The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 879: Hong Shuli's 1 day 【Part I】

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"Brother Nine, Brother Nine."

The childish voice called for a long time before Hong Jiu opened his eyes in a daze. The first thing that caught his eye was half of his arms.

"What time is it?"

Hong Jiu asked in a daze, squeezing a hairy leg between the girl's knees, rubbing it wantonly.

The girl mistakenly thought it was a signal for ‘morning exercise’, and hurriedly pressed the still developing breast to his left rib, and said softly, “It’s still early, it’s not a quarter of 30 [5:45 in the morning]."

However, when he heard the word ‘Mao Shi’, Hong Jiu immediately became sober for the most part. Regardless of the cold in the middle of winter, he straightened up abruptly, and yelled indisputably: "Come here, palm the lamp!"

The little maid who was outside early in the morning hurried in with a candle to ignite several candles in the house one by one.

With such a short amount of effort, Hong Jiu couldn't wait any longer. He stretched out his hand to pull the clothes off the bed before putting it on.

At this moment, a white arm suddenly stretched out, chopped his hand and snatched the clothes.

But the girl also got up with the quilt, while waiting for Hong Jiu in a familiar way, while pursing her little mouth, she complained: "Why did you say this comes from? Isn't it good for us to live in An An? , Go be some sesame mung bean official!"

"What Hulieliei!"

Hong Jiu squinted at her and said solemnly, "Don't let me hear you say it a second time, otherwise..."

He has been a beggar security chief in Shanxi Alley for more than two years, but there is no rare blood under his hands. When he is serious, his face will inevitably become ugly.

I caught up with the little maid and happened to bring the lantern over, and Bai Sensen's picture went up, and it became more and more cold and penetrating.

But the girl didn't seem to know it. Although she had never provoked Hong Jiu, she could almost stop the donkey with her small mouth. She was obviously not convinced.

Upon seeing this, Hong Jiu felt regretful.

This girl is not another one, it is one of the few orphans he gathered when he was a beggar, the one whose nickname is a girl.

This girl was a bit pretty at first, but later Hong Jiu became the escort, and she grew more cleverly without worrying about food and clothing at home.

Therefore, when the spring started this year, Hong Jiu couldn't hold back a single one, so he put the fifteen-year-old girl into the house.

I didn't think so at the time, but now I really regret it.

Since becoming a woman, Gein has not only not matured, but has become more and more spoiled by Hong Jiu's love.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Hong Jiu just took her into the house and did not marry her as his wife. After he got married, naturally there was an eldest woman who helped to train her.

It was said that although the girl had developed a spoiled temperament, she was still very dedicated to serving Hong Jiu. After a short time, she put on clothes for him, and greeted the maid waiting for washing.

After everything was cleaned up, Hong Jiu originally wanted to have a meal in the backyard, and then went directly to Dali Temple on duty.

I never thought that before the meal was served, a woman came in to spread a message, saying that the deaf boss and the second master had arrived, and were anxious to see Jiuye.

The deaf boss was originally a villain who oppressed Hong Jiu, but he was later subdued by his official status. Now he has inherited the position of his beggar security chief, and is considered Hong Jiu's confidant.

The so-called little second master, like Niu'er, was also one of the little beggars Hong Jiu contained in the first place. He was called the second master because of his common name.

But here in Hong Jiu, the second master had to be downgraded one level to become the second master.

The book is back to the main story.

Hearing that the deaf boss and his two sons came to the door early in the morning, Hong Jiu frowned first, knowing that these two must be in trouble.

According to his heart, he actually didn't want to get involved with the ‘Shanxi Alley Beggar Gang’ anymore, but he didn’t want to get rid of it, he could get rid of it immediately.

So I can only go to the front yard patiently.

When I arrived in the living room of the front yard, Hong Jiu felt even more displeased when he saw the deaf boss and his two sons turning around like ants in a hot pot, panicking from the inside out.

So I ignored the greetings of the two'Nine Masters' and'Nine Brothers', and went straight to sit down under the Songhe Yannian Picture, and then greeted the next person to have tea, and took two sips slowly before welcoming them. The two of them looked urgently and said: "Let's talk, what kind of basket did you stabbed again?"

The deaf boss and the second son glanced at each other, and only tried to interrupt a few times, but at this time they really made them speak, but both of them flinched.

Upon seeing this, Hong Jiu got up and said, "If you want to be really fine, I'll leave. I'm still anxious to go to the yamen."

"Brother Nine, something, something!"

The second son suddenly couldn't stretch himself, and hurriedly slammed to the middle, rubbing his hands, salivating his face and said: "Yesterday, our brothers, let the officials of Shuntian Mansion be deducted!"

When Hong Jiu heard that it was related to Shuntian Mansion, he was relieved at first-he and Zhao Wuwei, Zhao Wuwei, who is the criminal officer, were also old acquaintances.

So I sat back again and asked indifferently, "How did you deduct it? Why did you deduct it?"


The second son turned his head to see the deaf boss, but the deaf boss bowed his head to his ears, and had no intention to speak.

Reluctantly, he had no choice but to smile again: "Brothers are idle and okay, running to the disaster camp outside the city..."

"to be frank!"

Hong Jiu's voice suddenly became high-pitched.

The two sons trembled all over, but they were hesitant to talk.

At this time, the deaf boss on the side spoke instead: "Jiu Ye, you should know that Su Laogen's house? Recently, a dozen or so girls who have been hit by the disaster have been brought in. The business is in a mess. The little two masters together, this is a fortune. If others do the same thing, we will naturally..."

"Be you XXXX!"

Hong Jiu jumped up and grabbed the two sons by the necks. Anyway, the two big-eared posts twitched up and cursed: "When you are in Shuntian Mansion, what is the tightest grasp? Is it in your heart? Not counted?!"

The second son suddenly panicked, and he stubbornly argued: "Nine brothers, I...I also want to make...make money for the brothers, and... Besides, Su Laogen's Tangzi is not a day or two, he If we can do it, why can't our brothers do it?"

At first, he was hesitating, but the more he talked, the more he felt right and confident, especially when he thought that Hong Jiu first took his favorite girl into the house, and then passed the position of the security chief to the deaf boss, he felt a little dissatisfied.

As a result, his tone became tough: "Besides, this thing you want to do is not to force a good person into a prostitution, let alone a captive population. Where can I get involved with Lord Sun?"

This sophistry gradually dissipated the anger on Hong Jiu's face, but the vigilance and ice cooling in his eyes grew rapidly.

After handing over the position of the security chief to the deaf boss, he was always worried that the deaf boss would be messing up and dragged himself into the water, so he let the two sons follow the deaf boss.

I was planning to wait for myself to cut this place properly, and then lead this little brother into the right path not too late, then I thought that the one who couldn't be restrained first was actually the second son I had pulled from childhood!

After a while, Hong Jiu slowly let go of the collars of the two sons, and asked indifferently: "It is said that it is light, then I ask you, do you have a flower card from Jiaofangsi in your hand?"

The second son only thinks he is and believes that his ninth elder brother is more courageous as he gets older-otherwise, how could he have a rich and happy life, but he has to run for some sesame seeds. The little official with the big mung bean?

So he said grinningly: "First, let's open up the manpower, and then it's not too late to figure out the card. Besides, this prostitute is not a family or two, and others can support it, so naturally we..."

"All right."

Hong Jiu suddenly stopped his fallacies and heresies, and asked impatiently, "First, let's talk about the business. Since it's your wish, how can you be detained by officials?"

"I do not know!"

When I talked about it, the two sons suddenly felt like a deflated ball, wrinkling a piggyin face, and pausing to say: "Yesterday I was caught in a mess. Come out-I heard that there are more than us, but there are no young and old at the victims' camp!"

"So, this is not against our family?"

"Should not be?"

"I know."

Hong Jiu nodded, got up to the door and called the steward in, and said loudly: "You take my post and go to the Criminal Justice Department to find Zhao Jianxiao..."

The latter words lowered his voice.

When the two sons heard this, they thought that Hong Jiu was going to help themselves, so he gave the deaf boss a glimpse, thinking again, always expecting Hong Jiu is not a problem, waiting for his own kiln to make money. I have to go the way of Zhao Jianxiao.

At that time, I will kick the deaf boss out again. The beggar gang in Shanxi Alley, isn't it the only one who has the final say?

The two sons wanted more and more beautiful, but how did he know that Hong Jiu lowered his voice and said to the steward: "Please Jianxiao Zhao to help with the two sons' case-don't kill them, just fill the army and distribute them. "

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