The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 606: Jinling Suspicious Case【中】

The night is getting darker.

The front hall of the palace was brightly lit, and Sun Shaozong was lying on the round table where the banquet was removed, looking at the files intently, and from time to time he would struggle to write some questions or supporting evidence, and briefly transcribe them on the paper.

Wang Ren, who was still enthusiastic before, didn't know where he took Xing Zhong to go. Only Xue Tao and Sun Shaoxu were left, guarding Sun Shaozong from left to right, desperately trying to find out some ways from those ghost paintings.

But they obviously couldn't keep up with Sun Shaozong's jumping thinking, and in the end they had to give up deciphering those messages and obediently wait for Sun Shaozong to start asking questions.

"grown ups."

At this time, Li Mou, the prefect of Jiangning County, brought a few pieces of rice paper over and said cautiously: "This is the scene of the murder and the topographical map of the Liu family's backyard."

Sun Shaozong took it and took a look at it. Although the above picture was a bit simpler, it was clearly organized, and the brush strokes were mixed with three-point landscape charm, which exceeded his expectations. He couldn't help but subconsciously asked, "Who did these?" "

"It's Shuxuan, Sun's dowry maid."

Li Zhixian hurriedly replied: "She is most familiar with the layout of Sun's bedroom, and she is good at Chinese calligraphy and painting. She is really the best candidate for topographical maps."

Speaking of this, he complained in a timely manner: "The Liu Yuan originally intended to cover up for his son, and ordered someone to completely destroy the scene. When the humble duty sent someone to investigate, it was not said that it was blood on the ground, even that was stained with blood. The screens and mattresses were all burned clean."

Because the laws of the Great Zhou Dynasty generally encourage relatives to hide each other, it is not uncommon for groups of relatives and friends to destroy the scene.

And this is the reason why Sun Shaozong is not ready to investigate the scene for the time being-first he was wrecked by people, and now it has been two months later, the chance of finding clues is really slim.

Nodded nonchalantly, Sun Shaozong first selected the layout map of the crime scene separately, and confirmed it with the confession in the file.

The crime scene was located in the bedroom on the east side of the main hall. The door opened in the middle of the west wall. The screen with Sun's body was directly opposite.

For this reason, after the two maids walked in, they found Sun's body at a glance.

According to the description in the complaint, the screen is about one foot or two feet away from the gate, and the back is about four feet away from the east wall. It is a place for holding bath barrels and other sundries.

As for the case, Liu Yiqing's sleepy Babu bed was located in the north, about ten feet and five feet away from the screen and the entrance.

Because it was rainy, the windows on the south side were locked from the inside.

After looking at it for a long time, Sun Shaozong took the topographic map of the backyard of the Liu Mansion in his hand and carefully examined it.

As mentioned earlier, Liu Mansion is also a family of officials and officials, and like the Sun Clan Nanzong generally settled outside the city, so the courtyard is naturally not very small.

According to the picture, if a thief breaks into Liu's house and annihilates the Sun family, at least he will have to climb over two high and one low walls, and hide from the few domestic dogs kept by the Liu Mansion.

This was already quite difficult, not to mention the rainy weather at the time, it was even more difficult if you wanted to go up and down without leaving a trace.

As for the male servants committing crimes in the Liu family...

According to the topographical map and the confession, between the backyard and the front yard, there were servants who watched for 24 hours.

And because of the rainy weather, the Liu family's servants mostly gather together to deal with the trivial things in the room. Even if someone has been alone halfway, it is less than a quarter of an hour before and after.

In such a short time, it may be possible to get over the wall and get into the backyard, but after killing Sun, tie her body to the screen with the intention of blaming Liu Yiqing, but it is absolutely impossible.

In all these cases, it is no wonder that Jiangning County will determine that Liu Yiqing killed the Sun family when there are still doubts about the case.

After looking through the remaining topographic maps, Sun Shaozong then cast his sights on the door, the bustling dozens of people's cards.

"First bring the father and son Liu Changfeng, servant Shuxuan and Mu Qin, as well as housekeeper Song Ji, servant Liu Yan, Sang Youfu and others."

The father and son Liu Changfeng and the two maids did not say much, but the servants behind were the ones who were in charge of cleaning up the scene.

Li Zhixian hurriedly went down to spread the word in person, and soon led those people in.

Liu Changfeng is a wealthy middle-aged man. Although his son Liu Yiqing is shackled and a little skeletal, his appearance is still slightly higher than that of Sun Shaozong.

After entering the door, the father and son knelt down first, and the servants behind them also crouched on the ground.


That Liu Changfeng was about to call for injustice, but he heard Sun Shaozong ask in a loud voice: "Song Ji, Liu Yan, and Sang Youfu, when you cleaned the scene of the murder, you saw something, and let the officer come one by one."

The three obviously did not expect that Master Guan first asked him, and at the moment Liu Yan and Sang Youfu were a little panicked.

And Song Ji was a housekeeper, and he was more composed than the two of them. Dang Even told Liu Changfeng to help clean up the blood on the corpse and recounted the matter roughly.

However, what he mentioned was basically recorded in the files of Jiangning County, and there was nothing new.

So Sun Shaozong asked again: "Besides, what else do you want to add?"

"The villain has nothing to add."

Song Ji categorically denied it, but Liu Yan subconsciously looked at Liu Changfeng, seemingly embarrassed to connect.

How could Sun Shaozong be kept secret from such small actions?

Dang Even called by name: "Liu Yan, are you hiding something?"

As soon as Liu Yan heard this, Liu Changfeng urged again and again: "It's time to wait, what can't you say? Is it because you want to kill the young master?!"

Seeing that the official had clicked on his own name, and the master was urging again and again, Liu Yan said tremblingly: "I dare not expire the old man. When the villain cleaned the blood on the ground, he picked up a blood stained one. candle……"

This point is actually recorded in the dossier, but Sun Shaozong, seeing his appearance, obviously has other inside information, so he ordered: "Go on."

Just listen to Liu Yan hesitatingly said: "In addition to... in addition to blood stains, the candle also... there are some sticky things. It seems... it seems to be something that men and women got out."

"The other thing is that...the candle root is a little squished, it seems to be pinched..."

It turned out to be hiding things like this, no wonder this guy would be scrupulous in front of everyone.

Sun Shaozong groaned for a moment, and then asked further: "It was once contaminated with men's rice green liquid."

"This... seems to be there."

"You can't be sure?"

"Yes! The villain clearly remembers that there was indeed a man's dirt on it."

Hearing this, Sun Shaozong reached out his hand to the candlestick not far away, and instructed the servants of the palace to take two candles down, one to his own hand, and one to Liu Yan.

Sun Shaozong slowly squeezed the candle slightly, and asked Liu Yan if it was in such a shape.

"We have to be flatter."

After getting a negative answer, Sun Shaozong tried to squeeze a little bit more, which was confirmed by Liu Yan.

Throwing the squeezed candle aside, Sun Shaozong said again: "Try it again, and see what is the difference in softness, hardness, and toughness between this candle and the candle you found at the scene of the murder."

Liu Yan held the candle and squeezed it a few times before breaking it in half. Then he shook his head and said, "This candle should be softer, not as hard as our house."


The hardness of the candle used by the palace is not low, but the Liu's is even harder-it seems that it should have been used for a long time and in depth, otherwise it will not be significantly deformed.

So what does this new detail mean?

Is the murderer a pervert?

So after he entered the time of the sage, he risked Liu Yiqing's waking up at any time and repeatedly tortured Sun with candles?


The murderer is actually a fast man, who was despised by Sun because of the second shot, so he used external force to vent his shame?


The murderer is Liu Yiqing himself, so naturally there is no need to worry about anything?

Recording the suspicions in his mind briefly on paper, Sun Shaozong asked again: "Besides, what else do you have to add?"

Seeing that Liu Yan had really added some details, Liu Changfeng immediately became energetic, and he turned around and promised: "If anyone can think of anything useful, I will have a great reward, sir!"

Under this heavy reward, another ‘brave man’ sprang up as expected.

But Sang Youfu yelled: "Master, villain... the villain also saw something, but I don't know if it's useful."

Sun Shaozong categorically said: "Whether it is useful or Your master will be rewarded!"

Encouraged by this effortless promise, Sang Youfu hurriedly said: "When the villain sweeps the blood stains, he finds some white broken wax in front of the screen, which looks like it fell when the wax pill was peeled off..."

Wax pill fragments?

Sun Shaozong turned his attention to Liu Yiqing: "You and Sun, what pills did you use before the incident?"


Liu Yiqing hurriedly shook his head like a rattle, and said confidently: "My lady and I are in good health. Have you ever used any pills?"

Sun Shaozong asked the two maids again, and they both shook their heads again and again.


This thing is very likely, not the original thing at the scene of the crime.

In other words, this was probably brought to the scene by the murderer.

Could it be that something like a drug was installed to dissolve Sun's resistance?

This seems to make sense.


Is it necessary to make a pill for a drugged drug?

This thing should be more convenient to use, the better?

Even if it is made into a pill, it should be peeled out in advance when it is ready to be used.

As for the volatilization of the drug...

Solid pills should not have this problem.

As for the liquid anesthetic...

If it really wants to be liquid, it's not much more reliable than wax pills to put it in a water bag, bamboo jar or something?

In short, this is another clue that cannot be connected to the case for the time being.

After recording all the speculations on the paper again, Sun Shaozong immediately turned his attention to one of the maids.

After Sang Youfu confided the ‘wax pill’ and received the promise of a heavy reward, this maid was eager to try, apparently thinking of clues that had not been recorded! ()

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