The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 242: First arrived in Tianjin due to dispatch

Because the road was smooth and smooth, Sun Shaozong's official boat departed from Datongqiao Wharf in the morning, and just after noon, it arrived near the mouth of the Sancha River in Jinmen Mansion.

I want to explain by the way that the word ‘Tianjin’ was given by Zhu Di, the ancestor of Ming Cheng, meaning ‘the place where the emperor crosses Tianjin’, to commemorate the old incident of him marching south to attack the Cangzhou government from here.

Now that it is the Great Zhou Dynasty, there is naturally no chance for Emperor Yongle to appear on the stage, let alone the'Jing Nan Battle'.

Therefore, the word'Tianjin' cannot be mentioned.

In fact, even the name of'Jinmen Mansion' was after Emperor Guangde succeeded to the throne. Seeing that this place was increasingly prosperous due to the intersection of shipping and river transport between the north and the south, this place was upgraded to a mansion in the second year of Guangde and gave the name'Jinmen. ', which means the ferry and gateway to the capital.

As for the governor's Yamen, it was not until the fifth year of Guangde that he moved from Chengde Mansion.

As a new important town in the north, Jinmen Mansion can be said to be vigorous, but correspondingly, management will inevitably appear to be a little loose.

At least the level of mess on the Sanchahekou wharf is more than that of Datong Bridge, and it is even harder to compare with Yangzhou, Nanjing and other state capitals known for water transportation.

By the way, the above comments were sent by Sun Shaozong after stepping on duck **** on the dock.

The book does not go into details.

However, after the official ship drew ashore, Sun Shaozong didn't know how the board and lodging was arranged this time, so he ordered the accompanying officials and entourage to wait on the ship, and went to the Governor's Office alone to pass the sign.

However, it was not an official from the Governor's Mansion who came out to greet him with the news, but Zhao Wutong, a fellow of Jinmen Mansion.

After chatting with that Zhao Wutong, I realized that although the governor’s mansion issued an official document and summoned officials from all over the country, the reception task was handed over to the Secretary of State for the proclamation. The governor turned his face away and turned it on again. The task was assigned to Jinmen Mansion.

"Oh, why don't they all say that Sansheng is evil, and it is attached to the provincial capital of Guo."

Zhao Wutong spread his hands together and smiled bitterly: "There are a lot of mothers-in-laws and grandma. We don't care about any of the tasks that are assigned by the local officials."

In fact, this statement refers to the county magistrate attached to Guo, but it is not impossible to use it in the prefectural yamen.

"Master Zhao asked me to complain, but he found the wrong person."

Sun Shaozong laughed and said, "Don't forget that there is another sentence after this: Evil Guan Manying, attached to Guo Jingcheng, you are also the governor and two divisions. Our grandmother and grandmother on the head of Shuntian Mansion have more lice than beggars!"

After talking and laughing, the two went out of the Governor's Mansion again, and saw that two blue sedan chairs had been prepared outside the gate.

Zhao Wutong gave way to the sedan chair in front, and said, "Master Sun, please. I have already booked two inns nearby in advance, specifically to house your colleagues."

Seeing that the sedan chair was not big, there were only two sedan chairmen standing beside it.

Sun Shaozong shook his head and said, "Since it's not far away, can Brother Zhao accompany me a few steps? It's really inconvenient to sit in a sedan chair at this stature."

Zhao Wutong looked at Sun Shaozong's burly figure and knew that what he said was true, so he had to walk shoulder to shoulder with him.

In this way, the reliance on sounding the gong to clear the way was completely eliminated, but the dozens of government officials guarded it, but it was even more eye-catching, which attracted the attention of the people in the city, and there were pointers and discussions about the good thing.

Seeing this, Zhao Wutong was slightly cramped in his behavior and talk, and he was obviously not used to being so crowded on the road.

Fortunately, the inn was not far from the Governor's Mansion, and it was only a quarter of an hour away. After crossing the threshold of the inn, Zhao Wutong seemed to have taken off his heart and started talking and laughing with Sun Shaozong again.

"In fact, I really want to talk about it. From Jinmen Mansion to the prefect, to the Li people, we all hope that the Governor's Mansion will be listed soon."

I thought he was saying this because he wanted to shoot the **** of the Governor's Mansion, but the expression on his face was emotional, but it didn't seem to be against his heart.

So Sun Shaozong was a little curious and said, "Why is this? The governor of Zhili and the governor of Hebei are above. For your Jinmen Mansion, there shouldn't be much difference, right?"

"Master Sun knows something."

Although Zhao Wutong is the same as Sun Shaozong, he is the official rank of the fifth grade, and he is still the second master in Jinmen Mansion, and he is slightly better than Sun Shaozong, the third-ranked ruler.

But the Shuntian government is considered half a capital official after all, and it is much more expensive than ordinary local officials.

In addition, Sun Shaozong is so young, he knew at first glance that he must have roots, so Zhao Wutong always had three points of flattery in his words.

He laughed and explained: "From the beginning of the establishment of this dynasty, the Fourth Battalion in Beijing often came to train soldiers and horses nearby. After the establishment of Jinmen Mansion in Guangde in the second year, this practice was never stopped."

"Those arrogant soldiers and heroes dare not go crazy at the feet of the emperor, but they are unscrupulous when they come to our Jinmen Mansion. We have to cause something to happen almost every month, but we, Hebei and them are not under each other. It is true. It's too tight."

"Right now, Lord Zhou will be promoted to governor-general of Zhili province, and he will also have the title of Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and it will be more reasonable to deal with it."

It turned out that this Jinmen Mansion was actually the place where the Fourth Battalion of the capital was training troops. I don't know if the cheapest brother has ever been here to train troops. If so, he is afraid that he will harass the place because of his temperament.

However, they said that the two people were talking here, and naturally someone called the store owner to let Sun Shaozong move in.

After only a while, the store timidly stepped forward and said with a bitter face: "Master Zhao, the Dongkua courtyard was just occupied at noon, do you think it is for this adult to change another courtyard... "


As soon as Zhao Wutong heard this, his face suddenly sank.

Although there are the Governor's Mansion and the Three Siyamen on it, he is also the second master of the Mansion. This time he is acting in the name of the Governor's Mansion. How can he ever think of contracting the inn and daring to sublet it to others privately?

Especially this matter is still in front of Sun Shaozong. Doesn't this mean that you are embarrassed and thrown into the capital? !

Therefore, even if Zhao Wutong was annoyed, he flicked his sleeves and yelled: "Are you guys dazzled by money?! The guest room booked by the official in actually dared to turn around privately. Rent to others!"

As he said, he raised his voice again: "Come here, go and blast out the things that don't have long eyes!"

The innkeeper stomped his feet anxiously: "My lord, I can't use it, this is absolutely impossible..."

How can those yads care about him?

Rolling up his arms and sleeves, carrying an iron ruler, and a street whip, he waited to go to the backyard to chase people away.

"What a big tone!"

At this moment, several arrogant men rushed out of the backyard, and the leader squinted and said with a sneer: "Our men are just in the Governor's Mansion. They are all delicious, delicious and entertaining. This is a bird inn. It's stubborn!"

As he said, he pointed his nostrils at Zhao Wutong, snorted, "This adult is so powerful, dare you ask if Dusi, Jiantai, and Fantai are in front of you? But I looked at the color of the official uniform, why is there something wrong? "

Before the words were over, the sturdy men around them all laughed.

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