The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1131: Fight for the grass

"Because this herb is used to refine high-level pill, the starting price is one million, and each increase is at least 10,000. Let's start the auction now." The half-sage old man said, and then directly started the auction.

After all, the elixir is not an elixir, so its value is limited. After all, there are too few people who can refine high-level elixir, which limits the price of this herb.

Originally, Wang Feng thought it was extremely expensive, but he couldn't help being stunned when he heard the half-sage old man's offer.

He is ready to be slaughtered, but this thing is so cheap, are these people ignorant?

No matter if these people know the goods or not, since the things he needs have already appeared, then Wang Feng naturally has no reason to sit and watch the excitement.

At this moment he directly began to bid.

"Two million spiritual stones." Wang Feng said, and directly doubled the price.

Hearing the sound coming from him, many people couldn't help but cast their eyes on him.

There are too few creatures in the sea of ​​taboos who can refine pill. Now Wang Feng has bid two million, thinking that he is an alchemist.

Such an identity will naturally attract people's attention. After all, in the sea of ​​taboos where pill medicine is scarce, every alchemist is a highly respected generation.

Regardless of whether they walk into any side of the force, it is enough to stir the situation.

"Two million, is there a higher bid?" The half-sage old man asked after a deep glance at the room where Wang Feng was.

"There are really too few alchemists in the Sea of ​​Taboo. It is estimated that this item will not sell for a high price." At this time, a Sea-Monster monk spoke in a low voice, thinking that this item might be worth the price.

After all, you don't know how to make alchemy. If you take this herb alone, the effect is limited. Millions of spirit stones can be used for a little improvement in strength, which is really unwise.

"Ten million."

Just when many Krakens thought that this item could not be sold at a high price, suddenly someone in the VIP room made another bid, and suddenly increased the price several times.

Hearing this voice, Wang Feng frowned slightly, and glanced at the place where he was bidding.

Under the eyes of the sky, the obstruction of this room is basically useless, and Wang Feng easily saw the bidder.

It was an old man wearing a red robe, with a breath of reincarnation, of course he was not a human being, but a master of the Sea-Monster clan.

What surprised Wang Feng was that the old man's robe was embroidered with a pill cauldron. If he wanted to come, he should be an alchemist.

Only alchemists would be interested in this degree of Ercao.

And being able to pay such a high price is enough to prove that this old man's alchemy rank is not low.

"Or we can grab it after he buys it?" Liu Yidao whispered.

"Forget it, a little spirit stone, I haven't taken it to heart yet." Du'er grass is a must-have for Wang Feng, so even if it is ten million spirit stones, it is difficult to stop his enthusiasm for this thing.

"Twenty million."

The flat voice spit out from Wang Feng's mouth, causing many Krakens to change their faces.

Ten million directly soared to 20 million. This kind of bidding method really surprised them. After all, the minimum bid for this item is a stack of 10,000. This is an increase of 10 million. Is this person who bids really a senior alchemist?

Thinking of this thing, many people's minds began to liven up, and every power of the alchemist wanted to draw in. After all, there were alchemists, and it was unknown how many masters would appear among the forces.

It can be said that the strength of a power is inseparable from the alchemist. If there is no alchemist, it will be very difficult for a monk to rely on boring retreat to improve his cultivation.

Therefore, in the eyes of some forces, the alchemist is like a golden lump, and they all want to hold it in their arms.

"Let's pass the order down and check who the bidder is in the VIP room." Someone started to order and ordered people to investigate Wang Feng.

There is no longer a minority of forces that do this, and many people have begun to act.

"Presumably the fellow Taoist who bid is also a fellow of the same Dao. Since you want to buy this thing, I think you should understand what kind of pill this medicinal herb is made of. Is it possible that your excellency is also capable of refining that pill?" The red-robed old man who was bidding with Wang Feng said, and he took the initiative to shake out his identity.

Hearing the name Qimen Yaozun, many people exclaimed. Obviously, this Qimen Yaozun is simply a legendary existence for many people. It is not supreme but possesses the title, which is enough for his extraordinary status.

The Eleventh Rank Alchemist is simply the top alchemist in this sea area.

No wonder he would pay such a high price to buy a herb. The pill that he wanted to refine from this herb was amazing and definitely one of the treasures.

"Do I have the ability to refine it without bothering you. We are an auction house. The rule here is that the highest price is paid. If you can't afford the price, just say it directly." Wang Feng said, his voice still flat.

"The only effect of Duercao is to refine that kind of pill. I don't believe you can make it." The Qimen Yaozun spoke, making many people feel itchy and wondering what the pill he was talking about was. .

"Don't make noise with me. We are auctioning here. It is not about alchemy level. If you can't afford this item, then shut up." Wang Feng's grumpy voice came out, causing many others to go wide. The eyes showed an incredible color.

Qi Men Yao Zun has a distinguished status. I'm afraid this is the first time someone scolded him in such a tone, right?

In the VIP room, the Qimen Yaozun was also trembling because of Wang Feng's words, and his body was trembling. He was so reprimanded by someone, so how could his face remain?

"It's clear that the other party is an unfamiliar human monk." Here Wang Feng is arguing with Qimen Yaozun, and many people who have checked his news have already learned about his situation and reported the situation to their master. .

"Are you a monk from outside?" Hearing such news, many people from the big powers were happy.

"If the order continues, no matter what the price is, we must draw him into our forces."

There is a saying that there are no eternal enemies, only eternal benefits. Now Wang Feng dares to scold Qimen Yaozun like this. This proves that his alchemy grade is not low. Although he is human, it is enough to make many The forces extended an olive branch to him.

At this moment, at least ten major forces gave orders to win over Wang Feng, and an undercurrent that others could not see was surging in the auction house.

Its goal is Wang Feng.

"A stinky younger generation scolds the old man in such a way. It seems that you are not going to let me get this thing at ease. If so, let's compare."

"Duercao, I will pay 30 million." At this moment, Qi Men Yaozun said, and offered a brand new high price.

Hearing such words, many people looked at each other, they knew that Qi Men Yao Zun had already got on the other side.

"Forty million." Wang Feng's flat voice came out, as if he didn't put these spirit stones in his eyes.

"It seems that you have to compete with the old man today." Hearing Wang Feng's offer, the Qi Men Yao Zun sneered.

"You insisted on fighting with me." Wang Feng said, making Qi Men Yaozun extremely angry again.

Since his rise to fame, it is the first time he feels this anger today.

"Fifty million." His body shivered slightly, and Qi Men Yao Zun increased the price again.

"Forget it, I don't bother to fight with you." Hearing the other party's words, Wang Feng heard a voice, as if he had given up bidding.

Hearing this, Qi Men Yao Zun let out a long sigh. In order to prepare the Ghost King Pill, his basic medicinal materials have been prepared, and these ingredients are missing, so this time he is bound to get Ercao.

"One hundred million."

Before Qi Men Yao Zun's breath went down, suddenly there was another voice from Wang Feng, causing an uproar in the audience.

Everyone thought that Wang Feng had given up bidding, but at this moment he once again made a high price. At this moment, many people were shocked, and their eyes were all placed on Wang Feng.

I thought there was no dispute, but I didn't expect this shot to be a sky-high price.

Things with a reserve price of 1 million were abruptly raised to a sky-high price of 100 million. Is this too cruel?

The body trembled violently, Qi Men Yao Zun did not expect Wang Feng to increase the price to 100 million.

"It looks like you have to fight with me to die or die?" Qi Men Yaozun asked, his tone already angry.

"I didn't say that, but if you want to think so, it doesn't matter to me." Wang Feng said faintly, making many people look stunned.

"Tell me again, no matter what the price is, you must help this person get this herb." Some distinguished guests heard voices, wanting to help Wang Feng compete for this herb.

They don't know what the effect of this herb is, but as long as they can exchange the herb for a chance to win over each other, then... everything is worth it.

"Yes, I'm going to kill him like this." Hearing Wang Feng's words, Liu laughed.

"One hundred and twenty million." Qi Men Yaozun once again heard a voice here, already angrily.

"As an alchemist, are you so poor?" Wang Feng teased, and then he directly quoted a new price: "One hundred and fifty million."


After being outraged by Wang Feng, Qi Men Yaozun directly yelled at this moment. If it weren't for the auction house, he would have rushed to kill Wang Feng.

"Yao Zun, please pay attention to your remarks, this is the auction house, not your home." At this time, the half-sage old man on the high platform said, there is no lack of threats.

"Yao Zun, do we still increase the price?" In the VIP room where Qi Men Yao Zun was, one of his entourage asked carefully.

This time they came here to save the ercao. They thought that the ercao was not worth much, so they didn't prepare much spiritual stones. Now the 150 million spiritual stones are the limit of their pockets.

If you add to it, they might not be able to produce enough spirit stones.

There is no random quotation from Lingshi, if he can't afford to give Lingshi afterwards, even if he is the Qimen Yaozun, I am afraid that the Flame Race will not give him face.

"If the order continues, if anyone can lend me the spirit stone, my Qimen Yaozun promises to refine a pot of pill for them." Qimen Yaozun said, his hatred for Wang Feng is already overwhelming.

"Yao Zun, do you still increase the price?" the half-sage old man asked at this time.

"Please Yaozun speaks, waiting for his servant to bring the words back.

"At most one minute." The half-sage old man said, and then stopped talking.

"Yao Zun, the Chilian Clan has promised to provide us with spirit stones." Not long after his entourage brought back news, Yao Zun's face showed a hideous smile.

"Compete with my Qimen Yaozun for something, you are not qualified enough." A glance at Wang Feng's VIP room, Qimen Yaozun directly quoted: "Don't wait a minute, I will pay 200 million."

"Three hundred million." Wang Feng heard a flat voice, not caring about Lingshi at all.

With his current methods, it is very easy for him to get the spirit stone. Duer grass is hard to find plants. There may be no shop after passing the village. Therefore, even if Wang Feng pays a little more price, he will take this thing.

He knew exactly what Qimen Yaozun had done just now, so he was not worried.

Arguing with him, he doesn't believe that the bad old man can still fight him.


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