A heavy rain fell in this beautiful dream.

A dark cloud covered the sky of this beautiful dream. A strong wind blew away the comfort in this beautiful dream.

Huangquan is still on the horizon of existence.

She spoke.

But people can feel a huge pressure.

When her palm fell on the long knife.

The memory of the past was also obvious at this moment.

When she rescued the bloody sin spirit of Tie Ernan.

Tie Ernan once said this

"Although we are in the void, we still have to watch people leave the void.……"

"What an absurd and meaningless mission."

Tiernan's voice was hoarse.

Bitterness could also be felt from that voice.

The traces of vicissitudes left by the years were also perfectly reproduced by the Blood Guilt Spirit.

Black Swan: For a void envoy, it is indeed meaningless.

March 7: But Huang Quan still did it. Even the other party is just a Blood Guilt Spirit.

Star: Huang Quan really treats the Blood Guilt Spirit as a living person!

Firefly: In fact, these Blood Guilt Spirits are indeed pathetic! Even, some sadness is inevitable.

Firefly: Their lives are just repetitions, which is also a kind of relief. Nashida:

No matter what, you can feel that Huang Quan is really great.

Kamisato Ayaka: It is indeed great! The envoy is a very powerful existence, and he can do such a thing. It can be said that he is too kind in his heart. Huang Quan:

Maybe, it's just to find some meaning in this nothingness.


On the exposure screen.

Just as Huang Quan said.

That's exactly what she thought.

"But someone has to do this"

"As for the meaning of what you said……"

"Even without it, I have come this far, haven't I?"

Huang Quan no longer needs meaning to prove herself.

Because she has her own thoughts.

She does not exist in this world for meaning.

Sometimes, she just wants to do something that is convenient for her.

"Even if the future you create may not belong to you?"

Tiernan asked again.

This is more confusing, but also an understanding of Huang Quan's mind.

People who can solve everything with a pure and open heart will always be simple.

"It may not belong to me, but it will definitely belong to someone."

Huang Quan said softly.

Such a voice has already hinted at more and more.

Nashida: How selfless! I feel that Huang Quan is so gentle!

Kamisato Ayaka: Oh! If she is not affected by the power of nothingness, she may have a better future, right? 313

Funina: It should be like this! The Forging World Sword represents her former companions!

Funina: After experiencing so many changes, and being able to maintain a sincere heart, it is really admirable!

March 7: Yes! Huang Quan is really gentle.

Walter: I can only say that sometimes fate always likes to play tricks.

Walter: In my world, the girl who is the same as Huang Quan finally ushered in a happy ending.

Huang Quan: That is something worth blessing.

Xing: What a pity! Huang Quan...

Huang Quan: Don't worry about me. If you can do what you like, you should be happy.


As for Huang Quan's words,

Tie Ernan couldn't help but say

"How hard your past must have been.……"

"In that case, let me do something meaningless.……"

Tiernan said this.

He seemed to have made up his mind.

At this moment, he also raised a question.

"Finally, please tell me your name."

Tiernan asked.

He was about to leave, so it would be meaningless to know it now.

Even this would not have any impact on the future.

However, even with that momentary perception, he had such an idea.

Xing: This... I didn't expect that you don't know the other party's name yet?

Ningguang: The existence of the blood sin spirit is just following the previous actions of the living.

Ningguang: This kind of thing has already exceeded the life span! Perhaps, this is the meaning of Huangquan's salvation. Keqing

: Unfortunately, as he said, this question is meaningless because he is about to disappear.

Kamisato Ayaka: So... no one will remember it yet? Nashida

: If it was before, it was true.

Finina: But now, haven't we seen it?

Finina: Since we have seen it! I think we will naturally remember it!

March 7: Come to think of it, you really didn't remember it when it was exposed before!

Xing: I still remember it! But I can't say it now, I can't ruin the atmosphere


On the exposure screen.

Huang Quan was silent at this moment.

Because her name had not been mentioned for a long time.

"Maybe in the next moment, my existence will disappear……"

"No one will remember this conversation, or your answer.……"

Tie Ernan was also talking.

His words seemed to help Huang Quan dispel his worries.

"But I still believe...your name should be remembered……"

Such people are indeed worthy of being remembered.

"And this universe...will remember it too."

Portio: That's right! There are indeed people who need to be remembered! At least the Sea Rangers must not forget!

Portio: A Void Envoy pretending to be a Sea Ranger is actually respected by all the Sea Rangers.

Gallagher: Haha! There are so many things that need to be remembered!

March Seven: I wonder if Pinoconi will remember in the future! There was such a person who once saved them.

Firefly: I think they can also remember Miss Huang Quan's real name, not the Void Envoy, or the name Huang Quan.

Xing: Great! You're about to cry!!

March Seven: Yes! It is indeed a very touching scene.


Faced with such a request from Tiernan,

Huang Quan remained silent but did not refuse.

"Some things I find hard to remember"

"But there are some things...I find it hard to forget."

Huang Quan said so

"This is memory"

"It is something created by the past, but can blossom with meaning in the distant future.

Huang Quan seemed to be trapped in some kind of memory.

The memory of the past that belonged to her was so obvious that she would never forget it.

"I still remember that was the starting point of my journey"

"It is the origin of red in my life"

"It is the most intense and passionate thing in every storm.……"

"That's my name……"

""Raiden, Forgotten River Guard, Meiyi"

So far, all the memories of the past have been recalled.

She has introduced her name before.

She still maintains her original color.

Xing: It's an unusual feeling to relive it again! The previous exposure scenes focused on shocking, but there is no such long-lasting story that soaks people's hearts.

March Seven: Yes! The name was said at this moment.

Lei Movie: Raiden, Forgotten River Guard, Meiyi? There is a familiar feeling.

Yae Shenzi: Is it because of Raiden?

Lei Movie: Maybe, maybe not. In short, it makes people sigh. Funina: Such a name? I think it will be remembered thoroughly. Nashida:

Although we are not in the same world, I will not forget it.

Kamisato Ayaka: Yes! Everyone who has experienced this memory, I think will never forget this memory.

That Villette: The past is���Fragments, pictures, and even profound words are presented.

That Villette: This name has long become a proof of memory.

Portio: Hehe! Now, it will be known among the sea patrol rangers!

Portio: No one will forget this name! However, in the same way, we will call you Huang Quan in the future.

Black Swan: To avoid causing unnecessary trouble? It is indeed a wise move.

Xing: Yes! I think, although it is called Huang Quan, everyone knows what is behind this.


On the exposed screen.

Huang Quan, whose palm fell on the hilt of the knife, had already recalled the rain.

There was a rain that fell, and it continued. In Pinocchio's Taiyi dream, there was also a rain that was about to come.

In the beautiful dream, everyone would not forget to look up at the sky.

And when the rain fell, it became more obvious.

In the howling wind ,

Potio had already grabbed the tower with one hand.

His eyes were fixed on the Pinocchio Grand Theater in the distance.

At this moment, he had only one thing to do.

There was a hero of Pinocchio who had made great contributions to Pinocchio and the Patrol Rangers.

That hero had not been accepted by his home planet until now.

So, his bullet cut through the sky.

It was not just a commemoration.

It also had the meaning of the Patrol Hunter Pass!! (To read the violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That is - revenge!!

The departure of the hero is certainly sad.

But what makes people even sadder is that no one cares about the death of the hero. Now, this bullet is the greatest revenge for those scoundrels in the family!! Potio is ready. So is Huang Quan. Her voice also rang out at this moment. It was still an advice to Xing. It was also what they said when they first met.

"In the long night that follows"

"You will probably encounter many setbacks and witness many tragedies."

"Finally, all I could see was black and white."

Huang Quan said so.

She was ready!

The moment her palm fell on the handle of the knife, there was a sudden thunder and lightning in the sky.

It was a scarlet thunder and lightning.

It fell in the beautiful dream of Taiyi.

This sound was the best omen, and it was the inevitable cooperation.[]

The people in the dream looked up.

They saw dark clouds.

They saw lightning.

They saw that blood-red light.


A bullet was fired from Potio's gun and flew straight into the sky.

The purple light, with a long tail, had already pierced the night sky at this moment.

It was a beam of light rising into the sky!

It was a bullet that crossed time and space!

It was the signal of a hero's fall! Leading the end of countless voyages!

Huang Quan!!

At this moment, he also pulled the long sword out of the sheath.

On the bright red blade, some traces were faintly engraved.

From the twelve world-casting swords to the two that were born.

This final nothingness was the source of all Huang Quan's power.

On the bright red blade, bursts of fierce thunder flashed.

The flashing light of thunder and lightning complemented the bright red in Huang Quan's eyes.

Her voice was still echoing.

"But please believe that in that black and white world, there will be a little red that will pass by for a moment."

"But when you make a decision……"

"It will surely show up again."

Long sword!


The sword that contained the terrifying power of Huangquan also fell with the swing.

The bright red blade ruthlessly washed away, with a terrifying will to tear everything apart.

On the horizon of this existence, the red light was so bright.

Under the blade, this entire existence had been turned upside down.

The sea water under his feet surged unconsciously and rushed towards him.

The white light circle symbolizing the sleeping formless person IX was also buried by the scarlet electric light and the tide at this moment.

Xing kept rising and falling under the power of this sword.

She kept struggling, but was carried away by the tide. Open.

In the tide, Xing's body was also constantly rising and falling.

At this horizon of existence, she was the first to realize the true strength of Huang Quan.

The power of the Void Order was fully released, and finally penetrated the horizon of existence.

The knife rushed out from it, and inevitably spread to the entire Taiyi Dream.

The raindrops falling from the sky.

As if disturbed by some force.

The gray and white colors rushed towards me, like a unique ending freeze.

The raindrops hung in the air and no longer fell.

The people in the dream also stopped.

The whole dream has been affected.���The impact.

From the initial stagnation to the washing of that terrifying force.

The ruthless power of nothingness stirred everything.

The bubbles condensed by the memory were also annihilated at this moment.

Countless blue and white light particles emerged from the dream.

Those buildings, those streets... all the fictitious things, all showed their true forms under this knife.

Countless people fell from the beautiful dream.

Their time was frozen at this moment.

They were no longer able to struggle.

They stayed forever at the moment when the power of nothingness arrived.

They watched everything being destroyed.

Witnessing with their own eyes, they would also be destroyed with this power.

The beautiful dream... is no longer beautiful.

Lei Yingying: What kind of power is this? How can it reach this level?

Yae Shenzi: Hehehe! Yidao only used one knife, and this beautiful dream is about to be destroyed. Nashida

: Too scary, right? Is this the real power of Huangquan?

Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, this is the real power of Huangquan, she can really tear apart the entire Taiyi dream!!

Furninna: How could such a thing happen? Although I have seen it before, it is still too shocking now, isn't it?!!

Violet: Such a vast power! No one can resist it!

Zhongli: Incomprehensible power, this is the existence of the Order.

Ying: Too strong!! This is Huang Quan!!

Paimon: So, can everyone be awakened?

March Seven: It seems that everyone wants to wake up from this terrifying world, right?

Portio: Tsk tsk tsk tsk! It's really shocking! With Huang Quan here! The Qi Xiang Choir is nothing to be afraid of!!

Gold Dust: Tsk tsk tsk tsk! Fortunately, Huang Quan had already held back when she attacked before.

Gold Dust: Otherwise, even if there were a few more cornerstones, she would not be able to split them directly.

Toppa: Miss Huang Quan also sensed your intention, so she went with the flow.

Black Swan: What a terrible destructive power! But it is just right to awaken people.

Fireworks: Hahaha! Overturn the entire Pinocchio!! Taichi's dream! But it's really coming to an end!

Firefly: The beautiful dream is coming to an end!!

Robin: We will definitely win!!

Star: Yes! For the beautiful future of Pinocchio!! We! Reject a false future!!


Countless people falling down reflected the light and fire in the sky.

The long tails of light finally cut through the sky.

The traces left by the bullets led to blue and white light.

Each light represented the arrival of the patrol ranger.

The patrol fire finally cut through the sky with Huang Quan's knife.

At this moment, Xing finally opened her eyes from the chaotic world.

She was still in the sky.

In front of her were patrol fires.

In her ears was Huang Quan's voice.

"And you, you have to chew its meaning carefully, and then wield the knife to clear the world."

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