[Third more]

Putting aside the right and wrong of Rongguo Mansion, it is not mentioned.

However, in the morning of the same day, Sun Shaozong pulled out his legs with sleepy eyes and yelled "Qing Wen", only to realize that the person he was looking for was actually under him.

Seeing Qingwen closing her eyes and shattering her thoughts, and her bare body shrank into the quilt, Sun Shaozong knew that she couldn't count on her anymore.

And the two little maids who were serving in Xiangling's room obviously hadn't gotten to work yet.

Sun Shaozong could only get up on his own, grabbed the clothes and draped them randomly.

It has been more than four years since he traveled, except for the first year he was not used to it, he was almost always served by people to get up, and he rarely put on clothes by himself.

Coupled with the cumbersome clothes in this winter, it was a little messy for a while.

At this moment Xiangling got up from the small bed next to her, stretched out her hand to reach for the clothes on the bedside, and whispered, "Master, wait a moment, I'll get up and wait."

"No need."

Sun Shaozong bare-chested, stepped forward and pushed her back into the bed, unquestioningly said: "Since Tiankui is here, you can rest alive. You have hands and feet, so you can't put on a few clothes. ?"

Because Xiangling's period was advanced a few days earlier, she gave up the big bed altogether yesterday, and Ren Sun Shaozong and Qingwen Hu Tianhudi spent half the night.

If this were replaced by Sister Ruan Rong and You, it would be flatly unwilling-it would be fine to roll the sheets with the maid, but letting the maid to sleep in their bed was a matter of principle in their eyes.

That is to say, Xiang Ling, who has no intentions and has always been kind to Qingwen, is so generous.

It is said that Sun Shaozong Niu is blowing it out, but this dress is really not so easy to deal with.

Reluctantly, he simply wrapped up indiscriminately and went to the hall to ask for help from Pomegranate and Furong.

But after saying that it was another time, seeing Sun Shaozong wash neatly and start eating with the bright colors of the sky, Ruan Rong came out from the inside and spread out the floor plan drawn by someone on the table.

Taking advantage of Sun Shaozong's effort to swallow a goose leg in three mouthfuls, he pushed in front of him, and said, "Master, look at it, change it according to this pattern, can you still make it?"

The small courtyard where Sun Shaozong lives now, the main hall and the West Wing are full.

Originally half of the East Wing was an inner study room, but the rest was also taken up by his son-after all, it was getting older and it was hard to listen to the ‘Shaking Bed Music’ overnight.

Coupled with the corners and corners occupied by the little maids, this courtyard really can't be filled with concubines.

What's more, Sun Shaozong still has to accept two entrances one after another?

Therefore, it is imminent to purchase a ‘Bieyuan’ in the mansion.

In fact, this is not difficult. After all, during the two years when Sun Shaozong was absent, the cheapest brother bought a three-in courtyard house next door. After the partition wall was opened, in addition to the expansion of the plum garden, there were still a lot of houses left.

Because I have only been idle for more than a year, and it is properly maintained on weekdays, and there is no need to build a large building, as long as it is renovated, it is enough to use.

On the plan Ruan Rong handed over, it was one of the top courtyards.

This is the residence of the only child of the previous family. The environment is very elegant and the space is also very abundant. It is still more than enough to arrange Ping'er and Xing Xiuyan to live in.

However, Ruan Rong didn't plan that way.

"Follow me, let Sister Xiangling move in, let Ping'er live in the West Wing-this place is spacious, and there will be a separate room for the nanny in the future, lest the master cannot open it."


"Secondly, Sister Xiangling and Ms. Xing have both read books and get along well with each other."

This sounds reasonable.

But Sun Shaozong smelled the acidity and hostility implicit in it.

If Xing Xiuyan and Ping'er live in, Xing Xiuyan should be the main source of love and reason.

But if it is Xiangling, there is no reason to wrong her daughter.

By then, Xing Xiuyan would succumb to the side room, which is not in line with his promise to treat her courteously.

It seems that Xing Xiuyan, who is in Xiuwaihui, has brought a lot of pressure to Ruan Rong, otherwise she would not have worked so hard.

But in the end it is an old couple, even if it is in the face of his son, Sun Shaozong is not easy to pick out the words clearly.

So he casually found a reason to say: "No, this yard is a little farther away, I can't be impatient to toss back and forth-or find two small yards next to each other, so that they can renovate and let them live next to each other. ."

When Ruan Rong saw that the strategy was not for sale, she knew that she had seen the clues of happiness, and it was hard to say anything else, even fearing that Sun Shaozong would be annoyed by it, so she hurriedly winked and asked her son to relax the atmosphere.

Seeing his son's well-behaved question mark, he sat on the chair like a small adult, Sun Shaozong picked the not greasy meaty fish and put it in his son's bowl.

The father and the son were both devouring, but the child had a low appetite after all. Sun Shaozong had just ate a 30% full here, and Sun Chengyi dropped his job and rushed out like flying.

Not long after, the little guy held a wooden knife with a handle and blocked the door with his hips akimbo. The strongman who was learning the drama yelled: "Hey, that guy, can you dare to fight another man!"

This is a sequel to the laughter of the father and son last time.

In the end, it was from the old Sun family. This little guy was less than three weeks old, but he was stunned to be more burly than the five or six-year-olds of the other family. He was so milky and milky that he was holding a wooden knife.

Ruan Rong stepped forward to be a ‘little ancestor’ and a ‘rabbit boy’, so he refused to accept the ‘magical power’, so he turned his head and asked Sun Shaozong for help.

Sun Shaozong chuckled, knocked on the table with his chopsticks, and followed his tone of voice and said: "Wu Na Wawa, I am eating rice now. If you are a good man, sit down and wait until I finish eating!"

These words are very useful. Sun Chengyi hurriedly asked the nurse for a small bench, and stared at his father's meal with a knife "watching his eyes."

His intestines were damaged, Sun Shaozong deliberately slowed down, and after eating for two quarters of an hour, he sat down with his bowls and chopsticks satisfactorily.

Then, apart from anything else, he stepped forward and grabbed his son, and came to a one-armed slow motion version of the gate Goro cut back, threw the little guy on the Luohan bed, laughed and walked away.

I heard my son’s complaint from behind: "Mother, mother! Daddy attacked me!"

I also know the sneak attack!

Sun Shaozong became more and more happy, halfway through, and felt that he could not favor one another, so he went to his daughter's room and woke her up with his beard.


But he said that there was a delay here and there, when it was time for the stables in the front yard, it was already too late.

Although Sun Shaozong arrived late and left early, it was not twice, but today's situation is a bit special.

So he got into the carriage neatly and waited to urge Zhang Cheng to rush to the yamen.

"My lord, my lord!"

At this moment, a greasy noodle master suddenly jumped out of the door. Sun Shaozong hadn't recognized him at first, but after a closer look, he discovered that it was Hong Jiu, the beggar security chief.

No, now he is the former beggar security chief.

From today, his new official title is: Hong Jin, Deacon of the Department of Administration of Dali Temple.

This sounds very ridiculous, but in fact it's not even influential-after all, the official post of the Secretary's Office is only from the Ninth Grade.

To put it bluntly, he was just a small official, and compared with Huang Bin's head-catcher, it was just a little better, but the real power may not be enough.

However, this errand has already made Hong Jiu overjoyed.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be dark, just dressing up like a peacock, ran into the doorway of Sun's house and waited.

Seeing him coming up, he was about to flatter his face, and Sun Shaozong waved his hand impatiently: "Okay, why don't you be talking here? Have you been riding a horse? If you don't ride, the officer will lend you a horse and follow along Behind."

In fact, Hong Jiu came by making a carriage, but Sun Shaozong said so, how dare he confess the truth, he hurriedly borrowed a horse from the stable, and suffered the cold all the way, but followed Zhang Cheng's spirit unabated.

To say that today is a special day does not mean that Hong Jiu is a servant on the first day.

According to Sun Shaozong's current position, it is not said that Hong Jiu is just a small official, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is really dispatched from Rank 7 or 8 and it is not worth his fight.

There are two reasons why Sun Shaozong really doesn't want to be late. One is that the people in Dali Temple have unified their thoughts yesterday, and now he should formally write to the court.

Secondly, in addition to Hong Jiu's new appointment, Sun Shaozong's newly hired master Qin Kejian will also take up his post.

This guy is no better than Cheng Rixing back then, a very talented and arrogant person. Since he has made up his mind to use him, he must be respected enough-even if this guy's recent act of playing the autumn breeze is actually not worthy of respect.

Speaking of Cheng Rixing, Sun Shaozong really regretted.

Originally wanted to persuade him to go to Dali Temple and become an eighth-rank Beijing official, so that he could continue his fate as a master and servant.

But Cheng Rixing thought about it, still fascinated by the door and wanted to be a Bailihou.

After all, this was something that he should have done a long time ago. Since he insisted, Sun Shaozong couldn't persuade him any more, so he had to entrust his relationship with him in the staff department, and he would be able to take up his post in about a year at the latest.

Of course, after all, it is the status of a person, no matter how the face of Sun Shaozong is, those who go to the county and the big county will not have his turn.

No words all the way.

Hurrying to Dali Temple, Sun Shaozong got out of the carriage, and saw Hong Jiu-deng's face turned stiff, and his nose was dripping down without even noticing it, so he still had the same vigorous appearance before?

However, in Sun Shaozong's opinion, it seemed pleasing to the eye a lot.

So he ordered Zhang Cheng to take him to the Executive Office for reporting. After signing in by himself, he rushed to the office of the back office for discussion.

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