『Mockingbird: Ruining your voice, that sounds horrible!』

『Sunday: Declare war on Tongxie? But he is ready to come to Pinocchio, which is also a war with Tongxie.』

『Black Tower: I can only say that Duke Hellfire is quite smart. He knows that he should pick on the weak.』

『Screwgoom: He believes in destruction, although he has never been noticed by Nanook. In a sense, he is also a determined doer of fate.』

『Gold Dust: If he could give up his own selfish desires, I believe he would have gone a long way toward destruction. Unfortunately, he obviously can't do that.』

『Charlotte: Tongxie is one of the Star Gods, right? But is this Star God here to sing?』

『Jizi: If there is a word to describe it, understanding, support and cooperation are the representatives of harmony. As a star god, Hippie's philosophy is to make all intelligent life merge into one whole and play the sound of harmony together.』

『Furninna: So what the Duke of Hellfire did was to destroy this unity? It seems like harmony is pretty good!』

『Sunday: I am deeply honored to hear such praise』

『Arata Ichito: But this guy is quite arrogant. He wants to fight against the star god without even receiving Nanook's blessing.』

『Jing Yuan: As a pre-war declaration, it is indeed inspiring. But if we want to actually implement it, I think it is impossible.』

『Fu Xuan: It fits their characteristics very well, arrogant and conceited, doing all kinds of evil. Because they are cruel enough, they overestimate their own strength, but that's all.』

『Huo Huo: He is very capable, but he also has a bad temper. So we can declare war on him.'

Duke Minghuo finished speaking.

Then he turned his attention to another person.

It was another girl.

The girl had long white braids that fell behind her.

She was dressed in white doctor's clothes and a black top hat, which had a different charm.

There was a bandage on her left eye, leaving only a red eye.

She was holding a red apple in her hand.

The fruit was eaten away in an instant and turned into golden brown.

Looking closely, you can see that its skin has begun to dissipate and turn into purple light particles.

Through the exposed hole, what can be seen is a purple spine skeleton, as if the apple itself has life.


"My smartest child!"

"I will set your body on fire and give you swords, saws and axes!"

"You will smelt the sickle with brimstone and give joyful pain!"

"Let the blood and tears of the actors flow into the Styx!!"

The Grand Duke of Hellfire said passionately.

At this moment, he had already declared war on the second Star God.

Dubra heard this and responded softly.

"Yes! My father!!"

Compared to Akash before, Dubra is more like a weak child.

『Xiao Gong: Another declaration of war! Is this the second one? Is this for joy?』

『Mockingbird: Is their goal not just harmony? Are they also going to declare war on joy? Could it be that the Fool will also come?』

『Sunday: The Harmony Festival is a rare grand event, and I believe many people will be invited. Among them, it is inevitable that there will be fools.』

『Hanabi: It's me! It's the Fool! It's Pinocchio! This is really fun. But, is there anyone so stupid as to declare war on pleasure? I declare this the most fun thing today!』

『Sambo: I can only say that his declaration of war is not only insignificant, but also makes fools laugh. It can even be said that fools are hoping he will do this.』

『Xing: Eh? They are going to beat you up! Aren’t you angry at all?』

『Kamisato Ayaka: Yes, yes! This kind of thing is very infuriating no matter how you look at it, right?』

『Aratake Ichito: If you come to me, then this battle will be a serious one.』

『Black Tower: If it was someone else, maybe this would happen, but unfortunately, Huanyue doesn’t care much about this kind of thing. It can even be said that they hope this kind of thing will happen.』

『Charlotte: What? Why? Are you asking for trouble?』

『Nashida: This seems a little hard to understand!』

『Ying: Normally, people who like to have fun should like to have fun, but they don’t want to be treated as fun, right?』

『Paimon: Yeah! If that's the case, then it's boring.』

『Keqing: Or is it that Huan Yue is also addicted to war, but just lacks the opportunity?』

『Gold Dust: Hahaha! That's not the case. What they pursue is just greater pleasure.』

『Screwgoom: The Joyful Star God seeks all kinds of pleasure, even if it means being fooled. Nothing else matters to Him.』

『Ester: Ah! I remember! There is an organization against joy called the Mourners. They are dedicated to singing praises of suffering and preventing people from indulging in joy.……』

『Black Tower: As a result, the Joyful Star God Aha thought this was fun, so he used his power to bless the mourning actors, allowing them to sing praises for things that opposed him.』

『March 7: This is really... too perverted, right?』

『Fu Xuan: If Changle Tianjun knew about this, I believe he would be looking forward to seeing them declare war on him.』

『Furninna: This... is really a bit strange…』

『Yae God: I can only say that you have a really good attitude.』

『Nashida: How strange! No wonder they declared war on Pleasure.』

『Sambo: Because even if war is really declared, Joy won't really do anything to them, so they can be safe.』

『Xing: I see! Just picking on the weak! It's the same with harmony and happiness.』

『Dan Heng: Actually, the power of the Joyful Star God is not weak, but he will not really attack. If that person is Emperor Bow Siming, the Star God in charge of hunting, the fight will not stop until one side dies.』

『Ying: If that’s the case, then I’m even more curious, will he declare war on the hunting patrol?』

『Paimon: Yeah! Who is he declaring war on now?

Lord Hellfire's declaration of war was not over yet.

After having two children, he set his sights on the third child.


"My bravest child!!"

This is a tall woman with short fiery red hair, a leather jacket and shackles.

The fiery red ribbons wrapped around her are also swaying at this moment.

At her feet, the heavy chains and iron balls are tied to her ankles.

Steel and fire are the best descriptions of Katrina.

"I will light your heart and fill you with boiling blood!!"

"You will use your anger to chisel open the treasury of"Cunhu"!!"

"Smelt their gold and make a statue for our benefactor!!"

This time, the Grand Duke of Hellfire set his sights on Cun Hu.

Hearing this, Katrina was also very generous.

"No need to say more! Old man!"

She seemed to have been expecting something like this.

『March 7: This time... is it for preservation?』

『Jizi: The guardian star god Klipper, also known as the Amber King, is best represented by the Interstellar Peace Company. They are indeed very rich.』

『Gold Dust: Oh my, I never expected this! You can even eat melons on your own body at this time! Are you going to chisel open the treasury to build statues? You have a big appetite!』

『Topa: I think he is a bit out of his mind to declare war on three Star Gods at once. From an investment perspective, this is too risky.』

『Jade: Hehehe, if you can do that, you'd be welcome! It looks like there will be a grand show at Pinocchio.』

『Star: Interstellar Peace Corporation, isn’t this the richest company in the galaxy?』

『March 7: Yes, they are called a company, and they say they want to spread the glory of preservation!』

『Bronya: Protecting the Star God? Beloberg……』

『Furninna: I can only say that he chose an opponent very cleverly. The guardian star god is not a combat type.』

『Kamisato Ayaka: I can only say it’s too interesting』

『Black Tower: Klipper is busy hammering! He has no time to pay attention to these clowns.』

『Screwgoom: However, Klipper's power is not weak. During the Universal Insect Plague, He struck Taiziyulus, the Star God of Breeding, forcing him to stop breeding.』

『Doctor Truth: In other words, in terms of power, Klipper is very strong, but he just doesn't have time to pay attention to more people. Even the Interstellar Peace Company, which uses Klipper as its banner, actually doesn't get much attention.』

『Gold Dust: If Diamond heard this, he would be furious, but I would just smile knowingly.』

『Topa: Everything for the Amber King! This is the foundation of the company.』

『Xing: Hmm... But it seems that Duke Hellfire has chosen some easy ones to deal with.』

『Hanabi: Hehehe! I'm really looking forward to it! What kind of trouble can these people cause in Pinocchio?』

『Sunday: I can only say that the family needs to be more vigilant again. '

However, the declaration of war by the Grand Duke of Hellfire... comes again!

Three consecutive children correspond to three star gods.

But there is still a fourth child.

She has a plump figure and seductive black hair.

The white dress covers her whole body, and the thighs exposed from the hem of the skirt are very seductive.

She smiled, with deep eyes.

The white bow at the collar complements the white sun hat on her head.

In the corner of her eyes, you can see a hint of faint blue flame slowly blooming.

The clever thing is that she also has a black tail.

It is burning with faint blue flames, making the succubus tail even more enchanting.

『March 7: This... is so beautiful!』

『Xing: No! This looks dangerous!』

『Firefly: Yeah! The more charming, the more dangerous!』

『Silver Wolf:……』

『Furninna: I think she has a nice figure! But what race is she? Why does she have a tail?』

『Navilette: It seems that it is not an ordinary existence, and its existence itself carries a secret.』

『Yae Miko: Looks very tempting! I wonder if it has anything in common with the devil?

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