Xing: Huang Quan is too gentle, isn't she?

Sanyueqi: It was just a bloody sin spirit, but she still chose to watch?

Ruan Mei: The remaining obsession of the living finally came to an end at this moment, right?

Black Tower: The most interesting thing should be this void envoy.

Black Tower: He is obviously a envoy, but he chose this kind of thing.

Screw Gumu: This matter seems meaningless.

Screw Gumu: So, doing such a meaningless thing, is it in line with destiny?

Black Tower: For the Sleeping Formless IX, everything in this world is meaningless.

Black Tower: Then, no matter what you do, it is a meaningless act in itself.

Shen He: In that case, it is really meaningless.

Zhongli: So this does not go against destiny.

Ningguang: In the eyes of outsiders, meaningless things, to some extent, have not escaped the control of nothingness.

Sanyueqi: It's over, it's over! I was confused by all the words you said.

Sanyueqi: What's meaningful and meaningless... My head hurts!

Xing: I think this matter is meaningful to Huang Quan herself.

Xing: Otherwise, she would not have come to Pinoconi to help fulfill her last wish.

Shajin: Oh! It's such a headache! The facts have changed subtly.

Shajin: This envoy is really touching!

Botio: His dear! I have begun to admire Huang Quan! As a void envoy, he can help the patrol ranger to this extent.

Liuying: Is this a big change in attitude?

Xing: I still remember that you, his dear Liuguang Yiting, betrayed me!

Sanyueqi: Hahaha! You also said that you would love to death with one shot or something hahaha.

Botio: Oh! Wasn't there a misunderstanding? Now the misunderstanding is resolved! As long as Miss Huang Quan does not violate the"bottom line", she is still someone I respect.

Black Swan: I never thought it would be like this, it is really a wonderful memory!


In the exposure screen, two completely different hands were stretched out at the same time.

One of them was a gorgeous red color like blood.

There seemed to be invisible blood on that hand, with a unique red knuckle guard.

On that arm, you can still see a bunch of blooming red flowers.

The owner of this hand is Huang Quan.

The other one is a human hand.

But there is black air on that hand, and even some black spots can be seen faintly.

This one comes from the bloody sin spirit.

"I can go down with your wish and make it come true"

"Only in this way can I resolve the last regret on the Dead Sea shore.

Huang Quan said this.

This is Huang Quan's determination at the moment.

She wants to resolve everyone's regrets and take away���Some people have obsessions before they die.

At the end of that journey, a touch of color from the other side is seen.

Xing: I am so moved, what should I do?

March 7: If you want to cry, I can provide tissues.

Xing: I am kidding, how can the Galaxy Batman roam the universe and cry easily?

Firefly: This scene is really touching.

Firefly: Just looking at these two arms, it is hard to think that they are normal human beings.

Huangquan: Just regard this as an encounter between two unusual lives, and saving each other.

Black Swan: Yeah! It is really rare to have such a feeling! It is possible to see such memories.


On the exposure screen that had always existed.

At this time, someone finally spoke up.


""Can I see them again?" the old man asked.

Although he was a bloody sin spirit, he also had such emotions.

This emotion.

Under the influence of obsession, it was no less than the original body.

Moreover, this obsession was always with him.

Huang Quan heard the words and immediately responded.

"It will definitely happen.

She said it with certainty.

It seemed that she had already determined that such a thing would definitely have its due ending.

Then, Huang Quan unveiled the mysterious veil.

"Because you are the one who told me this."

"About that train……"

"Your two former partners……"

"That pioneering work on the plague of insects……"

"Your narrow escape……"

"Encounter with the Sea Ranger……"

Huang Quan revealed everything that had happened at this moment.

These things are destined to be unforgettable.

The most important thing is that some people are very familiar with these things.

Xing: It's confirmed!! This is definitely Tieran!!

Sanyueqi: That's right, it must be the senior here!!

Gallagher: It's really touching! Tieran...his life is also a legend!

Jizi: It's better to say that everyone around Mikhail is a legend. Although there is still one less, I think they all have their own highlights.

Liuying: Yes! It will definitely be!

Botio: Alas! It's a pity that the final ending is indeed not romantic enough.

Danheng: Do you still understand romance?

Botio: Brother Danheng! This is unnecessary, right?

Botio: What I mean! Leave the hunting flying star to me!

Botio: Leave the brilliant light in the place where he once stayed and the place where he longed to return!

Botio: This thing itself is a kind of romance! Isn't it?

Shajin: Hahaha! To put it bluntly! You still want to shoot.

Portio: His baby! The company! I have disliked you for a long time! I want to shoot you to death!

Gallagher: There is a time for meeting and parting! Haha! What a good glass of wine


In the exposed picture,

Huang Quan was still telling his story.

And after all these experiences, he finally returned to the last place.

That was the place he had always wanted to go, but he did not go back at the end of his life.

It also made Mikhail regret that he could not accompany Tiernan to explore the wasteland.

"And the hometown I can never return to���…"


When the old man mentioned this, he could not help but recall


"countless times……"

"I was rejected by the family and could only pass it by."

The old man's voice was full of bitterness.

Xing: Huh?? The family is really evil! It turns out that they knew that Tiernan had returned!

March 7: How abominable! I thought I couldn't go back, but it turned out that the family was obstructing me?

Gallagher: There is nothing we can do about it. By the time the so-called dream land was built, the family had already controlled everything.

Gallagher: Even Mikhail, a watchmaker, could only be trapped in Liumeng Reef.

Nashida: Ah! It hurts so much! This feeling of knowing that your hometown is right in front of you, but being rejected by your hometown... Kamisato

Ayaka: This feeling , it really makes people feel sad.

Funina: Yes! The feeling of being excluded, he also wants to see his companions, right? Unfortunately, things do not go as planned.

Liuying: I think they both have a mutual understanding.

Liuying: When Mikhail sent the invitation letter to Galaxy, he must have hoped that someone would inherit his friend's last wish and come to Pinoconi, right?

Gallagher: Yes! Although it is unrealistic, if it were Mikhail, he would indeed think so.

Gallagher: The most important thing is, isn't this person already here?

Kamisato Ayaka: This can also be regarded as another form of beautiful reunion.……


On the exposure screen, the old man did not hide his desire for his companions.

"but I know"

"My companion is still there... alone……"

He said this.

Then it was like he was mumbling to himself.

As a bloody sin spirit with an obsession, no one could understand the feeling better than him.


"are you still there……"

At this moment, he had already called out the name of his companion.

Huang Quan also said

"Hold my hand and follow me"

"We...will leave here."

She said

"You'll be on a long, long road."

"All I see is darkness"

"But don't be afraid"

"Because you will see that at the end of the road, there will always be a touch of red."

Huang Quan comforted.

It is also the existence she leads.

"That is the color of existence"

"You have to follow it, it will show you the way out"

"In this way, you will definitely be able to meet in the sun."

Huang Quan said calmly.

At this moment, there are more beautiful visions.

Nashida: So touching! Miss Huang Quan! So gentle!

Xing: How can someone who eats peaches be bad?

March 7: This paragraph is really great! I can feel the kindness emanating from Miss Huang Quan. To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Walter: This can also be regarded as Huang Quan's guide. Although Huang Quan is not her real name, everything she has done now is really admirable.

Jizi: May they meet at the end of the future..

Funina: I still hope that the afterlife really exists. If so, Tiernan and Mikhail can be together.

Gallagher: Haha! This is such a romantic idea! However, I don't reject this idea.

Ying: Miss Huangquan!! Please also show me a way out!!

Paimon:...Then do you want to go to the Hall of the Dead to order a coffin and then die first?

Walnut: Hmm??? There is such a business? Ying, please take care of the business!

Walnut: Hey hey hey! Don't run! Qiqi! Come on!!

Qiqi: Qiqi... what?……


On the exposed screen.

Huang Quan's words have already made Tie Ernan feel deeply moved.

The last bloody sin spirit on the Dead Sea also sincerely thanked


"May death end your long dream……"

Huang Quan spoke slowly.

She had already spoken from this moment on.

It was a commemoration of the deceased, and also the most sincere prayer for the deceased.

I hope everything can return to normal.

I hope everything can have a... happy ending.[]

"Lead you back to the waking world."

She said so.

The words of the dead seemed to end at this moment.

Xing: Too shocking! This is too shocking! No matter how many times I watch it, it's still like this!!

March 7: Awesome! Isn't this great?

Xing: I really didn't expect that this sentence would be used like this!!

Black Swan: Before, when Miss Liuying was"killed" by the memory domain meme, she also said this.

Jizi: This is a kind of prayer for the future! It can also be regarded as everything finally returning to peace. Walter

: Yes! For the dead, this is also a kind of mourning.

Robin: We have been confused by the appearance of the fate of the Star God for too long, so that some things I can't tell them apart.

Robin: Although Miss Huang Quan is an envoy of the Void Order, she is also sentimental.

Portio: Alas! In order to fulfill a last wish, she directly impersonated the Sea Ranger and lured us all here. Portio

: It's really touching! The Sea Ranger has indeed received this kindness.

Xing: Huh! I finally breathed a sigh of relief! I just don't know what will happen next?

March Seven: I don't think it should be something too bizarre, right?

March Seven: Maybe, it's your turn to set off!

Xing: Am I... going to set off?

March Seven: Yes! Do you remember what Huang Quan said to you?

Xing: Hold my hand……


On the exposed screen.

On the flickering screen.

Finally at this moment, there was an extreme change.

Above it.

It was still dark.

In the endless dark world.

Underfoot was the bottomless black water.

Above was the endless night.

Only in the unknown distance ahead, there was still a clear bright white.

The extremely obvious bright white color, protruding from under the black sea, seemed to point to the sky in the distance.

If you want to say what is in this dark world.

Then... it is probably the white light point that is completely different from the darkness.

"Welcome to the Horizon of Existence……"

790 Huang Quan is here to express her welcome.

She already has a head full of white hair and her body is stained with blood, but there are still petals of the other shore falling on her body.

Xing: This is... a small black room?!! Sanyueqi:

I can't help but call it a small black room. This name is too weird, right?

Kamisato Ayaka: Isn't this the place where Jinx has been before?

Jinx: Yes! At least the future me should have been here.

Jinx: It was after I was stabbed, but I did find out the truth about Pinocchio, which is not a loss.

Funina: Let me correct you, it was not one knife but two.

Jinx:... This shouldn't be important, right?

Hanabi: Hahaha! Was Little Gray Hair brought in as well? What is Huang Quan doing?

Liuying: Could it be that I can see Xiao Xiao Xing?

Xing:... It's not impossible.

Hanabi: Hahaha! Little Gray Hair? That would be so fun.

Black Swan: I think, to some extent, this can also be considered a kind of passage.


On the exposure screen.

Huang Quan also said at this time

"This is one of the thousands of manifestations of the Sleeping Formless One IX"

"But at the same time, it is also the exit for sober people to bid farewell to nothingness."

She said so.

Xing: It really is... a passage!

March 7: Is this a correct guess? Why do I feel a little unhappy?

"Therefore, let's say our final goodbye here!"

Huang Quan looked at Xing beside her.

At this moment, she was ready to send Xing to the final battlefield.

This battle belonged to all of them.

And this battle! Will definitely affect the future!!

On the horizon of existence.

Xing ran forward.

The black water under her feet made a sound when she stepped lightly.

Xing also kept moving forward at this moment.

And in her ears, she also remembered the sound of fireworks.

"Be sure to distinguish the boundary between reality and imagination……"

"Okay, Little Gray Hair?"

The figure of Firefly is right in front of her.

At this moment, she paused slightly.

Xing: Hana...Hanabi??

Sanyueqi: It seems that Xiaoxiaoxing is gone.

Hanabi: Hahaha! Little Gray Hair really likes me! I was the first one he saw.

Sanyueqi: Humph! What you care least about is what appears first, and the last one is the most important!

Firefly: Yes! That's right!

Charlotte: I seem to smell a sour smell, is my nose wrong?

Kamisato Ayaka: Yes! I smell it too!


Xing continued to walk forward.

Fireworks disappeared.

And right after that, Black Swan reappeared.

"Life is a winding maze"

"We have nothing but memories."

This is what Black Swan once said to Xing, and it is also the most precious words of Black Swan.

Obviously, on the horizon of existence, all these people at the moment have played a great role in Xing's world.

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