Seeing this funny message from Xing, the atmosphere in the group suddenly became even stranger.

[March 7: Hey, don't be so indecent all the time!].

[March 7: That guy is the Immortal Maharaja!!Super villain!!You call her a photo??Is this something to joke about?!].

[Bronya: In the face of villains, can you talk and laugh like this?

[Hook: Hmph, my honorary member of the Adventure Mole Team should have such a heroic courage that is not afraid of strong enemies!].

[Natasha: What should I say... It's really your character. 】

[Pella: It's you. 】

[Shiluwa: It's you. 】

[Jepard: It's you...].

At this moment.

Inside the Divine Mansion.

Xue Yun was already in the mansion and was protected by the general.

When she got here, Rao was illusory and had great ability, and it was impossible to endanger her safety silently.

This sense of security made her breathe a sigh of relief.

And when she saw the news of Xingfa in the group, she was also a little speechless for a while.

Immediately, it was also typed and posted, reminding it.

[Xue Yun: Please be careful, that phantom is good at manipulating people's hearts, and she communicates with her a lot, maybe she will be brainwashed by her at some point. 】

At this time, Phantom, who had not spoken, also quietly posted.

[Phantom: Hehe, my name, has you been so scared that you don't dare to talk to me?].

[Jing Yuan: Phantom, why did you join the group chat?].

[Phantom: General Luo Fuyun Cavalry, speaking is rushing, and as soon as you open your mouth, you are questioning~].

[Jing Yuan: With a guy like you, you don't need to be polite. 】

[Phantom: In that case, then I don't need to report to you the reason why I joined the group chat, right?].

There was a war of words between the two, and for a while no one was convinced.

[Jing Yuan: No matter what your purpose is, your actions in Xianzhou have failed. 】

[Jing Yuan: Your plan has been revealed, the secret legend of the Medicine King has been wiped out by the cloud cavalry, and many pawns of the legion have also been arrested. 】

[Jing Yuan: Phantom, now you can't make any waves. 】

As soon as these words came out, the phantom haze fell into silence.

She clenched her silver teeth, and her face became very unhappy.

Despite this, she also had to admit that what Jing Yuan said was true.

Now on this immortal boat, there are few people for her to send.

If she wants to revive Jianmu, she may be very difficult to do on her own.

Her operation in Xianzhou can almost be declared a failure.

And all of this is almost all thanks to this chat group!

At this moment, Phantom has fully believed in the fact that this chat group can play pictures from the future.

If it weren't for that, there would be no chance that her plans would have been leaked in advance.

[Phantom: Hmph, what a sharp-toothed guy.] 】

[Phantom: If it weren't for the sudden appearance of this chat group, how could you have predicted my actions with your wisdom alone. 】

[Jing Yuan: You are so confident in your own strategy?].

[Phantom: That's nature!If you didn't predict the future in advance, how could you have a half-point chance of winning!].

[Phantom: When my plan unfolds, your immortal boat will be the end of the world!].

[Jing Yuan: Hehe, it's really a dead duck with a hard mouth. 】

[Phantom: You!!].

In the room, Phantom glared angrily at his phone, obviously angry.

was so ridiculed by a mere Luofu general, she was about to explode.

The failure in Xianzhou was indeed beyond her expectations.

But isn't it all because of this chat group?

If it weren't for the chat group revealing her plan in advance, how could she have been deflated on this fairy boat?

You know, the previous plan has been going extremely well.

As soon as the Medicine King's secret transmission moves, she can enter the Jianmu and use the power of abundance to fabricate a powerful body!

At that point, what else could she not do?

A mere immortal boat can be destroyed in a snap of a finger!

But all these plans have completely failed now because of this damn chat group!

Phantom Hazy is extremely unwilling in her heart, this is the first defeat she has tasted since she became the Extinction Maharaja!

And at this very moment

In the chat group, a system message suddenly came.

——[The first Q&A reward and punishment have been settled.] 】

——[Next, the second Q&A live broadcast is about to start!].

——[The second video "Phantom Boss Battle! Jianmu's Body is Unstoppable!?"].

- [The video will be played in ten minutes, please get ready.] 】


As soon as the title of this video came out, the group chat suddenly became lively again.

[March 7: It's actually the endgame between the Phantom and the Phantom?!].

[Walter: It seems that this video is another live broadcast from the future. 】

[Jing Yuan: But such a future is no longer destined to happen. 】

[Star: Is Phantom going to show his face?].

[March 7: Why is your focus so strange forever?].




When Phantom saw the title of this video, he was also shocked.

She knew that in the timeline that was not disturbed by the live broadcast room, her plan would go smoothly.

This can be seen only from the four words of Jianmu's body on the title.

If there is no such chat group, she will definitely be able to recover and be blessed with abundance in the future!

Although she has failed now, even so, looking at her own majesty in the original timeline can also solve the hatred in her heart.

[Phantom: Jing Yuan, let me take a look, if you don't have the reminder of this chat group, how the Xianzhou will be defeated!].

[Jing Yuan: We'll see. 】

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