The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 865: Talking about Marriage in Weicui'an [Part 1]

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Joy, red candle, Luan account.

Xing Xiuyan wore the golden silk hijab of the dragon and the phoenix, and sat on the wide Babu bed alone, nervously.

The golden silk hijab is so huge that it almost covers her head and neck. What is strange is that through the only gap, the hot scene of the wedding banquet outside is reflected into Xing Xiu's eyes one by one.

As if...

She is not sitting on the wedding bed, but looking down at it all from a height.


The wedding banquet was held in Jiuyou Difu!

Such weird scenes caused Xing Xiuyan to panic. He deliberately took off his hijab to take a closer look, but his hands did not obey at all. No matter how they were urged, they just overlapped on the lower abdomen in a regular manner.

what on earth is it?

Xing Xiuyan became more and more apprehensive.

At this moment, someone at the wedding banquet seemed to spot Xing Xiuyan's prying eyes, so he raised his head and looked over with a smile.

The eyes are facing each other, the rough look and the eyes that resemble eagles, but who else can it be if it's not Sun Shaozong?

Immediately afterwards, Sun Shaozong's tall and burly figure jumped out from the wedding banquet and stood down to earth in front of Xing Xiuyan.

And the wedding banquet that seemed to be held in the Jiuyou Difu, disappeared without a trace like a mirror flower.

This scene is also extremely weird, but Xing Xiuyan was at ease for no reason. The original panic and anxiety was replaced by the bride's shyness.

She even began to speculate whether the second brother of the Sun family would first use the weighing pole to pick up his hijab, or say a few words of selfishness first.

However, what is unexpected is that Sun Shaozong was so anxious that he didn't even care about the hijab, so he reached out to her chest.

Xing Xiuyan was shocked, and subconsciously flinched and dodged, but where could he avoid it?

She was ashamed and annoyed at the moment, and wanted to scream, but what came out of her mouth was a shameful murmur.

Moreover, Sun Shaozong's hand was also very strange. Across the thick dress, it was also warm and messed up. Although it was not serious or serious, it still made Xing Xiuyan gradually moved.

Do not!

How can such an uncivilized thing, how can it...

"Xiuyan, Xiuyan?"

At this moment, with two soft calls, a cold hand suddenly pressed against Xing Xiuyan's forehead, making her unable to resist a sharp spirit, and she opened her eyes.

But in the dimly lit room, where are there red candles, luan tents, golden silk hijab, and Sun Shaozong from where?

I was clearly sleeping in the Buddhist room of Sui Sui'an!

The only thing that is still real, Yomo is the only pair of chubby hands holding on to his chest.

"you're awake?"

At this time, the gentle and deep voice sounded after himself again.

Xing Xiuyan turned his head blankly, and saw Miaoyu dressed in sterling clothes, looking at himself with concern.

Seeing her looking back, Miaoyu smiled: "I didn't want to wake you up, but I washed up in the courtyard and saw you keep talking nonsense that I didn't understand, and my face was blushing strangely..."

Speaking of this, I couldn't help but curiously asked: "Did you have a nightmare?"

Xing Xiuyan suddenly remembered the weird dreamland just now when she said that her face was red, as if she was embarrassed.

I subconsciously shrank to the edge of the bed, trying to avoid the chubby little hands. I never thought of her moving here. The two-year-old girl also twisted and chased her, both hands groping wildly and seemingly. Wake up and cried out: "Meat, meat..."

"This girl!"

Only then did Miaoyu discover Xing Xiuyan’s dilemma, and she deliberately reached out and hugged Guoer aside, but as soon as she put her hand in the bedding, she drew back and said helplessly: "My hand is too cold, or you Tuck her arm and try to coax her."

Xing Xiuyan was busy doing the same. The girl seemed to be dissatisfied, but she closed her eyes and smacked her lips, and did not continue to climb higher.

Xing Xiuyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but then he felt a little sticky on his body, it was a sweat from a dream.

If it's all about it, it's all right, but there is that unspeakable embarrassment that makes her dare not change clothes and relieve her troubles in front of Miaoyu.

Therefore, I regretted it unconsciously. If I had known that I would encounter such embarrassment, I shouldn't have moved back from Hengwu Garden yesterday.

But now it’s too late to regret it. Xing Xiuyan can only pretend to be nonchalant and whisper: "I will take care of you later. You can go to the hall for morning class."

If you change to an experienced woman, you have to detect her current embarrassment from her blushing face.

However, Miaoyu had grown up in the nun's nunnery since he was a child. Although he had already moved his heart, he knew little about men and women, so he nodded without thinking, and then quietly exited the monastery, and backhanded the door.

Xing Xiuyan breathed a sigh of relief when Miaoyu left, but it was not easy to clean it up without waking up.

When it was finally done, the sky was already bright outside.

At this time, Zhuan'er, who was sleeping with the two little nuns, also looked for her with sleepy eyes, and she helped take care of her, and Xing Xiuyan had time to wash her up.


After spending the morning meal, Xing Xiuyan was absent-minded, talking about poetry and Buddhism with Miaoyu, and the little nun outside came in and told him that Jia Baoyu and Lin Daiyu had come together.

Miaoyu and Xing Xiuyan hurriedly got up to greet them, but saw that they did not enter the door, instead they were talking about a few red plums outside the approaching, they listened to Jia Baoyu sighed: "Go on. When it was snowing, I picked a plum blossom and went over. The sisters thought it was a flower bone. They said that they were destroyed by me before it bloomed. They complained that I was a layman. Whoever thought that when the plum blossoms were beautiful, it would not snow. Up."

Having said this, he raised his head and wondered: "Could it be that the gods and Buddhas in this heaven are all laymen?"

This naive speech made Miaoyu and Xing Xiuyan smile.

Lin Daiyu sneered and said, "From what I see, the gods and Buddhas in the sky are all elegant people, but I am afraid that you, a common man, will come to steal the flowers while it is snowing, so I dare not drop the snow again! "

Jia Baoyu was dumbfounded by her choking, and it took him a long time to say: "Sister, high opinion!"

When he said that, he sullen his head and rushed into Weicui'an, but didn't talk to Xing Xiuyan and Miaoyu.

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing him go straight to the main hall silently, Lin Daiyu hurriedly rushed to ask.

Jia Baoyu pretended to be distressed and turned around and said: "Naturally, I go to confess to the gods and Buddhas. Otherwise, if the lay people in my area spoil the sisters' interest in enjoying the snow, wouldn't it be terrible?"

Seeing what he said was really serious, the three women couldn't help laughing.

After laughing for a long time, Lin Daiyu held Miaoyu and Xing Xiuyan one by one, and leaned Baoyu and said, "The two sisters don’t have the same knowledge as him. Good tea made by myself."

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