Ma's residence was actually not far from the back garden, but they didn't get through each other. Instead, they needed a detour through the two gates to get in and out of it.

Compared with the two rows of template library-style dormitories just now, the environment here is naturally much better.

But the most outstanding one is not the main room of the main hall, but the east wing room, which has a different style from the northern architecture.

"Master Qingtian."

Seeing that Sun Shaozong stopped and looked at the structure of the East Wing, the clever maid Qiuhong said timidly: "The East Wing is the place where real people practice Taoism and Xuan, and even the wife dare not enter."

Sun Shaozong was even more curious to hear what she said.

However, no one who could call the shots was close at the moment, and he didn't want to embarrass the two maids too much, so he just nodded ambiguously, then motioned Qiu Hong to step forward and pushed open the door of the main room.

As soon as I entered the door, I faintly felt a warm fragrance, but when I entered the room, the smell became stronger.

And the decoration inside is like the tassel on the hood, full of girly appeal. Sun Shaozong even found a bunch of pink wind chimes and paper cranes on the window.

"Look around to see if there is something weird."

While commanding, Sun Shaozong opened the closet to himself, but saw that there were layers of clothes inside, all used by women, and he had never seen half of men's clothes.

So he asked casually: "Doesn't Madam Hongyuan sleep here on weekdays?"

Qiu Hong hesitated for a while, and replied hesitatingly: "The real person...the real person is preparing the pill for Long live Lord."

Although Ma is dead, the real person Hongyuan is still alive and belongs to the holy family Zhenglong. Or, as a maid, how can she dare to disclose the privacy between the husband and wife at will?

Therefore, it can only be so obscure.

Sun Shaozong was too lazy to fight with her, and asked straightforwardly: "In this way, Madam Hongyuan and his wife have not had **** with her for a long time? What is the relationship between their husband and wife?"

"Madam's feelings with real people are... self-excellent."

Qiu Hong said, but she lowered her head and neck subconsciously, but what she wanted to cover up was not the cowardice she deliberately pretended, but her eyes full of helplessness.

At this moment, there was a sudden jingle in the house, and Qiu Hong subconsciously raised his head and saw that Sun Shaozong tore off a paper crane and was dismantling it with great interest.

Her first thought was to dissuade her, but her lips moved slightly, and she remembered the identity of the person in front of her, so she swallowed her words again.

I was about to lower my head and neck again, but I heard Sun Shaozong say to himself: "I've seen it just now. Apart from the Ma family, there is not even a serious female crown in this mansion. Now Ma family is dead. I'm afraid I don't need so many maids anymore, right?"

"Under the Heavenly Master's Mansion, although they can marry a wife and have children, they are also cultivators. They are always more evasive to men and women than others, especially the real person Hongyuan is not close to women."

"It is estimated that when the staff is abolished, the younger and more attractive, the less likely they will be to stay."

"And shortly after the master's death, the close-knit maid who was fired, do you know what reputation it will bear?"

Having said that, Sun Shaozong finally threw away the paper crane in his hand and looked at the two maids with a smile.

Qiu Hong was flustered and short of breath by Sun Shaozong, but still gritted her teeth and never spoke.

But that Xia He didn't have such determination. After listening to Sun Shaozong's analysis, he was almost lost in horror. Now he is stared at by his eagle-like eyes, but he still cares about the master-servant friendship and career. Ethics?

At the moment, he knelt down in front of Sun Shaozong with a thump, and repeatedly said: "Lord Qingtian, please save the slave and maid. Qiuhong and I only know how to serve Madam. We haven't done any bad things!"

Saying that, Ewha cried with rain.

The two of them went in and out on weekdays. What they knew was the same. Since Xia He has been bluffed, what is the point of Qiu Hong's silence anymore?

Therefore, I had to sigh secretly, and then knelt down and said with his head touching the tunnel: "Lord Qingtian, please show me a way to survive for the servants."

Bluffing the two little maids is really nothing to Sun Shaozong, so he just raised his chin and said calmly: "Get up and talk."

Xia He still wanted to beg, but Qiu Hong hurriedly pulled her up from the ground, listening respectfully.

"If you wait until the innocent is implicated, then don't conceal it." Sun Shaozong said: "If you can provide some useful clues to help the officer find out the real culprit as soon as possible, you can comfort the Ma family's spirit in the sky. Officials can also give awards at their discretion. In the future, whether you are marrying a boudoir or looking for another owner's house, you will never be disturbed by rumors."

Before Qiuhong could speak, Xia He was overjoyed next to him, thanking her in a hurry, and promised to say something and never deceive a word.

In order to show her sincerity, she couldn't wait to answer Sun Shaozong's previous question.

"To talk about the relationship between the wife and the master, it is actually quite affectionate on weekdays. I won't talk about the cost of food and clothing. If the master has time, he will often gossip with his wife."

"It's just that if the master wants to practice the elixir, he must avoid yin, so he never sees them doing...doing things as a couple."

"I don't know if it's because of this. Madam is always a little unhappy when she is alone. Only recently did she gradually become happy, but..."

Seeing the key point, she suddenly looked like a bulging bun, and looked like she wanted to say nothing. Sun Shaozong couldn't help but urged: "But what? What's wrong with her?"


Xia He frowned, her brows wrinkled and tightened, but after a long while he was discouraged: "I can't tell what's wrong with Madam, anyway, it seems like I'm thinking about it."

"Madam seems to be suffering from gains and losses."

At this time, Qiu Hong interjected: "Madam seems to be a little bit unsure about something. It's better to be in front of others. Once she's alone, she's fidgeting."


Xia He hurriedly pecked the nodding chicken at the rice: "That's how it is, I have met Qiu Hong several times."

Judging by all these signs, the inference that Ma's and the murderer have an affair should be inseparable.

As for Ma's recent sudden improvement in mood and suffering from gains and losses, it is inferred from common sense that he should also be inseparable from the lover.

Decided to go far and high together?

Waiting for the lover to kill the killer?


The plot of the dog blood drama at eight o'clock.

However, there is no one in this house who fits the physical characteristics of the murderer. How did the murderer unknowingly bring the Ma family, who lived in the simplest form, to meet in the back garden?

Among them, there must be internal liaison in the play in order to explain it.

Will it be the two maids in front of me?


Although the two close-fitting maids are easy to get close to Markov, they are inconvenient for contact with the outside, and as long as they are asked a little later, they will probably leak their feet.

Thinking about this, Sun Shaozong asked again: "Before going to the garden today, did she have any unusual behavior? Or did she meet someone alone?"

"Madam has been with us all day, and has never been alone with others." Na Qiuhong shook her head and said, "Lord, I heard that there was a dead person in the Tianshi Mansion. There was a lot of trouble in this mansion. , Even if there is something abnormal about the wife, the servants can't see it."

After a pause, she added: "In the evening, the lady suddenly felt bored. It seemed strange to have to go to the back garden by herself."

Needless to say, Sun Shaozong had already noticed this.

"Then what else? Is there anything unusual about her lately?"


The two maids looked at each other, Qiu Hong shook his head, but Xia He was thoughtful, and he paused for a while: "The slave and maid don't know if it is an abnormality. Recently... Recently... Recently... "

He muttered repeatedly, his face became redder and red, but his voice became quieter.

When Sun Shaozong saw this, he immediately sank his face and scolded: "Ma's is alive in the sky, and I definitely hope to find out the real culprit as soon as possible. What do you have to avoid now?"

After suffering from this fright, Xia He dared not hesitate anymore, and hurriedly said: "Recently, the lady has always felt her chest swell, and the underwear she brought from the south has also...unexplainably tightened."

Your chest is swollen?

Is the underwear tighter?

In Sun Shaozong's mind, the broken shoulder strap flashed past, and then the silhouette of You's waist turned sideways when he was in Ningguo Mansion.

Secondary development?

That's it!

No wonder she wants to fly away with her lover, no wonder that lover will suddenly kill!

Sun Shaozong immediately called a government officer who was searching for evidence, and whispered a few words in his ear.

The ya servant showed a look of consternation, and then nodded again and again, then turned and hurried away.

With just the fore and aft effort, Huang Bin walked in from the outside and reported: "Master Qi, the confessions of the left-behind people have been recorded, but it happened that before and after the incident, everyone had an alibi."

This did not go beyond Sun Shaozong's expectation, but in this way, I am afraid that it will take a little more time to find out the inner ghost.

"grown ups."

While pondering, Huang Bin cautiously asked for instructions: "Should we send additional manpower to protect all the people in the Heavenly Master's Mansion?"


"'Heavenly Master's Mansion' is three words, two are already dead right now..."

It seems that he thought of the possibility of the murderer's continuous crimes and the possibility of three kills.


If this case is the same as Sun Shaozong inferred, it was because Ma was pregnant and the adulterer was afraid that the matter would leak, so he designed to kill Ma, then he would gather three kills to provoke the Heavenly Master’s Mansion, wouldn’t it be superfluous?

Sun Shaozong even had some doubts that the so-called "teacher" was actually added as a blind eye by the murderer after learning about the case of the Heavenly Master's Mansion.

But it was another group of people who really made the headless case.

However, all this is just speculation at the moment, so Sun Shaozong didn't say much, just waved his hand and signaled Huang Bin not to mention this matter for the time being.

Then he asked the two maids again: "Since your wife came to Beijing, has there ever been a tall person who appeared next to her?"

The two maids nodded without hesitation.

Sun Shaozong was a little surprised by this simple and neat thing.

After all, before Hongyuan Daoist and Hongfeng Taoist, both said that the Ma family lived in a simple way, and had never seen any foreigners, and said that there were no tall people in this mansion.

However, the attitudes of the two maids today are completely opposite!

Sun Shaozong came in interest immediately, staring at the two and asking: "Who is it?!"

"It's the real person's big disciple Ma Daochang."

As Qiu Hong said, she added another sentence: "He is also his wife's nephew, so when he was in the capital, he had met his wife a few times."


Was it actually such a stimulating relationship? !

"What do you mean by then?"

Sun Shaozong smacked his tongue, but immediately grasped the point of his words: "Could it be that Dao Ma is not in the capital now?"

Xia He rushed and said: "More than ten days ago, Master Ma was sent to Longhu Mountain by a real person to deliver the letter."

That's it!

If the Ma Taoist pretended to return to Jiangxi, but secretly lurked in the capital, and managed to bring Ma to the back garden, and then kill him.

It is not surprising that he invaded from the outside and knew the geographical environment, as well as his work and rest time.


In this way, the reaction of Hong Yuan's real person before seemed very strange.

Even if the Ma Taoist had left more than ten days ago, but he proposed that the tall and burly person is very likely to be a disciple of this mansion, Master Hongyuan should have thought of him right.

But why do you have to play word games, saying that there are no tall and burly people in the house?


It is suspiciously tight!

However, to say that the real Hongyuan is suspected, this logically does not make sense.

How can anyone who is wearing a green hat, likes to be a father, and has a wife killed, will take the initiative to favor adulterers?

Sun Shaozong was at a loss for a while, but this did not prevent him from decisively ordering Huang Bin to find the Taoist priests in this mansion, draw the appearance of the Taoist priest, and then set up cards to intercept them secretly at each city gate.

The city gate was closed at Youzheng [six o'clock], and it would take at least two quarters of an hour to rush from the mansion to the nearest city gate, which was too late.

If Ma Taoist was really a murderer, he must still be in the city at this time!

After a pause, Sun Shaozong said again: "What you said just now, there is indeed some truth to this. This official is now revising a book. Please Mr. Wei, in the name of our Dali Temple, transfer some personnel from the city defense camp, and will not leave for a moment. Hold here."

With that said, the two maids found pens, inks, papers and inkstones, wrote a petition letter with a splash of ink, and affixed them with a personal seal as proof, so that Wei Yi could be assured of deploying personnel.

When he handed this letter to Huang Bin, Sun Shaozong inadvertently saw that Qiuhong was hesitant to speak, and he was surprised to say: "What? What do you think of again?"

Qiu Hong shook her head hurriedly, but then hesitated and asked: "My lord, you... are you suspecting Mr. Ma or the murderer of Madam?"

Sun Shaozong raised his eyebrows and asked ambiguously, "So what?"


Qiu Hong became more hesitant, but finally said, "But Dao Master Ma didn't go on the road alone, there are two other juniors with him."

Are three people walking together? !

Sun Shaozong's heart sinks. If the three of them go to Jiangxi together, if the Ma Taoist stays alone or leaves halfway, he will definitely be suspected unless the three are all in one group!

But this is even more incredible.

You must know that it was not ordinary people who died, but the wife of the real Hongyuan, that is, their wife.

This involves adultery and ethics. Who dares to tell others indiscriminately? !

Sun Shaozong's thoughts flew in his heart, but he asked further: "The two junior brothers who accompanied him were chosen by Dao Master Ma himself or appointed by Real Hongyuan?"

"It was assigned by Taoist Hongfeng."

This is even more strange!

Even if there are really two accomplices who dared to kill each other without hesitation, how can Ma Taoist guarantee that his hard-core accomplice will be selected to go with him?


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