Portio: He's a precious leg! Robin is too euphemistic. People like him should be argued with.

Fernina: Maybe it's because he has too much empathy?

Fernina: If you have too much empathy, you will think along the lines of the other person.

Fernina: Sometimes, only when you jump out of the trap set by the other person, you will find that those things are not right.


On the screen, the robin is still trying to understand Sunday.

And, trying to persuade Sunday

"If people don't live for the future"

"Is it just to live for the sake of living?"

"If the elder brother believes that harmony cannot save the plight of the weak"

"Which star god can realize our ideals?" asked the robin.

She didn't understand.

Star: Here it comes! Doesn't it show that Sunday no longer believes in harmony?

March 7: The identity of the traitor can no longer be hidden at this moment.

Portio: Damn it! Except for the heroes he defines, others are not human in his eyes.

Gold Dust: Depriving others of their right to leave���The rights of the future, hahahaha, this is really interesting


On the screen,

Sunday was facing the question from the robin.

At this time, he also fell into a brief silence.

Then, he did not give a direct answer.

"People always forget"

"Once upon a time, when the first child flew into the sky"

"At that time, the whole world expected it……"

"From now on, no more baby birds will fall to the ground and die."

Sunday said so.

Poteo: Hahaha! I don't dislike him, nor do I just want to find fault with him.

Poteo: Watching it fly into the sky, shouldn't it be an expectation for the sky?

Poteo: There are problems with the logic before and after, I can see it.

Finina: I always feel that I can't understand him.

Nashida: The first bird to fly into the sky, isn't everyone's expectation for it to have more and more birds fly into the sky?

Kamisato Ayaka: So, how does this equate to no more baby birds falling to the ground? These are two completely different meanings, right?

Charlotte: It feels like two completely different meanings.

Gold Dust: Now it seems that everyone feels that the two cannot be equated, which is good.

Huang Quan: So, he wants to deprive all birds of the right to fly into the sky.

Black Swan: Indeed, according to his previous logic, he thinks that some birds cannot fly, so there is no need to help them fly into the sky.

Black Swan: Well, since they can’t fly into the sky, there is only one conclusion, all birds are not allowed to fly.

Star: So this is his real purpose?

March 7: Has it completely deprived everyone of their future?

Star: Now it seems that this is indeed the case.

Robin: Brother... our paradise was not supposed to be like this.


On the screen.

At this time, there is a new change.

Time seems to have returned to childhood.

An innocent boy is asking

"Sister, are you reading?"

"What are you reading?"

The romantic girl also responded

"Mr. Gopher gave me a picture album"

"It tells the story of the harmonious music of the chords"

"If I could be a tuner, I would like to summon……"

"Dominicus choir!!"

"I want to sing with you all"

"Let's spread our wishes and let everyone feel happiness and joy."

The little robin said innocently.

Little Sunday also hesitated when he heard this.

"So that's it"


"I'll also choose the Qixiang Choir."

Little Sunday has a makeshift feeling


"Brother...don't you have your own wishes?"

The little robin didn't quite understand.

"Of course."


"That also includes your wishes, everyone's wishes"

"That will be a real paradise where everyone can find peace."

Little Sunday said so.

The little robin seemed to be looking forward to it too.

"Then we built a stage in it."

"Invite everyone to come to our show"

"This way, my brother and I's wishes can come true."

""We need to use the power of the choir together."

The little robin said so.

She had a beautiful vision for the future.

Obviously, this was different from someone else's.

"OK, then we have an appointment,"

Little Sunday responded

"Yeah, let’s make a promise!"

"But how can one become a tuner?……"

Little Robin didn't quite understand.

When he was little, Sundays had no answer.

But now Sundays have the answer.

"Maybe, I have to turn into a star first."

Funina: It seems that Sunday has some ideas.

Nashida: Although it is his own idea, it seems a bit strange.

Poteo: Hmm! It seems that his ideas are not so strong, nor so firm.

Gold Dust: Hahaha! Am I not the only one who thinks he is making do?

Star: It seems that the guess is right, and that is the fact.

March Seven: Oh! It really gives me a headache!

Robin: I hope my brother can change his mind in the end. The paradise in our minds should not be like this.

Walter: Since we have fully understood Sunday's ideas, it is certain that this negotiation will fail.

March Seven: Uncle Yang...

Gallagher: That's right, he does not believe in harmony, so he stands with the dream master, and you are in big trouble.

Walter: Don't worry, I have already made this preparation.

Walter: So you must seal the star core.

March Seven: Uncle Yang...

Walter: Don't worry, I believe there will be a turnaround.

Poteo: His baby is really a hero! If there is a chance, I really want to meet him!


On the screen.

Sunday and the robin's argument failed to convince each other. No one convinced the other.

And they could only wait for the arrival of the dream master together with Walter.

Not long after.

They saw a woman coming over.

And in the distance, there was a purple bird staring intently.

This scene was really unusual.

Xing: Do you think there is something strange?

March 7: What's strange? Is there?

Funina: Yes! Is there anything strange?

Xing: Whether it's when Gold Dust meets Sunday, or when Fireworks meets Gold Dust, or when the dream master confronts Huangquan, this purple bird has always been there.

March 7: Now that you mention it, it is true, even this time.

Jizi: So, do you have any speculation? Who is this bird?

Xing: I feel that the dream master and this bird should not have the same consciousness, right?

Portio: Hmm? Darling! Do you mean that there is still hope here?

Gold Dust: That's an interesting guess. If it's true, then there must be someone behind the scenes besides the Dream Master.

Jizi: This guess is not unreasonable. If it's not the Dream Master who manipulates the star core, then there must be someone else.

Jizi: But there's no evidence yet, so this guess is very unlikely.

Jizi: Just watch, Walter is going to meet the Dream Master.


On the screen.

At this time, Walter followed Sunday and Robin.

At this time, Sunday and Robin had already told the woman in front of them about the star core.

This woman was the incarnation of the dream master.

After hearing this, the dream master hesitated slightly.

"What do you mean?…"

"For a long time, some evildoers have been using the Harmonious Music Ceremony that we have blessed the world with.…"

"As a tool to realize your ambitions?"

The dream master asked.

He seemed to be unaware of this.

Xing: This... unaware?

March 7: On the surface, it seems so. I feel that we need to negotiate more deeply.

Sand Gold: Don't worry, this is just a disguise on the surface.

Sand Gold: We need to discuss the details.

Potio: Tsk! When I expelled Huang Quan from the dream before, it was not like this at all.

Black Swan: Indeed... This is a bit strange.

March 7: Uncle Yang... You are really in danger. To read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


On the screen.

In response to the dreamer's question, the robin also spoke

"That's right, Mr. Dream Master"

"Once the Harmonious Ceremony begins!"

"The power of the star core will spread throughout Pinocchio with the song.…"

"At that time, everyone in the dream will not be able to wake up from the dream."

The robin said the difficulty of this matter.

They came just to solve this problem.

The dreamer was still a little hesitant at this time.


"This is surprising to me."

"The dream is the result of the joint maintenance of the five major families"

"If someone uses the music to spread the power of the star core, this person must be in a high position..."

The dream master is also speculating.

Xing: What does this mean? Could it be that... the dream master really doesn't know?

March 7: Don't be ridiculous! The Pinocchio Theater is right in front of us, how could he not know about the star core?

Finina: But... this dream master... is also investigating people?

Nashida: Why does it suddenly seem to be getting more and more confusing?

Poteo: What the hell! No matter what, the dream master is lying, right? []

Poteo: It's obvious that he's full of lies! He has so many incarnations of the Oak family, he already knew that Sunday and the others were coming.

Portio: If Sunday passed on some information, wouldn't it be a piece of cake? Gold Dust: Hahaha! No matter what, that's their territory.

Gold Dust: Do you think they will let you go so easily?

Xing: If that's the case, he pretended not to know and then stabilized the people first

, right? Portio: Smart! It seems that being stranded in reality before gave you some inspiration.

March Seven: No! This is absolutely not allowed! The star core must not be triggered!!


On the screen.

After the dreamer guessed, he asked again

"Do you have anyone you suspect?"

He wanted to know this.

Xing: Can you just say it's you?

Sanyueqi: Yes! Can you just say it's you?

Hanabi: Hahaha! If so, it would be very interesting.

Potio: His baby! This dream master is really good at pretending! Let's see how long he can pretend


On the screen.

Walter finally couldn't help it.

"Excuse me, do you really not know the existence of star cores?"

The dream master heard this and said disdainfully


"I never thought about it at that time"

"This unknown guest will directly point the finger at me"

"It's really jaw-dropping."

The dream master felt that Walter's behavior was a bit too rude.

Xing: Hey! I feel that this is also pretending, just like the big guardian.

March 7:... I hope that he is okay.

Sand Gold: No matter what, you can't admit to your face that you are the mastermind, right?

Portio: His baby! We should let them know what pressure is.

Seeing the dream master like this, Walter immediately apologized.

"If there is any offense, Star Train sincerely apologizes to you"

"But the current situation is urgent and does not allow for a detailed investigation."

Walter said very seriously.

"This is also for the safety of dreams."

"Please dispel our concerns."

Walter felt that Gallagher would not lie to them.

Then the accusation on Sunday was obviously unusual.

Therefore, the result of the confrontation was to make a clear statement.

At this time, the robin also directly expressed his attitude.

"Dream Master!!"

"As long as we can prove that the Harmonious Music Ceremony has nothing to do with the Star Core"

"If we are overthinking it..."

The robin hesitated again and again, but finally gave the conditions.

"I will return to the stage to sing as promised."

This condition is extremely tempting.

Knowing that someone is taking advantage of her, she still made this brave decision.

Xing: Robin! Don't sing! I feel like something bad will happen!

March Seven: That's right! There's no need to sing! That's not good at all!!

Funina: How could this be... Didn't you say you were going to refuse to sing?

Hanabi: Hehehe! It seems that someone has already regretted it.

Gallagher: This little girl is still too desperate.

Portio: My God! They're all starting to play, aren't they?

Gold Dust: I can only say that Miss Robin's methods are very clever.

Gold Dust: This move of retreating to advance forces the dream master to answer.

Himeko: After all, Miss Robin has already stated the condition of continuing the performance. Walter

: If he himself is not suspicious, then he will definitely accept this condition.

Xing: I understand. If there is a problem, I won't accept it.


On the screen.

After hearing this, the dreamer hesitated slightly.

The purple bird, as always (Liao Liao Zhao).

Then, the dreamer responded

"Sunday Robin"

"I watched you grow up"

"Know your nature"

"Now it is you who are truly called His most faithful transmitters.……"

"I already know your determination."

The dream master responded at this moment and looked at Walter seriously.

"This is a serious matter!"

"Not ordinary!!"

"Since Mr. Walter sincerely asks"

"I will do it myself to respond"

"If necessary"

"The entire Oak family can be deployed by you."

The dream master had no choice but to respond.

At this time, Sunday had a smile on his face that he had never had before.

"Sunday, can you ask Him to send down His light?"

"And ask me questions on His behalf, so that all lies will be exposed?"

The dream master asked.

Sunday immediately respectfully

"Follow your will"

"Robin, can you be present to witness it?"

"Record the truth and tell my innocence"

"Let all the stigma disappear?"

The dreamer looked at the robin.

"I will follow your will."

One inquiry, one testimony.

Gold Dust: Okay! Let's see what Mr. Sunday will ask.

Potio: Hehehe! The dream master will not be affected by black magic.

Xing: I always feel... it's a little abnormal that everything went smoothly.

March Seven: I feel it too. If everything is fine, it would be a big mistake.

March Seven: But I always feel that this dream master is not ordinary.

Gold Dust: Since it's an inquiry, just put some tricks on the question.

Walter: This is what I'm worried about.

Walter: However, if it's true, I will stop it directly.

Fireworks: I don't know if you can escape? Or are you very confident in yourself?

…Only... on the screen.

The dreamer is ready

"We wish your will to be done on earth as it is in heaven."

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