The Fantastic Super Vision

Chapter 1241: Hell guard

Besides, he and Wang Feng are no outsiders. He doesn't have to fight for anything, because if he wants something, would Wang Feng not give it to him?

Liu Yidao can be said to have firmly grasped Wang Feng's psychology, so he does not fight or **** now, and he will accept as much as Wang Feng gives. {We don't write novels, we are just network text porters. -

"Since this Nile religion hasn't moved yet, let's continue to kill." Wang Feng said, a bloodthirsty color flashed across his face.

He has never been a bloodthirsty person, but for these threats that may threaten the lives of his relatives and friends at any time, Wang Feng must find a way to get rid of them.

Even the demon who was murdered without blinking, Wang Feng would not hesitate.

It didn't take long for another force to be completely annihilated by Wang Feng's palm, and only one or two whistleblowers escaped.

Wang Feng is not Liu Yidao. He must take care of the following things. If no one escapes to report the letter, then his killing will become beyond doubt.

"It's not going to be decided like this, the fourth elder, can you help me with an idea?" In the Nile religion, an elder respectfully said to the fourth elder.

In terms of qualifications, the current Nile religion is his four elders besides the leader and the great elder.

If he had been questioned in this way before, the four elders would definitely be happy, because this would mark his opportunity to exercise great power.

It's just that now he completely lost that mood, because he was afraid that because of his wrong behavior, he would lead the entire Nile religion to destruction. .

The Nile religion has fallen into an unprecedented predicament. If the Nile religion remains the same after he takes over, then he will always be infamous.

He didn't really sit in the high position, but he had to take such a big risk, so he wouldn't be so stupid.

"I think we should wait for the great elder to come back, or let the teacher go out." The fourth elder said, quickly throwing himself out.

Hearing such words, many people's disdain for him has deepened again, but they can't show it because of their identity.

When it's not time to use you, you're pretty powerful, but in the face of major events? No fart at all.

They don’t know where the great elder has gone, and they don’t even dare to call the leader, because not long ago their leader killed a lot of people in their Nile headquarters in front of all of them. They explained a little bit, so they were naturally very worried.

They don't want to follow in the footsteps of these people because of their offense.

In fact, what they didn’t know was that these people were all examples of the Celestial Demon Lao Zuan’s insertion in this Nile religion. With the passage of year after year, the small insiders inserted at the time gradually became masters, even Nile. The pillar of teaching.

In many people, these people who were killed have no reason to be exterminated, so they just treat them as the leader in order to vent their resentment.

There is no reason for the master to kill. This is their freedom, and no one dares to ask.

So even if the Nile religion is now in a predicament, they dare not disturb the leader.

In such a weird and depressing atmosphere, a day passed.

At least twenty of their outposts were destroyed in one day, and almost every one of them would have a live message to them.

So they understand that this was deliberately done by others, and from the news that they came back, they have also learned that the person who destroyed their stronghold was the young man who brought Qiongqi here not long ago.

They all saw the cruelty of the young man, so even if they knew the person who shot him, they didn't dare to leave here to trouble Wang Feng.

Because the strange things have caused a huge shadow on them.

"Even if the old man dies, I can't continue to destroy the Nile religion like this."

Now the news that the Nile religion has suffered heavy losses has spread throughout the Nile Sea, and even several sea areas near the Nile religion have received news. It is estimated that they are all prepared.

Under such circumstances, a Nile elder finally lost his breath and moved towards their leader in retreat.

In this scene, many people secretly gave his courage a thumbs up, and finally one who was not afraid of death appeared.

"Go away, a group of timid people." The elder shouted a few people outside the leader's door.

At this moment, he is completely free. He has come to the Nile religion since he was a child. He also regards the Nile religion as his home. Now the Nile religion is facing this disaster but no one has come forward to say a word, so even if he died. , He also wants to call out the leader now.


It's just that I haven't waited to push the gate of the Nile Sect leader's closed door, when suddenly the gate opened automatically.

Under everyone's attention, the leader of the Nile Church slowly walked out of it.

People, the old man knelt on the ground without even thinking about it: "I have seen the leader!"

"I have seen the leader." Not only this elder, but the others also knelt to the ground at this moment, and their leader finally came out.

Hearing what the people said, the leader of the Nile cult did not pay attention to them. He just walked to the side silently, but just when he just gave way, he went out from behind the door by the same leader of the Nile cult. .

Not only did they look the same, but they also had the same breath. In one scene, these people of the Nile Sect were shocked because they didn't even know what was going on.

After the two people, dozens of Nile leaders came out from behind the door.

They stood together neatly in this way, giving everyone a strong sense of shock.

Why did so many Nile leaders appear all at once? What is it all about?

Avatar outside? Or is there something wrong with the cultivation of their leader?

"Organize the existing power, and we will go back." The leader of the Nile cult calmly said, and then a dozen of the same-looking leader of the Nile rose into the sky at this moment, leaving only one.

By comparison, these people of the Nile religion can find that the aura of the leader of the Nile religion seems to be much more tyrannical than the others, perhaps this is the true leader of the Nile religion.

"Master, don't know what is going on?"

At this time, a leader of the Nile religion asked boldly.

"If you shouldn't ask, it's better not to intervene. Just do your own duty." The leader of the Nile cult glanced at the talking elder, and suddenly the elder lowered his head, not daring to look at their leader. .

Everyone doesn't know where those clones of the leader have gone for the time being, but it is expected that they will know the latest situation soon.

"Master, I teach now..."

"No need to say anything. Although I am in retreat, I know everything that is happening outside. The Nile religion was founded by me. I will not destroy it, and you must believe that no one can destroy us."

This sentence is like a heart-strengthening agent, which makes many people in panic feel relieved.

Yes, the leader is so powerful, with him sitting here, wouldn't the opponent still dare to kill here?

"Calling out the forces we secretly cultivated, first of all we went to destroy Xiao Luo Tian." The leader of the Nile Sect opened his mouth, without even putting Xiao Luo Tian in his eyes.

The reason why he has kept Xiao Luotian these years is because he doesn't want to create an environment where he can't even find a place to experience.

The sea people in other days live better than others, but in the eyes of the leader of the Nile Sect, it is just a training base, a place to train their younger generation.

Now that Xiao Luotian wants to take a bite of their Nile religion, then he must make Xiao Luotian and their Nile religion terrible.

The Nile religion has been here for countless years, how could it be as simple as it seems on the surface.

"But the demon ancestor that day?" An elder said with some worry.

Now that the Great Elder is not there, these four elders are unreliable. If there is no leader together, it is estimated that they will be difficult to destroy Xiao Luotian.

"One of my clones has now set off for Xiao Luotian. You only need to send troops to encircle and suppress it." The leader of the Nile Sect opened his mouth, and then said: "Activate all of our Nile Sect's strategic reserves, without any Keep it."

"Will the **** guard also be sent out?" At this time an elder who knew a lot of things said.

Few people know about the existence of **** guards in the Nile religion, because the **** guards have never appeared in public, because the meaning of their existence is to guard the last life and death of the Nile religion.

"Don't you understand what I'm saying?" After a glance at the elder, the leader of the Nile Cult said: "It has been too long since our last battle, and many people can't remember us. Luojiao is terrible, so we need to make them sober."

"Yes, the subordinate understands." After hearing this, the elder nodded and then stepped back.

It's just that it hasn't been long before, and suddenly a vast aura permeates from the depths of the Nile religion island, and the entire Nile religion's monks look up with their eyes widened, like a ghost.

Because at this moment, a square team of about 1,000 people appeared in the sky. The square team was very neat, even tied to each other with iron chains.

But it was not the chains of these people that surprised everyone, it was their strength.

"God, all are supreme." An elder muttered to himself, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

He could not imagine that there was such a power hidden on this island.

The supreme team of 1,000 people, how powerful is this?

"The only pity is that these people are already dead." Another elder said, the state of these **** guards.

Although these **** guards have a terrifying aura and sweep in all directions, under their tyrannical aura, there is also a lifeless aura that is difficult to conceal.

None of these **** guards are alive.

"They are all the supreme who beheaded by this leader in the past They are there, enough for us to sweep any side of the world." The leader of the Nile Sect began to shock these people again.

One person killed a thousand supreme, their leader is really powerful and outrageous.

However, the stronger the leader, the greater their confidence, because their interests are reflected only under the cover of the leader.

The stronger the leader, the more benefits they will naturally enjoy.

They never thought that their Nile Sect had such a phalanx.

Although this **** guard phalanx has only a thousand people, it is enough to resist the attack of tens of thousands of people.

At this moment, the faltering Nile religion instantly stabilized. They all knew their own background, so they no longer feared anyone.

That is, Wang Feng is not here at the moment, if he is such a terrifying square formation, he will be shocked.


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