At this time,

Potio had already reacted.

"You are not going to use the Jade Omen of Alliance, are you?!"


"Supported by Luofu Cloud Riders……"

"This should be enough."

Dan Heng said so.

Sanyueqi: It is true.

Xing: I didn't expect it to be used so quickly.

Jingyuan: It seems that you are facing a lot of trouble.

Jingyuan: It's okay, we will come.

Shajin: Yes! Xianzhou Alliance, Emperor Bow Siming, and Hunting Envoy.

Potio: His baby, it seems that they are all coming.


On the screen.

Botio couldn't help but remind Dan Heng

"That thing can only be used once in a lifetime"

"You'd better think it over."

Potio couldn't help but say.

But Danheng was very determined at this time.

"I think clearly"

"My partners……"

"It can only be had once in a lifetime."

He said very seriously.


At this moment, he has made his own decision.

Funina: My companion only has one chance in a lifetime, this is really shocking!

Nashida: So touching, what should I do?

Kamisato Ayaka: This is the Starry Sky Train!! It sounds great!

That Villette: Well, although it can only be used once in a lifetime, if it can play a role at a critical moment, it is enough.

Zhongli: That's true. I believe that other people think so too.

Xing: So touching, Danheng you are so reliable!!

March 7: Uncle Yang may be in danger this time, and we don't know what will happen, but if General Jingyuan comes, it will definitely bring a lot of pressure.

Jizi: Indeed, from the perspective of checks and balances, this is indeed possible.

Walter: I hope you can succeed.

Shajin: So touching, it is worthy of the Starry Sky Train. Alliance Yuzhao said to use it.

Jingyuan: This is the Starry Sky Train I know.

Fu Xuan: Hey! Is it used so soon? Robin

: Thank you very much for your help, we will definitely succeed


At the same time, subtitles began to appear on the screen. 29 In reality, Dan Heng intends to use the alliance jade omen.

The train crew also prepared to act after receiving Mikhail's inheritance.

On the screen, words appeared at this time.

9 systems away from the opening of the Harmonious Music Ceremony, the golden moment.

Obviously, this is a time when the timeline is a little earlier.

To be precise, it was the moment after Sunday and Walter and his party left Liumeng Reef.

However, on the screen, a voice sounded at this time.

When I was a child, my words were like a child, my thoughts were like a child, and my ideas were like a child.

This voice came completely from Sunday's mouth.

Now that I have become a human, I have abandoned the things of a child.

He said so.

The voice seemed so obvious at this moment.

And as the picture turned, it seemed to be in Sunday's memory.

He was listening to the words of others.

""Please bless me, the noble spokesperson of Xipei."

A servant of the Tianhuan tribe asked at this time.

Sunday was holding the ceremony calmly.

"Come on, family."

"I have asked Him to be with me."

At this time on Sunday, it seems that I have invited the same

"I will obey your will."

The servant of the Tianhuan tribe said.

And at this time he seemed to start to repent.

"I have served the Alfalfa family for nearly ten years, always working diligently and conscientiously, never being lazy."

"Sharing harmony is the highest good"

"However, yesterday, I made a mistake"

"When preparing a dinner for the master of the house"

"I accidentally dropped the food on the ground."

The Tianhuan servant said in horror.

"Out of laziness, I lied and said everything was arranged"

"Although the master has dismissed me as a punishment"

"But I still can't sleep or eat"

"Worry that the seeds of evil have taken root in my heart"

"I hereby confess to you in order to make amends for my sins."

The servant of the Ring Clan said sincerely that day.

Funina: Hmm? What's the sin in this?

Nashida: I did something wrong and I was punished. Isn't that enough?

Violet: I don't like this atmosphere very much.

Xing: Hey! Why do you still feel guilty? I did something wrong and I've already been punished.

March Seven: Yes, isn't this matter over?

Fireworks: Hehehe, I can't understand their train of thought at all.

Robin: This... when did the family become like this?

Poteo: His dear, he's used to being a dog, he really can't change at all, right?

Gold Dust: Well, from what he said, he is still feeling guilty.

Black Swan: This... is a little incomprehensible.

Jizi: There is indeed a price to pay for doing wrong things, and he has already paid the price.

Walter: In that case, why are you here so restless?

Xing: I don't quite understand now.

March Seven: Don't say you don't understand, I don't understand either.

Nashida: It seems that no one can understand this broken man's train of thought.

Green Bird: Hey! What on earth is this?


On the screen.

At this time, Sunday also began to say

"Do you feel remorse for this and are you determined to change your ways


"I swear"

"Have you carefully examined yourself and confessed all your sins?"

Sunday continued to ask

"I swear."

The Tianhuan servant said respectfully

"Are you willing to take action and receive the atonement?"

Sunday continued to ask.

"I swear"

"Very good."

Sunday smiled and nodded.

"Showing love and kindness to other family members"

"In this way, you can reconcile with your family."

"Go back safely."

Sunday said this, and this person was considered finished.


"Thank you too! Honorable spokesperson."

That day, the servants of the Huan Clan burst into tears of gratitude.

Finina: This... why does it feel so strange?

Nashida: Isn't harmony tolerance? Why does it feel like there is a distinction between high and low?

Villette: There is indeed a distinction between high and low. The family is noble here, and the servants are low.

Gallagher: Now you can understand what I said. The corruption of the family has long been deeply rooted, right?

March Seven: Too abominable, isn't it? Where is the fairness in this?

Star: I feel deeply oppressed.

Gold Dust: Hey! This is the family, this is harmony!

Green Bird: I don't understand at all. He didn't do his job well and was fired. This is a normal business behavior. Why did I empathize with him?

Green Bird: Why What do you feel guilty about?

Walnut: I don't understand. I don't want to understand.

Portio: Do you remember what I said just now? Some people are just suitable to be dogs.

Robin: The family shouldn't be like this, at least in my impression, it shouldn't be like this. To read the most exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network! )

Walter: It seems that everything has changed too much.

Firefly: I don't quite understand, but why do they want Sunday to forgive?

Xing: This is probably because he is the spokesperson of Tongxie, right?

Jizi: To be honest, there is no such thing as a spokesperson.

Jizi: What these people are looking for is just psychological comfort, or more benefits.[]

Gold Dust: Anyway, it's really sad that the family has become like this.

Gold Dust: This is the family that advocates tolerance and equality! How ironic, hahahaha!


On the screen, a person confesses his sins.

Sunday also speaks at this time.

"Next person, please come forward."The next person who came was a panicked dream chaser.

He was terrified as soon as he came.

He also looked very panicked.


"I wholeheartedly apologize to you……"

"Please forgive me!!"

Sunday looked at the person in front of him and was very calm at this time.

"Please be at ease"

"I begged Him to be with me"

"As long as you are honest and kind, you will be forgiven."

Sunday was still so calm.

He seemed to forgive everyone's sins.

The panicked dreamer finally began to confess at this time.

"Oh! Oh, good!"

"Actually, I stowed away in Pinocchio."

"In order to buy a boat ticket, I sold everything I could at home."

"House, Land……"

"Also, two children……"

The dream chaser said.

Fernina: What? Selling his own child?

Nashida: Is this man crazy? Just to come to Pinocchio?

Naviette: House, land, and children.

Naviette: It seems that he has some assets.

Xing: Damn! This situation is absolutely unforgivable.

March Seven: How can you accept such a bastard? He even sold his own child!!

Gold Dust: This is just to chase dreams! For your own dreams, for yourself to be able to come to this beautiful dream and enjoy the beautiful dream.

Gold Dust: For your own selfish desires, nothing else matters.

Portio: His baby, I should give him a bullet at this time.

Hanabi: This is really ironic.

Robin: How could it be? How did Pinocchio become like this?

Robin: If you put it this way, don’t many people have such experiences?

Robin: Just for a vain and unreliable dream, you can sell everything in your reality.

Robin: This... Pinocchio should not be like this.

Hanabi: Whether you are willing to admit it or not, it has become like this now.

Firefly: Should Sunday forgive him?

Star: It seems that Sunday exists to forgive these people, given his current position.

March Seven: Huh? Such people should never be forgiven, and should be driven out directly.

Gold Dust: From my point of view, I have a different view.

Gold Dust: If he is a profitable target, then some value can be squeezed out of him.

Gold Dust: As long as such people are forgiven, more and more people will sell everything they have and come to Pinocchio. Gold

Dust: Not only that, but it will also give the family a good reputation. Gold Dust:

Forgiving him this time can be said to be a perfect publicity method.

Gold Dust: Then the family will get more human resources.

Topa: But doing this is really unethical.

Topa: I can't stand it anymore.

Star: Yes! I feel that it is absolutely wrong, right?

Gold Dust: Yes! Sometimes it is indeed not good to do this. But I am too lazy to do it because it is meaningless.

Gold Dust: Mr. Sunday, are you willing to do this?


On screen.

It's still quiet at this time on Sunday


"Please continue."

The flustered dream chaser continued to speak at this time.

As if to defend himself.

"If they continue to stay with me, they will surely starve to death."

"At least being a slave can give you enough food to eat."


"If I become successful here"

"I will redeem them immediately!"

"Raise them well……"

That dream chaser shouted like this.

Star: Do you believe it? I don’t believe it anyway.

March 7: I can feel that he is full of lies now.

Robin: This... why do I feel that the possibility of these words being implemented is not very high?

Gold Dust: It’s very simple, he said these words to win sympathy.

Gold Dust: Do you remember what he just said? He sold the house and land.

Gold Dust: The ticket to Pinocchio is not cheap.

Gold Dust: With 467 houses and land, he and his children can definitely survive.

Gold Dust: But slaves, slaves are no longer human beings.

Gold Dust: From the moment they became slaves, they completely lost their dignity and value as human beings.

Gold Dust: As for their lives, it doesn’t matter at all.���

Portio: That's why I said, you really should give this guy a bullet.

Portio: He's precious, I can't give it to him. Giving a bullet is an insult to the bullet.

Jizi: There is really no possibility of forgiving such a person. Walter

: He is full of lies, and he only talks about what if, can he get rich here?

Walter: Even if he really makes money, will he still think about his two children who have become slaves and may even be dead?

Walter: He can sell his children now, what crazier things will he do in the future? That's not clear.

Xing: What Uncle Yang said makes a lot of sense. Such a person who is full of lies cannot be trusted at all.

March 7: He should be punished, such a person should not exist.

Hanabi: Then, what will Sunday do?


On the screen, the flustered dream chaser continued to speak.

"In the end, I was discovered by the hound family."

"They're chasing me everywhere."

"I want to bring all the kids over!"

"It's all my fault. It's all my fault.……"

The dream chaser shouted in panic.

Funina: He didn't really want to take the child over. He came here to confess because he was discovered, right?

Nashida: It feels like he is full of lies. I can't believe it at all.

Gold Dust: It seems that everyone has the same attitude.

Xing: He should be arrested.

March Seven: Even from the perspective of other guests, it is unforgivable, right?

March Seven: This is Pinocchio, a man of unknown origin, and the risk factor is also very high, right?

March Seven: What do you think? Am I pretending well?

Gallagher: Hahaha, that's not bad. If there is no family, anyone can come to the dreamland.

Gallagher: What a boring confession, my ears are callused after listening to it.

Xing: If he hadn't been discovered, he wouldn't come here to confess.

Xing: He just came here to confess that he was discovered. Give him a chance, he will only make himself work hard and not be discovered.


On screen.

Decisions are also being made at this time on Sunday

"The family is willing to accommodate everyone"

"I will tell the hound family to stop the search."

"From now on, you don't have to live in fear."

Sunday said this, and gave the final answer.

But this answer is really surprising.

Star: No, can this really be forgiven?

March 7: This kind of person should continue to be tracked down and chased until he is driven out!

Gold Sand: Does he still remember what I said? His life or death is not important, what is important is that he can bring a positive image to the family.

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