This is also an optimistic attitude.

Or it can be said to be an expectation for the future.

After listening to Ji Zi's words,

San Yueqi also seemed to understand something at this time.

"The answer doesn’t matter……"

"What's important is what we can get from other people's answers...right?"

Ji Zi heard this and nodded seriously.

"This is pioneering."

Xing: The answer is not important, what is important is the process of finding the answer?

Robin: In fact, many times, the answer can be found in the process.

Robin: And in the end, in fact, the answer is no longer important. Funina

: I see, this is really touching.

Kamisato Ayaka: So this is pioneering. Ningguang

: If there is any problem and there is no answer, then just go and find the answer yourself.

Zhongli: As long as you keep moving forward, no matter what the problem is, you will find the answer in the end, right?

Firefly: It should be like this.

Firefly: They are walking on this road together, constantly moving forward, isn't it also a process of enjoyment?

Robin: That's right. See different scenery and meet many people during the journey.

Robin: And finally, walk towards a tomorrow that belongs only to him.

Greenbird: In that case, It's really touching.

Portio: Hahaha! What the hell! So why bother about so many things, just do it!

Gold Dust: Yes, this is a very simple answer.

Gold Dust: Having so many doubts can be very annoying.

Toppa: In fact, I'm more curious, are you more annoyed if you have so much money?

Gold Dust: Do you want to use my money to subsidize your employees? This is impossible, I also want to find my answer.

Toppa: Oh! It's so sad.

Bronya: I believe that you will find your own answers in the near future after"987".

Seele: Yes! Work hard for the goals in your hearts.

Natasha: But if you feel tired, you can stop and rest for a while.

Xing: Well, that's no problem.

March 7: I feel... I seem to be a lot more clear now.


On that exposed screen, at this time,

San Yue Qi had already gotten her own answer.

Although it was not the answer to the original question, but now... she already had her own direction.


Sanyueqi responded to Jizi's words.

Afterwards, she had returned to normal.

She became the happy and carefree Sanyueqi before.

She noticed that the atmosphere was a little heavy because of her.

Then she immediately apologized.

"Sorry, sorry, for making the atmosphere so heavy.——"

"Danheng, tell a joke to lighten the atmosphere!"

March Seven looked at Danheng for help.


Danheng at this time... shook his head silently...

Xing: Hahahaha! Danheng directly chose to refuse.

Hanabi: Hahaha, this is really interesting.

March Seven: Hey! I thought Danheng could provide some jokes...

Potio: And then brother Danheng directly chose to refuse.

Kamisato Ayaka: This is really... really unexpected. Funina

: But, this kind of relationship is the best, isn't it?

Topa: Yes, we can provide help when help is needed.

Topa: This is already the best relationship relatively speaking.


And on that exposed screen.

At this moment.

Walter also continued to respond.

"It's never a bad thing to think ahead." Walter seems to have his own opinion on March 7's behavior and March's words about making the atmosphere so bad.

"One day, we will all have to face separation."

His words sounded a little heavy at this time.

To be honest, this is something that is bound to happen.

Nothing is eternal.

Even those special existences are the same.

Xing: One day, we will always have to face separation?

Firefly: This is also normal. After all, such a day will always come.

Firefly: Compared with such an ending, I think it is more important to focus on the present.

Firefly: What we should cherish more is every day of the present. Robin:

There will always be farewells in the future. To be honest, this is quite helpless.

Topa: After all, there is nothing eternal in this world, right?

Gold Dust: Yes, I agree with this.

Gold Dust: Eternal things do not exist. Everyone agrees on this.

Finina: Anyway, let's live well in the present.

Nashida: Hey! This is really...

Firefly: As for the future, it doesn't really matter.


On the exposed screen, listening to what Walter said, Dan Heng responded at this time.

"But before that, we still have a long way to go together."

As early as in Taiyi's dream, Dan Heng had seen them embark on the journey again and again.

But later,

Dan Heng realized that all this was not real.

Because it was not real, he doubted it.

And then... with the current situation.

Everyone knows that it is unknown how far this road can go.

And what is there in the distance is also something that everyone is looking forward to.


On the exposure screen.

At this time.

Ji Zi also responded directly


"So the most important thing right now……"

"Just report what we saw and heard in Pinocchio to the conductor.

She now wanted to return with everyone in the train.

"Then get ready and set off to the next stop."

At this moment, everyone has reached the final consensus.

That consensus is inevitable.

Or it should be said that they will definitely embark on a new journey.

Now, these moments are just a small episode.


Xing: In that case, we can say goodbye, right?

Sanyueqi: But I haven't said goodbye to Miss Huangquan yet.

Topa: That's really...

Liuying: Anyway, everything I experienced in Pinocchio was really impressive!

Kamisato Ayaka: But in that case... was the train collision also fake?

Fernina: So your focus is so strange?

Nashida: Ah, this... It seems that everything is over, and we can discuss this topic properly.

Xing: I feel that the conductor should know nothing, so I still have to tell him.

Sanyueqi: I always feel that... This matter is a bit difficult to explain. Shajin

: I wonder what will happen after telling such a thing?

Botio: Pam! The fluffy rabbit? Um...

Pam: I'm the conductor!! Unfamiliar rabbit Pam!!

Black Swan: I always feel that... This matter is hard to say...

Black Swan: All in all, it has left you with a very deep memory.

Huangquan: I still hope that everyone can wake up in the awake world.

Liuying: Anyway... this time, Pinocchio is truly over.

Liuying: It's time to say goodbye.


In the exposed screen, the moment of farewell has come.

To be precise, it is a complete farewell now.

It is at this moment that

Xing still finds Huang Quan.

To be honest, she didn't have time to say goodbye before.

Now that everything is over, she naturally has to say goodbye properly.

She went to find Huang Quan alone.

As they met from the beginning, the two of them naturally had to say goodbye properly.

"Time to get back on the train……"

"Or, I can say my final goodbye to Huang Quan."

With this thought in mind,

Xing went to Huang Quan alone.

At this moment, Huang Quan was looking at the dream sky of Liumeng Reef.

After seeing Xing coming,

Huang Quan spoke directly.

"Do you remember when you first came to Pinoconi?"

Huang Quan asked.

At the beginning, the two of them were affected by the dream and the power of the star core.

In the end, they became what they are now.

When they first met

, the two of them had a conversation.

In that conversation, it seemed that many things were involved.

But now it seems that those things are not important.

"No one could have imagined that……"

"Our journeys will intersect in this way."

Huang Quan's words.

Now I can hear a lot of emotion from them.

Such emotion is really surprising.[]

Xing: After all, no one could have thought that the story would end this way.

Portio: Yes! What a treasure! At the beginning, she even pretended to be a sea ranger.

Sand Gold: You were still chasing her at that time! What a pity.

Huang Quan: That's right, we had to use this method at that time.

March Seven: I always feel that the original meeting and the current one are somewhat accidental.

Black Swan: You can understand that this is a fateful encounter.

Black Swan: Of course, there is also the figure of the end arrangement.

Liuying: I agree with this point. After all, the Grand Duke of Hellfire is from the Yepera Brotherhood...

Firefly: Hahaha! If you didn't say it, I almost forgot that there is still him. It's so funny.

Firefly: He wanted to challenge a void commander, but he died in the end.

Xing: Oh! Now I can only say that it's a bit against the will of heaven.

Huang Quan: But to be honest, his behavior is respectable.

Black Swan: I can't deny this point. His faith is still unmatched.

Fu Nina: No one expected that it would end like this.

Kamisato Ayaka: Yes! It ended like this.0

Star: Maybe this is what is called fate.

Star: But speaking of it, I also want to know what will happen after this encounter.

March Seven: Shouldn't this be a farewell?

Firefly: Well, I hope you will have a relatively good farewell


On the exposed screen, Xing finally asked the question in her mind at the moment of leaving. She now has many questions. Among them, there are many doubts. She wants to know the answers to these doubts.

"Who are you exactly?"

Xing's question hit the nail on the head.

Xing: This question... I really don't know.

March 7: If we only look at that picture, we really don't know Huang Quan's identity.

Black Swan: After all, he has gone through a lot of things.

Black Swan: The God's perspective doesn't always exist.

Firefly: This question is indeed understandable.

Black Swan: Regarding this question, I believe there will be an answer soon.


In the exposed screen, Huang Quan smiled slightly after hearing this question. When she first arrived at Pinoconi, she had been hiding her identity. That identity was too sensitive at the time, so Huang Quan had to choose to hide it. Now, she can finally tell the truth.

"So I didn't even get to introduce myself properly.……"

Huang Quan now, because she is about to leave here.

Because they once fought side by side, she can finally be calm now.

Huang Quan thought about it for a while, and then told the truth.

"In simple terms, I am a self-destructor cursed by nothingness."

Huang Quan chose a relatively simple way.

Using the perspective of fate to describe it, it can be said that it is clear at a glance.


Huang Quan talked about more.

For example, about her past, the origin of her power... and everything Huang Quan had experienced.

"My hometown suffered a devastating disaster a long time ago."

"all���The world perished under the reflection of Void IX."

This is the truth at the beginning.

Ningguang: It seems that everything was true before.

March 7: Are you talking about the exposure of the sword forging before? Don't we all think it is true?

Zhongli: Now he has admitted it himself, so this is the fact.

Xing: Yes! This is the so-called fact.

Firefly: But to be honest, this is quite unexpected.

Gold Dust: It is indeed not easy to get her to admit it like this.

Portio: My God! Maybe Huang Quan can only say this in front of Xing?

Black Swan: I agree with this statement.

Huang Quan: Maybe it is because there is a familiar feeling from her. Robin:

Anyway, now I can finally be honest.

Robin: Maybe only when she leaves can Pinocchio really play her role. 0.2 name of the dream land.

March Seven: Yeah! Since we are leaving soon, we have no scruples.

Finina: But the destruction of my hometown... This kind of thing is very sad.

Kamisato Ayaka: Yeah, and it is also contaminated by such power... Does this mean that I have been completely contaminated by the power of my enemy?

Nashida: This is really...

Hanabi: Hahahaha, so this is the most fun, isn't it?

Hanabi: Yomi is the only one left, and Shajin is also the only one left.

Poteo: Damn it! If you say so, it can only be said to be an indiscriminate attack.

Hanabi: Hahaha! Anyway, this is what makes things interesting, isn't it?

On that exposed screen.

At this moment.

Yomi continued to talk.

She talked about the destruction of her hometown.

At the same time, she also said what she must do.

"To fight against my own destruction, I set out on a journey"

""Find a way to cut off the void."

This is Huang Quan's pursuit.

If you are tainted by the power of the void, you will eventually destroy yourself.

If you continue like this, you will disappear sooner or later.

But... she embarked on a journey to fight against fate.

"After a long search"

"I am sure that my destination is deep in the black web that separates reality and nothingness.

Huang Quan said this.

She seemed to have already had her own goal.

It was just because of the matter of Pinocchio that she was delayed for a while... Huang Quan was still talking at this moment.

"There lurks the secret of the agency called"

"One day, I will reach it."

Resist fate from within fate.

This is what Huang Quan wants to do.

Liuying: In fact, it seems that Huang Quan is also firmly resisting fate.

Xing: Resist your own fate.

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