Jizi looked serious at this time.

She really wanted to have a good talk, but if something unexpected really happened, the result would be hard to predict.

Sunday also laughed when he heard this.


"Pilot, that's what I meant."

"Now that everyone is here, let's start with that meeting."

"Let's talk about our predicaments and choices, our respective ideals and beliefs.……"

Sunday said so

"And there is only one path we should take in the end."

Sunday's words seemed to put an end to all of this.

Hanabi: Hahaha, this is interesting. I wonder how Sunday will answer.

March Seven: I feel like he will definitely hide something and will never tell the truth.

Star: I think so too. He doesn't seem to want to convince others.

Star: When other people have a different attitude from him, his attitude is completely different.

Funina: I really didn't expect that Sunday would be such a person.

Nashida: Who didn't expect him to be so crazy?

Kamisato Ayaka: I even feel a little strange. Does he want to convince everyone in the train crew?

Himeko: If he has such an idea, I can only say that he is thinking too much.

Himeko: But this move is indeed a bit strange.

March Seven: After all, Sunday is a believer in order, right? This is really...

Star: Hey! What does Sunday want to do? Threaten us?

Gold Sand: Hahaha, I think at certain times and in certain aspects, he is naive and cute.

Gold Sand: He can obviously solve everything quietly, but he still lets you run rampant in the dream.

Gold Sand: Now, Showed up again.

Portio: Hehe, his baby! The reason why he couldn't stop this group of unknown guests was because they had already made everyone in the dream know about it before they participated in this so-called event, right?

Portio: You want him to tell everyone, damn, the Starry Sky Train is here to destroy the dream?

Gold Dust: It seems that the time when everyone on the Starry Sky Train participated in this competition was before the negotiations.

Gold Dust: It's just that the negotiations ended first, and they came late and passed the level one step later.

Portio: It sounds like that's the case.

Portio: But what you said just now does make sense. , judging from the way Sunday dealt with Walter, he does have this ability.

Portio: And, if we can ask someone else to impersonate, then things will be much simpler.

March Seven: Another substitution?

Xing: No, that's called stealing fireworks for robins.

Su Chang: Why not stealing robins for fireworks?

March Seven: Oh, it's probably the same meaning anyway.

March Seven: In short, Sunday seems to be deliberately hostile to us.

Robin: I think my brother really wants to convince you.

Robin: It's just...

Himeko: There's no way we can be convinced by him.


On the screen.

The contents of the negotiations will be announced on Sunday.

After hearing this, Ji Zi was also a little surprised.

"It's unbelievable that there are still remnants of order in Pinocchio.

This is something she couldn't believe.

At this time, March 7 also questioned loudly.

"What did you do to Uncle Yang and Miss Robin?"

"Don't worry, I just gave them some time to ponder their fate alone."

Sunday responded.

There was still an obvious smile on his face.

Obviously, Sunday didn't take this matter to heart.

This is unreasonable.

Gold Dust: He actually said everything? What exactly does he want to do?

Poteo: Damn it! Other villains are afraid that others will know, but he is afraid that others don't know!

Gold Dust: Anyway... let's observe it for a while.

Star: Is this considered helping us pass on the message? If it were the Dream Master, he would never do this.

March Seven: You mean, Sunday and the Dream Master don't get along?

Gallagher: Hahaha, if that's the case, this Pinocchio is really interesting.

Silver Wolf: Oh... forget it.

Fireworks: Well, this Pinocchio is getting more and more fun, I love it here so much


On the screen.

Ji Zi listened to Zhou Ri's words and responded without hesitation.

"You should understand that doing this means being hostile to the Star Train."

Sunday laughed.

"Even if we must make enemies with all of you nameless guests, it's only me and the Oak family."

"But we haven't reached that point yet, have we?"

Sunday alone took all the responsibility on the Oak family, not the family.

From what he said, he still wanted to continue the peace talks.

"Everyone can see that you are running around for justice for Pinocchio."

Sunday said

"Stop talking nonsense and get to the point."

Xing immediately retorted.

At this time, it was Sunday's turn to speak.

"Patience is a virtue"

"But I won't blame you"

"On the contrary, I was just about to state my purpose."

Sunday seemed unusually calm.

At this time, Ji Zi also started to question directly.

"If it is order that drives you to imprison Walter and Robin"

"They also want to use this to force us to obey"

"Then I think there is no need for us to sit down and negotiate."

Jizi directly expressed her attitude.

She didn't think that they could sit down and negotiate under such circumstances.

Sanyueqi: Wow! Jizi is so handsome! That's right! That's it!!

Xing: Yes, there is no point in negotiating, we must fight!!

Xing: This Sunday is really unbearable!!

Jinjin: Hahaha! This is so interesting, isn't it?

Poteo: My God! Against the will of heaven! I didn't expect it to be such a situation.

Hanabi: So this chicken���What does the boy want to say?

Furniture: He doesn't really want to reconcile, does he?

Nashida: Why do I feel... unlikely?


On the screen, Zhou

Ri remained calm in the face of Ji Zi's questioning.

In fact, at this time, he was calm.

"You misunderstood, Ms."

"They are safe"

"As the family always promised"

"No one gets hurt in a dream."

"Not to mention the Brave New World of Order."

Sunday said.

The guarantee he made now was to ensure their safety.


March 7: Who would believe it?

Star: Yes, yes! Even I don't believe it. I feel it is too abstract.

Gold Dust: Yeah! No one believes it. It seems that everyone is very smart.

Poteo: Hehe! Interesting, interesting, is there anything more interesting than this?

Poteo: My dear, he wouldn't really want to convince these people, right?

Fireworks: Come on, Chicken Wing Boy!! I really want to play now! Is there anything more fun?

"Pinocchio and the universe have witnessed too much innocent blood."

"The strong wields the sword against the weak, and the winner pushes the loser's life to the end……"

"Natural Selection - The World Follows This Law"

"The world builds the well-being of all mankind on the remains of the weak"

"Only we (the fate walkers of order), or I, have the ability to put an end to this ridiculous farce."

Sunday said about his existence.

Now, he has regarded himself as the savior.

March 7: Isn't this too much of a boast?

Star: Doesn't it feel like he is a little too narcissistic?

Firefly: Hahaha! Chicken wing boy, you are so funny! I am really dying of laughter hahaha!

Gold Dust: Oh! I didn't expect Mr. Sunday to say such a thing. To read the violent novels, just go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Portio: He treasures his legs! It's simply against the sky. Finina

: Is there a turning point?

Nashida: It seems that Sunday wants to solve the problem, but...

Kamisato Ayaka: He is a little too paranoid, and the world he wants to create seems a little weird.

Firefly: A world where everyone is beautiful, this sounds too unreal.

Jizi was also very surprised when she heard what Sunday said.

"Are you planning to resurrect a dead star god?"

"No one has ever done this before.

She felt that this was really unreal.

Sunday laughed when she heard this.

"Since Miss Jizi is interested, let's talk it out."

"I always believe that people can understand each other in a peaceful way."

"I would like to tell you the aspirations of the Order Walkers."

"So that you can make a better judgment about the Star Express, Pinocchio and the universe."

"Language is too weak to describe the ideal appearance.……"

Sunday is full of confidence now.

He really seems to want a peace talk

"So follow me, everyone.��"

"Let's go back to where we came from and see where this road will lead us."

Sunday said calmly.[]

Hearing his words, people were shocked.

Fu Nina: No, what does Sunday want to do?

Ying: Why do I feel like I'm dizzy?

Paimon: You say he's a good guy, but he just controlled people.

Paimon: But if you say he's a bad guy... why did he tell me his plan?

Xing: Don't say you feel dizzy, I feel dizzy now.

March Seven: What is this? An honest villain? ?

Hanabi: Hahaha! Chicken Wing Boy is so funny!!

Gold Dust: I haven't seen such an honest and wonderful person for a long time! Interesting, really interesting!

Poteo: Awesome! He's a talent! I've never seen such a heaven-defying person.

Poteo: His baby, what on earth is he going to do?

Gold Dust: This is not clear, who knows what he wants to do? Robin

: Brother... maybe he really just wants to convince you...

Robin: But the reality is... a little hard to accept. Himeko

: We have seen sincerity, but the star core problem must be solved.

Jizi: The star core is our bottom line, we can't give up on this no matter what.

Sanyueqi: Right! We can't give up on this!

Hanabi: Hahaha! I still think there will be no room for negotiation in the end, after all, the watchmaker hasn't solved it yet.


On the screen.

Sunday disappeared from sight.

"Hey, why did he disappear?"

March Seven looked at the situation in front of him, and he had no idea what was going on.

Sunday's voice was still ringing.


"This is not any part of Pinocchio's dream."

"My inner world"

"The reason why the scene in front of you has not changed is that your consciousness has extracted similar concepts to complete it."

Sunday said this.

His voice seemed to come from all directions.

But listening to this voice, people also feel terrified.

March 7: No way? Sunday's heart? How did he do this?

Xing: Although I don't know what the method is, this method is really strange.

Xing: I still have a bad feeling.

Funina: In just a blink of an eye, they have been pulled into Sunday's inner world.

Funina: Such ability is too terrifying in dreams, right?!!

Nashida: That's true, this is too scary.

Nashida: Help! It feels like he can do whatever he wants in dreams.

Kamisato Ayaka: So, Walter failed in an instant.

Sand Gold: Tsk tsk tsk tsk! It's really amazing. In comparison, we are inferior.

Potio: He is so precious that he can use his power to pull the other party into his inner world.

Potio: Does this mean that you can create an illusion world for the other party during a battle?

Black Swan: Well, in principle, there is such a possibility.

Silver Branch: Illusion? In Xing���When I met you on the train, the bug seemed to have created hallucinations.

March 7: That's right, it caused a lot of trouble at that time.

Xing: If you say so, I really feel that there are bugs in Pinocchio as well.

Dan Heng: Hallucination... It is not ruled out that this is also one of the abilities of the star core.

Xing: Are you saying that Sunday used the power of the star core?

March 7: But this is too...

Doctor Zhenli: It is really an incomprehensible power. I now doubt that the so-called dreaming really means entering the world of dreams?

Doctor Zhenli: Could it be that you are also in someone's inner world? There are 12 moments there.

Jizi: If so, how powerful would it be to be able to connect everyone's will together?


Everyone was shocked by Sunday's sudden move.

In this situation, one might get caught if one is not careful.

Xing also complained when he heard Sunday's words.

"Who will show their inner self?……"

She seems very speechless now.

"that is……"

San Yueqi on the side also agreed.

Ji Zi was a little hesitant at this time, but she still asked


"Did you do the same thing to Walter?"

If it was the same method, then Walter really had no way to resist.

After all, before you know the other party's ability, it is indeed very easy to fall into the trap.

Sunday also spoke at this time.

"This is a tuning"

"The effect is stronger, but also more troublesome"

"Xing has experienced this before, so she should understand."

Xing: Isn't this what I suffered when I was unstable in the dream just now?

Robin: Well, at that time, it was my future self who did it for you.

March 7: I thought it was just a treatment at that time, but now it seems that it is simply creating an illusion!

Portio: Damn it, as expected, when it comes to dreams, everything starts to become blurry.

But Sunday doesn't care, he continues to talk

"Through tuning, you can understand my emotions more intuitively."

"This also means that I will not hide anything from you."

His attitude is extremely sincere

"Next, I would like to invite you to watch the big screen"

"The road we came from starts from here."

Sunday announced.

And not far ahead.

At this moment, two completely different large screens appeared on the left and right sides.

These two large screens seemed to be making some comparisons and making some choices.

"From here on, you will see the many choices I have gone through."

"I have chosen some of them to share with you."

Sunday said this.

He also seemed very sincere, and it can be seen that he really wanted to convince others.

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