Xing: Ahhh! It's over! Wasn't this the case when he was flying with the bomb?

Sanyueqi: Oh no! It seems that Liuying took the initiative to dispose of the bomb.

Fernina: Ah this... This kind of thing is too...

Kamisato Ayaka: There's no way, it seems that only she can solve it.

Fernina: I think it has come to this because everything is planned.

Nashida: That's right... If there were other ways, maybe they would have used them directly.

Ningguang: Maybe this is the result of careful consideration. Zhongli

: In the end, she chose to end it with her own sacrifice?

Mockingbird: I hope her wish can come true...

Liuying: I will complete my own script and face my third death.

Kafka: Fireflies between the stars! How dazzling.

Silver Wolf: The script for the third death? I hope everything goes well.

Hanabi: Hahaha! Hanabi's little bomb! That's quite interesting.


On the exposure screen.

Xing looked at the firefly in front of him and couldn't help asking

"What are you going to do?"

She already knew the answer.

But at this moment, she was still unwilling to accept this result.

"You may already know it."

Liu Ying said at this time

"I was born without the ability to dream, and the way I enter a dream is also a special method of the Star Core Hunter.

She looked at the star in front of her and responded seriously.

"This allows me to do things that ordinary dream chasers cannot do."

"As long as I can bear the pain brought by the heavy pressure of memory, I can dive into the original memory realm outside of dreams."

"This will provide a glimmer of hope for the Hibiscus"

"I will take this bomb deep into my dreams……"

"At least as deep as no man's land can get."

"This way, no one will get hurt."

This is what Liuying thought.

That is how they can all reach a happy ending.

Robin: Dive into the deepest dream? Indeed, this way the power of the explosion can be controlled.

Portio: Darling! Do you really want to do this? Go alone?

Portio: If you ask me, aren't there people from Liuguang Yiting and the Commander of Nothingness?

Black Swan: Maybe something has happened and she can't do it.

Huangquan: Maybe she has her own reasons for doing this.

Xing: She really plans to sacrifice herself alone. I am really crying. You are too gentle, Yingbao!!

Ningguang: At this moment, I can't do this. This kind of decision is indeed admirable.

Zhongli: It is indeed admirable to be able to sacrifice for others.

Kamisato Ayaka: Such a thing... Hey, has it finally come to this?

March Seven: Oh! Unexpectedly, it was Liuying who saved everyone in the end.

Robin: We will never forget the sacrifice made by Miss Liuying.

Black Swan: However, there may still be a chance, although the power of order can no longer protect Pinocchio. Black Swan:

But since it is in a dream, perhaps everything will be different.

Bluebird: This kind of thing... is really unexpected.

Huangquan: I hope she can wake up from the waking world.


Exposure screen

"What about you?"

Listening to Liuying's words, Xing was still worried.

She always felt that Liuying would take a great risk by doing this.

Perhaps, she would really die in her dream.

"don’t worry"

"I believe this Firefly Armor is enough to get me to where I need to go before the countdown ends."

"There is even a chance to return safely"

"This is the best and most reasonable choice at the moment."

She said at this moment.

However, this choice makes people extremely distressed.

"After all, this long story should have a happy ending."

While saying this, Liuying had already walked to the side of the swimming pool.

Xing: I really can't accept such an ending.

March 7: Yes, yes! We haven't seen a very sad ending until now. Good people shouldn't die.

Jizi: Maybe, someone always needs to make a choice.

Jizi: After all, there are some things that we can't stop from happening.

Xing: Isn't such a future a little too sad?

Danheng: Since embarking on this road of development, some things have been destined.

Walter: You will meet all kinds of people and see many things. In the end, you reach the end with your will...

Huangquan: If you already know your future, will you choose to embark on this journey?

Huangquan: I think you always have to make a relatively firm choice.

Huangquan: A person's life is always full of partings, and no one knows what such a parting will be like.

Huangquan: What's more, there is still hope for everything, and everything is not over yet.

Huangquan: There is still a chance for all of this, don't give up.

Black Swan: Since she has made this choice, let's wait for this ending.


On the exposure screen.

Before leaving, Liuying also started talking

"Let me share a sentence with you. It was actually told to me by Miss Huang Quan."

"She said the impossible is just what has not happened yet……"

"There are so many impossible things happening right now.……"

"But will they never happen?"

Xing: I understand the truth, and I am very moved. But this sentence... why does it sound like someone said it?

Hanabi: Hahaha! Isn't this what the dead Grand Duke of Hellfire said? Hahaha! So interesting.

Sambo: It seems that the Grand Duke of Hellfire really has a far-reaching influence.

Kamisato Ayaka: It seems to be true, which is really surprising.

March Seven: Ah this... Although I don't have much feelings for the Grand Duke of Hellfire, this sentence seems to be really good.

Potio: My dear! You have ruined the good atmosphere! Is the Grand Duke of Hellfire trying to steal the show at this time?

Sand Gold: Impossible things are things that have not yet come! This view is indeed surprising.

Topa: Maybe, Firefly can open up a path with her own strength!

Topa: The so-called impossible things are just things that have not yet come!!

Xing: Well! I believe it will be fine!

Flower: Oh, hey, when you are having fun, you still have to be a little conscious, don't you? Hahaha!


On the exposure screen.

Fireflies are telling at this moment

"In my opinion, maybe it's just that these moments that cannot be denied have not yet arrived."

"Is it the end of the funding negotiation or the pain of death?"

"Or a near-death situation……"

"They are no different until the end, and I still have many choices to make."

"I also firmly believe……"

At this time, the firefly expressed its own views

"At the moment of choice"

"We already have the answer in our hearts."

Liu Ying said at this time.

Her eyes were firm.

"It is not fate that shapes us, but we that shape fate."

Keqing: It is not fate that shapes us...

Zhongli: Everyone can make their own choices. Your every choice is not guided by fate, but your choice! It becomes fate.

Black Tower: This is the same as Liuying and her past self.

Black Tower: She has been fighting against her own fate, and in the process, she has paved her own destiny.

Jizi: Get rid of the identity of Grammer's Iron Cavalry and truly become a person, this is Liuying.

Black Swan: An admirable little girl, I hope she can be safe.

Mockingbird: Yes! Destiny is fought for by oneself! I think Miss Liuying should know this better than anyone else!

Shajin: She has experienced too many things like this, maybe this time she is also living towards death?


On the exposure screen.

With that said,

Firefly had already walked into the swimming pool.

Along with the sound of the flowing water, Firefly's voice was still ringing in my ears.

"Star Train and Star Hunter……"

"Just like light and shadow.

She left resolutely. (Read the exciting novels on Faloo Novel Network!)

Xing saw this scene, her eyes full of worry.

The moment Liuying reached out, she already had the Sam mecha on her body.

She reached out and held the fireworks bomb in the swimming pool.

Then, she flew straight into the sky.

"We are walking on different paths, entangled, moving forward together, growing passionately……"

The hot flame tail burst out at this moment.

The Hibiscus below seemed to be getting smaller and smaller at this moment.

Because of this, everything has an answer.

Portio: Hahaha! What the hell! Finally someone started talking about this! They both deal with star cores, but the methods are different.

Emerald: What is the connection between the two? It's really curious. Portio

: In short, they should not be walking on the same destiny, although they are light and darkness.

Broya: This kind of thing should be limited to dealing with star cores, right?

Portio: That's right! Unlike the Xianzhou and the Patrol Ranger who believe in hunting.

Portio: After all, that Elio is walking at the end! []

Qingque: The end, this is really touching!

Fu Xuan: Although they are walking on different destinies, the choices they made still made them meet each other.

Xing: So Yingbao and I are a natural match!!


On the exposure screen, the firefly flew up into the sky with determination.

Her voice also resounded.

"Maybe the end is certain."

"But... it's not now."

This figure was extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, the Sunstone was no longer visible.

However, at this moment, the fireworks doll in his hand made a sound.

"Given that progress was too smooth……"

"Hee hee hee!"

"The countdown is going to speed up!!"

After the sound of fireworks sounded, there was also a ticking sound.

Please give me flowers

That's the sound of a bomb about to explode.

Xing: No way? Are you kidding? How can you do this?

Fireworks: Hahahaha! It's so fun! Isn't it exciting this way?

Xing: Fireworks!!

March 7: Too bad taste! It won't blow up like this, will it?

Gold Dust: Judging from the previous situation, it will blow up.

Robin: This... is it really going to explode in advance?

Black Swan: This is the Fool...

Silver Wolf: Just as imagined, there is still a lot of fun.

Kafka: Huh? Imagined? It looks like it's over.


On the exposure screen.

Hearing this voice, Liuying became even more nervous.

Her eyes were firm and she accelerated again.

The flame tail was dazzling to the extreme at this moment.

Liuying's voice was still ringing in her ears.

"Life is too short"

"Like a firefly flying into the fire"

"So if you have an answer in your mind……"

"Always remember, don't leave yourself any regrets."

The fire in Sam's body burned at this moment.

The burning flames also glowed green at this moment.

She rushed straight into the sky, just wanting to fly faster.

"We have the right... right?"

She asked.

The sky had completely exploded at this moment.


A dazzling white light completely covered everything.

It all seemed to be over.

The scene was completely over.

But the information conveyed in it also made people feel shocked.

Xing: Really... It blew up directly...

Hanabi: Hahaha! Then do you want to guess what kind of bomb Hanabi used? Maybe it was a neutron bomb.

March Seven: Huh? Neutron bomb? How is this possible? What is that?

Xing:... I don’t know why you seem so shocked?

March Seven: This sounds very powerful, right?

Jizi: If it was a neutron bomb, the Opal should have disappeared directly.

Walter: It’s really hard to imagine that such a thing was done.

Black Swan: Maybe, this...���The answer has already been given, hasn't it?

Black Swan: Fool, are you kidding?

Hanabi: Hahaha! A joke? Do you think this is a joke by the Fool, or is it true?

Star: Damn it! So is there anything wrong?

Hanabi: Hahaha! I'll leave this puzzle for you to figure out slowly.

Gold Dust: Whether it's blown up or not, it doesn't affect the fun.

Portio: If I defeat the Order, and it ends up like this...

Robin: It's a hard-to-explain feeling...

Firefly: The third death... I remember the script also said that I would get something unforgettable here.

Star: So it's still a suspense?

March Seven: It seems so! Same as before! Oh! It's really itchy.

Himeko: Maybe this is not the last story.

Himeko: Blowing up everyone directly would certainly satisfy the fun. But it would also lose a lot of possible fun.

Star: Now that you mention it, if you want to have fun continuously, it shouldn't end like this.

March Seven: Ah! Let's play it quickly! I want to know what happened


On the exposure screen.

At this time, the formal exposure has begun.

Liuying - If you can make a choice! Then don't let yourself have regrets!

This is what Liuying said at the end.

Everyone must move forward firmly, keep moving forward, and move towards the ending they deserve.

At this time, the video has officially started playing.

"Wake up... wake up..."

March 7's voice came from outside the door

"Hey! Xing! Don't sleep!!"

""The sun is shining on my butt!"

Xing finally opened her eyes at Sanyueqi's shout.

She walked out of the dream pool.

Then she opened the door and brought Sanyueqi in.

"Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

"I heard no movement in the room, I was almost scared to death."

March 7 was worried as soon as he came up.

Xing, who was covering his head, was also a little confused when he heard such words.

"Such a familiar conversation……"

Xing: It's really familiar! Isn't this the conversation in Taichi's dream?

Sanyueqi: Ah this... This beginning gives people a bad feeling...

Himeko: Could it be that you haven't woken up from Taichi's dream yet? Himeko

: No! The possibility of this should be very low. Walter

: It's over! I think this is a reflection of reality.

Kamisato Ayaka: I hope I'm not still in a dream, I hope not!!

Poteo: Oh my god! Is it a feint right at the beginning? What a surprise!

Gold Sand: Maybe, this is still a dream?

Hanabi: Hahaha! If it's a dream, it would be the most fun thing!! Ding.

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