Robin: Is this... something that happened in the past?

Firefly: It looks like a memory of the past.

Firefly: Maybe I can see how Cocolia was bewitched.

March Seven: Ah this...

Black Tower: Compared to that one, I am more curious about what is going on in this space?

Screw Gum: When Nanook glanced at me before, it seemed that I came to such a space.

Ruan Mei: So, is this the space that is unique to her when she was glanced at by the Star God?

Ningguang: This is really strange, why did it happen to her?

Xing: Don't ask me, I don't know why it happened to me.

March Seven: You were pierced through the chest by a sword just now, and you almost died!

Xing: But now it seems that my clothes are not torn.

Firefly: This is indeed a miracle.

Silver Wolf: Is this also in the script? It is indeed surprising.

Xing: Fortunately, not every time you see the Star God, you have to be stabbed.

Gold Dust: Yes! There is indeed room for discussion about why only you can see the stars.

Gold Dust: But right now, I'm more curious about what message this is going to convey?

Doctor Truth: I can offer a hypothesis. Once an attack that is contaminated with the power of a star god causes damage to the star, it may trigger a glance from the star god.

Doctor Truth: Obviously! The sword that Cocolia used to penetrate the star just now came from Cocolia.

Doctor Truth: To be precise, it exists as a great guardian!

Bronya: So... did the will of the great guardian for hundreds of years, and the memories of the guardian, have an impact?

Himeko: This is inheritance! Not only does pioneering have its own inheritance! Guardians also have their own inheritance.

Funina: It's really touching to say that!

Kamisato Ayaka: Indeed, I'm looking forward to it all of a sudden!

Nashida: So those memories I saw... are they also because of that weapon?

Black Swan: It's obvious from here that Cocolia has begun to be affected by the star core.

Huang Quan: Indeed! The sound of the star core has begun to take effect.

Liuying: So, she believed in the future promised by the Star Core...

Lei Movie: Abandoned the path she had always protected.


On the exposure screen.

Xing was also walking forward at this time.

Then, she saw two other figures.

It seemed that they were in the same room.

Cocolia and Xiluwa, the two friends were already together.

But at this moment, Xiluwa raised her doubts.

"What are you still hesitating about, Cocolia?"

"Isn't this what you've been looking forward to?"

Shiluwa asked doubtfully.

"Get out of this cage and see for yourself���Look at this city!"

"Do we have anything to lose?"

Shiluwa's words seemed to be intended to persuade Kokolia

"Previous efforts……"

"Their unfinished research……"

"Finally, it can bear fruit in this era!!"

Sylva said, and became more eager

"Give me a guard and let me find the star core!"

"Find a way to save our homeland!!"

At this moment, Sylva already wanted to end it all.

Dealing with the star core is all hope.

Ningguang: Is this... Has anyone been able to get rid of the star core?

Zhongli: It looks like they should have done some research on the star core. Fernina

: After hundreds of years, you should have some understanding of it, right?

March 7: Yes, Sister Sylva has done some research, but it seems that she was rejected.

Sylva: If I knew that she had already been in contact with the star core at this time, I would definitely take action.

Bronya: It's a pity that no one thought of this at the time.

Gold Dust: Well! The reason why we are not allowed to go out to explore is because the enemy has become one of our own.

Gold Dust: She has already gotten what she wanted from the star core, such as the ideal future.

Doctor Truth: But that future is not what the great guardian sitting in this position should give to the people.

Black Swan: This is really... It feels similar to Pinocchio.

Robin: Although the stories are a little different... But they are all relatives who have to go to the other side.


On the exposure screen.

At this time, Cocolia, facing Shiluwa's words, she also spoke directly

"Calm down, Shiluwa.

She said so.

Shiluwa didn't understand for a moment.

"Calm down? What are you talking about?"

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by Cocolia.

"Iron Guard! Lady Langdao is tired, take her down"

"Seize her lab and detain all researchers"

"They are conducting illegal research."

Cocolia said mercilessly.

This obviously means that all research on the disposal of star cores will be destroyed.

Funina: Is this considered abusing one's power to act tyrannically?

Nashida: Ah, this... Is there no one who can stop it?

Kamisato Ayaka: This... is really one person who has the final say. Can't others even have a voice to refute?

Ningguang: As the Great Guardian, her power is indeed extraordinary. Shiluwa

: What can we do? Everyone believes in the Great Guardian, and this has not changed for seven hundred years.

Shiluwa: After all, for seven hundred years, a Another great guardian has been fighting against the Rift Core.

Sylva: People have been doing this for generations, so naturally everyone has the highest trust in them.

That Villette: Using one's power to pursue personal ambitions! This sin is unforgivable.

Robin: They seem to be friends. They have found a solution, but they don't want to solve it.

Robin: She has been too deeply bewitched by the influence of the star core. Jizi

: But others have only trust in this great guardian.

March Seven: No wonder! What a pity! Jeppard believed in Cocolia to death


On the exposed screen.

At this time, Shiluwa looked very unbelievable

"Why, Cocolia?…"

"Why have you become so indifferent?……"

She didn't understand. Solving the star core was clearly for everyone's benefit.

Cocolia shouldn't have had any reason to refuse.


"You were my most cherished friend."

She said this and at the same time, the voice of the star core also sounded.

"There is no place for her in the promised new world."

This one sentence is enough to destroy everything.

Silva: Hahaha! How ridiculous! I didn't expect it! It would be like this. Bronya

: So it seems that after I rejected Lady Cocolia, Xinghe should have said the same thing.

Fernina: Oh! Isn't this completely becoming a slave to Xinghe? Nashida

: What new world... I don't even know if there is a place for people now...

Kamisato Ayaka: I can only say... Such a new world is not beautiful at all.

That Villette: The corruption brought about by the concentration of power is fully demonstrated at this moment.

Xing: Just because In the new world, there is no place for her, so she has to be indifferent to her former friends?

March Seven: I feel that... if Cocolia and Sylva had done research together, they might have really dealt with the star core.

Himeko: She chose to take a shortcut and directly stood on the side of the star core, so she also abandoned a lot. Black Swan: But among these people, only Bronya seems to be cherished.

Black Swan: Therefore, the star core should have been used to make a deal with Cocolia in the beginning.

Poteo: Darling! She is so bewitched that she doesn't want to believe that she can win.


On the exposure screen.

At this time, the scene has ended.

Then, Xing also continued to run forward.

Then, another scene appeared.

This seems to be in the rift

"Lord Cocolia, monsters are coming this way!"

""This place... this place is too dangerous!"

The soldier shouted anxiously at this time.

However, Cocolia had come to the place where the star core was. (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

After listening to what the two soldiers said, Cocolia also spoke up at this time.

"Stupid, humble……"

"What? Sir, what did you say?"

The Silver Mane Guard had no idea.

Xing: Alas! Poor Guards, they were kept in the dark.

March Seven: It seems that they will never believe until their death that the Great Guardian they have always believed in would actually do such a betrayal.

Kamisato Ayaka: This is... backstabbing...

Cocolia, listening to the words of the Silver Mane Guard, also spoke again.

"No one understands... except me��

"They have good eyes and ears, but they can't see or hear."

Kokolia's words were full of pride.

The Silver Mane Iron Guard who was attacked finally died.

After the wailing sound,

Kokolia also spoke.

"Take foolish will as food……"[]

"Forgive their foolishness and fear……"

Cocolia said this with great piety.

Xing: How pitiful! She didn't know that the Great Guardian had abandoned them until she died.

Fernina: I don't know how many innocent people she will kill.

Nashida: This is definitely a sin. It's such a pity!

Poteo: Hehehe! This touches the bottom line of the Sea Rangers! Innocent people are hurt!

Poteo: She should be thankful that there are no Sea Rangers on her planet!

Poteo: Otherwise, even the Great Guardian! Will be killed!

Gold Dust: This is really exciting!

Doctor Truth: In short, now that we have seen it, we have begun to understand the people who were bewitched by the star core.

Black Tower: They were deceived by the promised new world, but it seems that only two people can go on in that new world.

Xing: One is Cocolia, and the other may be Bronya. Everyone else must die.

Firefly: This will inevitably be resisted!

Topa: The name of the guardian should not be tarnished! Since you are the Great Guardian, you should fulfill your duties!

Hanabi: Oh! This is really pitiful


On the exposure screen,

Xing continued to run forward.

There, she saw Cocolia's memory again.

Bronya asked in confusion

"Mother, I still don't understand……"

"The rift erosion has spread to the lower layer"

"If all the Iron Guards are withdrawn... how can the people left behind protect themselves?"

She asked at this time.

It seemed that this was also the time when the upper and lower city areas were separated.

Kokolia's response was still indifferent.

"The automated robot defense line will take care of their safety"

"The most important line of defense is in the upper area"

"If we collapse, the underground will collapse instantly"

"The defense line must be maintained at all costs!"

She said ruthlessly

"It’s a trade-off……"

"Bronya, as a leader you must have the courage to make decisions……"

Cocolia said at this moment.

Xier: So, the lower city area was completely sealed off, and it has not seen the sun for more than ten years.

Xier: Is this an attempt to use the time consumption to expand the rift erosion little by little, and then everyone will die?

Natasha: Now it seems that it is indeed the case.

Natasha: She has a deal with the star core, but she doesn't want to take the blame herself, even a little bit.

Natasha: It seems that as long as the people died from the rift erosion, they were not killed by her.

Ningguang: Is it sealed off like this? She has already given up on the people in the lower city area.

Zhongli: And there has been no news from the upper city area. Is it because there are not enough resources?

That Villette: Standing in that position, but doing such a thing is unforgivable.

Hanabi: Oh.���Oh, this is so tragic, I can't bear to watch it.

Portio: Haha! It's already like this! We still have to teach others how to be leaders and protect those who have already betrayed us.

Xing: In this process, many people have sacrificed themselves for this.……


On the exposure screen.

Cocolia is still talking

"You and I……"

"We have a more important mission to fulfill."

"Sooner or later, you will have to make a choice."

She said

"A more important mission?"

Bronya was very confused at this time.

"It's too early, Bronya... it's too early"

"One day you will understand."

Cocolia didn't dare to tell the whole story.

Hanabi: Hahaha! How funny! This is the crisis of Beloberg! So interesting!

Sambo: Hey! I knew you would say that. Now you know how difficult it is, right?

Sambo: At least Pinocchio can get in. This Yalilo is all ice fields. It's not easy to deal with.

Sambo: I will be caught as soon as I go out.

Xing: Could it be that the more important mission is the new world that Xinghe said?

Black Swan: It's not hard to believe that when the others die, the remaining ones will become useless abandoned pawns.

Mockingbird: This kind of illusory future! It shouldn't be pursued!

Firefly: She alone decided the life and death of others. This kind of thing is unbearable.


On the exposure screen,

Xing also saw the front at this time.

To be precise, it was the flame spear in front.

The flame spear fell on the unknown long river, emitting golden flames.

The voice of the guardian's will also sounded at this moment.

"The city is calling……"

"The power of protection is fading……"

The voice was a woman's, but still disembodied.

"last of the last……"

"We still can't fight against the will of the star core."

This sentence is full of sadness.

Sand Gold: It symbolizes that the great guardian of the protection has given up, so naturally there is no way to fight against it.

Finina: It seems that there is really no way


At this time, Xing also said

"Kokolia gave up the protection"

"That's right……"

"But we have no right to blame."

The guardian's will showed amazing tolerance.

"Over the past seven hundred years, the Rift has continued to expand every second."

"We leave it to our successors……"

"There is no faith or wealth, only endless despair."

She said so. Her words were full of apology.

"Watching the homeland I swore to protect disappear before my eyes... is torture"

"Plus the lingering, bewitching whisper……"

"Even with a firm will, this day is bound to come."

"His protection... is destined to leave us"

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