into the work shed.


Master Shaotian was furious, and he was about to draw his sword again when he missed it, but was ‘persuaded’ by two middle-aged Taoists who had been preparing for a long time.

Although the young master had stopped using force, he couldn't help complaining: "I went to Zhongshun Palace a few days ago, and even King Zhongshun was very kind to me. He is a little Shaoqing, what can I do? How arrogant?!"

Two middle-aged Taoist priests laughed with him, but they did not respond to his words. Instead, one of them asked for instructions: "Master Shao, do we want to follow up? After all, Master Hongyuan has an explanation, so how can we keep our eyes on the officials? Every move."

After hearing the words, Master Shaotian frowned and looked into the work shed. After a while, he turned his handsome face to the side and sneered: "I'm going to go, I don't bother to look at the cold face surnamed Sun!"

The two middle-aged Taoist priests saw that although he looked awkward, he had lost his blood color when he took a closer look, and they felt a little speechless.

After looking at each other, one of the Taoists followed in.

But after a short while, the Taoist priest retreated pale again.

Although I have never seen a corpse when doing things, but this scene of smashing the intestines is the first time in my life.

Seeing his embarrassed appearance, the young master rolled his eyes and muttered ‘Useless things’, but he was extremely grateful.

at the same time.

Seeing that Taoist priest stumbled and escaped, Huang Bin grinned and said dumbly: "My lord, you asked Master Feng to collect the list of craftsmen, but you suspect that there is a ghost in it?"

Sun Shaozong turned his head and glanced at him, then spread his hand out: "I have just painted something, let me see."

Huang Bin hurriedly handed over the pamphlet recording the confession, only to see a few males with the deer head drawn on it, carrying a ladder in front of the main hall, pointing at the headless corpse.

However, the most pen and ink used in the entire painting is not the living people, let alone the corpses, but the ladders carried on their shoulders.

Sure enough, he is a smart one!

The reason why Sun Shaozong suspects that there is a ghost is because of these ladders.

The murderer was early and late, but chose to commit the crime the day before the craftsmen used the ladder. If it was just a coincidence, I am afraid it would be difficult to explain clearly.

"Then what do you think."

Sun Shaozong threw the manual back to to further test the school: "Among these seventy or eighty people, where should we start?"

"Of course it's the Liba who fights!"

Huang Bin replied without hesitation: "The villain has just inquired about Liba and the craftsmen are not very familiar with each other, and Liba people usually, when they can complete those delicate tasks, they will have to do it next. It's not a big deal anymore."

"If the traitor is hidden inside, it must be investigated in advance, so the suspicions of these Liba people are the easiest to find out!"

This Huang Bin is considered to be in the upper-middle position even in the criminal police team of later generations.

And among the yamen who have hardly received much professional training, they are even more known as top-notch people!

It's a pity that he was born too low and didn't know how to write a lot of characters. Unless he has made military merits in his life, he will at most stay in the ranks.

With regret in his heart, Sun Shaozong handed over what he had just written to Huang Bin: "Then, according to your intentions, first lead someone to ask the questions above Liba separately and ask me one by one."

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