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"Last night, San Ye suddenly said that he was going out, and he wouldn't let us follow-if I knew it would, I would not leave San Ye alone..."

"Yes, yes, serious, serious."

"San Ye will not go back, and there was no news before and after the son. My brothers felt that something was wrong. After all, the second old master had just returned, and the third master had eaten the courage of the bear heart and the leopard, and did not dare not return home at night. "

"...After inquiries, no one actually saw the third master, so we sent additional manpower to the yard, and we walked around the yard, only to find... found the third master..."

"Woo, my poor third master, why did you go like this?!"

"When San Ye went out, what special actions did you do? This...oh, yes! When San Ye went out, he added a piece of woolen clothes and put on deer velvet thick-soled riding boots!"

"San Ye, San Ye, you died..."

To say that Jia Huan's close friend is really a ‘hard stubble’, for fear of being angered by his master, he rubbed his eye sockets with both hands, which really made him dig two pits of tears.

When Aunt Zhao saw this, she was crying and grabbing the ground together, biting on Jia Baoyu's head every word, as if she had seen her son killed by Jia Baoyu with her own eyes.

And Lin Daiyu and Shi Xiangyun were not easy to provoke over there, hemmed and guarded Baoyu like two generals, retorting with his lips.

This said: The murder weapon is obviously a woman's hairpin, and has nothing to do with Brother Bao, please respect yourself.

That said: Brother Ai ate wine with his lover, and was stayed overnight by Mrs. Ai. How can he have the time to come to this bamboo forest to kill?

Whoever thought of these words further stimulated Auntie Zhao’s imagination, she saw her jumping to retort: ​​“Where does he need to do it yourself? There is one small wave hoof in this mansion, and all of them regard him as the uncle of the country. The master is holding the confession, as long as he makes a wish casually, he is worried that no one will rush to help?!"

This is noisy!

Sun Shaozong originally wanted to understand the consequences of his pro-cause first, but he didn't want to ask a few words, and the two quarrels again.

Unfortunately, he could only ask Jia Zheng to come forward and take all the idlers and others to another place for resettlement, leaving only a few small servants holding lanterns and torches to assist.

The others were fine, but Aunt Zhao refused to believe that Sun Shaozong would handle the case impartially, so she specially kept her younger brother Zhao Guoji, and stared at Sun Shaozong's every move without blinking.

To say that this woman is really annoying.

But her inference just now is not entirely unreasonable.


Jia Baoyu's performance was also obviously abnormal.

If at first, he was shocked by Liushen Wuzhu, and he could barely explain it, but only when he faced Aunt Zhao's repeated questioning, he was still awkward, which was a bit unreasonable.

You know, he has experienced a lot of scenes starting from the case of the dismemberment of the wise child, and no matter how he thinks about it, he shouldn't have been so lost.

Especially between him and Jia Huan, it is hard to talk about being brothers and sisters...

Of course, this does not mean that Sun Shaozong has determined that Jia Baoyu is the number one suspect-he just doesn't rule out this possibility.

What's the truth of the case, always have to investigate the scene first, and then make inferences.


After abandoning happiness and thoughts, Sun Shaozong carried the lantern, first centered on the corpse, and patrolled a few times in a spiral. The result was not unexpected, and there was no harvest at all.

After all, there were dozens of people trampled here before and after the crime, and the sky was so gloomy. Wanting to identify the traces of the crime is tantamount to idiotic dreams.

So Sun Shaozong quickly focused on the corpse itself.

The face of the deceased was very hideous, but it should be an instinctive reaction under pain. To remove those twitching body expressions, the emotions that had solidified on his face before death were mainly shocked.

Carefully pull out the golden step, and visually observe that the hairpin is about an inch long [3.3 cm] into the flesh, and you can vaguely see some milky white tracheal stubble inside the wound.

Coupled with skin and flesh shrinkage, blood splashing, facial suffocation residue and other traces, it should be concluded that Jia Huan's fatal injury is an open wound in the throat.

The cause of death was suffocation caused by broken trachea.

However, this murder weapon that killed Jia Huan seemed a bit strange.

Shaking the golden step with the kerchief to wipe away the contaminated flesh and blood, Sun Shaozong weighed it in his palm, then squatted down, turned the hairpin upside down, and stroked it hard against the ground.

When I put it under the lamp again, I saw that the golden hairpin had already broken its skin, and it was made of brass and gilded.

Shaking this step easily, he stuffed it to Zhao Guoji, who wanted to take a closer look. Sun Shaozong asked, "This kind of gilded step, who does anyone in your house use?"

After listening to the word'gilt gold', Zhao Guoji understood what Sun Shaozong was doing just now. He looked down and looked at the golden hairpin, but the more he looked at the hairpin, the more he became puzzled: "This...this hairpin...this hairpin is really true. ..."

"How is it really?"

"Unable to speak."

Zhao Guoji bit his face, scratching his ears and scratching his cheeks: "I have bought a few gilt hairpins for others, but I have never seen anything like this in the mansion."

Although he did not say that he could clearly say the strangeness of this golden hairpin, Sun Shaozong already knew it.

Simply put, if this gilt step appears in the streets, it can be said that there is nothing wrong with it.

But among such giants as Rongguo Mansion, this sway seems very abrupt.

The problem lies in its exquisite, luxurious, yet younger-aged shape.

This kind of stuff is usually bought by people with small savings to use as a storefront for their daughters. The maid at the gate of the mansion can't afford It's just a hairpin on the head, and it is inevitable that there will be distractions. Dislike.

Especially rich officials like the Rongguo Mansion, the most important is the distinction between the upper and the lower.

And the top and face jewelry of the ladies in the house are all made out of real gold and silver at home. How can they use these fakes?

Therefore, according to common sense, this gilt step should not appear in the Rongguo Mansion.


There is a lady who has to use this thing as a fake for some reason-the reason why the suspect is locked as the lady in this house is because the weight of this thing is far from the real golden hairpin, as long as you hold it in your hand The upper will immediately wear the help.

So this can only be from a certain lady's handwriting, even if someone else wants to confuse it, it is absolutely impossible to do it.

And considering the personality and situation of the girls in this mansion, it seems that only...

This also explains that Jia Baoyu was only in a state of being out of possessed soul—the two of them were already close, so they could not have recognized this hairpin long ago!

Thinking of this, Sun Shaozong asked for the hairpin again, carefully weighed it for a moment, and then flatly ordered: "Come here, tell Brother Bao to speak for me."

A young man hurriedly responded and was about to leave.

"and many more!"

Sun Shaozong called him again, bowed his head and pondered for a long while, Fang added: "Please also invite several girls from the house. I have something to ask some sisters about this hairpin."

Although the owner of Chaitou has roughly been locked, the owner of the murder weapon may not necessarily be the murderer who killed Jia Huan.

Calling her to come alone at this time will inevitably arouse the suspicion of others.

Rather than that, it would be better to simply invite everyone in and make a fool of yourself, so as not to put too much pressure on her in advance in front of the truth.

. Nine Heavens God Emperor

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