The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1229: Be hunted down

It only took ten breaths of time before Wang Feng had successfully penetrated this gray fog barrier area. His speed was so fast that Wang Feng had never reached such a speed in his life.

Perhaps the speed of teleportation with the help of rules is faster than this, but this is the speed at which Wang Feng relies on his own physical body. Teleportation is not speed. The two are completely different concepts.

"Finally escaped."

Seeing that he escaped from the gray fog area, Wang Feng let out a long sigh. Although it only took ten breaths for him to escape, he burned at least ten thousand years of life for these ten breaths, because the more it came. Later, his burnt lifespan will increase exponentially.

"It's him!"

At this moment, an angry voice sounded. Looking up, Wang Feng realized that several Nile warships had docked not far from him, and many Nile religions were here.


While Wang Feng was staying here, suddenly there was a loud roar from the fog behind him, and that Qiongqi chased it out.


Looking at the Nile cultists who stood in front of him, Wang Feng directly waved the huge bone in his hand.

The bones swept away, piercing the space with ease, as if arriving in an unknown world.

The screams came and went one after another. At this moment, Wang Feng's burned his lifespan, and his realm was even comparable to that of a real immortal. Therefore, under this blow, the Nile Sect suffered heavy casualties.

"Everyone, enjoy it here." Wang Feng said, and then he instantly moved away with the help of these three-day rules.

And just less than two breaths after he left, suddenly a dense cluster of exterminator flies rushed out of the gray fog, and it was naturally these Nile religions waiting here to bear the brunt.

The buzzing sound resounded across the sky. When these exterminating flies swept through the air, there were people everywhere where there were people, and even the battleship disappeared.

Those masters of Nile Religion, no matter what the realm, completely fell at this moment.


When almost everyone here died, the death knell sounded directly in the Nile religion.

From the death of the three elders until now, all the people sent out have their soul lamps disappear. The time for all this to happen is too short, so short that the people who guard the ancestral hall can't believe it.

He couldn't imagine everyone dying in an instant, even his hand that knocked the death knell was shaking at this moment.

He knew that the Nile Sea was about to change the sky, and that so many people died, the Nile Sect would definitely investigate it thoroughly.

"What's going on?" As soon as the death knell rang, the entire Nile sect was shocked. At this moment, whether it was in retreat or not, they walked out of their residence and looked blankly at the mountain where the elder was.

The ancestral hall is not far away from the residence of the great elder. This is to facilitate him to keep an eye on the situation inside and outside the church.

Now that so many people have died, the great elder naturally stood up from his chair in an instant. At the moment he stood up, the desk in front of him was silently annihilated.

A flashed body came to the place where the ancestral hall was. When he saw the extinguished soul lamps, even though he had the strength of a half immortal, he couldn't help trembling violently at this moment.

These are the pillars of Nileism, and now they are all annihilated.

"What the **** is going on?" the elder said, the icy cold in his tone was like ten thousand years of profound ice.

The body of the person guarding the ancestral hall trembled slightly, and then he said: "Everyone's soul lamps were completely extinguished in an instant, and they have all encountered an accident."

"Asshole." Hearing these words, the breath of the great elder all erupted. At this moment

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) The soul lamp beside him has all been annihilated, and even the person who spoke with this has also been annihilated.

At this moment, he was so angry that he could not imagine that the Nile religion was so badly damaged in a short period of time. The second elder died, the third elder died, and now such a large number of elders have died, which has begun to shake them. The foundation of Luo Sect is now.

If the leader leaves the customs at this time, his position as the great elder is afraid that he will be unstable.

"Enlighten the great elder, the important matter is not good." At this moment, an angry voice came from the outside. At this time, a Nile Cult disciple stumbled all the way to the outside of the ancestral hall.

"Say if you have anything." Looking at this person, the elder said with a gloomy expression.

"Someone sent back news that there is now a giant in our Nile Sea, and that monster is slaughtering our people in the Nile Sea frantically." This person spoke, swallowing wildly.

"What kind of monster?" the great elder said, looking ugly.

The Nile religion is currently suffering serious losses, and something like this has happened outside. It seems that all the things are now piled up together.

"The subordinate did not ask carefully, and the other party said that it was an unimaginable monster. It has already killed many people."

"Asshole." There was a roar in his mouth, and at this moment he swept the person in front of him away with a flick of his sleeves.

At the same time, his body is rising rapidly, he wants to see what kind of monster it is.

Because of Wang Feng's relationship, this Qiongqi was chasing him hard at this moment. After Wang Feng left the gray mist, he could already teleport with the help of the rules of the forbidden sea. What he didn't expect was, When this Qiongqi came out of the mist, its speed suddenly increased by several times.

So even Wang Feng has not been able to get rid of it now.

Along the way, the cultivator on Qinqi’s body did not know how many monks had been killed. As long as the place swept by the cultivator, everything would cease to exist and no monk could stop him.

Qiongqi's body is really too big, it is almost like a continent floating in mid-air, and the moving speed of this continent is amazing.

The rumbling sound resounded between the world and the earth, and every place Qiongqi passed would leave endless killing and broken space.

"Still chasing." Looking back at his back, Wang Feng looked ugly. Originally, he thought he would be safe to escape the misty area, but now it seems that everything is just that he thinks too much.

This Qiongqi seems to be crazy now, biting him hard.

The bone in his hand, Wang Feng, was already thinking of ways to make it smaller, and was about to fit it into the space ring, but the bone was really too big, even if Wang Feng could break it.

This is the bone of Qiongqi, even if Wang Feng can't refining, otherwise there are so many things.


Seeing the Qiongqi attack, the monks who knew about the killing ahead changed their faces. At this moment, they didn't hesitate to start running for their lives, because they had already seen the overwhelming extermination flies.

The power of fierce beasts is now pervading the world, which gives all monks a sense of doomsday. Smart humans are now plunged directly into the sea, and those who are still fleeing frantically are completely strangled by the world flies. , There is no bones left.

You must know that these world exterminators have only the idea of ​​destruction in their minds, so naturally only disasters occur where they pass.

"This is a disaster in our Nile Sea." Seeing the endless exterminating flies swept over, an elderly man spoke, and then he couldn't even make a scream and was swept away. The flies are strangling.

Just after the old man died, he slowly came out.

(This chapter is not finished, please turn the page) Now here, this is the great elder of the Nile Sect. Seeing the tragic sight in front of him, his heart is also very surprised.

Qiongqi and Wang Feng have already left, ten breaths are enough for them to run a long distance.

"No matter what you are, if you dare to make such a fuss, then you are the enemy." The Nile sect elder said in silence.

The Nile religion is the strongest power in the Nile Sea and several nearby sea areas. Now the Nile Sea has suffered such a big change. If they can't bear this responsibility, I'm afraid no one can stop them.

Sometimes while enjoying your identity and status, you also have to shoulder your due responsibility, otherwise, everything you enjoy will eventually be destroyed.

As the saying goes, water can carry a boat and it can overturn it. If the Nile fails to teach in a disaster, who will obey them in the future?

So even though the Nile religion itself has serious problems now, this great elder still had to come out of the Nile religion.

Losing the human heart is far more effective than dying. The human heart is invisible and intangible, but it does exist. There is a good saying that those who win the hearts of the people win the world. This Nile religion can also be said to be in disguise in the Nile Sea. Of the palace.

Everyone has to survive under their jurisdiction. If someone supports them, the Nile religion will endure for a long time. Once they lose their hearts, even if they are strong, their status will be in jeopardy.

When there are people, they are the emperor and the superior, but once everyone is dead, are they still the supreme Nile religion?

Exploding his speed to the limit, at this moment, the body of the Great Elder of the Nile Sect was like a stream of light, instantly galloping towards the distance.

About twenty breaths later, he smelled a **** smell from a distance. Looking ahead, a city on the sea is now completely in ruins, with scars and broken walls everywhere, and red blood everywhere. .

This city has been slaughtered, and there is not a single life left.

Seeing this scene, the grand elder's complexion has completely changed. The killing of a city and the death of a few people have completely different meanings. The killing of a city is already a sign of the outbreak of war.

He didn't know how these people died, but all of a sudden a city was slaughtered. It can be said that such a thing has never happened in the Nile Sea.

"No matter what you are, I will smash you into ten thousand pieces." A low growl sounded from his mouth, and then his figure quickly disappeared into the sky, and he went after Qiongqi.

After about two minutes, he finally used a secret technique of their Nile religion to catch up with Qiongqi.

It's just that when he saw Qiongqi's infinite body and that terrifying breath, he turned and left. At this moment, he already understood that the ancient behemoth in front of him was definitely not something he could resist.

He even felt his scalp numb when he saw the overwhelming exterminator.

"Qingqi, how did UU read come out?"

As the current leader of the Nile Religion, he naturally knew this Qiongqi, and even he knew that Qiongqi was in that gray mist.

What he didn't expect at all was that this Qiongqi had come out now. With Qiongqi's power, only the leader of the Nile Sect in the entire Nile Sea would have a little resistance.


The sound of Shishifei resounded in the void. Wang Feng didn't know that a city had been slaughtered by Shishifei because of his own reasons. At this moment, he found that he could not get rid of this strangeness at all.

This big guy looks clumsy, but the speed is indeed too fast. Wang Feng is already teleporting now, and Qiongqi, a behemoth that can travel through the world, naturally has nothing to say in terms of speed.

It's a dream to want to get rid of it.

(End of this chapter)


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