The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 906: Visit to prison

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[Finished, I will finish writing a chapter in the morning before I can go to lunch. 】

Just after Shen Zheng [four o'clock in the afternoon], in the prison of Shuntian Mansion, the oil lamp had already been lit.

Under the light of the beans, every crater on Zhou Zheng's face reflected a greasy luster, which looked like a freshly peeled potato.

At this moment, he was lying on his back on a Xiaoyao chair, squinting his eyes, and scanning the opposite little lady inch by inch, as if he was about to wrap the other person in his mouth, swallowing him alive.

The young woman was stared at at a loss, wishing to find a place to sew in.

However, she wanted to ask Zhou Da again, so she could only bite the bullet and laugh with her: "Big...sir, please raise your hand and let me meet the acquaintance-this is a little bit of heart, please, sir. Smile."

Hearing the word "heart", Zhou Da's eyes lit up, but when the little lady buckled out two hangings of copper coins from her sleeve, his face suddenly became plain again.

Unconsciously, the little lady timidly put two pennies on the table, looking at Zhou Da with anxiety and hope.

Zhou Da took a look at the two hanging copper coins with his eyelids, and then sighed: "No matter, I am not looking at the money, mainly because it is not easy for you as a woman to show your face-go outside and wait, wait. I'll ask you to take you to see her in a moment."

The young woman was overjoyed, and after she was thankful for her kindness, she went curly.

When the wooden door was closed again, Zhou Da reluctantly withdrew his gaze, thinking that this little lady had a sharp face with melon seeds, and never thought that she had hidden her good-natured butt.

If you become a widow in the future, you might as well take it into the house to open up branches and leaves for the old Zhou family.

Thinking in his mind, he slammed his fatter thigh against the leg of the table, and the two copper coins that hit him slammed. When the eyes of the two prisoners in the room were attracted by the movement, he slowly said: "Take it to buy some wine and vegetables, and I will be the host tonight, so that the brothers will have a good time."

"Master Zhou Gaoyi!"

"I thanked Lord Zhou for my brothers!"

The two prisoners hurriedly responded with flattery. They were just asking you to fight for me, so they went up to pick up the copper coins, but then listened to Zhou Da said: "Go alone and lock the rest of the surname Wu on the toilet. , And then take his wife to take a look from a distance-his family must be more than a little bit of oil and water, always see the miserable appearance of that little white face before he is willing to spend more money."

The two prisoners replied in unison, and they did not know how to distribute them. One excitedly brought copper coins to buy wine and meat, and the other lazily took the Wu family young lady to visit her husband in the prison.

After the two of them left, Zhou Da tightened the blanket on his body, feeling somewhat disappointed.

When he was first transferred to the jailer, two coins were enough for him to be delighted.

But after all these years of ‘experience’, his appetite has long since been cultivated, and these two bucks of copper coins are naturally unsightly.

Fortunately, although his appetite was great, his courage did not swell much. Even though he was not satisfied with the oil and water of the passing, he did not dare to mix with the murderous, over-trading and stealing business.

It's just that this life of desire and dissatisfaction is really boring.

Or, go to the Yingchun Tower to have fun at night?

I heard that a few new sisters have recently arrived, all of whom look good...

Knock knock~

I was thinking three ways down, when I heard someone knock on the door outside, Zhou Da responded casually, and saw the new jailer come in with red head and full face, and pointed to Qi Qi Ai Ai outside and said: "Master Prisoner, outside... Here comes... a few prisoners have come."

"Come on, why are you stuttering?"

Zhou Da glared at him dissatisfiedly, and asked, "Who are these? Who do you want to visit?"

"One man, and... and three women!"

The man just took it in one bite, and when talking about the three women, the little prisoner could not stop stammering.

When Zhou Da saw this, he immediately became energetic. He straightened his plump body and asked with scorching eyes: "Could it be that there are three beautiful sisters? How does it compare to the little lady of the Wu family?"

"Okay... Much more beautiful!"

Although still stammering, the tone was decisive.

Better-looking than Wu Xiucai's mother-in-law? !

Zhou Da has also become more excited, but the cautiousness he has cultivated over the years has kept him patient, and asked again: "Which one did they come to visit, have you asked?"

"Ask, ask, just a few days ago, the servant girl who killed the young master in Rongguo Mansion, they..."

"and many more!"

The excitement on Zhou Da's face was immediately replaced by dignity. Huo Di got up from the Xiaoyao chair and threw the blanket on the table, pressing his throat and asked, "Are they not from the Rongguo Mansion?"

The little prisoner immediately shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be from the Rongguo Mansion. The man who took the lead only said it was your old friend, an adult."

So pay?

Zhou Da was confused for a while, but he quickly made up his mind—no matter who it is, he should always meet him.

He trimmed the tunic and hurriedly greeted him with the little prisoner.

When I arrived outside the prison, I saw three little ladies who looked like celestial celestial beings, standing in a fat and thin ring.

Zhou Da's eyes were fixed involuntarily, even his bones seemed to be lighter, and he was about to turn on the scan mode, but suddenly heard a familiar voice: "Zhou Si prison, long time no see, you are getting richer and richer."

Zhou Da followed the prestige subconsciously, and the whole plump body was suddenly shocked, and then the pitted face burst into a chrysanthemum-like smile.


He exaggeratedly patted his thigh, and exclaimed as he leaned up, "It turns out to be Master Zhang! I haven't seen this one day! My lord, okay? I went back to the mansion to visit, but unfortunately the lord was there. The Prince's Mansion..."

Since he is responsible for guarding the prison, it is inevitable to encounter some wealthy domestic slaves, and similar flattery scenes will inevitably be staged several times a year.

But this time Zhou Da came out of his sincerity.

After all, Sun Shaozong is not only his benefactor and patron, but also the biggest bragging capital in his life.

Therefore, he sighed with emotion and asked warmly. It took a long time before he calmed down and remembered the business again.

I glanced at the mandarin duck and the others, but didn't even dare to see his face, so he hurriedly took it back and said with a serious face: "Master Zhang, I heard that you and these girls want to visit the maid in Rongguo Mansion? In the eyes of the bones... won't you cause any wrongs to the adults, right?"

"Don't worry, people are designed by our second master." Zhang Chenghun waved his hand indifferently, and said: "These girls were originally from the Rongguo Mansion. They had a lot of affection with that Qiuwen, so I begged. The second master came to visit the prison."

As he said, he lowered his throat and added: "Now we are in our house, but they all have cards, maybe they will be auntie that day."

When Zhou Cheng heard the words, he was even more comprehensive. He slapped his chest and smiled: "Why don't you say that it's the one who is close to Zhu, the one who is close to the ink, and the one who is black! Then there are no half-person figures in the Rongguo Mansion, but these adults around us are all sentimental and righteous. The female heroine of —— I didn’t say anything, because of this loyalty, I also have to take the risk!"

After speaking, he personally led everyone to the women's prison.

Because of Ni Er's old things, the women's prison in Shuntian Mansion was much stricter than in the early years. It was Zhou Cheng's jail who was waiting for leisure, and it was difficult to enter and leave at will.

But nowadays, under the name of Sun, it is unimpeded.

However, it was not long before I arrived at the place where Qiuwen was detained. It was actually a very clean single room, and there was no shortage of food and clothing in it, and it was not much better than ordinary inns.

This was not because the Rongguo Mansion had made the money—Jia Baoyu wanted to visit the prison to make the money, but unfortunately he was ordered to ban him.

It’s because Qiuwen is now the focus of heated discussions in the streets, and it was brought back to the Yamen by Fu Yin Jia Yucun himself. If anything goes wrong in the prison, I am afraid that no one can afford it.

It was originally said that Zhang Cheng and Zhou Da were guarding outside, letting the women go inside to visit the prison and talk.

But when she arrived at the prison door, Caixia held her food box, but she stopped unconsciously.

At first, she was in love with Jia Huan because of the trivial matters of her childhood. Later, when she learned the truth, she became Sun Shaozong's maidservant. This feeling gradually faded.

So when she was discussing about coming to visit Qiuwen, she didn't object, and even prepared a few words from her heart, to talk to her playmates here.

But when she was separated from Qiuwen by a wall, she suddenly discovered that she was actually not ready to face the culprit who killed Jia Huan.

In a daze, I don’t know how long he has been in front of the prison door until Qingwen walked out again and wanted to take the food box in her hand. Caixia suddenly woke up and hurriedly carried the food box into her arms. , Shook his head lightly, and then walked into the cell with a complex expression.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Qiu Wen sitting on the bed with a dazed expression, glanced at her without focus, and then said to Yuanyang again: "You just give me a word to Second Master Bao. The day I went to Caishikou, Tell him never to go-I don't want him to see the appearance of my head in a different place."

Caixia pressed her hand tightly, her eyes blurred with tears before she knew it.

How could this infatuated woman from Rongguo Mansion never end well?

. m.

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