Xing, Liuying and Jizi and their group.

At this moment, they continued to move forward.

Then, they saw a special existence.

This was a guy different from other puppets.

It was covered with golden light, which looked extremely dazzling.

It was like a cast instrument, and the position of its head was a bright lamp locked in a cage.

On its left hand, it seemed to be holding a scepter.

And the entire right arm was heavy golden shackles.

In front of him, there were three ordinary puppets kneeling.

And the name of this existence was also directly announced.

The voice of the past!!

Such a structure is obviously extraordinary

"I hope you like this piece of scorched earth - the land of freedom."

The voice of the past spoke directly at this time.

Finina: What is this? Why does it look so weird?

Nashida: It's as if it was made according to the messenger. Kamisato Ayaka

: Is this the direct embodiment of the existence of the past?

Xing: It seems to have a weird feeling.

March Seven: Is this also our opponent?

Firefly: It looks like it is indeed our opponent, and we must defeat it.

Firefly: Hahaha! Finally we have come to this stage, which cannot be avoided even in dreams.

Gold Dust: Yes! That's true.

Gold Dust: In terms of strength, it still needs to be considered.

Poteo: His baby! Is it over yet? Isn't this crazy?

Xing: No problem, whether it is in the past, present or future, we will let the development resound throughout this land.


The moment they saw the voice of the past , the voice of Sunday also came out again.

"See, their sentences have long been served, and the company's jailers have been expelled"

"But these prisoners are still slaves, because they are imprisoned not by external things, but by their hearts."

Sunday said directly at this time.

He was obviously not satisfied with Pinocchio's liberation.

Such an evaluation can be said to be very irresponsible and very arrogant.

And Sunday made such an evaluation and judgment.

"Freedom exists everywhere except in weak souls"

"It can't help anyone, it can only help those who believe in its existence."

Sunday has shown his attitude at this moment.

And as if in response to this voice, the voice of the past has also announced at this moment.


"I command you to learn freedom!!"

"And teach your 063 brothers - fight for life!!"

This voice from the past has already made a declaration.

Sunday felt that it was all the prisoners whose minds were not liberated.

Without liberation of mind, there is no real freedom.

Freedom has not been truly given.

What these prisoners need is to fight for life, not for death.

Funina: Well... is this what Sunday thinks?

Nashida: I always feel that his idea is wrong.

Kamisato Ayaka: Is it the part about fighting to win?

Violet: No! It's not the part about fighting for life, but Sunday's judgment on these prisoners.

Violet: Judging from the stories in the past, Asdena is just a frontier prison.

Violet: The oppressed prisoners rose up in resistance, isn't it for their own survival?

Zhongli: So, Sunday Sun looked down on these prisoners too much, and scornfully believed that they had never fought for their lives, which in itself was a kind of arrogance.

Star: That's generalizing, right?

March 7: Yes! It seems to be so, and it was the same with Sunday before, because he had experienced some things and directly changed his opinion.

Firefly: That's right, Sunday is too stubborn, so stubborn that he can't get out of all the dead ends.

Gold Dust: Isn't the final judgment problematic?

Portio: His baby! It's natural selection, is he the one who looks down on others the most?

Himeko: Miss Firefly has already questioned Sunday before, that is, whether Firefly is a weakling to him.

Himeko: The power defined should not be on others.


On the exposure screen.

The voice of the past, along with the voice of Sunday, started a war.

March 7 also directly expressed his surprise at this situation.

"How can we fight while watching games?

This sudden situation really made them unhappy.

Sunday's voice came over at this moment.

"Because I want more than just that, you guys enjoy this show"

"I also hope you……"

"Help me complete it."

Sunday seemed unusually frank at this time.

Xing: Complete it? What is that?

March 7: Yes, what exactly should be completed? Is it to complete this ritual?

Funina: In other words, Sunday brought them here for his own purpose. Nashida

: Not only does he have a purpose, but this purpose is not pure. Kamisato Ayaka

: Ah, this... is indeed a bit unexpected. Shajin

: The last thing completed was the God's Day that was exposed before, right?

Potio: His baby! Of course, it's only this!

Black Swan: Indeed, the characters that appear here also have an inexplicable sense of belief.

Firefly: I hope everyone is okay. I hope everyone is okay in the end.

Huangquan: I hope everyone can wake up in a sober world.


On the exposure screen.

At this moment, they also experienced a battle.

And after the battle.

The existence of the voice of the past also seemed to have completed its duty at this moment.

"No one can stop you anymore. You are free.

This is exactly what Sunday wanted.

After a fight, the past memories seemed to have been successfully changed.

The prisoners also began to fight for survival at this moment.

Everything seemed to be for their freedom.

After all this happened,

Sunday's voice sounded again.

"So far, this is the first scene"

"In the flames of war"

"The border prison is gradually becoming a place of exile."

He said so.

Ji Zi also immediately followed up with a corresponding explanation.

"This is probably the history of the construction of Pinocchio."

"The prisoners were helped by outsiders"

"They finally found freedom and established a place of exile in the universe"

"Only compared to the cage of the flesh"

"Sunday seems to be more focused on expressing people's spiritual dilemma."

Funina: Jizi is really right!

Nashida: Not only is she right, she hits the nail on the head.

Gold Sand: Now, Miss Jizi has completely understood what Sunday wants to express.

March 7: It has to be Jizi again. This expression is a bit too complicated for me.

Xing: I think the simple understanding is that Sunday does not pay much attention to reality, but to dreams.

Jizi: This is an extended meaning, but it is generally correct.

Black Swan: Soon, it will be the second act.

Black Swan: This scene should be the establishment of Pinocchio.


On the exposure screen,

Sanyueqi's words to Jizi made her look particularly helpless.

"This drama is a bit too literary for me."

"The easiest part to understand is the fighting part.……"

Sanyueqi didn't know what Sunday was trying to express. (To read the best novels, go to!)

In short, in the eyes of Sanyueqi, it would be best if the problem could be solved easily.

"But we have finally reached the exit, let's go!!"

Xiao Sanyue said immediately.

Then, they saw that the memory of the past had disappeared at this moment.

Instead, the puppets stood respectfully.

They looked extremely pious, as if they were guiding something.

"These puppets……"

"Where do you want us to go again?"

March Seven didn't quite understand.

Through the cracks in the broken album, a ray of light was already flowing out.

In that dazzling light

, they had returned to the Pinocchio Theater.

After coming out this time, they saw a puppet pointing in a certain direction.

Sunday's voice seemed to continue what he had not finished saying before.

"He made the tip of his pen from the stream of stars and created symbols for pronunciation and counting."

"He made the stardust flow into rivers, pointing out the good and righteous in the upper reaches and the evil and unrighteous in the lower reaches."

"All things have since received their own marks"[]

"From then on, people in the world came to know the difference between good and evil and between benefits and harms."

"These were the third and fourth days."

After the birth of the first day, and the day and night of the second day.

On the third and fourth days, there were signs and good and evil.

Funina: Don't say that, it's quite orderly.

Nashida: From the first day to the fourth day, every process seems to be in order.

Kamisato Ayaka: Is this what Sunday is pursuing?

Yae God Child: But, if it's always like this, it's also very troublesome.

Shajin: Too much order often means a lot of constraints.

Shajin: To put it nicely, everyone has their own responsibilities, to put it bluntly, it's a complete cage.

Xing: What about the fifth, sixth, and seventh days?

March 7: Ah!! The seventh day, Sunday?

Hanabi: Hahaha, interesting, could it be that the seventh day created Sunday?

Black Tower: According to the folk beliefs of some worlds, it is indeed Sunday.

Screw Gumu: This Sunday is a little different from the Sunday we say.

Xing: Yes, but we can still play with the memes, and this doesn't hinder us.

Gui Naifen: Shang Shang, do you know what they are talking about?

Shang Shang: Uh... I can only say that I am not very good at learning.


Following the puppet's instructions, they saw another picture frame.

"Look, another picture frame.……"

San Yueqi said directly at this time.

With the previous experience

, they did not hesitate to enter directly this time.

As they entered.

New golden characters began to appear on the curtain.

The second act of the prelude

《Ode to the Foolish Servant is on it.

What is displayed suddenly is exactly like this.

"《Ode to the Foolish Servant》……"

"This must be the second play."

Ji Zi thought.

Everything around has changed.

The environment this time seems brighter than the first one.

It seems to be full of sunshine, as if it is also hinting at the birth of a new world.

"The environment is different now."

"The furnishings around... seem to have become neater?"

At this time, March 7, I don't know how to describe it.

Sunday's voice is still saying

"The following story revolves around the power struggle"

"The seven major branches of trees, grass, flowers, birds, beasts, fruits and insects are located in Pinocchio."

"Peace never really came to the Exiled Lands"

"This history is too complicated."

"Please allow me to present it to you in the form of an allegory."

Sunday announced at this time.

Funina: Are these families named after simple plants and animals?

Nashida: It seems that there are oak families, iris families, and hound families...

Kamisato Ayaka: Is there any special meaning behind the naming?

Xing: I don't know, but it is obvious that they have their own ideas, right?

March Seven: Oh! It really gives me a headache.

Sushang: Once it comes to history, it is���I feel unwell.

Ying: Yeah, go ahead and talk. I'm listening.

Paimon: Huh? Are you listening? What are you listening to? Why do you look so strange?

Ying: Don't ask. He won't say a word.

Liuying: Maybe we can learn the truth about Pinocchio from him.

Jizi: Miss Liuying means that we should listen to both sides, right?

Walter: Indeed, from different perspectives, a piece of history will have different answers.


On the exposure screen.

Sunday is still telling the story

"The order in the exile land is very chaotic"

"There are internal and external troubles lurking around"

"The seven families are united on the surface, but in reality they are independent and in constant conflict."

In just two or three sentences, the situation has been explained.

Obviously, after raising the flag of rebellion, it is not so easy to usher in true peace.

At this time on Sunday, he continued to say

"The first to withdraw from the civil war were the Heblin family."

"In the White Desert Incident planned by the Clover family, they became history forever."

Sunday said

"Clover's owner plans to join the company and exchange his freedom for survival"

"But the eldest son killed his own family for the sake of justice"

"And the latter took over the position of head of the family."

After hearing these words, one can't help but sigh.

Funina: Sure enough, it is still very difficult to achieve true unification.

Nashida: This is not a unification at all, right? It seems that they don't want to unify.

Kamisato Ayaka: I didn't expect that someone would want to defect to the company in the end.

Xing: Isn't this a betrayal of the original?

March Seven: Maybe the pressure felt was too great, but such inner ghosts have existed since ancient times.

Gui Naifen: Yes! This kind of person is called a traitor, and I still understand this.

Shajin: I didn't expect there would be such an interesting story. It's a pity that it didn't succeed.

Shajin: Otherwise, if the company had the opportunity to intervene, it would be even simpler.

Potio: He treasured it! How against the sky, how against the sky!

Black Swan: This is really a complicated story.

Huangquan: However, such a story will continue for a long time, even with Mikhail and the other three here.

Himeko: Facing a situation of disintegration, it is indeed very difficult.


On the exposure screen.

At this moment, it continues to play.

Sunday is still going on, talking about the past

"The galaxy is cruel and merciless"

"A family of tiger moths tries to reclaim the silver tracks left by trains"

"But they encountered the remnants of the insect swarm and were tragically destroyed."

This is the family that followed Tiernan at the beginning.

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