The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1167: Teach alchemy

Four hundred short

Helios 2015/11/520:12:00

If Wang Feng's cultivation history is a legend, then this Qimen Yaozun is not far behind, because his experience can be called a snot and tears.

Without any guidance from a famous teacher, and no background to squander him, he just relied on the precious alchemy opportunities provided by the Hundred Schools to upgrade the alchemist to the eleventh rank step by step.

Compared with him, Wang Feng felt that he was even inferior, because he went extremely smoothly on the way of alchemy, mostly relying on the memory inheritance in the ancient tomb.

As for some of the essence of alchemy, perhaps Wang Feng didn't know much about this strange medicine.

In general, Wang Feng's alchemy in the general direction is better than Qimen Yaozun, and in terms of details, it is obvious that this Qimen Yaozun is cheaper.

After all, if he came out of a hundred families, if he didn't even have any real skills, I'm afraid he would have been beaten to death.

"Your alchemy is such a dish, and you have consumed too many elixir. Didn't they suspect that your alchemy didn't reach home?" Liu Yidao asked suspiciously.

Hearing Liu Yidao’s words, this Qimen Yaozun suddenly smiled bitterly: “It’s more than suspicion. In the initial stage, I even had both legs interrupted. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I He may be a dead man now."

"Since you are an orphan, what happened to the person who adopted you in the first place?"

"After I became famous, I tried to find him, but after I inquired a lot, I knew that he was already exhausted because of his longevity, and he was sitting still."

Thinking of this, this Qimen Yaozun also let out a long sigh, saying: "It was his old man who adopted me and gave me a new life, but before he died, I didn't even come forward to fulfill my filial piety. The biggest regret in my heart."

"Don't say those things, prepare some good elixir for me, I will refine a twelve-grade pill today."

Wang Feng opened his mouth and made this Qimen Yaozun nod his head. To become a twelfth-grade alchemist was the greatest pursuit in his life.

Although he is not a twelfth-rank alchemy master himself, it is also a great opportunity for him to be able to watch others refine the twelve-rank pill.

He grew up slowly by relying on his own exploration. If he could see some clues, perhaps he could also refine the twelve-grade pill.

"By the way, is there any news about Fen Tiansha that I asked you to pay attention to?" Wang Feng suddenly asked at this time.

"Fen Tiansha's growth conditions are too rare. Although I have mobilized some manpower, I haven't achieved any results so far." Qi Men Yao Zun nodded, rather regretful.

The Ghost King Pill is a very strong and domineering pill. If this pill is successfully refined, it may help people break through to the Holy Realm.

It's just that there have been very few alchemists who have refined Ghost King Pill throughout the ages, and even Wang Feng has never heard of it.

Because the three main medicines of the Ghost King Pill are very difficult to find, let alone some flaws in the refining process.

"Send more people to look for it, and be sure to help me find Fen Tiansha, even if you can't get it, even if it is some news." Wang Feng thought for a while and said.

His realm has now come to the middle of the reincarnation realm, and he is actually very close to the holy realm.

At the beginning, Senior Brother Yi Long forcibly crossed from the late stage of reincarnation to the early stage of the Bible, which gave him a better experience.

So if possible, Wang Feng wants to do that too.

Although half-holy also has a holy place, the gap between half-holy and holy realm is really too big, which is far from reaching a qualitative change.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page).

Wang Feng's realm skyrocketing is not unheard of, but Wang Feng has never done anything to take the initiative to skyrocketing realm, so...

Thinking of this, Wang Feng's eyes showed a hint of light.

He can settle for more days in the reincarnation realm, but once the critical moment is reached, he will definitely take that step.

What Wang Feng needed was quickly found out, and because of his appearance, he directly occupied the secret room that Rich Men Yaozun needed on weekdays.

With the elixir of Qimen Yaozun, plus Wang Feng's harvest over the past period of time, he can completely refine a twelve-grade pill.

At the beginning, he promised this strange medicine respect, when he becomes a twelfth-rank alchemist, he will have to teach the other party experience, if this strange medicine can become a twelve-rank alchemist, then he will help Wang Feng It will also be great.

In the middle of the third day, Wang Feng's known alchemy masters were only at Rank 11, and perhaps at Rank 12. It was just that such senior masters had already lived in the legend.

Maybe they have been soaring for three days, so if there is such a twelfth-rank alchemist, the Qimen Yaozun, then Wang Feng is not afraid that his relatives will not be taking high-level pills.

Taking out his pill furnace, Wang Feng directly sat down cross-legged.

"I can only make alchemy during the whole process. Don't make any noises. Even if you have doubts in your heart, you have to wait until I finish alchemy. Do you understand?"

Looking at Qimen Yaozun sitting on the side, Wang Feng said.

"I understand." Qi Men Yaozun nodded.

"Liu Yidao, help guard the outside, don't let anyone break in."

The value of the elixir needed for each twelve-grade pill is extremely astonishing, and Wang Feng doesn't want to fail in alchemy due to external influences.

"Don't worry, if I can't even do this thing well, I have no reason to live until now." Liu said with a knife, and then with a wave of his sleeve, the place was immediately enveloped by a powerful formation. The sound could not be transmitted in, and any noise inside could not be heard by the monks outside.


Taking a long breath, Wang Feng was about to start refining the twelfth-grade pill.

What he is going to refine this time is a kind of Linghua Pill, and the effect of this pill is to help the holy realm-level masters not to go crazy when they practice.

Even some supreme beings who have gone mad can use this pill to slowly suppress it, this pill has never flowed through the sea area of ​​Jueluo, and the effect is amazing.

Just the last time the Flame Race auctioned the 12-rank pill that Wang Feng was refining now, it was not of the same grade at all.

Although the twelfth-grade pill had a very strong effect, in Wang Feng's eyes, the pill was at best only rare among the eleven-grade.

The real Twelve-Rank is definitely not like that.

"You have to be optimistic, this will only show you this time." Wang Feng said, and then he stopped talking, and directly started alchemy.

A flame of real fire emerged from the palm of his hand, and Wang Feng directly threw this flame into the pill furnace.

At the same time, all kinds of elixir were dropped into the pill furnace by him.

Seeing this scene, although this Qimen Yaozun did not speak, his mood became a little nervous.

It seemed that he was even more nervous about the situation in this pill furnace than Wang Feng, a pill refiner.

"Remember, there is only this opportunity. If you still can't reach the level of the twelfth-grade alchemist after watching my alchemy, then there is nothing I can do."

Wang Feng had never thought about who he was going to teach. Even when Bi Fan worshipped him as his teacher, Wang Feng just gave him a slight support.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Wang Feng learned this from his many masters and chose to train others in a stocking situation.

Only when people are under pressure can they burst out the motivation for cultivation and live forever under the shade of big trees. That can only obliterate talent.

Of course, nothing is absolute. The geniuses who come out of some big forces are just as powerful and terrifying, but Wang Feng has reason to believe that the people among these big forces are definitely not in the same class as those who really come out of the sea of ​​blood. .

The alchemy began. This time, Wang Feng continued his alchemy for about ten days. After ten days, the pill in the furnace had been perfectly formed.

Under the calcination of real fire, Qimen Yaozun could see that there were five pills in it.

These five medicines are the Linghua Pills, which are condensed from the origin of many elixir.

Although the pill has not been completely released, a scent of medicine has already permeated the entire secret room.

In the process of watching Wang Feng's refining the twelve-grade pill, Qimen Yaozun gave full play to his potential as a spectator. He did not move, and even seldom blinked his eyes for fear of disturbing Wang Feng's alchemy. .


A day later, Wang Feng suddenly uttered a loud shout, and then he slapped the pill furnace with his big hand. In an instant, five pills flew out of the pill furnace, and he wanted to fly away.

It's just that Wang Feng had been prepared for all this.

With a wave of his big hand, golden runes burst out immediately. Under the suppression of the ancient runes, these five medicines soon fell obediently into Wang Feng's palm.

This was Wang Feng's second attempt at the twelve-level pill. Although the refining process seemed very ordinary, Wang Feng himself understood that he had almost failed many times.

But fortunately, he was different from ordinary people, and this kind of crisis was quickly resolved by him.

He took out the jade bottle and packed the five pills. Wang Feng wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then said to Qimen Yaozun, "How is it? Is there any gain?"

"Looking at the master's alchemy for ten days, it's comparable to my own groping for a hundred years, and I have been taught." Qimen Yaozun said, his face was full of respect.

If he can refine the twelve-level pill, then Wang Feng is better than him, because he has also tried to refine the twelve-level pill, and not once or twice.

But the pill he refined basically failed, so now watching Wang Feng refine the twelve-grade pill, he naturally admires it.

"I can see that you are quite confused about the links in my alchemy process. If you have any questions now, just ask. I will give you this time."

"Yes." Qimen Yaozun nodded, and then he said: "Your alchemy makes me admire, but you have a few shortcomings, I will take the liberty to put forward, I hope the master will not blame."

"What's so strange about When people grow up, they are constantly making up for their own shortcomings. If you can really say something that interests me, I might as well do it again. Refine the other twelve-level pill once."

"Yes." Upon hearing Wang Feng's words, Qi Men Yaozun's face showed a look of surprise.

Next, Qimen Yaozun started a long discussion with Wang Feng. The Qimen Yaozun, who has been groping for more than two thousand years on the path of the pill, undoubtedly has his own alchemy routine.

When Wang Feng nearly failed several times, Qi Men Yao Zun saw him in his eyes, so at this time he pointed out to Wang Feng one by one, and there was nothing wrong.

Of course, after pointing out this Qimen Yaozun also said the way to deal with it, he used his own way to explain to Wang Feng, so after listening to his words, Wang Feng seemed to have a feeling of sudden realization.

Although the opponent's alchemy grade was not as good as his own, Wang Feng was still inferior to the opponent in this view of alchemy.

(End of this chapter)


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