Ying:... Ah, isn't this a bit too vivid and appropriate? Isn't this bad?

Fu Nina: As expected! Liu Ying is still good to Xing! This kind of selfless behavior is really unexpected.

Xing: Wuhu!! The whole audience started to cheer.

Xing: As expected, only Liu Ying is the best!! Sai Gao!!

March Seven: That's right, it feels like only when it comes to treating you, there will be such a difference in treatment.

Black Swan: So how do we solve this bomb?


On the exposure screen.

At this time.

Liuying looked at Xing who had walked forward.

Then, she spoke again.

And this time, she wanted to tell everything she knew.

Just as she said before.

Maybe she treated others differently.

But when it came to Xing, she was only honest.

This was a typical difference.

"Since you'll be here……"

"Then I'll make it short."

Liuying seemed a little helpless at this time.

Then, she told the story of how she came here.

"About half an hour ago"

"I received a message from an unknown sender, and I rushed here immediately."

This is what happened before.

Half an hour ago,

Liuying received the message.

And the doll bomb set by Huahuo.

Now... there are about 27 minutes left.

The time span is as if it is precisely controlling something.

Xing: Half an hour, if you count it, this bomb should have been placed here an hour ago.

March Seven: According to the time span, it should be like this.

Kamisato Ayaka: So, Huahuo had already placed it an hour ago.

Funina: That's right! And the most important thing is how Huahuo forced the"Erqiqi" ears and eyes.

Funina: The previous 999 dolls were given out when There were only ten short minutes.

Xing: Yes! That is to say, in these short ten minutes, no one came here to discover it.

Black Swan: But if that is the case, then isn’t there some loophole?

Black Swan: After all, this ship, the Hibiscus, doesn’t look big at all!

Xing: With so many people coming and going, no one noticed anything unusual? Isn’t this too strange?

March 7: Could it be that Huo Bi used some special means to hide the bomb?

Gold Dust: The span of time can already explain many problems.

Gold Dust: From the very beginning, this bomb search was filled with a sense of unreality.

Portio: If you put it that way, it feels right.

Portio: I feel like there's too much deliberateness in this.

Portio: There really was too much deliberateness when searching for the bombs.

Topa: It seems like a lot of people found a lot of dolls at once.

Emerald: And, the number of dolls on the Hibiscus is far more than what Hanabi said. Robin

: In fact, if there are really that many bomb dolls prepared by Hanabi...

Robin: It feels like you can easily see a lot of them. Xing

: Isn't this just going back to the past? There are so many dolls, why didn't they find them the first time?

Finina: It feels like all those bombs were... It's like being in another time and space.

Kamisato Ayaka: Ah this... Hanabi shouldn't be able to do this, right?

Nashida: Could it be the same method that Hanabi used before? Now Xing may even be in a dream?

Xing: Hmm? That Hanabi is pretty good! He even knew to bring in Liuying.

Xing: Hmm... not entirely true.

Xing: Actually, even if Liuying is fake, I don't care!!

Sanyueqi: Then just now, you thought Liuying was pretended by Hanabi, and even wanted to take action...

Xing: Ah this... is that true? Absolutely not!! Don't slander me!!

Xing: You are slandering me!!

Hanabi: Hahaha! As expected, the little gray-haired one is the most interesting!


On the exposure screen.

At this moment.

Just after Liuying spoke up.

The real bomb doll still in the swimming pool.

As if to add some urgency.

Her voice was still ringing at this time.

"27 minutes and 52 seconds……"

"Twenty-seven minutes and fifty-one seconds……"

Now, one more hour has passed.

To be honest, it has passed very quickly.

Looking at what is happening in front of her,

Liuying's face is also full of worry.

"Beautiful dreams have lost the protection of order."

Obviously, Liuying has also learned this information.

March Seven: Wait? How did the Star Core Hunter know?

March Seven: Why do I always feel that things are getting weirder and weirder?

Xing:...Could it be Silver Wolf?

Xing: Didn't he say before that if she wants to take action, she can get a lot of information?

Black Swan: There is no suspense about this. As long as she wants, she can do it anytime.

Black Swan: After all, the Hibiscus is not a particularly confidential place.

Mockingbird: Moreover, Firefly can be told at the same time.

March Seven: So that's it! Indeed...

March Seven: If it looks like this, Liuying's worries are not unreasonable.


On the exposure screen.

Liuying faced the current situation.

She couldn't help but continue to say

"If I let it explode here……"

"The consequences are disastrous."

At this moment, Liuying has already given an answer.

""I studied it for a long time."

Liuying said.

This long time was probably at most thirty minutes.

Apart from that, there is basically no other possibility.

"But the structure of this bomb is very special."

"Like being locked by some inexplicable force of fate……"

Her words have completely cast a shadow on the bomb in front of her.

Since there is interference from the power of destiny, then according to normal methods, I am afraid that there is something powerless.

Xing: This... is the power of destiny applied? If so, then there is really nothing we can do.

Sanyueqi: There is no way. Liuying said that it can't be solved, it must be really impossible.

Shajin: As a former Grammer Iron Cavalry, she said that this bomb can't be dealt with.

Shajin: It seems that the most we can do is to use the powerful power of destiny to disrupt it. Fu

Nina: I wonder if the one you are looking for now is the Void Envoy named Huangquan?

Kamisato Ayaka: Speaking of which, I really haven't seen Huangquan.

Nashida: Now it's not just Huangquan. Although others responded in the group chat...

Nashida: But now, no one has shown up...

Ying: Yes! The location of this bomb has been determined.

Ying: Why is no one here now?

Botio: Maybe... maybe... her baby was delayed by something?

Jizi: To be able to delay so many people at the same time, do you have some special means?

Xing: Stop talking, I'm completely scared now.

Xing: Now I'm really afraid that all this is fake.

Hanabi: Hehehe! If it's just a dream. Isn't this good? Little Gray Hair?


On the exposure screen, after Liuying finished her analysis, she continued

"Except for the maker, I'm afraid no one can stop it."

Just this sentence has completely eliminated the option of defusing the bomb.

"Then we will find that guy!!!"

Xing now looked very motivated.

She seemed to be ready to take action immediately.

However, such an option did not seem to exist at all.

In other words, there was no way to resolve the crisis.

"Very difficult"

"Time is limited, and she will change her appearance again."

Liu Ying pointed out the difficulties.

To be honest, these are the methods that Hua Huo has used before.

Xing: Indeed, as early as the previous Pinocchio, Hua Huo became Sambo!

March Seven: You didn't see any flaws at that time. To read the violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xing: Uh... there is no way, Sambo is really a fun person.

Xing: He has always liked to stab in the back, he is used to it.

Sambo: Hey! Friend! What you said is really heartbreaking.

Sambo: As an old friend, I thought I could get some friendly words.

Xing: Well... it feels like you often make trouble, but not as much as Hua Huo.

Dan Heng: Deserting at the critical moment is, in a sense, the current situation.

March Seven: Ah! Speaking of which, Sambo is really too much!

March Seven: He always likes to be in danger���When someone runs away, they just run away.

Sambo: There's nothing we can do. If we don't run away when we encounter danger, wouldn't that be a big disadvantage?

Xing: Hey! In short, it's still very difficult to catch Hanabi.

Hanabi: Hehehe! It's good to realize this!


On the exposure screen, it is one thing to not be able to catch the fireworks.

On the other hand ,[]

Even if you can really catch the fireworks, it is actually a bit difficult to do.

"And even if she is caught, she will definitely not surrender.……"

Liuying said helplessly.

She seemed to have no way to deal with Hanabi's methods.

Shajin: Indeed, after all, he is a happy and joyful person.

Shajin: Even if he is caught, he will naturally do whatever he wants.

Hanabi: Yes, yes, yes! It is because things become like this that it is fun, isn't it?

Hanabi: After you catch him, the fun will begin!

Xing:...I am beginning to doubt whether you really have strange XP0.....

March 7: This is hard to say. It is really hard to say.

Black Swan: The fool's first goal is to have fun.

Black Swan: Whether she is caught or not, for her, it may be part of the fun.


On the exposed screen,

Liuying has explained the current situation.

There is only one result of this explanation.

That is, it is impossible to stop the bomb.

Hanabi will not do as imagined.

She will not honestly stop the bomb.

In this case, there is probably only one option left.

That is to try every possible way to directly reduce the impact of the bomb explosion to the minimum.

In this way, casualties can be reduced as much as possible.

So, for the rather difficult current situation,

Xing also immediately thought of other ways.

For example ,……

"Don't worry, many people are coming."

There is strength in numbers. If there are more people, the result may be different. At least at this moment, Xing thinks so.


Liuying obviously doesn't think so.

As a former Grammer Iron Cavalry, she is obviously very familiar with the current situation, especially in the current situation.

Apart from anything else

, she had already received a lot of information from Silver Wolf when she came to Pinoconi.

Now so much time has passed.

After such a long time of getting along

, she has learned more things.

So now, she has her own judgment.

As a warrior, she should have a judgment.

"Do you mean the watchmaker's guests?"

Liuying asked.

Then she continued to make judgments.


"In my experience, no one present here can change the status quo."

That's what Liuying thinks.

As a former warrior, she feels that the status quo cannot be changed.

March 7: Isn't this... a bit arbitrary?

Funina: Huang Quan should be okay, right?

Shajin: But if you think about it

, there is no Huang Quan among the watchmaker's guests. Shajin: The reason why Huang Quan is here is because she took the music box from the Duke of Hellfire.

Potio: What the hell! If you think about it, the bomb has been found, but there is no way to resolve it.

Topa: Although I don't want to admit it, since it can't be removed, Maybe there really is no way.

Funina: Isn't it said that this is a world made of memories?

Funina: If so, does Black Swan have any solution?

Kamisato Ayaka: Yes! Isn't she the rememberer?

Xing: Black Swan should have a way to deal with someone who is so familiar with Pinocchio.

Everyone put their heads together.

Finally, at this time, they thought of a way to resolve this bomb.


It's as if all the predictions have been completely predicted.

Before Xing even opened his mouth, Liuying had already killed this possibility in the cradle in 2.1.

"The Rememberer may be able to move the bomb to a place where no one is."


Liuying seemed a little hesitant at this time.

To be precise, there was really no way out.

In the end,

Liuying still reluctantly told the truth.

"I found a note inside the doll."

She said this.

Then, she showed the note directly.

The information written on the note in front of her was also very clear.

This is a meme virus.exe that looks like a computer software.

And this famous software.

In normal human society, as a virus, it can easily destroy the network.

But now, meme virus is another concept.

The existence of any living thing itself has a certain genetic code.

In a sense, as long as it is a living thing, it has its own unique biological chain.

And for the fatal defects of the living thing itself.

On this basis, the specially studied virus can be called a meme virus..

Such a virus is extremely threatening.

Xing: Memetic virus? Ah this... I can't imagine it would happen like this.

March 7: In order to guard against something, a memetic virus was arranged directly?

Black Swan:... Then it's obviously aimed at me.

Gold Dust: Tsk tsk tsk! From the looks of it, it's obvious that a lot of arrangements have been made!

Poteo: My God!! Is that so? It's really funny! Hahaha!

Hanabi: How is it? Do you like it? Isn't it very interesting?

Xing:... Not interesting at all.

Firefly: This is really hard to describe.

Funina: Ah this... Is that memetic virus so powerful?.

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