? Still facing the corner of the Ling Peng.

The difference is that the high-back chair Sun Shaozong originally sat straddling has been replaced by a red sandalwood easy chair. He holds Kuafu’s day-to-day gilt stove in his hand and a snow leopard skin blanket on his knees.

If it weren't for his refusal, there would be two maids on the left and right, specially serving tea and snacks.

Most of this, of course, comes from You's little care.

But it is also because Sun Shaozong's current status is enough to be treated seriously-otherwise, no matter how much You want to please him, he will have to heed the opinions of others.

Decaying class privileges.

Sun Shaozong was silently [jiao] and [qing], and took the newly brewed Wuyi Dahongpao from Chen Jingde, while lowering his head and sniffing the curling incense mist, while reading word by word, reading the hall just delivered. Trial confession.

As expected, he only read the three or five elements, and the word'righteous indignation' was already on the paper.

According to Ma Yizhen, the ‘prime culprit’, he accidentally discovered that Zhao Yixiong had an affair with his wife Ma Chunfang more than half a month ago. After tossing and turning for a few days, he didn’t know whether he should tell Master Hongyuan the matter.

At this time, in order to confirm the many issues concerning the contemporary Zhang Tianshi going northward after the beginning of the spring next year, Ma Yizhen, Zhao Yixiong, and Liu Yiwei were ordered to rush to Jiangxi.

Ma Yizhen felt at the time that this must be God's desire to clean up the door with his own hands, and that's why he lowered such a golden opportunity.

So before leaving Beijing, he started planning.

First, under the guise of Zhao Yixiong, he agreed with Ma Chunfang to elope yesterday evening.

Immediately after leaving the city, Zhao Yixiong and Liu Yiwei were summoned to announce that there was a secret mission to be performed before going south to Jiangxi.

That is to look at the opportunity to induce the spiritual veins to overflow in the newly built Tianshi Mansion, with the prestige of the Zhuang Tianshi Mansion.

Zhao Yixiong and Liu Yiwei did not suspect that he had him, so they followed Ma Yizhen to lurking outside the city.

During this period, Ma Yizhen and the loyal Liu Yiwei reached an agreement, so the two of them led Zhao Yixiong to the Tianshi Mansion to be killed the night before.

And they took away Zhao Yixiong's head and clothing for fear that someone would recognize Zhao Yixiong, and then reveal the truth that the three of them did not leave Beijing.

[By the way, the reason why Zhao Yixiong's corpse was confirmed was precisely because of the vague mark Sun Shaozong found on the chest of the corpse-it was a token that Zhao Yixiong had worn since childhood, a unique pattern.

At that time, Ma Yizhen also deliberately took this thing away and destroyed it, but he never noticed that when Zhao Yixiong was pressed on the incense burner, the token printed a vague mark on Zhao Yixiong's chest. 】

After resolving Zhao Yixiong, Ma Yizhen followed the'protocol' and sneaked into the real man's mansion to kill off relatives and get rid of the humiliation of Ma Chunfang's family.

According to the original plan, they would go south by boat the next day, pretending to be robbed halfway, and classified Zhao Yixiong as a missing person.

In this way, these two murders will be recorded on the opponents of the Heavenly Master's Mansion, and there will never be a day when the truth will come to light, and the reputation of the real person of Hongyuan and the Ma family has also been preserved.

However, what they never expected was that when they came to Dongbianmen in disguise this morning, they were caught by the officers and soldiers with the portraits of the two!

Later, there was admiration for the government, and I don’t know whether it was true or false. Anyway, Sun Shaozong was too lazy to look at it. He flicked his fingers on it twice, sipped his tea and asked, "Vice Chen, what do you think of this confession?"

"Cheap Yang...cough!"

Chen Jingde spoke quickly and almost spoke out what was in his heart. He hurriedly used a cough to cover up, and changed his words bluntly, "Humble job means, this is mainly due to your sacred plan, your lord. Once they were captured in the capital, the two murderers' wishful thinking fell. After being empty, naturally there is no way to quibble."

Sun Shaozong glanced up at him, and asked in puns, "According to you, there is nothing missing in this statement, is it?"


Chen Jingde was stunned, and then suddenly said: "Yes, there are still some omissions in this, I am afraid that the adults will interrogate them in order to make up one by one!"

This guy obviously thought that Sun Shaozong's so-called omission was actually trying to trouble Si Cheng Yang Zhiming.

But his guess is not entirely wrong.

The reason why Sun Shaozong wanted to submit the case to Yang Zhiming for trial, in addition to arguing that the two murderers could not confess the truth, also meant to test Yang Zhiming.

Judging from the current results, Yang Zhiming's performance is not satisfactory-of course, Chen Jingde is just half a cat.

Turning his gaze behind Chen Jingde, Sun Shaozong handed the confession out again: "Huang Bin, come and look at this confession. What's wrong with it?"

Seeing Sun Shaozong stepped past himself and asked a little head-catcher, Chen Jingde's face was rather uncontrollable.

But Huang Bin was a bit more shy than Chen Jingde, bowed awkwardly and said: "This... villain... villain can't read."

I forgot about it.

Sun Shaozong took the confession in Chen Jingde's arms without any doubt, and unquestionably ordered: "Read it to him."

Chen Jingde felt more and more humiliated, but now, how can he dare to violate Sun Shaozong's will?

He gave Huang Bin a fierce look, and reluctantly read the confession again.

Huang Bin heard it with trepidation at first, but the more he went to the back, the heavier the cloud of suspicion on his face.

After Chen Jingde finished reading, he hesitated for a moment, and then he said, "Master, I don't know if it is an omission, but there are some doubts in his heart."


"First, according to our investigation, Ma Yizhen, Zhao Yixiong, and Liu Yiwei are the most trusted apprentices of Hongyuan Zhenren on weekdays. It stands to reason that sending two out is enough. Why should we keep one by my side."

"Furthermore, there is a young master in the capital, and he is the most appropriate person to contact and coordinate the errands entering Beijing. It stands to reason that it is most appropriate for him to come forward."

"Secondly, Ma Yizhen stated in his confession that he had agreed with Mrs. Ma half a month ago to have a private meeting last night."

"However, the longer the interval between these and other things, the less secure it is. About half a month later, no secret code was set, and it also restricted the time for specific meetings-this does not seem to be in line with common sense."

"Third, my lord has said before that the iron nails that were nailed into Zhao Yixiong's body, as well as the equipment used to drive the nails into Zhao Yixiong's body, should be prepared by the murderer in advance."

"In this way, the murderer should have decided to hang Zhao Yixiong's headless body under the main porch of the Patriarch's Hall from the very beginning.

"In other words, they should have known early in the morning that there are a few ladders in the Patriarch's Hall!"

"According to the confession, Ma Yizhen and the three have been lurking outside the city for the past two weeks, and they have never had any contact with the city."

"Isn't this a contradiction?"

When Huang Bin said this, he shook his head and said: "Unless they have the ability to predict the prophet, it is really difficult to explain this by coincidence."

When Chen Jingde heard halfway through it, he was already envious and jealous, so when he heard the last sentence, he couldn't help but retort: ​​"How do you know that there is no unknown prophet..."

Halfway through, Sun Shaozong slammed his eyes at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com, and immediately caused him to shrink his neck like a quail.

Stopping Chen Jingde's sour words, Sun Shaozong nodded to Huang Bin and said, "Although some details are still missing, it is not bad to be able to see these doubts."

As he said, he suddenly raised his volume: "Chen Jingde!"

"Humble job."

"Quickly go to Yameng Ma Yizhen and Liu Yiwei to be here awaiting trial!"

After speaking, Sun Shaozong turned his eyes to the real person Hongyuan in the shed.

I originally thought that the real Hongyuan was sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, but if the suspicion that he had just generated was established, in this intrigue, who is the chess player and who is the chess piece, I am afraid it may not be known!


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