The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1140: The request of the Jiaolong 1 family

Qimen Yaozun is gone, but Wang Feng's control over him has not weakened at all, and even Wang Feng can control what he says, so he is not afraid that this Qimen Yaozun will give him any other thoughts. ↑,

"Couldn't your kid be crazy, you actually let people go?" Just then Liu Yidao's voice came, but he saw Wang Feng let go of that strange medicine respected, and shouted.

"You don't have to worry about this, I have my plan." While speaking, Wang Feng flew towards Liu Yidao and said, "Do you want me to help you solve this?"

"No need, none of them can escape." Liu said with a knife, and then he directly waved the Absolute Soul Knife in his hand, giving birth to a sea cultivator in the late stage of the reincarnation realm and beheaded to death.

The Soul Sword is a fairy weapon, although it is only a relatively low-level fairy weapon, after all, its power is far more powerful than the weapon used by the strongest. This has a great effect on Liu Yidao's combat power bonus.

Waiting aside for almost five minutes, Liu Yidao killed all the people left by Wang Feng, and none of them fell.

Collecting these people's space rings, Wang Feng roughly liquidated them. This time they killed these people and obtained at least seven billion spirit stones. These people are almost no poor, and every space ring has spirit stones.

You must know that when they came to participate in the auction house, they naturally had to prepare a large number of spirit stones, but now all these spirit stones have fallen into the pockets of Wang Feng and Liu Yidao.

At the auction, Wang Feng hadn't shared so many spirit stones, so this time they were making a lot of money.

"Why did you let that old fellow go away? You are not afraid of getting revenge after letting him go?" Liu Yidao asked after wiping the blood on the Soul Blade.

"What are you afraid of? He has been controlled by me. I will be his master from now on. What do you think I have to worry about?"

"Did you control him?" Liu Yidao's eyes widened when he heard Wang Feng's words, revealing an incredible color.

"What's so strange about it, it's difficult for him to disagree with the combination of grace and power."


At this moment, there was a deafening dragon roar from the horizon, and when he raised his head, several long behemoths appeared in the sight of Wang Feng and Liu Yidao. These were all powerful members of the Jiaolong clan.

The dragons are not real dragons. They only have the rough shape of the dragon, and even the dragon head has not yet fully evolved. However, if they continue to practice in this way, they may one day truly evolve into a dragon race.

At the time of the auction, the Jiaolong clan had helped Wang Feng pay 600 million spiritual stones, so seeing them at the moment, Wang Feng and Liu Yidao didn't do anything, they just watched quietly.

The speed of the dragons was very fast. At a distance of about a hundred meters away from Wang Feng and Liu Dadao, these dragons transformed into human forms, almost all of them elders.

"Are you late?"

Seeing the blood mist that hadn't dissipated in mid-air, these elders all looked shocked. To know what they learned, Hexi Bansheng from Ziyun Nation also chased and killed them, and they followed all the way. .

What they didn't expect was that when they came here, other people's battles were over.

In fact, from the beginning to the end of the battle, neither Wang Feng nor Liu Yidao took ten minutes, and it was a quick battle.

If Wang Feng and Liu were really defeated by one sword, when these flood dragons came, I was afraid that they would only be able to kill Wang Feng and Liu.

"I don't know what you mean by chasing?" Wang Feng asked calmly looking at these old men.

"We originally intended to save you, but..." said that the faces of several old men here showed embarrassment.

"You helped to pay for the spirit stone I bought Duercao, right?" Wang Feng suddenly asked at this time.

"Yes." An old Jiaolong said, without denying it.

"If this is the case, then I will return you 600 million spiritual stones now, and we will not owe each other from now on." While speaking, Wang Feng directly threw out a spatial ring and said, "Six billion spiritual stones are all in it."

In this battle, he and Liu made billions of spiritual stones, and hundreds of millions are nothing.

"We didn't mean that." Seeing this spatial ring, none of these elders picked it up. They knew that their late arrival had caused dissatisfaction with each other, but they really needed Wang Feng's help.

They had looked for Qimen Yaozun on this matter, but the other party had no way to help them at all. Now a new alchemist has appeared, and they are bound to draw in.

"Lingshi has been returned to you, I don't know what else is there?" Wang Feng asked, looking at them.

"It's like this." After looking at Wang Feng, one of the Jiaolong elders gritted his teeth and said: "We need you to help us refine an eleventh grade pill. This pill is called Fusultan. If you can help, we Jiaolong The family must be grateful."

The old man opened his mouth and bowed to Wang Feng and Liu with a knife.

What is Fu Sultan Wang Feng certainly knows. Generally, only those who are about to die, or those who can’t sleep for a long time, need to take this pill. The only function of this pill is to rejuvenate. The pill contains almost majestic vitality. .

In fact, the Bai Cao Pill at the horse-racing meeting had this effect, but the price of the pill was too high, and these dragons had to choose to give up.

Second, they can only ask Wang Feng to help refine the sultan.

"I don't know who you are going to save with this pill?" Wang Feng asked.

"This..." Hearing Wang Feng's words, the faces of these elders all showed embarrassment. It was obvious that this involved the secrets of their dragon family, and they didn't want to say it.

"I was also a healer once, and if I want to make alchemy, do I not even want to tell anyone to save?" Wang Feng's face sank and said.

"This matter is not a big secret. Since you want to know, we just tell you. We want this sultan to save our ancestors of the Jiaolong clan."

"Once his old man had a problem with his practice, and he couldn't sleep since then. It was useless if we tried everything, so..."

"It's okay to ask me to help you refine alchemy, but I have a condition. If you can't satisfy me, then I forgive me for not helping." Wang Feng said, making these elders look shocked.

As long as Wang Feng is willing to help, everything is easy to say.

"I don't know what the conditions are?"

"It's not a condition that makes you embarrassed. If you want me to help you refine alchemy, you have to find something for me. This object is called Fentiansha. I wonder if you have heard of it?"

"Fen Tiansha?"

Hearing Wang Feng's words, these elders were all puzzled. They were not alchemists. Of course, they had never heard of the main material of Ghost King Pill.

"Please clarify, if we can help, we are bound to go through fire and water, and we will not hesitate." An old Jiaolong said firmly.

"It's not that serious." Wang Feng paused here. He waved his sleeves, and suddenly several rays of light flew into the eyebrows of these dragon elders, no matter how they resisted.

They are all the strength of the reincarnation realm, and they have not even reached the semi-sage, so the hand that Wang Feng is showing now makes all of them look condensed, knowing the fear of Wang Feng.

No wonder the two of them are still alive. Thinking of this young man is definitely not as simple as it seems.

"In this group of memories is the burning sky sand, this thing has a lot of effect to me, I need your dragon family to help me find it."

"But we have never heard of this burning sky sand, I'm afraid we can't find it in a short time." An old man said with embarrassment.

"I didn't ask you to find it for me right away. You just need to use the power of your dragon family to help me find it. It doesn't matter if you extend it a little longer."

"Then this sultan?"

"I can help you refining the Sultan, but before this refining, you have to swear a heavy oath."

"I don't know what the oath is?"

"It's bound to help me find this burning sky sand. If you can't find it within a year, your Flood Dragon clan must compensate me ten billion spirit stones."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, these elders almost all took a breath, tens of billions of spirit stones, this is too much, if they really want to compensate, I am afraid that they will lose at least half of their wealth.

It is said that the dragons like wealth, but tens of billions are too much, even if they take it out, it is very difficult.

"What? You can't do it?"

"This tens of billions is too much, can you..."

"This matter has not been discussed." Before the other party finished speaking, Wang Feng interrupted directly: "If you want me to make alchemy, you have to make such an oath, and this is just an agreement. If you help me find Fen Tiansha , Lingshi naturally does not need to be given."

"You guys take a good sum up." After saying this, Wang Feng just ignored them.

Fen Tiansha is even rarer than Sky Demon Lotus and Du'er Grass. If Wang Feng alone is to find it, I am afraid that it will not be found for decades.

The Jiaolong clan is a big clan, if their entire clan can help them find this Burning Tiansha, then Wang Feng can save a lot of effort.

Fu Sultan is not too difficult to refine among the Eleven-Rank Pills, as long as he gives Wang Feng the elixir, he is 90% sure that he can refine it.

"We can make oaths, but can you really refine the Sultan?" After waiting for about a minute, an old man of the dragon clan asked.

"The pill can be refined naturally, but you need to provide the raw materials for this pill."

"Don't worry about this, we have already prepared the medicinal materials for Sudan's Jiaolong clan."

"Then you swear."

Wang Feng opened his mouth, making these old men of the Dragon Clan look a little ugly.

Just thinking about the situation of their ancestors, they had to obey Wang Feng's words and made a poisonous oath.

"I swear by the ancestors of the Jiaolong clan, if we can't find Burning Tiansha within a year, I would like to compensate you with tens of billions of spiritual stones.

An elder Jiaolong spoke, causing Wang Feng to smile slightly.

"In that case, you can lead the way."

"Where to go?"

"Naturally, I went to your dragon Why? Could it be that your dragon family don't welcome me?"

"Welcome, of course welcome, please come with us."

Hearing Wang Feng's words, these elders of the Jiaolong clan all showed joy and immediately led the way.

The Jiaolong clan is still some distance away from this sea area. Under the leadership of these elders, it took Wang Feng and the others more than ten days to reach the waters of the Jiaolong clan.

During this process, Wang Feng asked some information about this sea area, and he had a clearer understanding.

There are a total of eleven Supremes in this sea area. Basically, among the great forces, there are the Supremes of the Holy Realm, and the Jiaolong clan is a great clan, and their patriarch is also the Supreme.

If not, the Jiaolong clan would have been destroyed by other sea clan.


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