Xing: You mean, this isn't tense or exciting, right?

Sanyueqi: Right! We could feel the urgency no matter what happened before. Sanyueqi

: But this time...

Sand Gold: Isn't it a bit too easy?

Poteo: His baby! Now that you mention it, there are some strange points.

Poteo: Still thinking about such a simple negotiation, it feels like playing house.

Poteo: Except for the time when the dream master expelled Huangquan, it was too easy.

Jizi: That's true. Jizi

: There is no real death in the beautiful dream, Liuying and Zhi~Mingbird are fine. Jizi

: Liumengjiao directly learned the truth, and now he can sit down and negotiate with the dream master easily.

Walter: If the star core is really related to the dream master, it shouldn't be so easy-right.

Hanabi: Hahaha! All this is beautiful like a fairy tale, just like a dream.

Xing: Yes, it's like a beautiful dream.

Huangquan: A beautiful dream...

Black Swan: Could it be that everything that has happened in Pinoconi so far is a dream?

Xing: Isn't this idea too bold? I don't think it should be, right?

Sanyueqi: It's hard to say. This place is all memories...

Jizi: If that happens, everything we have done so far will be overturned.


On the exposure screen,

Robin and Sunday went to prepare for the reception.

On the way, they met a drunken guest.

"Mr. Sunday……"


"Did you see it?"

"The moon in the sky is the same size as the Sulada bottle cap in my hand!"

"Yes or no…"

"As long as I stretch out my hand, I can grab the moon in my arms?"

"Hmm? Right?"

This drunken guest was really drunk.


"Haha, you mean the Grand Theatre, right?"

Sunday laughed.


"Haha, look at me"

""I must have been away from home for too long and missed the moon so much..." said the drunken guest.

He seemed to have not been home for a long time.

But this emotion only appeared for a moment and was quickly changed.

" doesn’t matter!"

"Our Pinocchio Theatre is much brighter than the moon.…"

"Beautiful! Eye-catching!"

"They advised me not to sell all my belongings."


"Bah! How short-sighted!"

After hearing this, the robin was a little confused.

"Sell all your belongings……"

"Why do you have to do this?"

The drunken guest gave a direct answer.


"Why else?……"

"Life in my hometown is so hard, I have lost my dignity"

"Pinocchio is better."

"Only sweet dreams, no suffering"

"Don't worry about tomorrow, just do whatever you want"

"This is called living"


The robin was even more confused when he saw this scene.

"Can this really be considered living?……"

Xing: Another one who sold all his belongings.

Sanyueqi: He ended up living a life of drunkenness and dreams here. In fact, he misses his hometown very much, but he doesn't want to go back.

Walter: He has been immersed in beautiful dreams for too long. It seems that he has been changed imperceptibly by this place.

Portio: This guy no longer has the courage to face the reality. He only wants to live in the virtual world.

Jizi: But, he actually wants to return to reality and go back to his hometown.

Walter: It was only for a short moment, but it was true.

Mockingbird: I still hope that he can do this for his beautiful dreams.


The drunken guest also asked


"Little girl, I didn't hear what you asked just now.……"

Sunday directly interrupted the robin

"Nothing, sir."

"You see, the traffic on Grax Avenue is heavy and dangerous."

"Aideen Park is nearby"

"How about I let the hound family take you there to continue enjoying your sweet dreams?" he asked.

"Okay, you're right."

"You are indeed the leader of the Dream, my savior!" said the drunken guest.

"See you then, Mr. Sunday"

"Thank you for chatting with me……"

The brother and sister watched the guest leave.

The robin also felt a little sad when he saw this scene.

"What's wrong, sister?"

Sunday was puzzled.

"Why do people live this kind of life when it is clearly a dreamland?"

The robin didn't understand.

This is a place to pursue dreams, not to live a life of drunkenness and dreams.

"The gentleman just now…"

"Not happy at all."

The robin looked a little miserable.

"No matter how sweet the dream is"

"It is also an invisible illusion."

"But he regarded it as his only option for survival"

"Even gave up the future in reality for this……"

"This is not life at all."

The robin knows very well the difference between dreams and reality.

Star: The robin is so right, dreams are illusory after all.

March 7: Seeing him living a life of drunkenness and dreaming, I feel very uncomfortable.

Gold Dust: There is no way, this is the reality.

Portio: His baby! This is his own choice.

Black Swan: I think they just want to be carefree in their dreams.

Yellow Spring: But things that are too illusory can never completely convince oneself.

Portio: That's right! Otherwise, he wouldn't have to keep drinking.

Robin: I hope they can draw courage from their dreams, and then live a good life in reality.


On the exposure screen.

After listening to the robin's words, Sunday also said

"So that's it…"

"But in my opinion, this is the way ordinary people should live."

"Why do you say that?"

The robin didn't understand.

"You just said"

"That man lives on dreams, which is not life."

Sunday said

"actually not"

"Even without Pinocchio, people would still live in their own illusions."

"This illusion is called self-worth"

"People always think that they are destined to achieve a certain value."

"Earning value for yourself means great power"

"On the contrary, worthless people are degraded to weaklings."

Sunday talked eloquently.

He put forward a novel idea and thought.

"However, value is not created by people out of thin air."

"The total amount is also capped"

"To realize the so-called value, you must plunder from others"

"In this way, the weak are exploited and oppressed……"

Sunday feels that this kind of society is not running right.

At least it is very different from the paradise in dreams.

Xing: This... why does it feel like a stab in the back?

March Seven: But I still think he has a point. Value should not be given by others.

March Seven: Value should be determined by one's own thoughts.

Gold Dust: Hahaha! According to what he said, wealth has long been fixed, and anyone who fights for it will inevitably get hurt.

Poteo: His treasure! So he didn't even think about creating wealth, right?

Himeko: Wealth is created. Perhaps this is the meaning of pioneering.


Exposure screen

"You mean…"

"It shouldn't be like this, right?"

The robin understood what he meant.


"Ironically, however, people do not think it is wrong to do so."

"Because they always regard the illusory self-worth as the criterion"

"Even the weak think so.

Sunday feels that others should not struggle for self-worth.

"Survival of the fittest, the strong prey on the weak…"

"All the tragedies in the world come from this"

"The reason why Pinocchio is a beautiful dream"

"It is precisely because it provides a safe place for anyone who wants to escape from it.…"

"There is no tragedy here, only happiness"

"Although it is only a prototype, isn't this exactly what the paradise in our minds looks like?"

Sunday asked the robin.

Star: Why do I feel like he is wrong?

March 7: I feel that the paradise of the beautiful dream is not wrong, and there is nothing wrong with creating a paradise.

Himeko: But what he said is self-contradictory.

Himeko: He doesn't want the law of the jungle, so he wants this beautiful dream. But isn't this the law of the jungle in this beautiful dream?

Himeko: The family is high and mighty, and the rich businessmen do whatever they want. Isn't it still the law of the jungle?

Walter: Not only that, the price these people paid was their own lives.

Walter: Paying the price for this beautiful dream, which was affected by the star The impact of nuclear weapons, this does not seem to be worthy of praise.

Gold Dust: Wonderful! In fact, to put it bluntly, Sunday thinks that no one should make money, and everyone should just enjoy themselves. To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Gold Dust: Then it’s interesting now. If no one wants to make money, then in the end, who will have the money?

Portio: His baby! Isn’t it just saying one thing and doing another?

Robin: I think that people really shouldn’t be defined by what value they realize. Robin

: However, if they really want to do it, they shouldn’t wipe out their future.


On the exposure screen.

The robin began to remain silent at this time.

"Maybe the gentleman just now was just a special case."

"Before drawing conclusions"

"I think it would be better if I could see it with my own eyes in a dream."

"Just like Liumengjiao back then."

The robin believes more in what he sees, hears and feels.

"Well, seeing is believing."

"I'll accompany you"

"The dream master has not yet arrived, so we still have time to look around."

Sunday said.

The two of them continued to search here.

Soon, they saw a happy guest.

"Miss Robin! We meet again"

"Is the preparation for the Harmonious Music Festival going smoothly?"[]

"We are all looking forward to it."

She said

"It went well. Thank you."

"Thank you for coming all the way to attend the Harmony Festival."

The robin responded

"Haha, Miss Robin is so polite."

"You can party day and night with guests from all over the universe"

"Where is the hard work!"

"I hate loneliness and can't stand a boring life"

"This dreamland full of fun is just right for me."

The female guest was very happy.

Xing: This... Why do I feel like it might be a fool?

Sanyueqi: Looking for fun... It really seems like something a fool would do.

Hanabi: Stop, stop! There is a big difference between our fun.

Hanabi: Her fun is just superficial, but we like all kinds of fun.

Hanabi: Happy, sad, painful, as long as it's fun, we like it.

Poteo: Then this is really...

Gold Dust: Hahaha! It's really different, everything here is illusory.

Mockingbird: She seems to have been completely immersed in this place.


On the exposure screen.

Robin couldn't help but ask

"If days like this last forever…"

"Would you feel bored?"

The female guest immediately denied

"Of course not!"

"Who can have too much happiness?"

"You can wear beautiful clothes every day and experience all kinds of dream bubbles as you wish."

"No matter how much you eat, you won’t get fat, you won’t get sick, and you won’t get old.……"

"As long as you can afford the room fee, this is the best paradise."

The female guest said very straightforwardly.

Xing: I said how could there be nothing and you still have to pay.

March 7: I wanted to say it from the beginning. You still have to pay, that's another matter.

Botio: This is not a real paradise. What kind of paradise is it if his baby needs to pay for it.

Sand Gold: Well... when her money is gone, this is not a paradise anymore.

Sand Gold: See, someone has concentrated all the money in his own hands.

Sand Gold: The essence remains unchanged. The rich are the strong, and the poor have nothing.


Exposure screen

��The bird was still a little confused at this time.


"You should also know"

"There are very few things that can be brought back to reality from dreams."

"So I won’t take it back!" the female guest said.

"It's enough to enjoy it in the dream"

"I'm not immortal."

"A lifetime is only sixty or seventy years."

"There are too many things to take into consideration.…"

"It’s not easy to live a happy life."

She obviously didn’t want to return to reality

"Only in this beautiful dream can I be my own master"

"Really take control of your life…"

"After tasting this sweetness, why would you want to go back?"

The female guest had no intention of going back at all.

"I understand, and I sincerely wish you a happy life."

The robin nodded.

"I also wish Miss Robin’s performance a great success!"

"I'm going to the Blue Hour to attend the dance first, see you later."

The female guest said, and left.

Xing: Not at all, she is in control of her own life.

March 7: It feels like being in a cage, being tricked out of all my money.

Portio: His baby! Maybe we are too realistic.

Portio: I still prefer the feeling of being able to send bullets into other people's heads.

Gold Dust: This is really... a dream that never changes, how boring it would be


In the exposure screen, watching the female guest leave, the robin sighed helplessly.

"It seems that the guest's words just now did not satisfy you."

Sunday said helplessly.

"No, she has a point."

"I can also feel that she is happy from the bottom of her heart"


The robin thought this was not right.

"You mean…"

"She thought she was the master of her life."

"Yes, but it is just to abandon reality and escape into a beautiful dream"

"Without shelter, they will reveal their true form in an instant.

Sunday understood what the robin meant.


"After all, she did mention the room rate, didn't she?" thought the robin.

"But the paradise in our hearts…"

"There shouldn't be an end."

Sunday shook his head.

Xing: What? Does this mean that Sunday is going to pay for the room?

Poteo: His baby, you dare to think so! If that's the case, the family will strip him.

March Seven: Oh... I still feel that not everyone can be like this, right? At least I can't stand it.

Gold Dust: Some people can tolerate it, and some can't. Unfortunately, I am the latter.

Fireworks: This beautiful dream is false after all. If everything goes well, there will be no fun.

"The paradise in our mind…"

"It shouldn't be just an illusory dream."

The robin looked into the distance with some sadness in her eyes.

She felt that this place was very different from what she had imagined.

At least, it was not her ideal world.

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