The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1188: Kill half immortal

"you dare!"

Seeing Wang Feng's actions, the second elder of the Nile Sect shouted, and he also raised his hand and printed a palm to Wang Feng.

As the second elder of the dignified Nile religion, if he can't keep a supreme in front of so many people, how can his face survive?

In fact, the second elder of the Nile Sect really has no face, because with his strength, how could he be able to stop Wang Feng, and the person Wang Feng wanted to kill could be someone else's intervention?

Not to mention the low strength, now Wang Feng's combat power is comparable to half an immortal, and the opponent is naturally unstoppable.

Almost when the other party uttered this sentence, Wang Feng had already grabbed the Nile elder with his other arm.

No matter how the opponent resisted, at this moment Wang Feng's violent force rushed directly into the opponent's body along his arm, causing devastating damage.


A mouthful of blood spurted from the mouth of the sect elder of the Nile, and at this moment his eyes widened, as if they were about to protrude.

The supreme at the pinnacle of the dignified sacred realm is as vulnerable as a child at this moment.

"Brighten your dog's eyes next time, don't call anyone ants if you see anyone, die for me!"

Taking a look at this supreme, Wang Feng's power broke out to the extreme. In an instant, a cloud of blood exploded in front of him, and this Nile elder was completely destroyed, and he didn't even have a chance to resurrect.

At the moment of his death, Wang Feng grabbed the void, and suddenly a jade pendant was caught by him. This jade pendant could help them resurrect once, so Wang Feng had already prepared for the same mistake. Will commit it again, want to resurrect? How is that possible.

He squeezed fiercely, and the jade pendant was shattered in an instant. From then on, there will be no such person in the world because everything about him has been erased by Wang Feng.


Seeing that Wang Feng really dared to attack in front of his own face, at this moment, the second elder was also furious. After so many years of cultivation, he had rarely been as angry as he is now.

Just saying that the other party didn't dare, and then their Nile elder died. At this moment, he really wished that there was a seam in the sea for him to get in. It was shameful.

This is simply a face slap.

And still slapped the face in front of millions of creatures.

"Just based on your scolding me, I don't think I should make you feel better." Wang Feng said lightly, and then the broken star fist burst out on his fist.

With a roar of the void, and accompanied by the sound of chuckle, Wang Feng was as fast as the wind at this moment, and he rushed in front of the second elder of the Nile Cult almost instantly.

"you wanna die!"

Seeing Wang Feng coming up close, the second elder of the Nile Sect looked gloomy and slapped his hand.

The power of Half Immortal erupted, and at this moment, the black energy that was so strong that it could not be removed diffused from his body. He himself is a monk who prefers darkness, and his aura is also extremely corrosive, as long as it is familiar His people are very afraid of such things.

Pain came from various places such as his arm. At this moment, Wang Feng's brow wrinkled slightly, but he didn't care about it because his body was enough to withstand these dark auras.

"Prime Rune, Zhen Zi Jue!"

Seeing the palm of the opponent's hand, Wang Feng's expression remained unchanged, and he directly displayed the Primordial Rune he had only realized before.

A huge golden rune flew out of Wang Feng's hand at this moment. The rune was powerful. Although he had never touched this thing, the second elder of the Nile Sect had instinctively noticed that it was not good, and prepared to dodge.

But how could his speed be as fast as Wang Feng, an instant kill with extreme speed, Wang Feng forcibly hit the rune on the body of the second elder.

"Give me town!"

The Primordial Rune contained a pre-primordial magic technique called Zhen Zi Jue, so when Wang Feng uttered this sentence, the power of the Primordial Rune broke out completely.


A miserable scream came from the mouth of the second elder. At this moment, he showed an unbelievable color, because under the suppression of the ancient runes, his dark aura was suppressed into his body.

The dark breath is extremely corrosive. If he releases it normally, of course it will not affect him, but now under the suppression of the ancient runes, this breath has also been forcibly pressed into his in vivo.

Everyone's flesh and blood are the same. He can possess such a breath because of his different cultivation methods, but this does not mean that his physical body can resist such corrosion.

If backlash occurs, he may suffer even more damage.

Hearing the screams from the second elders, the nearby Nile elders were shocked, because in their eyes, the status of the second elders is lofty, and they are also veteran strong, although they are a little dissatisfied with the second elders, But this does not mean that they dare to provoke.

Now they saw that the second elder was beaten up and screamed by a young man, is it worth it?

Even the most talented young people in their Nile religion can't deal with the second elders, right?

"Split Soul Flash!"

Seeing the other party's mind fluctuating at this moment, Wang Feng did not hesitate to display the soul shattering.

Wang Feng has rarely used this technique, but now the opportunity lies in front of him, and he has no reason not to cherish it.

The Soul Splitting erupted, and in an instant the soul of the second elder was forcibly torn apart by Wang Feng, and at the same time, Wang Feng displayed the chaotic time and space.

There was a time when Wang Feng used such a combo to kill many opponents, but now he finally performed such a trick again.

There was the pain of tearing the soul, and the sadness of falling, and at this moment, the second elder of the Nile Sect was suffering to the extreme.

One step wrong step wrong, from the moment he met Wang Feng, he has been wrong. Wang Feng's combat power is superb. Although his realm is not as good as Half Immortal, his ability has reached the point of threatening Half Immortal.

Especially the deepened comprehension of Zhen Zi Jue, this is what makes Wang Feng truly powerful.

Things from before the ancient times have long been lost in the traces of the years. Every era has its heyday, and it happens that the time when the Zhenzi Jue appears is the most heyday.

At that time talented people appeared in large numbers, and this town word jue must have been created by some big man.

Although Wang Feng hasn't really comprehended the Zhen Zi Jue yet, Wang Feng believes that as long as he really comprehends this thing, in the future he will use it in battle to bring great lethality to his opponent.

"Send you on the road."

Looking at the constant screams, Wang Feng turned his hands and took out the sharp gun.

Instilling power into the sharp gun, Wang Feng directly inserted into the opponent's chest without hesitation.


The blood flew, staining Wang Feng's face red.

"Come again!"

It's just that Wang Feng didn't care about all of this, and with a stroke of his palm, he turned back again.

Just like when Wang Feng killed the Huo Patriarch, he used the sharp spear to go back and forth dozens of times. The second elder of the Nile Sect was already covered with blood holes, and it looked shocking.

And it's not over yet. When he was not dead yet, Wang Feng pulled off and crushed a piece of jade pendant on his neck.

They can be resurrected with this thing, so Wang Feng will not give them such a chance.


Seeing his life-saving thing was crushed by the opponent, the second elder of the Nile Cult widened his eyes, as if he wanted to remember Wang Feng's appearance deeply in his mind and hate him for the rest of his life.

It's just that people die like a lamp, and the living Wang Feng is not afraid, so how could he be afraid of the dead.


A punch was blasted, and the sound of the explosion resounded between heaven and earth. At this moment, this half-immortal was beaten into blood mist by Wang Feng alive.

Taking away his space ring, Wang Feng didn't even look at the battlefield, but went straight to the sky.

"Do you think I can't find you if you hide here?" Wang Feng's sneer came out, and then he directly threw his sharp gun out.

"You????." Under the terrifying power of the sharp gun, a figure was forced out by Wang Feng. It was the flame chief who had escaped in his hands earlier.

Originally, Patriarch Huo came here to see if he had a chance to avenge him, but what he didn't expect was that the young man who had killed him once would kill another half immortal.

He could feel that Wang Feng was getting stronger and stronger. This kind of strength was completely unreasonable. He was planning to retreat silently, but what he didn't expect was that the other party had discovered him.

"Last time I accidentally let you escape, today I see if you still have that kind of escape ability." Wang Feng said, his whole body was tyrannical.


At this moment, the third elder of the Nile Sect who was fighting against the Jiaolong patriarch shouted, and wanted to get rid of the Jiaolong patriarch.

Although the relationship between him and the elder and the second elder is not very good on weekdays, he has witnessed the beheading of his old partner who has been together for thousands of years, but tens of thousands of years. It is impossible for him not to shake his heart.

It's like someone you know has suddenly left you in an instant, and it's a sure thing that you are not used to it.

"Want to get rid of me?" Seeing Wang Feng beheading the second elder of the Nile Sect, the Nile Sect was of course shocked, but now it was cheering on the Jueluo Sea.

Obviously, the loss of the other party's half-immortal was a great news for them, and the injuries that they felt painful now suddenly became painless.

They who were suppressed are now like tigers, and the army that has beaten the Nile sect has retreated.

The situation seemed to have undergone a shocking reversal at this moment, and all of this was because Wang Feng had killed the opponent's half immortal.

It is self-evident how much influence the Half Immortal has on the battlefield. Killing the Supreme is like an adult dealing with a child. This is a battle without suspense.

Therefore, the self-confidence of the Nile religion is now like an eggplant that has been beaten by frost, and its ambition has been greatly affected.

Morale has too much effect on the battlefield. A high morale army can break through thousands of cities every and a low morale army has little effect even if there are more people.

Throughout the ages, those examples of winning more with less are basically the morale of the side with fewer people. If not, how can they win?

"How could he be so strong?" At this moment, the people around were all experiencing huge fluctuations in their moods because of Wang Feng's killing of the second elder of the Nile Sect.

That Gong Jiexiong was naturally no exception. Originally, Wang Feng was an ant that could be pinched to death at any time in his eyes, but now he actually beheaded the second elder of the Nile Cult that he dared not provoke.

What is the status of the second elder? People have been in the Forbidden Sea for thousands of years, but now he has died in the Jueluo Sea.

If this matter is passed back, I am afraid it will cause an uproar.

In fact, there has indeed been a great riot in the Nile religion, and the soul lamp of the second elder just exploded, which can be said to scare many people.

Because they couldn't believe what they saw turned out to be true.

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