As she was talking, Liuying suddenly asked Xing to come closer.

When she was sure that Xing came here alone, Liuying told her that Xing was being followed.

"You may or may not be aware of it."

"But I've been taking you the long way around, to all sorts of places, and this is because…"

"Because someone is following you."

Liu Ying said, and Xing was stunned for a moment.

She really didn't notice

"Don't look back, I'm sure he's targeting you. He's been following you since we said goodbye to Mr. Gallagher."

Liu Ying had a feeling that this guy wasn't Xing's friend.

"He was about 1.80 meters tall, with a margin of error of less than two centimeters, and had a strong physique, obviously trained."

"His stride was long, but no sound could be heard. It was very light, and this kind of stride would not leave footprints."

Liu Ying analyzed it seriously, looking very professional.

"It seems that he is good at fighting, the stealthy kind... Guess he is used to using a knife, a short knife, or a dagger…"

"Do you know such a person? Burgundy coat, green eyes, dark blue hair…"

Liuying described it word for word.

『March 7: Why do I feel like this person's description seems very familiar?』

『Xing: It does sound familiar.』

『Bronya: Now that you mention it, I seem to be somewhat familiar with it, but I can't remember where it is.』

『Xier: I seem to have the impression that there is such a person』

『March 7: So suspicious! Why does Liuying seem so skilled in describing it? It seems like he is very proficient in fighting.』

『Xing: I really want to know who this person is. '

As he was talking, Sambo appeared.

His appearance was also very unexpected.

『March 7: Sambo?』

『Bronya: Hmm? Isn't he at Yalilo 6? Why is he at Pinocchio?』

『Xier: Sure enough, I knew this guy was very suspicious』

『Dan Heng: Sure enough, he is not a simple person』

『Hanabi: Hehe! I met some fun people again, I didn't expect it, Sambo. You still can't help wanting to join in the fun. '

Sambo's arrival directly broke the silence.

They rode the pinball machine, played the Hanu Brothers game by the way, and experienced an extraordinary adventure.

And, a strange dream.

They came to Dr. Edward, and then began to enter the dream.

When Xing woke up, she found herself in the lower city of Beloberg.

She walked out the door and found that there were strange trash cans standing outside the door.

These trash cans have basic bodies.

But legs grew from the bottom, and muscular arms stretched on both sides.

『March 7: What is this? Although I feel Xing will like it』

『Xing: Uh... I don't know why, but it feels kind of cool.』

『Firefly: What a strange friend, and a strange memory bubble』

『Ji Zi: It seems that memory bubbles can also be manipulated』

『Furninna: This... looks weird, doesn't it? What kind of monster is this?』

『Nashida: It’s over, it’s over. Is this the trash can turned into a spirit?』

『Ying: So... this is called garbage spirit?』

『Walnut: It feels so messy, but also so exciting』

『Xing: I just want to know, will there be any surprises in the trash can after this?』

『Xing: Also, can I find the clothes of Lord Hellfire that I have seen before in the trash can?

After entering the strange dream bubble, Xing learned that she would have to fight the King of Trash Can.

Then, she saw a trash can battle.

The final king of trash can was Sambo.

Xing transformed into a giant trash can and fought with the giant Sambo.

"Wait…wait a minute, isn’t this too much of a joke?"

Liuying showed up in time and stopped all of this.

Afterwards, Sangbo also gave Xing some hints.

"The truth about beautiful dreams, aren't you looking for it? Don't be fooled by the beautiful scenery, dear, a comfortable environment makes people blind."

"Don’t you think this dream bubble is very similar to the current Pinocchio?"

"A group of people with ulterior motives crowded on this small stage. No one wanted to be exposed to the spotlight, so they pushed the poor little gray-haired boy to the front of the stage..."

Sambo said, and the little gray-haired boy in his words was obviously Xing

"Dreams are not your own bathtub, but the unpredictable deep sea. Don't be fooled by the attractive fluorescent light. If you fall into the hands of that guy, I will be very disappointed."

He said so.

When Xing looked back, the firefly had disappeared.

"Listen to my advice. If you have anything to ask, go confront that girl. Don't let her run away with her tail between her legs. Hahaha."

After saying this, Sangbo turned around and left.

『March 7: See, I told you there must be something wrong with such a pretty girl! Don’t be fooled by a bad girl just because she’s pretty!』

『Firefly: I am not…』

『Hanabi: Hehehehe! For an artist from the Iris family, things aren't that simple.』

『Furninna: Then I am very curious, why did she approach Xing?』

『Nashida: So far, there has been no harm.』

『Kamisato Ayaka: There must be something hidden, right? And he's not a bad person.』

『Xiao Gong: It's very suspicious that she approached me actively, but she didn't do anything.』

『Ying: I still think that fireflies won’t harm people.』

『Paimon: But what Sambo said seems to be correct. It's better to figure it out as soon as possible.』

『Bronya: I can't believe he would remind me like this.』

『Xier: I guess I did something useful.』

『Black Tower: Does anyone remember Liuying's confession at the beginning? She said she would show her everything. Now that I think about it, there must be something she is hiding, right?』

『ScrewGum: Speaking of which, the Star Core Hunter has not appeared yet. The Star Core Hunter named Sam seems to be saying that he wants to reveal some truth.』

『Gold Dust: Hahaha! Everyone has started to join in! But it’s good this way, it’s more lively when there are more people.』

『Ji Zi: It’s getting more and more complicated, Xing. You’ve been exposed to so much, you should have your own thoughts now, right?』

『Xing: It’s a very strange feeling, but I’m willing to believe her once.』

『Huang Quan: Believe in your own judgment. I hope you don't make a decision that you will regret. 』

Following Sangbo's suggestion, Xing immediately went to chase Liuying.

However, Liuying seemed a little frustrated this time.

"I'm sorry, I hid something from you.……"

"For example, I am not a local, the hound family is not chasing me for no reason, and I am traveling with you... There are other reasons..."

Liuying did not hide too much, but was a little afraid that it would cause Xing's disgust.

"But thank you for helping me, it's true"

"It is true that you yearn for the nameless guest. You have been to many worlds and can see all kinds of people and things. Every day is a new beginning.……"

Liuying said so.

Xingye directly invited her to the Starry Sky Train, but Liuying seemed to still have some reservations.

Finally, after hesitating for a long time,

Liuying spoke.

"I want to take you somewhere else, can I?"

"This is not a tourist attraction, on the contrary, it is probably my secret base."

"There, I will tell you everything I know as much as possible."

Liu Ying said so.

Faced with such an invitation, Xing could not refuse.

『March 7: This... you're confessing right now? A secret base... sounds weird.…』

『Funina: She's going to confess right away without doing anything?』

『Nashida: It seems that nothing is wrong. Firefly can still be trusted.』

『Charlotte: Secret base, is it possible to trick her there first and then knock her out?』

『Kamisato Ayaka: This possibility... shouldn't be very high, right?』

『Xiao Gong: I still prefer that, I don’t know how to explain the firefly for now』

『Ningguang: From what I can see so far, this kid probably doesn't have any bad intentions. Of course, if I'm wrong, it only means that she's hiding too well.』

『Ying: I believe in fireflies!!』

『Black Tower: These are two extremes! I wonder what Xing will do?』

『ScrewGum: I believe there will be an answer soon, and then I will show you all of her』

『Gold Dust: Great! More and more people are showing up! I am increasingly looking forward to what will happen next.』

『Xing: I still choose to believe in fireflies』

『March 7:... I hope everything is OK. 』

When Liuying took Xing to the secret base, Xing was suddenly stopped by a strange voice.

It was a clock... no, it was a clock boy.

Only Xing could see this kind of cartoon character, just like the origami bird before.

Regarding this, the explanation given by the clock boy was

"Only a straightforward, innocent, and childlike child can see it."

This time, the Clock Boy called for help because Misha was in danger.

She followed him and found a group of people surrounding Huang Quan.

Misha was trying to persuade them, but the others didn't seem to see him.

Not only that, Liuying didn't seem to react to Misha's presence.

『Heita: Clock Boy? Another invisible existence. Why do I feel like... no one can see Misha?』

『ScrewGum: This possibility is very high, and Mikhail and Misha... these two beings always seem to have a certain connection, and they may even be the same person.』

『Gold Dust: Not bad, not bad, that's a bold guess. A strange character that only she can see, an existence that no one else can notice.……』

『Doctor Zhen: Are you trying to say that it has something to do with the watchmaker's legacy? That makes sense. These cartoon characters, in the records, seem to correspond to the watchmaker and his group of people back then.』

『Doctor Zhen: Perhaps, the relationship between the family and the watchmaker is not harmonious, so they invited people from other forces to come and solve the secret of the watchmaker's legacy together.』

『Gold Dust: I still underestimated you, Professor Latio. Your speculation is very valuable for reference. At least, it is suitable for a gambler.』

『Doctor Truth: At the gambling table, when the probability of something reaches 100%, you can no longer be called a gambler!』

『Gold Dust: Have I reached 100 percent?』

『Doctor of Truth: When the probability of something reaches 90%, then the other party is the real gambler.』

『Gold Dust: I see! Hahaha! Pinocchio, a beautiful dream, the watchmaker's legacy, these things are all fascinating and crazy! 』

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