The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 862: Jiang Yuhanqishe Wangjiang Tower【中】

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Every time I see King Zhongshun, he is always accompanied by beautiful women.

This time is no exception.

As soon as Sun Shaozong stepped into the middle room, he saw King Zhongshun sitting in front of the open glass window, with a naked young woman hanging on his chest and back.

Needless to say about the figures and looks of these two women, their skins turned out to be bright pink!

At first, Sun Shaozong thought it was smearing something, but soon discovered that it was not the case. It was clearly a color emanating from the inside out.

In addition, the two women did not live in King Zhongshun's body and were obsessed with them, and some of their actions even exceeded the etiquette, which was obviously in a state of delusion.

Could it be that he took some kind of love potion?

Isn't this absurd prince forced the good girl?

Thinking of this possibility, Sun Shaozong felt a little pain in his heart. No matter how he put it, he was also Dali Temple Shaoqing. If he really committed the crime in front of his own face, he would have to do it with King Zhongshun.


Close observation will reveal that although the two women are naked, there are a lot of precious pearls hanging on their hair buns, and the shape and color of these jewelry are not something ordinary people can afford.

It is more likely to be a concubine of Wangfu Ji.


King Zhongshun, who was trying to figure out the identities of the two women, had his back to the door of the room, finally turned his head slowly. Surprisingly, under the provocation of these two women, what appeared on his face was inexplicable. Melancholy.

Could it be...

Don't hold this guy anymore?

If that's the case, God's eyes have opened!

Sun Shaozong thought about the misfortune, and said: "The official has seen the prince."

After a short pause, he added: "I don't know if the prince summoned me, what can I do?"

If it were replaced with two years ago, the word ‘see teaching’ would have to be changed to ‘command’.

However, the two brothers have made military exploits one after another, and the foundation of the court has gradually stabilized, but the power of King Zhongshun in the past two years has gone from bad to worse.

Since the status gap between the two sides has narrowed to a certain extent, the low-level'command' has naturally evolved into the relatively equal word'seeing and teaching'.

King Zhongshun didn't care about this verbal change. He raised his chin lazily, and unquestionably ordered: "Put these two up and go out."

From the two hanging curtains, five or six guards suddenly poured out, spreading the Persian carpet on the ground, and then tore the two women from King Zhongshun and wrapped them in with hands and feet.

Seeing these palace guards lifted the two women out, and took advantage of the situation, Sun Shaozong secretly increased his vigilance.

Originally because of the arrogant attitude of the little eunuch, he thought that King Zhongshun came to him, because he wanted to humiliate himself face to face, so as to retaliate against him before tracing the beggar case.

But seeing Wang Zhongshun stepping back from side to side and putting on a posture of a private conversation, it was obviously not as simple as he thought before.

What is his intention?

When he was suspicious, he saw that King Zhongshun's complexion changed, and the facial features on his face shrank inward, especially the nose, which was sturdy and hideous...


King Zhongshun rubbed his nose, tightened his robes in Sun Shaozong's speechless eyes, and then reached out his hand to close the window to death, and then re-opened his mouth and said: "Sit down and talk."

Seeing this scene, Sun Shaozong suddenly understood what the two women did just now—it was clearly two warm babies urged by medication!

Although he had known for a long time that this servant was a ridiculous prince, Sun Shaozong was once again stunned by his ‘wonderful ideas’.

In the same way, he once again understood that he was indifferent to human life.

Even if they didn't understand medical skills, they knew that under the attack of cold outside and hot inside, the two women were probably seriously ill.

If you make a bad mess, you may lose your life directly.

If he had just crossed over, Sun Shaozong might have tried every means to prevent King Zhongshun from doing so recklessly.

But now, even if he still pityed the two women, he wouldn't rush forward again.

It's not fear.

With Sun Shaozong's current status, and the fact that the Sun family had already fallen out with King Zhongshun, it was nothing to say a few words of righteousness.

But after this?

Could these two women get any kind of treatment because of this?

If not, King Zhongshun would instead torture them twice, so as to demonstrate to himself.

Therefore, Sun Shaozong just silently sat down in front of the round table in the middle according to the instructions of King Zhongshun.

"Sun Jia Erlang."

Almost as soon as he was firmly seated, King Zhongshun couldn't wait to ask: "What do you think of the real Hongyuan? Is it the real handle? Or the fake handle?"

Was it actually for the real Hongyuan?

Sun Shaozong was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered the two fake monks and true Taoists who had died in the black post scheme before.

In a comparison between the two, it is not surprising that King Zhongshun would be interested in the real person Hongyuan.

But how dare Sun Shaozong give an accurate answer about the authenticity of Hongyuan's real person?

If it is false, it might irritate the emperor who is very fond of him.

If it's true, wouldn't it become an endorsement for Real Hongyuan by passing it out?

At that time, what is wrong with the master of "killing his wife and proving the way", and he will be implicated by him. Isn't it because he was wronged and died unjustly?

Therefore, Sun Shaozong could only pretend to be puzzled, and said in amazement: "What do you mean by this? Xiaguan is not familiar with the real person Hongyuan. You made a special trip to find Xiaguan here. Didn't you ask the blind?"

"Ask Yu Blind?"

King Zhongshun snorted: "This court is brighter than yours. I'm afraid there are not many of them, right?"

Then, without waiting for Sun Shaozong’s response, there was a self-talking mumble: “To say that this real man Hongyuan was concocting medicine for the emperor’s brother. It's like a kidnapper."


He smacked his lips, and said in distress, "He can't even count his wife's request to go out of the wall. Even if he has some skills, this practice is limited, right?"

After hearing King Zhongshun's words, Sun Shaozong's heart also moved.

Before, I only felt that Hongyuan's real hero broke his wrist and gave up his reputation in exchange for the emperor's sympathy. It was a loss and a gain.

But it seems that it is a miscalculation.

The personification of a person with a magical skill and a master, and the identity of the sad green hat man, obviously do not match well.

King Zhongshun became suspicious because of this. Isn't the emperor really uncomfortable?

Compared with pity and guilt, the foundation of a warlock's body is still in the word ‘belief’.

I can't say that Hong Yuan, this time, is trying to steal the chicken and lose the rice.

As he was thinking about the real person Hongyuan, King Zhongshun suddenly said: "As long as you tell the truth with Gu, the disrespect of your brother before will be treated as vanished. What do you think?"

Sun Shaozong couldn't help being surprised.

Regardless of whether these words are true or false, they all represent the degree to which King Zhongshun attaches importance to this matter.

Had he really witnessed any incredible things in the Prince Yizhong's Mansion?

If this is not the case, he would always report to King Zhongshun. How could he make such a big concession for the sake of a few comments?

Unable to think about it, Sun Shaozong wondered: "Why does the prince care so much about the views of Xiaguan? To be honest, although I have some contact with the real person Hongyuan, I have never involved in cultivating Taoism and alchemy."

"Because you didn't have anything to do with him in this regard, Gu Cai valued your opinions more!"

King Zhongshun leaned back impatiently: "Besides, when his wife just died, he would always behave unusually, right?"

This explanation is still a bit far-fetched.

But Sun Shaozong also faintly noticed some clues.

King Zhongshun would care so much about his own opinion, and 80% of it was the rumor that'the sun can examine the sun and the night can break the yin', which played a lot in it.

When it comes to this, Sun Shaozong simply didn't perfuse, and said in a serious tone: "The prince, the lower officials know nothing about the cultivation of Xuan Dao. It is really hard to say anything-but in terms of contact in the past few days. The lower officials really couldn’t see what inhuman abilities he had."

Although this answer fits King Zhongshun's previous guesses, he is obviously unhappy.

He lay down on the Xiaoyao chair and looked at the roof, and it took a long while to slowly raise his hand: "Go down."

This is really a call to come and go!

But who makes the girl good?

If oneself also crosses into the royal blood...


It seems that it may not end well.

Thinking of these, Sun Shaozong turned around and walked out of King Zhongshun’s private room, bypassing the non-squinting Wangfu TV, and was about to push the door on the left side. Suddenly someone behind him squatted and called out: "Sun... Sun...Sun..."

Looking back at, it turned out that Xing Zhong was standing around the corner, hesitating with his mouth tilted, and he didn't know what to call it.

"Uncle Xing's name is just fine."

Sun Shaozong greeted him with a smile, and saw that his face was flushed, and his collar was still crooked, as if he had been pulled by someone.

Can't help wondering: "Could someone be rude to uncle?"

"It's not rude either."

Xing Zhong rubbed his hands awkwardly, and still hesitated: "Nephew, I...I have an unrelenting request. If it is convenient for you, can you go to my house for a round?"

Speaking of this, he said busy again: "If you don't have time, then forget it!"

Sun Shaozong is also at the wine table and has seen all kinds of things in life.

Then think about his friends, most of them are the wealthy and ruined ancestors of their ancestors, and there is indispensable that there is a bitter and mean master.

I guessed right now that he was mostly motivated by others and was forced to come and find himself in the past to support the scene.

Sun Shaozong would not even bother to pay attention to him if he was alone, even if he had the so-called uncle status.

But that Xing Xiuyan, a beautiful woman, was forced to succumb to her concubine. Although she did not do it by herself, she should save some face.

So immediately nodded and said: "Uncle wait a moment, let me speak to the friend inside, and then accompany uncle to take a look."

Xing Zhong was overjoyed and nodded in a hurry: "It should be, it should be! Nephews should not be busy, I am just waiting here!"


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