The Famous Detective of the Red Mansions

Chapter 258: To be married【上】

On March 14, the night was dark.

Ping'er came out of the house with half a basin of warm water and splashed it absently. Unexpectedly, someone in the darkness uttered an ‘Oh’.

"Who? Where is who?!"

Ping'er was taken aback and hurriedly took the copper basin to protect her body.

But when he saw a cowardly figure turning under the porch, he said in a whisper, "Sister Ping'er, it's me."

"Second girl?!"

Ping'er glanced intently, but who else could be Jia Yingchun, who is not about to marry?

She hurriedly turned away the copper basin, and greeted him: "This is so dark, why did you come here by yourself? You didn't even pick one lantern!"

Jia Yingchun lowered his head slightly, concealing the panic on the face, and said: "It's not a few steps to the left or right. Don't bother my sister Ping'er, can my sister-in-law be inside?"

When Ping'er looked at her like this, he knew that it was 80% of the squad who made troubles, so he thought to mention a few words so that Jia Yingchun must never be caught by a maid.

But firstly, she is embarrassed, and the master is not the master and the servant is not the servant; secondly, Jia Yingchun is about to get married, and then her grandson will be the master of her.

Therefore, Ping'er hesitated for a moment, and then pretended to be confused. He stepped sideways and said with a smile: "The second girl went straight in. Our grandma has been waiting in the hall long ago."

Jia Yingchun walked a few steps inside when he heard the words, but hesitated again at his feet, turning around and inquiring in a low voice: "I've been here for so long, isn't my sister-in-law angry?"

But it turned out that after dinner tonight, Wang Xifeng sent someone over to call her to come over at night to "talk about home."

Jia Yingchun was greeted, and originally wanted to call Siqi to leave immediately. Who knew that Siqi went out before dinner, and he hasn't seen anyone.

This was not a rare thing at first, after all, Siqi has been wandering around every day since his'confession of his heart was rejected' that day.

But this time it was different, because another big maid embroidered orange and found that not only did he not see the shadow of Siqi, but even the clothes and jewelry in Siqi's room were quite missing.

Jia Yingchun got her report, and then think about her remarks that day, even if she was almost frightened and passed out, she finally eased her strength, and hurriedly urged the maid to search around.

However, when the people around her were all gone, she remembered that Sister Feng had asked herself to talk in the evening. For a while, she couldn't find a spare lantern, so she rushed over in the dark.

Although she is an aunt, Jia Yingchun has always been afraid of Wang Xifeng's three-pointer.

However, Ping'er knew that Wang Xifeng called these two girls to come over today because she "has a request" for her. Since there is a request, she does not count these trivial matters.

So he smiled and said: "Look at what the second girl said, you are now a bride to be married, and you have to be careful at the whole house. Our grandmother is angry with you, it's not easy to be angry with you."

With that, he gently pushed Jia Yingchun's back: "Go in, there is something serious and good waiting for you!"

Jia Yingchun was relieved when she heard what she said. He was just waiting to pick up the curtain to go in. Who knew that Ping'er suddenly pulled her back, and asked in a low voice: "By the way, the second girl can get Sun's money. Is the news? I heard that the second grandfather of the Sun family was injured in Jinmen Mansion?"

Jia Yingchun heard her suddenly ask about this, and felt a little surprised in her heart, but she has always been more than less, so she didn't delve into it. She shook her head and said: "I only know that Sun Shen rushed away in a hurry Jinmen, the people next to it don’t know."

"That's it."

Ping'er tried her best to conceal her anxiety and disappointment, let go of Jia Yingchun's arm, and watched her enter the living room. She couldn't help but put her palms together, and chanted ‘Amitabha, Buddha bless’.

Not to mention Ping'er in the courtyard, how worried about Sun Shaozong's safety.

But when Jia Yingchun entered the flower hall, he saw Wang Xifeng lazily leaning on the couch, wearing a loose and gilt-rimmed purple hazel dress, and a pair of heavenly feet stomping on the maid’s legs. Entering the summer ahead of time, a fox fur shawl was put on the lower abdomen, and there was another three-point agitation in the coolness.

Seeing Jia Yingchun coming in from the outside, Wang Xifeng immediately kicked the two long legs on the ground, and said in a grotesque voice: "Ping'er, this little hoof is really getting less and less unaware of things. I'm here, why don't you call me out to welcome you!"

While talking, there were snow-white feet like Tilian, but they were just hanging on the shoes, and I didn't see that they actually stepped on their feet and stood up to greet them.

Jia Yingchun didn't dare to pick her out, and smiled shyly, "Sister-in-law is teasing people again", and there is nothing to follow.

Wang Xifeng knows that her temperament is not always proactive. If she waits for her to provoke a conversation, it is estimated that she will not be able to wait for the year of the monkey.

So he beckoned affectionately: "Quickly, quickly, quickly come over and sit down and talk."

When Jia Yingchun sat on the couch obediently, she took another arm of Jia Yingchun and rubbed it on the little hand that was as gentle as jade. But the grandson’s family was cheaper early. They are willing to be men, but my sister-in-law is a little bit reluctant."

"Sister-in-law...what did the sister-in-law say."

Jia Yingchun is used to being transparent on weekdays, and is quite uncomfortable with her enthusiasm, and smiles a little crampedly: "Sister-in-law is really precious, can I compare with my sister-in-law."

I just said it casually, but when I got to the back, I couldn't help but feel a little bit emotional.

After all, when Wang Xifeng got married, she had seen the beautiful scene with her own eyes, but when it was her turn to marry now, even if she replaced all the crates of silver with scattered copper coins, she was afraid that it would be difficult to compare it in weight.

As for other objects, they are extremely pitiful.

Thinking like this, even if she tried to hide it, her face would inevitably show some loneliness and embarrassment.

Wang Xifeng is the master who knows the most about words and expressions. How could she not guess what she was thinking, she immediately sighed: "Oh, I don't know what the old lady thinks. So far I haven't bought a few decent dowries for my sister. ."

As she said, she secretly winked at the little maid who was beating her leg, and the little maid quietly backed out immediately.

After the maid went out, Wang Xifeng put his hand on Jia Yingchun's waist and said with a serious face: "But you don't want to be scornful because of this. Sister-in-law, I will add a dowry to you, so you can be better than others' possessions. Add it up, it's a bit more expensive!"

Jia Yingchun heard this, but only felt that it was inexplicable and half-believing that the sister-in-law would add some dowry to the sister-in-law. It was not a rare thing. But if Wang Xifeng would be generous, she would not believe it in her heart. .

It’s just that Jia Yingchun didn’t dare to show it, just pretending to be curious: "What dowry will my sister-in-law add to me?"

"A way of making money, a big way of making money!"

Wang Xifeng said triumphantly: "I heard that General Sun Shen has three good points in his life, one is lustful..."

Having said this, she pinched a pinch on Jia Yingchun's pink face and joked: "This one, sister, you naturally took it properly."

Then he said: "As for his second best, but his sister who is addicted to alcohol has always been considerate, and it will certainly not spoil General Sun Shen's interest."

"Only this last one is good..."

Wang Xifeng sold a pass and wanted to ask Jia Yingchun to ask questions. However, after waiting for a while, he saw that Jia Yingchun was just waiting in a daze, and didn't mean to ask any questions at all.

While she secretly glared at the blind man in her heart, she had to continue to say, "His last good luck is because he is greedy for money!"

In fact, Sun Shaozu’s other good is ‘corruption of power’, but in order to introduce his own design, Wang Xifeng had to change it for Sun Shaozu.

Just listen to Wang Xifeng said solemnly: "In my opinion this one is the most important! Just imagine, if you can control the financial rights of the Sun family like me, you are afraid that you will not be able to gain a foothold in the Sun family in the future. Huh?"

If it's the woman next to her, she's already tempted to say that it's inconvenient.

Jia Yingchun was silent for a while, but he said: "How can I be compared with my sister-in-law, nothing, nothing!"

This boring girl!

Wang Xifeng was so depressed that he was a little doubtful whether he had found the wrong person if he asked her to lead the line.

But thinking of Sun Shaozong's ‘cunning’, how can she be relieved if there is no one who can check and balance from it?

So you can only gritted your teeth and said: "You can rest assured that there is nothing you can't do. I will naturally teach you hand in hand. You only need to remember my warning, don't go on a business trip!"

No matter how simple she said, for Jia Yingchun, it is still a ‘trouble’.

However, Jia Yingchun is also a person who will not refuse, so he hesitated for a while, after all, Wang Xifeng was filled with two ears of ‘making a fortune’.

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