On the exposure screen.

At this time, Xing also began to look for Shu Weng to prepare the drink.

"Let's mix the drinks"

"Before we get started, would you like to have a chat with your companions?"

"We have plenty of time."

Shu Weng asked.

At this time, Xing had his own ideas.

"No need, let's get started."

She said

"I have some ideas about what kind of drinks to mix."

Shu Weng looked at Xing and had already preliminarily determined some things.

March Seven: Isn't that right? What does this mean? You guys really mixed drinks?

Xing: Anyway, there is no danger for the time being, so it's normal to mix some drinks.

Xing: After all, didn't we come to Pinocchio for vacation?

Xing: Anyway, things have been almost resolved now, so there is no need to worry anymore.

Firefly: Indeed, although there are three deaths in the script, no one knows what they will be until that moment.

Firefly: Hehehe! So let Firefly's bomb add some fun to you, hahaha!


On the exposure screen.

After Shu Weng finished his analysis.

Then, she gave Xing the space to choose

"Bitter or sweet, make your choice"

"See which flavor is more suitable for your mood at this moment."

She asked

"Sweet, right?"

Xing made her choice.

Upon hearing this, Shu Weng also spoke directly.

"Sweet Drunk - One of the most difficult drinks to make

"As long as the proportion of raw materials is slightly unbalanced, the taste will become too thick and greasy."

"On the contrary, if the ratio is appropriate……"

"Then you can get a unique sweet drink with a long aftertaste"

"Good choice, start mixing drinks."

Shu Weng said.

Then, Shu Weng started mixing drinks directly.

Xing, who was standing by, also had a great time.

Xing: Woohoo! It's really fun!

Gallagher: The fun part is the process! When you love the process, the drinks seem powerless.

Portio: Hahaha! That's right! So I will never mix drinks, I will only choose to drink.

Portio: Yeah! After all, drinking is much more fun than mixing drinks.

Xing: I believe this will be a very interesting experience


As he said this, the drinks on the screen were also mixed.

Shu Weng looked at the mixed drinks.

At this time, she seemed to be inspired.

"Words are always pale"

"If you want to end a past event, there is no better way than to mix drinks in this bar."

She said so

"Pour all 560 memories and feelings together and mix them well"

"Through the filter of time, what remains in the cup is something worth savoring."

Shu Weng's words also made people begin to sigh.

Portio: Hahaha! Wonderful! Only when you drink something, you will have so many feelings.

Gallagher: In the bar, it is a good choice to have this thing as a seasoning.

Xing: Is this using drinks to convey your voice?

March Seven: It seems to be true.

Huang Quan: In the memories of the past, there are always some profound things left.

Huang Quan: Among those profound things, perhaps it is a picture, perhaps it is a feeling, and drinks and taste are also one of them.

Black Swan: Memory, to some extent, reflects your past.

Black Swan: From it, you can feel a lot of things. Black

Swan: When familiar things appear again, you can see the past you want.

Xing: Ah! I wonder if March can use this to restore his memory?

March Seven: Ah, this... doesn't feel very realistic, right?


In the exposure screen,

Shu Weng looked at the drinks.

At this time, she also laughed.

"OK, that's it.……"

As she spoke, she raised the glass in her hand first.

"To the unknown guests sleeping underground……"

"And my good friend, Gallagher."

Star: This can also be considered a kind of commemoration.

March Seven: It seems that when commemorating, everyone likes to raise a toast, no matter what they drink.

Portio: Hahaha! Don’t you think this method is very relaxing?

Portio: Those who have passed will pass away, and those who are still here will continue to move towards the future.

Star: No matter what, the predecessors have made great contributions to Pinocchio.

March Seven: Yes! I agree with this point, and I hope their efforts can be recognized.

Robin: It will definitely happen. The current Pinocchio will definitely recognize the efforts made by the former unknown guests.


On the exposure screen.

Shu Weng also continued to speak

"The spirit of freedom will spread far and wide among the stars, and its aftertaste will be more lasting than the pastoral song."

"We are not accepted by the outside world, so we gather here"

"One day, our souls will be together."

Shu Weng raised his glass.

Everyone raised theirs.


With this toast, they also had a relatively simple ending.

Funina: Ah! Are you leaving?

Xing: I feel like I can't stay too long.

Xing: After all, there are still many things to deal with.

March Seven: Indeed, the negotiation between the family and the company should still require someone to help.

Xing: Anyway, it's almost over.

Firefly: Hehehe! Really? Then can you go find Firefly's bomb?

Xing:... Are you still looking for a bomb?

March Seven: Uh... I feel helpless. This bomb should be hard to find, right?

Firefly: I feel like we have to wait for the bomb! The most important thing next is the second half of the negotiation.

Gold Dust: That's right. What will happen to Pinocchio depends on this time.

Potio: Holy crap! Can the family stop the company? One Will a self-listing be useful?

Topa: Of course not, after all, the company can use some special means.

Himeko: That's right! Although Mr. Oti's self-listing plan was very successful, it would be difficult to deal with a single-handed company if it fell out.

Black Swan: After all, there are three cornerstones, unless other people help Pinocchio together.

Huang Quan: If necessary, I will.

Robin: But... this mainly depends on the ideas of the Starry Sky Train team, right?

Himeko: So, there is indeed such a saying.

Himeko: We still think that both sides should maintain an attitude of you in me and me in you.

Himeko: After all, the Starry Sky Train cannot stop running in Pinocchio all the time.

Himeko: At this time, it is a good choice to have both sides check and balance each other.

Robin: Indeed, this may be the best result for Pinocchio.


On the exposure screen.

At this time.

Everyone in the train crew also received a message from Ji Zi in the Starry Sky Train family group.

【Jizi: Everyone, please move to the Huichangshi.】

【Jizi: I'll finish up here soon, we'll meet at the stern pool later.】

【Danheng: 11】

【Walter: See you later.】

【Xing: By the way, what is Miss Himeko busy with?】

【March 7: I want to ask too!!】

【Jizi: (elegant)】

【Jizi: Keep it secret for now】

【Ji Zi: Don't be impatient, you will know after the opening ceremony.】

【March 7: Hey……】

【March 7: I'm really looking forward to it!!

Keqing: Opening ceremony? What is that?

Xing: Could it be that there is such an event on the Sunstone?

March 7: Miss Robin should come forward to help mobilize the atmosphere of the scene?

Robin: Well, I think the best person in the family to come forward now is me.

Jizi: Maybe some kind of cooperation has been reached with the family or the company. Jizi:

Some things may be explained directly at the opening ceremony. Walter

: Well, before, I was indeed approached by the family.

Walter: In this case, I should do something.

Gold Dust: From the perspective of the family, making friends with the Starry Sky Train is definitely a business that will make money without losing money.

Black Swan: So there should be corresponding gifts, or some kind of promise.

Xing: I'm looking forward to it! I'm looking forward to it when you say that!

March 7: Really! As expected of Miss Jizi!! To read the most exciting novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network! )

Potio: Hahaha, this is the right time to join in the fun


On the exposure screen.

At this time, Shu Weng also saw the expressions on everyone's faces.

"Are you setting off?"

"Then take it with you."

Shu Weng said.

Then, she took out the drink.

It was still the same drink as before, but this was obviously extra.

"For this last special drink, I specially mixed some more"

"The past is like smoke, I hope it can help you remember the taste of Pinocchio."

Xing: Oh, it's great to be able to drink so much before leaving!

March 7: Is this a gift before leaving? I think it's totally fine!

Portio: What a treasure! If I had known earlier, I would have asked the rememberer to leave a few more bottles of good wine, anyway, I can take it away.

Black Swan: That wine doesn't look easy to find! Mr. Ranger[]

Gold Dust: That's right, but if we cooperate, maybe we can have a few more drinks.

Gold Dust: Nothing else, I still have some money.

Topa: Hey, stop, stop, stop! We agreed to drink, don't start showing off your wealth now!


On the exposure screen.

At this time.

Walter also expressed his gratitude


"I think it will be an unforgettable taste."

He said so.

At this time, Mr. Shu also specifically asked

"If you can see Gallagher, let him have a drink too."

"I know that guy's taste, he will definitely like it."

Shu Weng obviously knows Gallaher very well.

This kind of understanding is also very touching.

Funina: Sure enough, it's still Gallaher?

Keqing: To be honest, Gallaher's departure was a bit sudden.

Keqing: Although I know that the mystery will eventually disappear, the final farewell was really a bit hasty. Walnut

: I'm still with Mikhail, and this is the last time I'll see the Star Train.

Yae Shenzi: So, can I still see him? This is also a wish, right?

Xing: Hey! It's just a wish.

Black Swan: However, it's a good thing to have a wish. After all, it's still a sustenance in my heart.

Firefly: Even if that hope is illusory, it does exist after all, and it can bring people hope of life.

Mockingbird: Well! In any case, I still hope that everyone can live a beautiful life in reality.


On the exposure screen.

Xing also said firmly at this time

"We will."

Seeing the atmosphere becoming increasingly strange,

Shu Weng also spoke directly.

"Okay, that's it."

"You still have to talk about business, don't let the atmosphere become sad any more." She also encouraged everyone.

"Whether it is the Star Train or Pinocchio, there is still a long way to go in the future, so cheer up."

"Then, let's go to our own tomorrows."

As they said this, they even had the intention of toasting together and leaving.

Xing: Yes! Everyone has to go to their own tomorrow!

Liuying: I hope everyone can get the future they want.

Mockingbird: We will eventually meet in the sober world.

Black Swan: Tomorrow is beautiful, and there will always be memories left.


On the exposure screen.

At this time.

The scene has been turned back to the Hibiscus.

Because the opening of the meeting with Odi Aifa was not very smooth.

In fact, the opening of the meeting was also very problematic.

The company wants a lot of things.

But old Odi's broken jar made them a little bit afraid.

This is still a little bit different from the company's psychological expectations.

Jade and Toppa.

At this time, they were also discussing the strategy for the second half on the Hibiscus...

At this time, Toppa also felt a little emotional.

"That old Odi is so hard to deal with."

"Unexpectedly, at the most critical moment of Pinocchio"

"He actually took the risky step of going public."

In his words, one can already hear the admiration for Old Aodi.

Xing: Sure enough, it still brings pressure to the company.

Ningguang: After all, the plan has been disrupted. What we need now is a beautiful counterattack.

Shajin: That's right! And this counterattack must be clean and neat.

Shajin: If we can't kill Old Aodi's independent listing, it will always be a hidden danger.

Topa: That's why we need to talk, right?

Feicui: But don't worry, from the beginning, the company has had an absolute advantage.

Fireworks: Hahaha! That's really interesting! I'm really looking forward to it!

Potio: Hahaha! Let them both fight, the final result will definitely make people feel interesting.


On the exposure screen.

Jade also laughed when he heard it.

"Yes, he's courageous."

"It is with this courage that he has become the Aodi Aifa today."

Emerald made no secret of her respect for Old Aodi.

But then, she changed the subject.

"But the balance of victory has not yet tilted in either direction"

"No matter how loud you shout, the sound itself has no weight"

"Topa, is there any follow-up to the phone call you made?"

Jade asked about other things.

Topa nodded.

"Yes, they agreed."

"But it will take a while for the people to arrive."

Funina: Who could this call be for?

Kamisato Ayaka: It feels like it should be someone from the Star Train, right?

Xing: Sister Himeko seems to have gotten something from the family.

Xing: It feels like the next person is Himeko.

Himeko: The family has already sent a gift, so they obviously want something, and I guess they want to stand on the side of the family.

Himeko: Then if the company wants to have an advantage in the negotiations, it also needs to make some sacrifices. Hanabi

: Haha, so both sides are messing around, are you taking the opportunity to make a fortune?

Poteo: Hehe! What the hell!! Don't mention it, it really looks like that.

Jizi: There is still a difference. We just want Pinocchio to get back on track.

Jizi: Things like order, I don't want to see it again.

Jizi: Whether the company can be stopped by the family depends on the family's skills.

Jizi: The family also has its own calculations. We can only try to make the two sides reach a cooperation when the two sides are in a mess. Robin

: Indeed, Pinocchio needs to be calm now, and it's better not to cause any more waves.

Robin: I hope that this time, we can achieve relative checks and balances and stability..

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