?After a quarter of an hour.

"My lord, you have already asked clearly."

"The suspect's full name is Ma Yizhen, and he was fourteen years old and he has been his teacher Hongyuan. It has been nine years since then."

"This person is very unpopular because he is the eldest disciple of True Person Hongyuan and his nephew. He is usually arrogant and treats several juniors as slaves, so he is very unpopular."

"The two Taoist priests who went along were Zhao Yixiong, the third disciple of Zhenren Hongyuan, and Liu Yiwei, the fifth disciple."

"Zhao Yixiong is the most outstanding disciple of Master Hongyuan. Master Hongyuan has said several times that it will be Zhao Yixiong who will inherit his orthodoxy in the future."

"Because of this, the relationship between Zhao Yixiong and Ma Yizhen has always been at odds, and it can even be said to be incompatible."

"Liu Yiwei is the nephew of the real Hongyuan. Because of this identity, Ma Yizhen and Zhao Yixiong treat him differently."

"However, Liu Yiwei is dull and staid. Apart from serving the real man Hongyuan, he always shows off to anyone, so the relationship with the two is quite ordinary."

"Ma Yizhen is tall and burly; Zhao Yixiong is of medium stature; Liu Yiwei is dark and small."

Although it was thought that the three people committed the crime together, the possibility of murdering Ma was unlikely, but Sun Shaozong ordered Huang Bin to verify the relationship between the three and the Taoist priests.

Only from the survey results, if the Taoist priests-including some Taoists-did not lie collectively, these three people would be enough for the Romance of the Three Kingdoms!

To say that they can cooperate sincerely and cover Ma Yizhen to sneak into the capital to kill Ma, it is estimated that Ma Yizhen himself may not dare to believe it!

As for the hypothesis that all three of them have an affair with Markov...

According to a series of investigations by Sun Shaozong just now, it can be preliminarily determined that Ma is a woman with low mental maturity, introverted, literate, and eager to be cared.

Once such a woman is left out in the cold, the chance of derailment may not be low, but it should not be possible to say that she has **** with multiple lovers at the same time.

"My lord, look at what this is!"

Sun Shaozong was rubbing his eyebrows with his fists, trying to piece together the logical relationship. The servant who had not dared to idle and searched the room suddenly screamed.

Sun Shaozong turned his head and looked around, and saw that he was squatting in front of the dressing table, holding a piece of paper scraps as large as a fingernail like a treasure, and there were obvious burn marks on the edges of the paper scraps.

Sun Shaozong hurriedly stepped forward and took a closer look. When he saw that there was no dust on the paper, he suddenly felt his eyes shine.

This was obviously only ignited not long ago!

He cautiously put the scraps of paper into his hand and asked, "Where did he find this?"

"It's under this dressing table, the villain pulled it out with a broom just now!"

The servant was quite proud. He actually had nowhere to search before, and he didn't dare to be lazy in front of Sun Shaozong, so he took a broom and scrabbled under the bed and cabinet. Then he thought he really found a clue!

Sun Shaozong looked at the dressing table, then turned around and asked, "Is there a charcoal basin in this room before?"


Qiu Hong immediately replied: "It hasn't been interrupted since the morning. Later, the lady was going out. She was afraid that no one in the house would look after her. She accidentally walked the water, so she moved to another place."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and pointed to a corner: "It was originally placed here."

The place she was pointing to was only three feet away from the dressing table. If Ma Shi had thrown a whole piece of paper into the charcoal basin, there would be debris from the corners and corners that floated to the dressing table. Underneath, it is not surprising.

"This is weird."

Sun Shaozong showed the paper scraps to the two maids and said coldly: "There is no pen, ink, paper, inkstone, and no books in this room. You just said that no letters were sent in. Then the one who was burned what?"

The questioning returned to questioning. In fact, Sun Shaozong didn't really doubt these two maids in his heart.

Because according to the investigation just now, they live with Ma’s nest in the back house almost all day. If they want to pass on the news, they have to go through the hands of others.

But who would dare to convey such a terrible scandal through the hands of so many people?

Otherwise, as long as there is a problem in one of the links, it will be a disaster for the adulterer!


Xia He looked at the piece of paper in horror, and then looked at Qiu Hong with suspicion, apparently suspicious of what Qiu Hong had done with her back on her back.

Qiu Hong did not respond to her suspicion, but gradually tightened her brows, looking thoughtful and unbelievable.

After a long while, under Sun Shaozong's gaze, she hesitated and said, "Master Qi, Master Qingtian, the servant girl really doesn't know where this thing came from, but..."

"But what?"

"But it's not just me and Xia He who have been to this dormitory today, but also... and the master!"

Real Hongyuan has been here?

It wasn't always he who helped Ma Yizhen by asking Ma to go to the back garden to kill him?

This is also inconsistent with common sense!

If you know that he was wearing a green hat, he might want to smash the adulterer's body into pieces, how could he...

and many more!

There was a flash of inspiration in Sun Shaozong's mind.

Previously, because of the traces in the back garden, especially the murderer's unwillingness to destroy Ma's remains, and the appearance of Ma's seven emotions, he had acquiesced in his heart that the murderer who killed Ma was Ma's lover.

But what if this is not the case?

If Ma Yizhen killed Ma, not because he was Ma’s lover, but because he was instructed to kill Ma, who was conceived by adultery?

Inferring further, the three people sent to Longhu Mountain in Jiangxi seem to be incompatible with each other, and there is basically no possibility of collusion.

But what if all of this was instructed by the real person Hongyuan?

The three conspired...

Do not!

As long as there are two people conspiring together!

Because another person is very likely to be a real adulterer!

After all, according to the current investigation, only a few apprentices favored by Hongyuan real person can come into contact with Ma.

And Hongyuan real person designs to kill his wife, will he let the adulterer be unsuccessful?

"Huang Bin!"

Thinking of this, Sun Shaozong immediately ordered: "You immediately send someone back to the Yamen, and bring the headless corpse here, so that everyone in the Heavenly Master's Mansion will recognize it!"

Without waiting for Huang Bin to take his orders, he motioned Huang Bin to his ears, and whispered a few words quietly.

Huang Bin nodded knowingly, and hurried to the dormitory again.


Half an hour later

After searching the inside and outside of Ma's residence three times, Sun Shaozong took the maids and officials back to the front hall again.

Contrary to the previous "A bird enters the forest, a hundred birds squeeze", when Sun Shaozong entered the hall this time, instead of abating the noise, instead of adding fuel to the fire, waves were higher than waves.

Perhaps it was because of the strength that was drawn from it, one of the young Taoist priests directly shouted to Sun Shaozong and asked: "This sir, your endless cross-examinations, don't you always treat us as murderers?!"


Someone next to him immediately picked up: "This is clearly against our Heavenly Master's Mansion. You wait for the official to arrest the murderer, but just pester me and wait for the suffering master to do what?"

Seeing that there was a leader, the rest of the Taoists all started to beat their drums.

For a while, the crowd was angry, and the bluffing officials panicked. After all, the price of Taoist priests has risen recently. If there is a tumult, this court board may not necessarily hit them.

Sun Shaozong turned a blind eye, stood by the side of the platform as if nothing was wrong, and ordered: "Go and bring the real person Hongyuan here. The officer has a few questions. Please ask the real person to explain clearly in public."

The few government officials at the door were like an amnesty, and you rushed out, but the hall fell silent.

Relying on the recent momentum of the Tianshi Mansion, the Taoists may dare to fight against the court officials to a certain extent, but never dare to make trouble in front of the real person Hongyuan.

Not long after, I saw the real person Hongyuan enter from the door with his head high. A group of Taoist priests are busy with the honor of ‘Master, Uncle, and Uncle’.

Honourable Hongyuan ignored everything. He settled in front of Sun Shaozong and stared at him for a long while before he said: "I heard that Sun Shaoqing has a few questions, do you want me to answer them personally?"

"Not bad."

Sun Shaozong nodded slightly, and then asked straightforwardly: "How tall is Ma Yizhen, the real disciple?"

"More than six feet."

"Are you familiar with the terrain of this mansion?"

"Naturally familiar."

"When the official asked, why did the real person insist that there is no one in the Heavenly Master Mansion who is six feet tall?"

"Ma Yizhen left Beijing ten days ago, how can he do this? Since there is no suspicion, naturally there is no need to mention it."

"I heard that the three and five disciples of real people who walked with him?"


"How can the real man know that he will not conspire with two juniors and hide in the capital secretly..."

"Sun Shaoqing!"

Madam Hongyuan interrupted Sun Shaozong's words, his narrow eyes stared at Sun Shaozong undaunted, and asked word by word, "Do you rely on the word ‘must have no need’ when you settle the case in the past?"

Sun Shaozong silently stared at him for a while, and then grinned suddenly: "What the real man said is that I just made a slip of the tongue. How can the three people in the same group be at odds with each other? In fact, it is Ma Yizhen and Liu Yiwei, who joined first. Murdered Zhao Yixiong, and then..."

"Master Sun!"

Madam Hongyuan interrupted Sun Shaozong again, and his words became more and more rude: "Although I respect you as the blue sky, but I can't let you talk in a vernacular, which will stain my disciple's innocence!"

After a pause, he said again: "Furthermore, Yizhen is my nephew, and Yiwei is my nephew. For no reason, how can they deceive their masters and destroy their ancestors and kill Zhuojing regardless of Lunchang?!"

"For no reason?"

Sun Shaozong sneered, then shook out a pamphlet from his sleeve and handed it to Real Person Hongyuan, saying: "Is it for nothing, the real person knows it clearly, but the officer is not confused."

Honourable Hongyuan’s gaze fell on the blue pamphlet, and he unconsciously squirmed a little bit, but his mouth was still calm: "What is this?"

Sun Shaozong raised the booklet up: "Naturally it is the post-mortem record of Mrs. Zun."

Master Hongyuan's left hand also lifted up subconsciously, but it was still far from the booklet, and it froze in midair.

Immediately, he dropped his hands altogether, shook his head and said, "Master Sun has something to say."

This made Sun Shaozong a little unexpected. He was stunned for a moment and saw that Madam Hongyuan had no intention of changing his mind. He immediately opened the autopsy report and selected one paragraph and said: "The corpse X room, abdomen, hind buttocks, Spots of different shades were found. According to the judgement of the few stable women who were temporarily invited, the deceased was pregnant before his death, and it was three months old."

Having said that, Sun Shaozong closed the booklet again and raised his voice to the real person Hongyuan, and said: "Real person, this is not something'unnecessary', right? Or, if you want to take out the evidence, please check it yourself. Will you believe it?"

Honourable Hongyuan's face has completely gloomed, and even a few of the people in the crowd are also surprised.

But more people are inexplicable, and some even couldn't help but yell: "What does this mean? Auntie is pregnant, what is the relationship with Senior Brother Ma and others?"

In fact, Sun Shaozong hadn't planned to expose this matter in front of everyone.

However, Hong Yuan did not accept the move, so he had to make it public.

Now that he opened his head, and then concealed it, it seemed that he had no confidence. So Sun Shaozong heard someone questioning, and he smiled at the moment: "What is the relationship with Ma Yizhen and others, it is still difficult to conclude at the moment, but this child is the same as Hongyuan. Real people have nothing to do with each other!"

This was really an uproar in the audience.

"Absurd! How dare you slander my uncle like this!"

"Senior Master has been in Beijing for five months. What's so strange about being pregnant for three to four months?!"

"Master and Madam have always loved..."

"My uncle is a real person entrusted by your majesty, how dare you..."

"Of course the official dare to determine!"

Sun Shaozong first screamed, interrupting all kinds of doubts, then looked around the audience and sneered: "Otherwise, the real person Hongyuan would have committed the crime of deceiving the emperor, and your Heavenly Master Mansion will be equally incapable of getting rid of it. Get involved!"

After a pause, he added: "Because Honourable Hongyuan once said personally that when he is making alchemy for your majesty, you can't get close to female sex."

The uproar in the hall was even worse.

But soon, he fell into a death-like deposition.

Those in the deep city, each looked at their eyes, nose, nose, and heart; and more people looked at the real person Hongyuan in disbelief.


In the midst of this dead silence, Honourable Hongyuan suddenly sighed: "I have just thought about her various things in the past, and I have already expected it, but never thought... never thought..."

As he said, he suddenly raised his head and laughed: "Hahaha... I think that Liu Hongyuan is conceited in my life, but I never thought, never thought...hahaha..."

The laughter was sad and bleak, and his thin and tall body was shaky, and everyone who was looking straight at him was struck by their wrists.

Only Sun Shaozong cursed secretly at first, and then frowned.

According to the existing clues, Ma Yizhen and Liu Yiwei must have been instigated by the real person Hongyuan to kill Zhao Yixiong and Ma.

As long as one of Ma Yizhen and Liu Yiwei was arrested and confessed to the truth, then even if he concealed it, he would only be struggling to death.

However, Hong Yuan’s performance at this time made Sun Shaozong think of another possibility-what if Ma Yizhen and Liu Yiwei refused to confess, or ‘unable’ to confess?

At that time, I didn’t seem to have any evidence. It was the man behind the scenes who could lock onto the real person of Hongyuan~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Thinking deeply, although the real person of Hongyuan lost face at this time, he was trying to refine the elixir for the emperor. Only after neglecting his own wife, he was put on a green hat.

As long as he is not involved in the case later, the emperor will certainly be comforted...


Isn't this guy doing it right from the start, ready to make the Green Hat identity public?

"My lord, my lord!"

At this moment, a government officer flew up recently and reported: "The corpse has been delivered, and I am waiting..."

"Let Huang Bin speak first!"

Sun Shaozong hurriedly interrupted his report and said involuntarily: "Leave the corpse out first!" (https:)

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